Top 5 Offbeat Jobs That Pay High Salaries & Are Completely Fun!

We are stuck in a routine and our work schedule has become mechanical. Still, we choose to do 9 to 5 desk jobs each day. But few lucky ones amongst us dared to dream differently by choosing jobs that are unique in their responsibilities. Here are 5 offbeat jobs that pay off well and are quite interesting!

3 Offbeat Career Paths: How Millennials are breaking the monotony of 9 to 5 jobs!

If millennials had their way, 9 to 5 jobs would have become a matter of the past. In the changed parameters, today, the new normal for millennials and Gen Z is to find offbeat career options. They are looking for career skills and opportunities that are in-demand and break the monotony of mundane 9 to […]

Stimulus 3.0: Narendra Modi Govt Announces Fresh Relief Package, From Creating More Jobs to Credit Guarantee Support Scheme, Here’s How MSMEs Will Benefit

New Delhi, November 12: FM Nirmala Sitharaman announced a slew of measures as part of stimulus 3.0 with an attempt to give relief to the stressed sectors amid the coronavirus pandemic. FM announced Atmanirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana to boost employment and create jobs. This will be effective from October 1, 2020. Under the new scheme, […]

RBI Says ‘Promoting Startup And Ensuring Their Survival is Critical in Generating More Employment’

Mumbai, August 25: Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday said that the promotion of young firms and startups and ensuring their survival is critical for generating more employment generation and higher productivity-led economic growth in India. RBI’s annual report for 2019-20 mentioned that it will be essential to reorient resources and policy focus in this direction. RBI […]

MSME Sector in India: Nitin Gadkari Says Government Plans to Increase MSME Exports & Jobs in the Next 5 Years

New Delhi, August 17: Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said that the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector plays a major role in the development of the country. He further spoke about how the government plans to increase MSMEs exports to 60 percent from 48 percent in the next 5 years. This will […]