
Who Was JRD Tata, Whose Advice Even PM Nehru Followed?

JRD Tata – Full Name Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, A Name Synonymous With Vision And Innovation, Was One Of India’s Most Famous Industrialists. Known As The Father Of Indian Aviation, His Contributions Laid The Foundation For Several Industries In The Country. Beyond His Achievements, JRD Tata Was A Man Of Principles And Wisdom Whose Guidance Was Sought Even By India’s First Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Their Relationship Demonstrated A Unique Blend Of Industrial Leadership And Political Foresight.

Early Life And Legacy.

Born In 1904, Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata Grew Up In France And Later Moved To India. His Cosmopolitan Upbringing And Education Shaped His Global Outlook. At The Age Of 21, He Joined The Tata Group, Which Was Already Becoming The Best In The Indian Industry. By 1938, He Became The Chairman Of The Tata Group And Led It Through Transformational Decades.

Visionary Leadership In Tata Group.

Under JRD’s Leadership, The Tata Group Expanded Into Diverse Industries Including Steel, Chemicals, Automobiles, Education, And Technology. He Founded Tata Airlines In 1932, Which Later Became Air India, Launching India’s Aviation Industry. JRD’s Focus On Innovation And Excellence Set Standards For Businesses Across The Country.

Philosophy And Social Responsibility.

JRD Believed In Business With A Purpose Beyond Profit. He Championed Employee Welfare, Instituting Progressive Labor Practices Like Maternity Leave And Accident Compensation. His Initiatives In Education, Like The Tata Institute Of Social Sciences, And Healthcare, Such As The Tata Memorial Hospital, Reflected His Commitment To Societal Progress.

Awards And Recognitions.

JRD Tata’s Contributions Earned Him Numerous Accolades, Including The Bharat Ratna, India’s Highest Civilian Award, In 1992. Globally, He Was Admired As A Visionary Who Combined Business Acumen With Ethical Practices.

JRD Tata’s Relationship With Jawaharlal Nehru

The Relationship Between JRD Tata And Jawaharlal Nehru Was A Unique Blend Of Mutual Respect, Trust, And Cooperation. As India’s First Prime Minister, Nehru Had The Onerous Task Of Steering A Newly Independent Nation Toward Progress. In JRD Tata, He Found Not Only A Successful Industrialist But Also A Visionary Leader Whose Insights Could Guide India’s Economic Transformation.

LFP Plus by Dr Vivek Bindra

Mutual Respect For Each Other’s Roles.

JRD Tata And Nehru Shared A Common Vision For India: A Nation That Could Stand On Its Own Industrial And Economic Feet. Nehru Admired JRD’s Ability To Think Beyond Profits And Prioritize Nation-Building. In Turn, JRD Respected Nehru’s Idealism And Commitment To Building A Self-Reliant India. Their Relationship Was Rooted In This Shared Goal Of National Progress.

JRD’s Advocacy For A Balanced Economy.

One Of The Most Important Areas Of Cooperation Was JRD Tata’s Advice On India’s Economic Policies. JRD Strongly Believed In A Mixed Economy, Where The Public And Private Sectors Would Co-Exist And Complement Each Other. He Consistently Stressed The Importance Of Private Enterprise In Promoting Innovation And Efficiency, Urging Nehru To Strike A Balance Between Socialism And Capitalism.

Although Nehru Was Inclined Toward Socialist Ideals, He Valued JRD’s Approach And Incorporated Elements Of A Mixed Economy In India’s Five-Year Plans. JRD’s Insights Were Particularly Influential In Areas Such As Industrial Policy And Labor Practices, Which Had A Long-Term Impact On India’s Development.

Industrial Policy And Nation Building.

Nehru Often Sought JRD’s Guidance In Shaping India’s Industrial Policies. For Example, JRD Played A Key Role In Establishing Initiatives Such As The Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Which Laid The Groundwork For India’s Advancement In Science And Technology. Nehru’s Government Provided Support To Such Ventures, Recognizing Their Potential To Elevate India’s Global Status.

A Frank And Constructive Relationship.

Despite Their Shared Goals, JRD Was Not Afraid To Express His Disagreements With Nehru, Especially When He Felt Policies Were Not In Line With India’s Long-Term Interests. He Openly Criticized Excessive Government Control And Red Tape, Which He Believed Hindered The Growth Of The Private Sector. Nehru Appreciated JRD’s Candor, Often Engaging In Thoughtful Debates That Enriched Their Relationship.

A Legacy Of Collaboration..

Their Collaboration Symbolized A Bridge Between Politics And Industry. JRD’s Advice Ensured That Industrial Development Was Not Just About Wealth Creation But Also About The Upliftment Of Society. Nehru’s Willingness To Listen To JRD Highlights How Much He Valued Expert Advice From The Private Sector, Even If It Was At Odds With His Own Ideology.


JRD Tata’s Legacy Is Not Just About The Industries He Built But The Values He Upheld. His Advice, Even Valued By Leaders Like Nehru, Underscores His Impact On India’s Journey As A Modern Nation. Today, His Life Inspires Entrepreneurs And Leaders To Dream Big While Remaining Grounded In Ethics And Social Responsibility.


Who is Rajiv Dixit? A Visionary of Swadeshi and Reforms

India has been blessed with great leaders and reformers who have left an indelible mark on society. Among them, Rajiv Dixit stands out as a prominent figure in the Swadeshi Movement, known for his relentless efforts to ignite the spirit of self-reliance and patriotism among Indians.

Early Life and Education.

Rajiv Dixit was born on 30th November 1967 in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. A brilliant student, he pursued higher education in engineering and science. His journey as an activist began during his college years, where he drew inspiration from the lives of freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh and Mahatma Gandhi.

Key Contributions

Rajiv Dixit devoted his life to several social causes, including:

  1. Swadeshi Movement:
    He revitalized the Swadeshi spirit, encouraging Indians to use local products and boycott foreign goods. His speeches motivated countless individuals to support indigenous industries, fostering economic independence.
  2. Health and Wellness Advocacy:
    A staunch advocate of natural remedies and Ayurveda, Rajiv Dixit emphasized the benefits of traditional Indian medicine. He actively opposed the commercialization of healthcare, promoting affordable and natural treatment methods.
  3. Constitutional Reforms:
    He championed the decentralization of governance, advocating for the empowerment of village councils (panchayats) and policies focused on rural development.
  4. Anti-Corruption Crusader:
    Rajiv Dixit was outspoken about corruption in governance, demanding accountability and transparency in public offices. His lectures often shed light on systemic issues and inspired many to seek reform.


Rajiv Dixit passed away prematurely on 30th November 2010, yet his teachings continue to inspire millions. Movements like the Swadeshi Jagaran Manch and various Ayurvedic initiatives owe their foundations to his ideology. His speeches, widely available on digital platforms, resonate deeply with the youth seeking guidance in patriotism and self-reliance.

Challenges and Controversies:

Despite his immense popularity, Rajiv Dixit faced numerous challenges. His views often sparked debates, and he was occasionally misunderstood. However, his unwavering commitment to his principles earned him widespread respect and admiration.


Rajiv Dixit remains a symbol of simplicity, courage, and vision. His life is a testament to prioritizing national interests over personal gains. As India progresses, the ideals championed by Rajiv Dixit remain profoundly relevant, reminding us to honor our roots and strive for self-sufficiency.

LFP Plus by Dr Vivek Bindra


Mohammad Ali Shihad: Cracked UPSC Exam While Staying In Orphanage

In India, Millions of students participate in the UPSC exam each year where only a few applicants get an opportunity to fulfill their dreams. However, clearing this gigantic exam is not everyone’s cup of tea. Achieving success in the UPSC Civil Services Exam is a formidable challenge. Often, candidates encounter disappointment even after multiple challenges.

In this article, we will discuss one such man who sets a perfect example of overcoming hardships and clearing India’s toughest exam. 

Failing twice in the Civil Services Examination, a resident of Kerala creates history by passing the third attempt and becoming an IPS officer. However, his journey since his childhood was not easy. He spent 10 years of his life in an orphanage, despite hardships, he has come up as an inspiring person for those who are afraid of failures in life and are unable to fulfil their dreams. 

Rise From The Shadow of Darkness.

Despite being raised in unfavourable circumstances, Shihab kept moving forward. Born on March 15, 1980, his parents were Korot Ali and Fatima. To obtain the bare minimum for their livelihood, he used to sell betel (paan) and bamboo with his father, however, this continued for a while. 

He lost his father due to an illness in 1991 at a very young age. He was the youngest among a sister & brother and eldest among two sisters. After his father’s demise, the responsibility of the family fell on his mother’s shoulders. Managing the four children becomes a challenge for her which leads to financial constraints. This resulted in her sending all her children to an orphanage at a very young age. Shihab spent 10 years of his life in an orphanage. 

Cleared UPSC Exam In Third Attempt

Shihab was the brightest child since childhood. Understanding the situation of his family, he decided to dedicate all his time to studying and working on enhancing his skills and knowledge in an orphanage. He also worked as a peon, a clerk, and a government school teacher. 

With numerous obstacles and failing in the first two attempts at the UPSC Civil Services Examination, he cleared the UPSC exam on his third attempt in 2011 with an All-India Rank (AIR) 226. 

Before IPS, Shihab worked as a Jail Warden 

Shihab lived his 10 years of life in an orphanage and the initial years were not easy. His higher education and expenses made him study well and made him attempt numerous government agency exams which resulted in clearing 21 exams of an agency in a row. 

In 2004, he also worked in the Forest Department, Jail Warden in the Central Jail, and Railway ticket examiner in the Railway Department.

You can read this story in Hindi on our Hindi news. – कैसे अनाथालय में रहने वाले शिहाब UPSC निकाल बने स्टूडेंट्स की प्रेरणा

Bounce back delhi by vivek bindra


Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash, The World’s Fastest Human Calculator

There is some or other trouble in the life of every human being, but the way a person manages himself in that trouble, he becomes successful or unsuccessful. Such is the inspiring journey of Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash, the world’s fastest human calculator.

When Neelakantha was 5 years old, he suffered a head injury in an accident. Then to keep himself busy, he started doing mental health calculations.

Read Also: Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash Biography in Hindi

Today Neelakantha holds 4 world records and 50 Limca Book records. Neelakantha also became the world’s fastest ‘human calculator’ by winning gold in the Mental Calculation World Championship in 2020. Here’s the inspirational story of Neelakantha –

Who is Neelakantha Bhanu Prakash?

Neelakantha was born on 13 October 1999 in Hyderabad. His father’s name is Srinivas Jonnalagadda and his mother’s name is Hema Shivparvati. Neelakantha has been interested in math since childhood, he always used to solve math puzzles and calculations. From there he started becoming a human calculator.

What is Neelakantha’s education?

Neelakantha was always lost in the world of numbers, while talking to someone, he used to pay attention to how many times the person in front blinked. Always used to get good numbers in math in school. Apart from this, he used to practice math daily after coming from school. He did BSc Honors in Mathematics from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi in 2020.

Fell in Love with Math:

Neelakantha was inclined towards mathematics since childhood, but his love for mathematics was due to an accident. When he was 5 years old, he suffered a head injury in an accident. During that time he had to take bed rest for one year. Then he used to do different puzzles and math calculations to keep his mind busy. Later they started doing calculations while playing cricket, talking, and listening to music. Gradually math became a part of his life, he started using math in every work.

Road to Human Calculator

Gradually, Neelakantha became so adept in mathematics that today he holds 4 world records and more than 50 Limca records. Apart from this, he also became a gold medalist in the Mind Sports Olympiad in 2020. Today he is called the world’s fastest human calculator. Neelakantha has also started his own ed-tech startup called Bhanzu, where he teaches kids online.

Just as India used to have great mathematicians like Srinivasa Ramanujan earlier, Neelakantha wants to make India a world guru in Mathematics similarly. When Neelakantha had an accident, the doctor feared that Neelakantha might have many diseases. But Neelakantha did not lose his courage even at the age of 5 and today he is not dependent on any identity.


9 Leadership Lessons from World Champion Leader Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi is more than a great athlete; he is an inspirational leader and a role model for many. “Success Takes Time“, is one of Messi’s favorite quotes.

Lionel Messi’s extraordinary success, like that of most extraordinary people, did not happen by chance. He worked tirelessly and trained nearly every single day to grow into the athlete he is today. He is now a world champion leader with the recently concluded FIFA World Cup 2022 he is the one who deserved it more than anyone else because of his sheer dedication and commitment towards his goal.

Each individual can learn a lot from this football legend. Here are nine of Lionel Messi’s success tips that will be useful for every leader..

Lead by example:

Messi always sets a high bar for both himself and his teammates. He is renowned for his intense work ethic and commitment to developing his abilities. Messi encourages people to emulate his dedication to perfection by setting a good example for them. Work as a team whether in business or a sport.

Focus more on the goals of your team than on your own personal quest. Your team can develop and advance in this way.

Effective communication:

Messi is famous for his superb on-field communication abilities, both in terms of his gestures and words. He is able to communicate his goals and objectives to his teammates clearly, which promotes trust and a productive team environment.

In life, effective communication can do wonders for anyone and one should learn this skill from this football legend.

Encourage cooperation:

Messi’s achievement is the result of his capacity for effective teamwork and making the most of his teammates’ advantages. He is excellent at bringing out the finest in his teammates and motivating them to collaborate to achieve a common objective. You will need the support of your friends, family, and colleagues to move forward in life. You can take motivation from Messi’s deeds in that case.


Messi’s ability to adapt to shifting circumstances and difficulties on the field is an important leadership trait. He can change his tactics and strategies in real-time to capitalize on chances and overcome any obstacles. Messi joining PSG in the summer of 2021 is perhaps the most high-profile transfer of modern times. He played for Barcelona for a long period and adapting to a new team would not have been possible without this skill. Everyone needs to adapt to different situations and Messi can be a role model for each one of them.


Messi shows passion for his own and his teammates’ abilities. This contributes to the development of an optimistic and self-assured group scenario, which is necessary for success. The way Messi has stood confident in the last few years shows a lot about his character. Every leader should stand tall like Messi and stay confident in whatever skill they possess. In a sudden turn of events, seven-time Ballon d’Or winner Lionel Messi was left out of the final 30-man list of nominees earlier this year. But he didn’t lose the confidence he carried in himself and has emerged as the world champion now.


Messi inspires his colleagues to go outside the box and attempt new things because of his creative and original approach to the game. This encourages a culture of invention and experimentation, which results in better performance. If you want to be a leader, learn the art of creativity from the football maestro himself.

Establish precise goals:

Messi helps his team in establishing specific goals because he is motivated and laser-focused. By setting up specific goals, he contributes to keeping his team inspired to stay on task. Messi has done this and now he is the world champion. You will be on the path toward glory if you learn this skill too.

Related: How To Achieve & Set S.M.A.R.T Goals?

Encourage expansion:

Messi constantly strives to develop as a player, and he inspires his teammates to follow the same. He contributes to the creation of a culture of ongoing learning and development by offering chances for both personal and professional improvement. Whether it is any business or life, you too need to expand from wherever you are.


Throughout his career, Messi has encountered numerous difficulties and failures, but he has always recovered and persisted. He serves as an example of resilience and tenacity, and he motivates his teammates to maintain their concentration and stay focused on pursuing their objectives.

These are Lionel Messi’s greatest leadership lessons, which motivate people around to advance in life. You can achieve your goals by incorporating each one of them into your daily schedule.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit: Bada Business


8 Golden Rules For Living A Successful Life

To live a rich life, one does not necessarily need to be affluent; even a tiny portion of a wonderful life is worthwhile. However, the things that will allow you to live lavishly and make more money are habits, behaviors, and ultimately “rules“. It requires time to be completed. This requires time but before that, there needs to be a quick way to do it.

Often in life, you fail, but if you keep trying, and keep getting better, eventually you will succeed. However, if you believe that you will never be successful, you will never become capable of doing so. Here are 8 golden rules that will help you in living a successful life if you embrace them in your daily life:

1. Invest in your future

Investing in oneself is the most beneficial investment you can make. Always strive for listening and learning. Engage in the activities you enjoy. Making time for oneself is essential. We, humans, are more productive when we are internally happy. Whether it’s spending time with your loved ones or your dog, pampering yourself at the spa, reading a book, playing sports, napping, or simply enjoying music; it’s all part of your “me time”.

2. Never Compare Yourself to Anyone

Never compare your targets, growth, and outcomes to those of others. Instead, distinguish yourself from your former self. Ask yourself if you’re doing better today than you were the previous day. Even if you are only 1% better than what you were yesterday, you are progressing significantly.

3. Embrace Positivity

You’ll be happier and have access to a lot more opportunities if you adopt a positive outlook. By seizing the possibilities that come your way, you can enable yourself to be on the path that leads toward success. You can know the ways of building positive energy by watching below video by the best motivational speaker Dr. Vivek Bindra.

4. Recognize Your Worth

Do not accept something less than what you are worth. When you understand your worth, don’t be hesitant to ask for what you can claim. Never do anything for free if you are extremely good at it. Once you understand your worth and even what you are bringing to the table, don’t be intimidated to ask for anything, and always try to go above and beyond what you deserve.

5. Stop Living in the Past

Nothing but your prior experiences makes you smarter and stronger. Move ahead of past mistakes, make corrections, take things as they are, and learn from them. Only if you get beyond your past mistakes, they will guide you to make sound choices; else, you’ll just keep making the same ones.

6. Build a Solid and Supportive Network

A person is supposedly recognized by the association they maintain. Have a solid, upbeat group of friends who discuss personal development, objectives, and thoughts and not other individuals. Be surrounded by good friends, colleagues, advisors, and colleagues who can assist you in achieving your objectives.

7. Enjoy the little things

 Never stop appreciating the little things in life, despite how much farther you have moved ahead in life. Always be appreciative, modest, and grateful for everything you have. Your current circumstance might not last forever.

8. Track Your Personal Growth

Don’t stop improving yourself; reinvest in yourself. Continue to learn and develop yourself by observing. Learn something new from each person you meet and each new challenge you have. By establishing personal objectives, seeking out new possibilities, and picking up new abilities, concentrate on growing yourself.

Rather than chasing bad things, you should allow good things to grab you to live a rich and happy life. These 8-pointers will work well for the cause surely.


5 Ways To Convert Failure Into Success!

Ask any successful person about their journey, and you will know that they too had their share of failures. Failure is a part of life, and especially an inevitable aspect of a business. But failure is not permanent unless you give it the POWER it seeks.

A successful person is not someone who has never tasted failure. A successful person learns from his failure and turns it into success.

How much you learn from your failure determines how far you will go in creating success. And if we seek to grow both personally and professionally, we must pursue desired ends. We have to step out of our comfort zones and challenge ourselves with the goals we set. However, turning your failure into success is the real process.

Here are 5 simple, yet surprisingly powerful ways to turn every failure into success:

1. Set Realistic Goals

First, sit down and visualize yourself. What exactly do you want to be? Do you want to be an Entrepreneur? Or, do you simply want to get a job in the field you love? Which career path or personal goals do you have?

Many aspiring people set too many goals even before they begin, and set their foot on the path of disappointment and failure. Don`t do that! It will only give you a series of setbacks.

The key to setting realistic goals is that you meet them, where you are currently in your personal and professional life.

You can either write them down in your journal or create a vision board. You can also take help from some of the best motivational speakers in India to seek guidance.

2. Prepare to fail & Learn from your Mistakes

To err is human, and to learn from those errors is becoming a ‘Super Human’. And, no we are not kidding at all! Every human being makes mistakes on an unknown journey. Identifying your mistakes and learning from them quickly is what determines your personal and professional growth.

Many successful people have experienced some kind of failure. Most of the great inventions like the X-Ray machine, Microwave Oven, Penicillin, and super yummy chocolate chip cookies happened entirely due to mistakes.

But not every mistake will be as sweet as choco-chip cookies. This is why understanding your mistakes and learning your lesson increases your growth potential.

3. Celebrate; not just your success, but also your Failures

We all know that smooth roads have never made good drivers. And failures are those pin-head turns that send chills down the spine of every driver. But fearing those turns will never help you to succeed. Why? Inaction puts everything at risk.

It is far better to perform a task imperfectly than to do nothing at all. When we do nothing and let the fear of failure overpower us, we do not make any progress- professionally as well as personally. And that is the shortest route to FAILURE.

Hence, keep taking calculated risks. If you fail, shrug off the clouds of dust, get over it, and try again! That will take you on the road to guaranteed success. Meet motivational speakers in India like Dr. Vivek Bindra to understand the mantra of success.

Dr. Vivek Bindra is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and business coach. He explains the nuances of business and life in an uncomplicated manner. You can watch him explain how you can convert failure into success,here.

4. List out the reasons you failed!

Just like the doctor can’t diagnose the disease without conducting a few tests, we too can’t learn from our mistakes, unless we know the reasons. Sometimes, the reasons could be so small that you might not even have noticed them.

But when we analyze our mistakes and the factors that contributed to them, we understand the reasons behind the failure in a clearer way.

Also, some of the best lessons we ever learn are learned from the mistakes we have done in the past!

5. Talk to yourself nicely, because you are listening

According to Forbes, people who tend to fall short of their goals, turn on themselves. They straightway direct the frustration over their failure towards a self-destructive negative mindset.

It is one of the most common patterns that people follow. They engage in negative self-talk. However, it is the single most destructive pattern that results in berating themselves. Negative self-talk can be incredibly damaging, especially when you have encountered a bump of failure.

Do not let failure allow you to get indulged in self-pity. A failure might sting for a moment, but it too will pass. Staying positive during averse times is the real key to the door to success.

If you are in a season of failure and setbacks, you must know that you are not alone. Also, your current situation will not remain the same forever. Know that with the right mentorship from the motivational speaker, you can turn things around. Under the guidance of Dr. Vivek Bindra, you can achieve your goals and come out even stronger.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:


Turning Her Passion For Cooking Into Indian Fast Food Business, This Homemaker Earns Rs. 1.5 Lakh/Month

While the pandemic wreaked havoc on some, it also brought happiness and the call for a career for some. We are talking about Seema Makwana from Mumbai, for whom the COVID lockdown was a life-changing period.

Not only has the pandemic given time to the homemaker and the mother of two to experiment with her cooking and baking skills, but also a chance to fulfill her dreams of starting her cloud kitchen- ‘Buns & Deluchas.’

Launched in December 2021, Buns & Deluchas offers a curated menu that is high on taste as well as nutrient value across Mumbai.

Home: Where the Journey Started!

Seema, who is married to an architect, loves to cook delectable buns and other snacks. Starting from her home, she started distributing snacks in her housing society in Kandivali. Without using any kind of preservatives, Seema makes everything from scratch. This makes all the food items from her menu healthy for everyone. Initially, she invested INR 5 Lakh. Today, she has been receiving orders worth INR 1.5 lakh per month on average. However, her journey was not that simple.

A Difficult Childhood

Growing up in a middle-class family, Seema had to discontinue her studies after Class 10 due to financial constraints. After that, I didn’t have much to do, but I eventually became interested in cooking. Due to their lack of education, she did not have high hopes of getting a good job. But when the idea of starting a food business came up, she was confident courtesy of her love for food. Her family also supported her in this endeavor.

Seema’s Mystery Buns

Initially, she started her cloud kitchen with a small curated menu of stuffed buns which were received well by everyone. This positive reaction gave her the confidence to expand the business outside her residential society. She also added more varieties of food to the menu that were set after observing the fact that not many restaurants and hotels offer healthy food.

This idea was instilled by her husband who has to travel a lot. He would often share that it is challenging to find delightful and healthy Indian food while traveling. So she started experimenting with different food items and added several recipes and included them in the menu only after getting a thumbs up from my husband and children.

A wide Variety of Tasty Treats

Buns & Deluchas specializes in handcrafted artisan buns which come with a wide variety of stuffing like exotic vegetables, patties, paneer, and more with equally delicious homemade dips. Vegetarians can enjoy them too as they are eggless.

Other than the savory stuffed buns, Seema also specializes in Deluchas and staffles, which are also the result of her experimentations. She offers sides like potato and banana wedges and desserts like cookies and sweet buns. All their products are priced between Rs 35 and Rs 160. Cheesy chili buns, corn-cheese delucha, pizzaburg delucha, aloo tikki buns, etc are some of the fast-selling products.

Using the Power of Social Media

Earlier, people would share stories and their experiences with others that helped in the promotion of her cloud kitchen. Now, Seema along with her husband Jenis Makwana is using the power of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to promote her brand. She has also launched a website through which people can place their orders directly. Along with their website, they are also available on Swiggy and Zomato across Mumbai.

If you know what you are passionate about, you can start following your dreams. However, many people do not realize it at the early stage of their lives. Nonetheless, it is better to follow your dreams, irrespective of the time. Seema Makwana has proved that if you love what you do, nothing can stop you from succeeding in your life.

Want to learn how you can set up your cloud kitchen? The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


5 Lessons By Swami Vivekananda To Inspire Young Entrepreneurs

Born in 1863, Swami Vivekananda was ahead of his time. He spent his life without any technologically advanced tools that can make anything possible in today’s world, but his teachings were characterized by the pursuit of truth and fearlessness. His teachings transcended honesty.

In today’s age, where entrepreneurs have to be authentic, his words ring truer than ever. He was in a true sense a great spiritual and business motivational speaker. Here are 5 lessons from Vivekananda’s work that are incredibly relevant today:

1. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body, be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.

Success comes to those who are obsessed with their business idea. That idea for a product, a title, or a victory becomes an all-encompassing thought and transforms into single-minded action.

If we look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our times, we find they are associated with an idea – one clear thread that runs through their lives. To pursue a dream and turn it into reality, we need to be obsessed with it and be immersed in it. Hard work begins in the mind much before it is visible.

2. Even the greatest fool can accomplish a task if it were after his or her heart. But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every work into one that suits their taste.

Business owners know they can’t just do one part of the job and ignore another because they hate it. They are so consumed by the idea, the product, that their likes and dislikes don’t matter anymore. Even if they’re working with experts from different fields, they are required to love every aspect of their company – from delivering the product to managing the accounts. Entrepreneurs have to do it all! 

3. Each work has to pass through these stages—ridicule, opposition, and then acceptance. Those who think ahead of their time are sure to be misunderstood.

Who would have thought that we can speak to our loved ones while looking at them even though they are thousands of miles or continents away with just one click? Or that we could do transactions without having to go to the bank or order anything from anywhere in the world?

Having an idea is not the most difficult deal. But to believe in it when the entire world does not believe and stands in the opposition is perhaps the toughest thing to do. Every successful entrepreneur will have a unique story of rejection to share and how people didn’t believe in their ideas, but they did succeed. If you believe in your business idea, you can also hire a business coach to help you navigate through the challenges.

3. “Face the brutes.” That is a lesson for all life—face the terrible, face it boldly. Like the monkeys, the hardships of life fall back when we cease to flee before them.

Fear and Greed are the two factors due to which most people spend their entire lives being a part of the rat race. They lead their lives chasing someone else’s dreams because fulfilling their dream would involve risk. What if this doesn’t work? What do I have to show for so many years of hard work? How do I justify quitting my stable job over a start-up dream? These are questions that plague every entrepreneur. So face your fears and follow your dreams.

4. Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.

There is no one way to do anything. There could be multiple ways to do the same thing and hence, there is no wrong or right in that. And for this, a leader needs to be open to different ideas and opinions of the people. To be able to take people along, and inspire them with your vision, one needs to know that there are a thousand sides to the same story.

These five quotes by Vivekananda are still applicable in today’s times. If you are an entrepreneur and looking for inspiration these quotes will surely motivate you. To gain an in-depth understanding of business, you can take a business coaching program. To know more, visit


How To Achieve & Set S.M.A.R.T Goals?

Goals are essential for professional as well as personal life. Without concrete plans, you are essentially shooting in the dark. You are putting in effort without having a goal and destination in mind. And with December looming just around the corner, the year 2022 is at its end. It is that time when business leaders must examine how productively they have spent their time to identify the situations where improvements can be made on both personal and professional fronts.

It is also the time to set new goals and define a blueprint for the forthcoming campaign of your life and implement a plan to accomplish a better version of yourself. S.M.A.R.T goals can help you to focus and re-evaluate goals as needed.

So what are S.M.A.R.T goals and how can you set them?

S.M.A.R.T = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

These five aspects together create S.M.A.R.T goals.  A goal that has a specific purpose, can be measured, is realistic to achieve, relevant, and can be attained within a time frame is a SMART goal. Without all aspects, you might be goal-setting, but not effectively creating a plan for success.

You can also learn from Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker in India how to set goals and achieve them in this video: 

Let’s take a closer look at the five elements of S.M.A.R.T. goals:


A goal that is easy to understand can be attained. For instance, it could be a sales number or a product roll-out goal. No matter what the goal is, it should be clearly articulated so that everyone is on the same page with the objective. Define the outcome and the steps that need to be taken to accomplish the goal.


Your goals need to have a quantifiable objective so that you can track progress. Define what will be the factors that will be used to measure the goal and set a method for tracking the progress.


Setting big goals is good. But they need to be realistic as well to maintain the momentum to try to achieve them. Also, you may want to break big goals into smaller, bite-sized chunks. If the goal is not doable, you will have to look for resources that will make your journey to achieve goals easier.


Goals should be relevant i.e. they should be aligned with the mission of the company. One way to find out if your goal is relevant is to figure out what are the benefits of these goals.


A goal without a deadline is just mundane work. Goals should have a deadline. And unless you set a final date, you can’t identify the success or failure of your goals.

As a business owner, evaluate these key facets of your life when creating goals this year:

1. Professional Life

Before setting goals, evaluate your professional life from various angles. How can you make the company better? What more can be done to upskill your employees or colleagues? Spend time reflecting on your past year’s achievements and lessons that you have learned during the course. See how you can improve in the year ahead.

You can also hire a business coach to look for new approaches to grow your business. Strive to implement new strategies that will allow you to overcome existing challenges.

2. Personal Life

When reviewing your personal goals, you may want to look at relationships with family, friends, clients, customers, colleagues, and employees. Find where you need to make adjustments to become the best version of yourself for them. Focus on the main components of your life, such as health, finances, and growth.

Benefits of S.M.A.R.T Goals

There are a lot of benefits to setting S.M.A.R.T goals. Some of them are given below:

i). It helps you to set an objective.

ii). It motivates you to succeed.

iii). It will force you to step out of your comfort zone.

Managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit: