“From Pocket Money to Professional Salary” is a comprehensive and empowering guide that equips readers with the knowledge, strategies, and mindset needed to succeed in their career journeys.
Tag Archives: career advice
Soft Skills That Can Help You Accelerate Your Career
Soft skills are personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others in the workplace and other areas of life. They are often referred to as interpersonal or people skills, and they complement an individual’s technical or hard skills. Soft skills include a range of abilities, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, leadership, […]
9 Career Advice From Ankur Warikoo We Wish We Knew Earlier!
These nine pieces of career advice from none other than Ankur Warikoo- a popular face who has his own YouTube channel will light up your career path.
3 Offbeat Career Paths: How Millennials are breaking the monotony of 9 to 5 jobs!
If millennials had their way, 9 to 5 jobs would have become a matter of the past. In the changed parameters, today, the new normal for millennials and Gen Z is to find offbeat career options. They are looking for career skills and opportunities that are in-demand and break the monotony of mundane 9 to […]