Business motivation

8 Most Important Skills Entrepreneurs Must Have

Summary: Being an entrepreneur sounds exciting! But what are the skills that make an entrepreneur successful in this world full of cut-throat competition? Find out in this article.

Being your boss, working for your dreams, pursuing your passion, solving burning problems of consumers—these are a couple of factors that define the life of an entrepreneur. But these are just glorified surfaces.

An entrepreneur also has to take care of multiple roles alone. He not only has to ensure the continuity of the business but also has to take difficult decisions regularly.

So what makes an entrepreneur successful? What are the most important skills you need to have as an entrepreneur? To answer all these questions, we have curated a list of 5 skills that every entrepreneur must have:

1. Curiosity

Curiosity has led human kind to a lot of amazing places and discoveries. That being said, it is a no-brainer to mention that great entrepreneurs have held this aspect of their personality closer to their hearts. An entrepreneur is tasked to discover new challenges, bring innovative solutions, reveal potential niche opportunities, and refractor their original business process. This is possible only when someone is passionate about distinct fields of study and business cases outside of one`s comfort zone.

2. Time Management

Defining milestones, carefully planning strategies, execution and iteration are all essential for a business to keep it evolving. However, none of that would materialize and lead towards progress without the right project management and efficient time management methodology that gets the work done.

3. Critical Thinking

No business has ever experienced the course of a smooth road. This simply means that entrepreneurs must learn how to decipher a problem to its core and reveal growth opportunities. This requires figuring out creative solutions to identify the low-hanging fruits.

4. Efficiency

When it comes to resolving a problem, one needs to be highly efficient. Hence, an entrepreneur needs to be equipped with the best of techniques like applying the 80/20 rule and other techniques that will yield higher results in less time. You must also be able to switch between different chores to experience progress effectively day-to-day.

5. Resilience

Not every day is the same! Some days will be good, while some days will be gloomy. Hence, entrepreneurs need to learn how to handle rejections, burnouts, stress, lack of focus, and slow progress.

6. Networking

To scale business operations, networking is very important. Growing a network facilitates business opportunities, partnership deals, finding investors and future employees. With good networking skills, you can expand the horizon of PR and convey the right message on all fronts. Hence, to be a successful entrepreneur one needs to be able to outreach to open new aspects for your startup business.

7. Finance

Finance management will make or break a business. Handling resources properly and carefully assessing investments compared to ROI is a solid requirement for entrepreneurs.

8. Persistence

As an entrepreneur, you will have to be passionate about your business. You must be willing to give whatever it takes- your time, your energy, money, and any other resources to accomplish your goals.

You must be ready to not give up and persist through trying times to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and your team. No successful entrepreneur has ever had a road full of roses. All of them have their share of struggles to reach their path to success. So, don`t give up, when hard times hit you.

If you have these skills, you can become a successful entrepreneur. However, the idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer exclusive online courses for entrepreneurs that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can boost your sales easily with the right guidance of a business expert.  Learn to generate high revenue earning products for sales, generate payment links for customers, managing account-related details. Solve your problems in just one click:

Leadership Building

5 Skills Entrepreneurs Must Seek In Their Employees!

As the pandemic has changed the world forever, it has also forced the world to think beyond the obvious and come up with something revolutionary.

In the first and second quarters of 2020, there have been mass layoffs by the companies. According to a report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), around 81 million jobs are wiped out in 2020.

We are in 2022, but every year, one or the other virus variant keeps giving us surprising visits. Thankfully, in India, a significant amount of the population has been vaccinated and the economy has also begun to look promising.

Many startups are doing well and have joined the Unicorn club. Other startups like Nykaa have got themselves listed on the stock market.

Needless to say that building efficient manpower would be one crucial step to transform the businesses. The process of hiring criteria post-Covid is going to be a demanding exercise.

For large businesses or small businesses, the pandemic has paved way for smart thinking. If you are an entrepreneur and looking to expand your team, these set of skills you should be looking for in your prospective employer:


Any business becomes successful when it is being consistent in its customer service, product performance, and the productivity of its employees. If your employees are not consistently performing well or focusing on their productivity, your startup business will not experience growth. So always hire people that show consistency in their behavior and resume.

Analytical Thinking

You don`t need hands & legs to drive your organization, you need a head and heart to drive your organization. Thus, people who can think critically, quickly, and can solve problems with ease should be given preference. Complex problems need creative solutions and this new hiring trend will focus on such analytical skills.

Agile & Flexbile

The smartest business decision you can make is to hire qualified people. Therefore, hiring the right people is very important.

Apart from looking for qualifications and skills ‘flexibility’ is what you should be aiming for. Flexibility is the need of the hour, and we all must look for people that can easily adapt to the new working norms.

Hire people who come for the love of the job. A person who loves challenges will deliver the service and products just the way your customer needs and would be the right fit for the business.

Creative Mindset!

Modern problems need creative solutions. If there is one thing that can never be off-the-shelf that is Creativity! Thinking out-of-the-box will always bring a sense of innovation in every dimension of business. Creativity can take you to places and help you discover practical solutions to various business problems. Hence, bringing in a creative mindset will take your business to a whole new level.


Courtesy to Covid-19, new tasks, roles, and responsibilities have emerged suddenly. Hence, we all must stretch ourselves to the optimum level considering the hiring trends post-Covid. But, of course, we just can`t expect a CA to fix our desktops. But, yes, an employee must have a vision and a perspective. The prospective employee must bring a set of multiple skills that will outdate role titles and definitions to benefit your business.

Making a comeback from a struggling situation is not easy, but reaching out to the right people is. Shift your perspective from the mainstream recruiting process to a creative one.

As the hiring trends have changed, make use of Twitter and Linked In to interact with job seekers and connect with them on a personal level too.

For other business problems, you can take online business courses for entrepreneurs. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer exclusive problem solving courses that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:


How To Take Your Startup Business From Good To Great In 2022

Summary: Great businesses don`t happen by luck. It is your commitment to excellence, hard work, and dedication to improvement that helps drive your business.

Many people love the idea of having a successful business that is generating revenue and experiences growth, day-after-day. But truth to be told, great businesses don`t happen by chance. It needs a strong commitment towards excellence, hard work, resiliency, and an unwavering dedication to improvement.

This commitment needs to be renewed every single day because things that will come at you for the rest of the day will most certainly try to veer you away from those beliefs. You will start preferring ease and comfort and that will lead you to consider compromising on your work.

So to build a great business, you must have the desire and the passion to do whatever it takes. Here are key tips on how to take your small startup business from good to great:

1. Make Creativity your Best Friend

Want your business to stand out? Then you will have no greater partner in your business than creativity. It can move mountains and resolve conflicts smoothly. It is an inventor and a developer. It will make your business unique and help you bring originality to your business. You can find new paths & new solutions through creativity.

If you have a team under you, encourage yourself and everyone who works with you to explore, find better ways and challenge the status quo. Allow for failure while aiming for success. Creativity does not mean you need a brush, it is a mindset.

2. Be Flexible

The world today is evolving at a great pace. So, if you are not flexible when it comes to adaptability, you might finish up last in the competition. Look ahead more than you look behind. To thrive in your business in the long run, you need to reinvent and improve the things you just discovered.

Great businesses are always part of the solutions and the changing landscape. This requires thinking fresh, regularly. Sometimes you may realize that your prior thinking fits the bill, sometimes it would not. That said, one way or the other, you must challenge yourself and your thinking.

3. Be Curious

Where creativity helps your business to stand out from the rest, curiosity helps you to keep moving forward. It helps you to explore more, open new doors, and do new things. It will help you to climb ladders to see overalls. It will help you learn new dimensions of the business. You can also take an online business course for entrepreneurs to channel their energy in the right direction.

4. Have Partners

It is a blessing to work with people who have the experience that you likely don`t. Vendors, suppliers, and sometimes even sales people may have insights and experience that can be beneficial for you. So, keep your ears open, ask questions, and get to know their business and how it will impact yours. Always remember that you can learn something from everyone.

5. Give Up on Giving Up

Business depends on various factors that include both- internal as well as external. Some of these factors are controllable, while others aren`t. But, no matter what, if you have passion for it, be the person to find your way through, over, and around hurdles that might come your way. Obstacles are everywhere and sometimes they are in the human form, sometimes in difficult situations. They are all hard to accept, and they can kill motivation. If you want to be successful, never give up.

These five tips will help you to take your business from good to great. Running a business is not an easy deal. It needs someone with passion, maturity, optimism, and the ability to take a punch, get back up, and punch back even harder.

But also don`t forget to live beyond your business. Go out, and get new experiences to keep your creative juices flowing. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusively online business courses for entrepreneurs that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


How To Start Tea Stall Business Under 20k In India

In India, tea or a ‘garma garam chai’ is something that starts a day, ends a day! From greeting guests to making interesting conversations, a cup of tea is the solution to every problem. Mornings are incomplete without them. And it is no secret that we Indians love our morning tea. Whether you have to rush for a morning meeting or manage your household chores, a hot cup of tea gives a great start to our mornings.

According to a report published in Economic Times, India is now the world`s 10th fastest growing market for specialist tea and tea retail chains. The industry is estimated to grow 6.9% a year to Rs 4,540 crore by 2023 in value sales’.

The industry has gained popularity, especially among young consumers. Specialist tea shops attract youth, especially in large cities. So, if you are planning to open a tea stall business under 20K, it would be a perfect time to do it.

Opening a tea shop can be profitable and a self-rewarding business. So if you are a young entrepreneur who wants to become financially independent, open a tea stall business.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you come up with a brilliant tea shop business plan:

1. Choose a Perfect Chai Stall Business Model

Having the right business model is paramount for any startup business. Hence, you will have to decide which type of business you would like to start. You will have to zero in on whether you want to come up with a small tea stall or a café.

A small tea stall business sells low-cost tea to the customers along with snacks. Depending on your investment capacity, you can decide whether you also want to provide seating arrangements to your customers. You can use disposable cups and provide snacks like omelets, toasts, and other snacks.

This is a low-cost tea shop business idea and can be started with as low as Rs 20K.

2. Should You Go for Franchise or Ownership

In urban as well as cities in rural areas, the demand for tea has gained popularity. A lot of companies are now offering franchise business opportunities to new entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and wantrepreneurs.

If you want to start a tea and snack stall with a brand, then a franchise is the best option for you. Why? Because an already established brand will attract customers since the very first day.

However, if you want to start your own tea stall business under Rs. 20,000, then starting your own business is more profitable for you.

3. Pick a Location

The next thing that you must do after deciding the business model, you will have to find an apt location for your tea stall. The choice of location can be the deciding factor between success and failure.

  • Always select a place which is located in a busy market or shopping area. This will ensure you get high footfall throughout the day.
  • The location should also be easily accessible by the consumers. Your selected place must also possess great visibility too.
  • It is very important to understand your target audience. You can then choose your location accordingly.
  • The location should be affordable too. It is best to choose a place for your tea stall business that is easily affordable. Also, check the lease fluctuation patterns of the past few years.

4. Business Registration & License

Most of the tea-stall businesses in India run as proprietorship models. If you too are planning to follow the course, your PAN card is sufficient for that. You will also need a Trade License from the Local Municipal Authority.

5. Go Online

With a nominal investment, you can sell your tea online on the internet. If you do not have enough funds to advertise, you can use the power of social media platforms.

The online presence of your brand on popular networking platforms like Facebook and Instagram can help to build your brand`s reputation.

Opening a tea stall business in India is one of the most popular business ideas. However, it also needs a great deal of market research and business planning. You can learn the dynamics of business, challenges you might face, and solutions in advance to make your business successful with our Problem-Solving Courses.

Want to start your own tea stall business? Click here:

Business motivation

7 Effective Ways To Earn More As A Freelancer

Summary: Freelancing makes it easy for so many professionals to choose the type of work based on their skills and interests that suits them the most.

In today`s corporate world, it has become extremely common for bright and extremely skilled employees feeling frustrated and stuck in their 9 to 5 jobs that does not give liberty to follow their passion and dreams.

Most often, they can be seen frustrated because of the lack of time for their personal growth. If you are someone who feels like they have little time and freedom to lead your life the way you want to, you can become a freelancer.

While freelancing has been a popular career choice, the pandemic has pushed it further to take the center stage. Irrespective of your profession or career field, freelancing gives an equal opportunity to everyone to grow.

One can work at his or her own convenient working hours without having to be a part of office politics and unnecessary gossip.

Working for your self has its own set of rewards however taking the first step towards it can be daunting. Many individuals step back from embracing freelancing because it may appear daunting to begin a new freelancing startup business.

1. Figure out the WHY

Starting a new venture may seem exciting, but if your goal is not clear behind it, you will not be able to sustain it for a long time. Do you want to become freelance because you are seeking work satisfaction or you are looking for a work-life balance? Is it a flexible schedule or you are doing it only because you want to increase your family income?

It is crucial to identify your goals and understand why you want to become a freelancer. So take some time out, introspect and find out the reason behind you becoming a freelancer.

2. Build an Effective Plan

As a freelancer, it is easier to get carried away by taking long breaks. While this could be relaxing for a short duration, in the long run, it can be detrimental to your career growth. To become a successful freelancer you should come out with a detailed plan of action and work according to that. You can also curate monthly, weekly, and daily plans of action by keeping your goals in mind.

It is also very important to keep realistic expectations and plans as disappointment will set in when your plans will not come to fruition.

3. Discover Your Key Strengths

“The greater are your skill sets, the higher prices you can ask for yourself in the market.” The second freelancing tip for beginners is introspection. Whether you will be a successful freelancer or not, depends on the quality of your skill sets. Focus your time on perfecting the skill sets that will help you to achieve your goal. Do not waste time imitating others.

Make a list that of your skill sets and write them down in the two sections- skills set that you use daily, and skills set that you don`t use daily. Sometimes the highest-paying skills are the ones, you don`t like the most.

4. Make a List of your Achievements

One of the best freelancing tips that you can ever use is to discover the achievement that you achieved in the shortest time. Find out that one achievement that helped you win money, new market, votes, awards, or perfect result when the odds were against you.

Finding your achievement can help you identify your skills and strength that will further aid to maximize your growth.

5. Identify Personal Traits

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” This famous quote of Bruce Lee says it all. We all have that one personal trait where we excel and no one can beat us. All you have to do is to identify it. Figure out whether you communicate well, have good leadership skills, problem solver, are curious, or remain positive and calm under a stressful situation.

These personal traits help to build a reputation in the market. And as we have mentioned earlier, a good reputation helps you to get more clients.

6. Make Your Online Presence Strong

The last freelancing tip is to create your business website and keep updating it with interesting blog posts associated with your brand, your niche market, and your latest work. Join forums and groups on social media specific to your niche and do not forget to leave comments.

7. Become a Specialist

Building your brand requires you to create an undisputable reputation by becoming a specialist in your field. Once you become an expert in your field, your market reputation will increase and more clients would like to work with you.

Look for skills and courses that can help you to enhance your portfolio. Dwell upon questions like which is the best way to build a website, how to make blogs more interesting, and how to gain more visibility?

Being a freelancer can give an air of freedom, however, it is important that you excel at whatever you do to get more clients. So, apply the above-mentioned 7 freelancing tips and you will see unbelievable success in your field.

We know what you are thinking! The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive course Business Coaching Program. This unique course comes with a Foundation course, specialization courses, and value packs.

Startup Strategy

5 Powerful Growth Strategies To Grow Startups

Scaling and expanding your business is some different ball game. It is extremely difficult, but having your own startup business is all worth the pain. Being an entrepreneur initially means wearing multiple hats, sometimes all at the same time. At the end of the day, this tiring process will drain all your energy. However, if you want to scale and grow your business, there is still light at the end of the tunnel.

So what is that one thing that can help you sustain your startup business in the market for a longer duration? The only answer to this question is by creating a growth strategy. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur then having a growth strategy is paramount. Having just a profitable business is not an achievement and is not sufficed to continue it for long.

Though, there are many existing startup strategies, here is a list of 5 strategies that will add fuel to the fire and grow your business:

1. Stay Unique

There must be plenty of other business owners selling the same product as yours. Then why a customer should buy your product? Creating a unique experience for customers is necessary in the business world.

How your product will solve the burning challenges of the consumer in the market will make the ultimate difference. Sell the benefits and not features. Tell your target customer how their life will be changed after they will purchase your product. Consumers want to know the stories behind your product, and not about your product.

2. Identify your Niche Market

You want to start a business with a certain product or a service because you saw an opportunity to make a profit from it. You might have also identified the type of audience. But are you sure that your target audience will be your ideal customer? If yes, where are you going to find this audience? Where is your potential customer and who is it?

Well, make a list of your ideal customer and then make a network through which you can let them try your product or services. You can take their feedback to determine if they are your potential customers.

3. Analyze Your Competition

“Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”. Knowing about your competitors is necessary to stay ahead. Hence, do a market analysis and research about your competitors. Find out their key selling points and build a strategy that will work for your product. This is an excellent growth hack for small business owners who are in the early stages.

4. Review Business Model

It is very important for entrepreneurs to make a dedicated section in their business model to check if they are achieving your goals and assumptions. It is very important to review your goals and analyze if your business has made any progress or not? Always make a revised business model. If you think that they are becoming outdated, update, and upgrade them.

Employee training is another thing that you must conduct on a regular basis. Keeping your employees upskilled and upgraded with the trending technology and skills will help you to achieve your organizational goals. You can hire the best corporate trainer to bring in a new perspective and strategies in your company.

5. Update & Upgrade Marketing Strategies

In this digital age, creating a marketing strategy that is tailor-fit for your brand is a little tricky. But, if done properly, it can fetch more customers and boost sales. Small business owners can deploy creative growth hacks to pull more customers to their platforms by email marketing, product recommendations, visually appealing ad creative, and identifying high lifetime value (LTV).

Most of the business growth hacks state with a simple idea that emerged in the conversations. These growth hacks, if implemented quickly, can be quite effective for small business owners. A planned approach is necessary to scale these experiments.


Bank or Investor? Choose The Right Funding For Your Startup Business!

Summary: When thinking about starting a business, which type of funding should you choose?

Starting a business is easy if you are your investor. However, seldom it happens in the real world. So, if you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur and want to start your own startup business, chances are that you must have thought about the investment too.

You may also have realized that you don`t have sufficient funds on your own to get started. So that leaves you with two choices: one is a loan, in which the lender makes its money by you paying the loan back with the applicable interest over a set period. The other is an investment, in which the investor is given a percentage of ownership (i.e., number of shares) in the business in exchange for providing the capital.

A loan and an investment are two different things. This is why you want to keep in mind what your audience is while making a business plan. The ways that lenders versus investors make money are completely different. Hence, you will require different business plans.

Here are a few factors are given by the best business motivational speakers that one must consider while choosing the type of funding:

1. Return on Investment (ROI)

If you are looking for investor funding, your prospective investors will want to see an ROI scenario with the current valuation and estimated future valuation of the business. So how will you determine that? The current evaluation of the business can be determined via the requested investment amount and the percentage of ownership given in return for the investment is how future evaluation will be determined.

For entrepreneurs, it is important to note that the valuation of investors is largely based on perception, especially for startups. The potential investors may or may not agree with your perceived valuation.

If you are looking for a bank loan, ROI does not apply to your business plan. This happens because the bank makes money by having the loan paid back with interest.

2. Exit Strategy

If you seek investor funding, prospective investors would like to know all the possible scenarios in which they can exit from having a financial interest in the business. Many possibilities include the investor selling their shares back to the company, or the business failing an investor losing their money. An investor plan will explain each possibility to exit.

If you are seeking a bank loan, you will not need an exit strategy because the bank only has a vested interest in the business during the term on the loan. Unless you don’t plan to get out of the business before the term on the loan is up, an exit strategy is not needed. Once you have paid the loan in full amount and the term is up, the bank has no interest in the performance of the business.

3. Projections

If you need a bank loan or other form of debt, your income statement should declare the interest expense, while your principal loan repayment would be shown in your cash flow statement. However, if you seek equity financing then the interest expense and principal loan repayment will both be zero.

Bank or investor? There is not a straight and simple answer to this. While banks are more inclined towards tried-and-true-business models, investors are usually interested in innovative ideas that can disrupt the business environment in some capacity.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can start your startup business from the scratch with the guidance and hand-holding support of a personalized business coach.

Business motivation

How To Take Advantage Of 6 Digital Marketing Trends For 2022

Digital marketing is always evolving, but 2022 will be quite dramatic. Startup businesses and brands not only plan to keep up with the future of marketing but should also be prepared to make the most out of it.

Whether you want to be an influencer, or want to take your startup business to the next stage, here is a list of 7 top digital marketing trends to keep an eye on in 2022 and how you can use them to your advantage:

1. Meta is omnipresent

Facebook has changed its name to Meta. Meta is a term for virtual and augmented experiences. In simpler terms, it represents an interactive experience of a real-world environment, virtually. Creating a name for the parent company is quite logical and with that masterstroke, Facebook is betting big on the future of the web.

Pro Tip: This is the time when marketers should start looking for opportunities and experimenting for their businesses in these spaces.

2. Influencers continue to flourish

Influencer marketing is still a hot trend is set to reach $13.8 billion in 2021. This trend is here to stay and will continue to grow. The campaigns by influencers provide context and relevance since the influencer who is followed by millions of people is endorsing the brand. B2B brands will also continue to embrace influencers and many popular and high-end brands have harnessed this trend.

Pro Tip: Marketers should keep looking for opportunities to collaborate with influencers in their space.

3. Marketers get more strategic

As artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business automation have already reduced a lot of the grunt work of digital marketing, marketers need to keep up with the pace and become more strategic. The opportunities in digital marketing continue to grow.

Pro Tip: “What drives your business growth?” should be the primary focus of the marketers and they must think strategically about it.

4. LinkedIn is growing & will keep growing

LinkedIn in each quarter shows considerable gains in monthly active users and also in terms of engagements on the platform. They are continuously launching new features to provide more value and drive better results for businesses and pages.

Pro Tip: LinkedIn will continue to be a rising star in the digital space; hence, marketers should go all-in on LinkedIn.

5. SEO is more integrated

Search engine optimization is one of the oldest and most valuable forms of digital marketing. As search algorithms have continuously become smarter and more contextual, marketers are required to focus more on providing an outstanding and meaningful experience to their users instead of using hacks and tricks of SEO.

Pro Tip: According to the best business motivational coach Dr. Vivek Bindra, marketers should focus less on SEO and more on relevant and excellent user experience.

6. Websites get faster

Page loading time is an important part of any website`s user experience. And most often people let it slide for better designs, functionality or to add more content to web pages. If a user clicks on your website and it takes more than a few seconds to load, they are likely to leave your page. This will result in losing a potential customer and can cost you a conversion.

Pro Tip: Marketers ensure that their website is well optimized and responsive.

7. Less is more

The explosion of digital marketing options means that almost every brand wants to dominate all the platforms. However, smart businesses focus on dominating just one channel. Though it is easy to get distracted by new trends, the majority of the business growth still comes from the foundational tools in digital marketing.

Pro Tip: Don`t forget to focus on your strength and foundation.

If you are an entrepreneur and planning to establish a strong brand presence for your business, the above-mentioned marketing tips should be considered.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


5 Low Investment Startup Business Ideas To Start In 2022

For many people, a job of nine to five brings satisfaction with the salary at the end of the month. But many people want to startup something of their own. Some people want to start their own business but in the absence of a good business plan or because of lack of capital, they give up on their dream business.

For such entrepreneurs, this article of ours today is going to be very helpful. In this article we are going to tell you 5 low-investment business ideas that are profitable:

1) Catering Business

There is an old saying that the way to reach a person’s heart is through his stomach. If you have amazing culinary skills and can cook delicious food, then your skill will be the reason for starting your business. There is always a demand for good quality food. The catering business is considered to be one of the best startup business plans because it is not a seasonal business. Also, the business of catering is a low investment business. Start this business with low investment and generate revenue.

2) Travel Agency Business

Holidays are special not only for tourists but also for travel agencies to earn profits in business. Travel agencies work to provide good facilities from travel tickets to hotel booking for the tourists. People often think of traveling somewhere twice a month and travel agencies do the work to make this idea successful. This business is not a low investment business but it can be started with a low budget through the right strategies.

You can start a travel agency by tying up with a big agency. By joining a big agency, you also get work experience and also get the trust of tourists. You can start this business by choosing any good travel agency and joining them.

3) Retail Business

Retail business is a good example of the Best Startup Business Plan for small businessmen. Before starting this business, you have to decide what kind of product you want to sell in retail. From cosmetics to clothes to home decor products to FMCG products, you can start this business by choosing the products. Retail business can be started with less investment and can also be started with more investment.

Your retail business will get the support of e-commerce sites and you can increase your sales easily by delivering your products to remote customers.

However, start your research in this field before starting your business. Collect information through research products that are high in demand in your city or state and manufacturing is done in another city or state. Information gathered can help you make an informed decision and to create a good business plan.

4) Event Management

If you have a creative mindset then the event management business can prove to be the most perfect business for you. You can start this business with a low investment. All you have to do is come out with good strategies. In the event management business, you have to find the right vendor, who can provide you with the right services at a reasonable price. Event planning also requires your management skills and a good team.

5) Consulting Business

Your mentoring ability can provide a good business opportunity for you. If you have a good understanding and hold on to any subject, then consulting business is the best business for you. This is a good business to be included in the list of best small businesses to start with low investment. You can start your own consulting business with a minimum budget. Small businessmen can try their hand at these low-cost businesses to start their own business.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, click here:


How To Do LinkedIn Marketing For Your Startup Business

Use LinkedIn to create brand awareness. Have you ever heard someone giving you this advice? Is your startup business using LinkedIn to its full potential? Are you making the most of this platform to build your network, boost leads and conversions, and generate revenue?

Did you know LinkedIn has over 774 million users across the globe? The numbers alone make this platform one of the top social networks today. With multiple social media networks sprouting up constantly, LinkedIn is a platform that is often underutilized.

However, the truth is that LinkedIn can be a very powerful tool that can enhance your social media content strategy. If you are new to this platform, let us give you the introduction of LinkedIn and how it can help you with your brand visibility.

What is LinkedIn Marketing?

Though most people think that LinkedIn is a platform meant for only professional networking, it is also a platform that is apt for making a connection, fostering relationships, generating leads, improving brand awareness, sharing content, and driving traffic to your website.

LinkedIn when used for business can also provide essential tools like analytics, connections, and brand building, just to name a few.

Why is marketing on LinkedIn essential?

When it comes to social media marketing, many brands prefer to put all their resources toward the big three: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Although, these platforms are perfect to promote your brand, excluding LinkedIn is a huge disservice.

According to Hubspot, “LinkedIn generates leads 227% more effectively than Facebook and Twitter.” This makes LinkedIn an essential platform to market your startup business. It allows you to drive traffic, find quality leads, share your expertise through thought-leadership content, and increase your network.

Here are a few ways in which you can incorporate LinkedIn into your social media strategy to make it strong:

1. Use #Hashtags

Simple phrases preceded by a hashtag symbol might appear ordinary to many, however, they hold the power to change your marketing strategy for the better. These small words are like goldmines for tapping into new audiences, industries, and your target segment.

But using too many or irrelevant ones can hinder your search. This means striking a balance between the relevant and popular hashtags is vital for a successful social media strategy. Use the search bar to find the relevant hashtag and see how many people are following it, and how often it is being used.

2. LinkedIn Profile v/s LinkedIn Page

LinkedIn pages and LinkedIn profiles serve different purposes in LinkedIn marketing. Where pages are public and used primarily by businesses. Profiles are private and used by individuals. Each one of them works with the LinkedIn algorithm, but there are different tools that you can use to grow your network.

Anyone can follow your LinkedIn page without your approval or connection. This will give them a chance to see your business content right away. It also has the potential for high engagement. Profiles are more personal and one has to have a connection with you, provided you have approved their connection request. But people can follow your profile and this gives you a chance to connect with your audience personally.

3. Create Posts for Varying Lengths

A quick, short post loaded with lots of punch works on LinkedIn. Long-form stories garner readers` attention and lead to a longer time spent on the app. Hence, your LinkedIn content plan should be a perfect combination of both.

As a brand, you might not want to be recognized as somebody who only shares monologues because your network won`t always have time to read them. Also, too many short posts can come across as lacking substance and may reduce your authority as a thought leader.

You can also share external articles on the platform as LinkedIn`s algorithm supports external links to blogs, articles, and websites. As long as the content you are posting has to value and is relevant to your audience, your brand will find success, guaranteed.

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