Business motivation

8 Most Important Skills Entrepreneurs Must Have

Summary: Being an entrepreneur sounds exciting! But what are the skills that make an entrepreneur successful in this world full of cut-throat competition? Find out in this article.

Being your boss, working for your dreams, pursuing your passion, solving burning problems of consumers—these are a couple of factors that define the life of an entrepreneur. But these are just glorified surfaces.

An entrepreneur also has to take care of multiple roles alone. He not only has to ensure the continuity of the business but also has to take difficult decisions regularly.

So what makes an entrepreneur successful? What are the most important skills you need to have as an entrepreneur? To answer all these questions, we have curated a list of 5 skills that every entrepreneur must have:

1. Curiosity

Curiosity has led human kind to a lot of amazing places and discoveries. That being said, it is a no-brainer to mention that great entrepreneurs have held this aspect of their personality closer to their hearts. An entrepreneur is tasked to discover new challenges, bring innovative solutions, reveal potential niche opportunities, and refractor their original business process. This is possible only when someone is passionate about distinct fields of study and business cases outside of one`s comfort zone.

2. Time Management

Defining milestones, carefully planning strategies, execution and iteration are all essential for a business to keep it evolving. However, none of that would materialize and lead towards progress without the right project management and efficient time management methodology that gets the work done.

3. Critical Thinking

No business has ever experienced the course of a smooth road. This simply means that entrepreneurs must learn how to decipher a problem to its core and reveal growth opportunities. This requires figuring out creative solutions to identify the low-hanging fruits.

4. Efficiency

When it comes to resolving a problem, one needs to be highly efficient. Hence, an entrepreneur needs to be equipped with the best of techniques like applying the 80/20 rule and other techniques that will yield higher results in less time. You must also be able to switch between different chores to experience progress effectively day-to-day.

5. Resilience

Not every day is the same! Some days will be good, while some days will be gloomy. Hence, entrepreneurs need to learn how to handle rejections, burnouts, stress, lack of focus, and slow progress.

6. Networking

To scale business operations, networking is very important. Growing a network facilitates business opportunities, partnership deals, finding investors and future employees. With good networking skills, you can expand the horizon of PR and convey the right message on all fronts. Hence, to be a successful entrepreneur one needs to be able to outreach to open new aspects for your startup business.

7. Finance

Finance management will make or break a business. Handling resources properly and carefully assessing investments compared to ROI is a solid requirement for entrepreneurs.

8. Persistence

As an entrepreneur, you will have to be passionate about your business. You must be willing to give whatever it takes- your time, your energy, money, and any other resources to accomplish your goals.

You must be ready to not give up and persist through trying times to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and your team. No successful entrepreneur has ever had a road full of roses. All of them have their share of struggles to reach their path to success. So, don`t give up, when hard times hit you.

If you have these skills, you can become a successful entrepreneur. However, the idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer exclusive online courses for entrepreneurs that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can boost your sales easily with the right guidance of a business expert.  Learn to generate high revenue earning products for sales, generate payment links for customers, managing account-related details. Solve your problems in just one click:


5 Smart Solutions to get your Small Business out-of-debt

The experience of being in debt can be scary as well as overwhelming. However, most entrepreneurs begin their start-up by arranging funds through debt funding, equity funding, loans, or through other less formal sources like friends & family.

If managed smartly, borrowing funds can help you accomplish your goals. On the other hand, mismanaged small business debt can not only affect your financial wellbeing but can also cause mental stress, especially to small business owners that are worse affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a bid to rescue the small business owners, the Indian government had offered relief to MSMEs in the form of subordinated debts, collateral-free loans, and equity infusion through its Fund of Funds (FoF) scheme in 2020. This scheme proposes to purchase up to 15% growth capital in high-credit MSMEs.

If you have a well-thought financial plan, you can solve the cumbersome process of taking your business out of debt, just like others. Here is how you can chart your way out of debt:

  1. Take Stock of your Debts

The first step that will take you closer to managing your debt is to organize all the details of exactly what you owe. Make a list of your debts with EMIs, interest rates, and tenures. This will help you recognize the costliest debts.

  1. Settle Urgent & Costliest Debts First!

After sorting out your debts, pick the costliest one! Costly debts, if not paid on time, will extract the highest interest. This can drain your finances. Hence, settle your costliest debts on a priority basis.

  1. Plan Monthly Budget

One of the most vital debt management techniques is to have a monthly budget, planned! Make a list of your income & expenses while deciding your monthly budget. This will give you a window to think about ways to reduce your daily expenditure. Having details of monthly cash-flow can help you save money that you can use to clear your debt.

  1. Consolidate Loans

Sometimes keeping a track of all the loans can be difficult. If you have too many loans, consolidating them into one can be a good idea. This will leave you with just one EMI. Business loans, personal loans, and credit cards provide you with this option. It will remove various debts and leave you with just one loan to track.

  1. Protect yourself Against Economic Shocks

The future is uncertain and it is wise to protect yourself from uncertainties that you might be exposed to. E.g. a loss of a job could lead to delayed EMIs. So, to avoid such situations, create an emergency fund to help you sustain during a bad phase. Ideally, this fund should be 3-6 times more than your current monthly income.

Repaying loans is a moral, legal, and also a financial obligation. With smart and effective debt management strategies, you too can get your business out of debt. Learn how to manage your debt with the top-industry leaders from our Problem Solving Courses. To know more, click here: 


Planning to Start Your Own Business in 2021? Follow These 5 Rules For a Successful Start-Up

The Indian start-up ecosystem is blooming, with more and more individuals giving up their regular jobs and taking the path of entrepreneurship. As per the Economic Survey for 2019-2020, India now ranks in the number of new firms created annually. Quoting the data from the World Bank, the survey concluded that number of new firms in the formal sector has grown by a significant 12.2 per cent between 2014 and 2018, compared to a meagre growth of 3.8 per cent from 2006-2014.

From idea generation to implementation, starting a business takes a lot of efforts, dedication and perseverance. A start-up founder should be extremely careful while making entry level decisions as the initial success of the business depends upon them. Having a business of your own does look like a Herculean task, but with proper research and guidance, starting, surviving and being successful in the business is not impossible. Being a Solopreneur: 5 Business Tools to Grow your Business.

Here are Five Golden Rules Every Entrepreneur should follow to Make the Start-Up a Success: 

Undertake Market Research and Analysis

The first and foremost rule of any business is to properly research the market. This includes analysing the market demand, competition, price range, and channels of distribution among others. Understanding customers’ taste and preferences is also an essential pre-requisite of launching a product or service. Analysing the market trends and patterns help the entrepreneur to make informed decision and deal wisely with external environment challenges. 7 Powerful Marketing Ideas to Boost your Business in 2021.

Ensure Constant Funding

A start-up needs steady and committed sources of funding to establish itself in the market. Many start-ups shut down in the initial years owing to lack of finance. Before jumping into the market, the entrepreneur should ensure that the business has adequate source of funds and have an access to a regular stream of finance. Various private and public sector banks, venture capitalists, angle investors, government grants are among secured source of finance for start-ups.

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Devise Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

For a business to establish itself in the market, it needs to be visible to its potential customer. Marketing and advertising helps the start-ups to increase its reach. Entrepreneurs should carefully choose their marketing plan and advertisement campaigns. Ads should convey real vision of the business and create a positive image in the minds of the people. Efficient marketing policy also helps in generation the ‘want’ for the product among the potential customers, thereby increasing sales and profits.

Know Your Customers

It has been rightly said and preached for generations that ‘Customer is the King.’ Every entrepreneur need to believe and follow the same. Knowing the customers in extremely important as their attitude, preference and tastes effect the business’s offering. Start-ups should avoid indulging any activity that might upset the customers. Businesses should understand the overall society as well, the cultural and social environment also effects the functioning of the start-ups.

Comply With Legal Requirements

In order to undertake various operational and production activities without any hindrances, businesses should make sure that they comply all the legal requirements. There are various legislations that govern any business, to avoid any penalties or fine, entrepreneurs should make sure that all laws are abided by. These include laws related to incorporation, labour, product, customer safety among others.

Apart from these, entrepreneurs should also focus on sticking to the budget, garnering knowledge about the various aspects of business. Start-ups also need a strong and dedicated team of employees to achieve its goal. Starting a business is indeed a big and courageous step which requires perseverance and dedication. However, with proper knowledge and hard work establishing and succeeding in business world is not impossible.