
8 Powerful Yet Hard Truths That Will Change Your Life!

“Life is what you make of it”- we must have come across this adage millions of times, however, only a few of us must have understood the true meaning behind these golden words. Whether you are looking to achieve your professional goals or personal goals, understanding the mysticism of the universe and how it works can surely help you to become successful.

Many entrepreneurs want to turn their startup business into a large venture. But due to a lack of guidance and the inability to have the right mindset they seldom succeed in taking their business to the next level. While there are many business motivational speakers in India, very few small business owners and entrepreneurs think about consulting them. However, working with a business coach can yield fruitful results in the long term.

A good business mentor will not only guide you with their years of expertise that they have experienced first-hand but can also help you to navigate the uncertainties of the business world. Many people often give up easily as soon as the situations begin to go haywire. But only with consistency and determination, you can fulfill your dreams.

On World Mental Health Day, let us give you eight golden truths that might shake you, or might hit you differently, but will bring you closer to the reality of life.

1. Consistency = Success

If you type the word ‘Success’ on Google, you will come across thousands of articles talking about tips and tricks and smart hacks to become successful in your life. From making small changes in your routines to big changes in your lifestyle, you will come across various tips claiming to produce guaranteed results.

But truth to be told, success is 5% brains and 95% consistency! Often people try to achieve something but give up soon. Others do not even attempt to achieve because they think they are not equipped with the required skills or knowledge. However, it is the consistent efforts and determination of a person that helps him win the race. You can watch some of the most amazing videos by Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker on how to create and set your goals.

2. Energy Flows Where the Focus Goes

Your energy and focus can make anything possible. And hence, you must focus your attention and channel your energy in the right place. Finding multiple time management tips will not help unless you figure out what are the activities that are taking up most of your time.

Most often people waste a lot of their energy on overthinking and meaningless relationships which are not at all constructive. Another thing on which the majority of people waste their energy and time is social media platforms. Although social media platforms also have lots of benefits, very few take advantage of it. So, before you start trying to find out excellent time management tips to increase your productivity, try to stop your time and energy from leaking from these three cracks.

3. Lack of Self-Awareness is the Most Dangerous Flaw

To evolve and grow in life, it is very essential to be self-aware. When you know what your strengths and weaknesses are; only then you can try to be a better version of yourself. However, one of the most dangerous flaws is the lack of self-awareness. If someone can’t tell you what their flaws are, they can never outgrow them.

4. Invest Your Money Before Spending it

In today’s world, people try to impress the people they don’t like by purchasing the things that they don’t need by spending money they don’t even have. The irony of this situation is that many people die while paying their debts and installments.

Hence, it is very important to have your finances in place. If you spend more than you earn to buy the things that you don’t even need, you will end up struggling for money. Always invest your money in buying assets or investment plans that generate income.

5. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

People often boast about the kind of person they are or about their character. But actions speak louder than words. A person’s ability to resist material things speaks volumes about their character rather than their ability to obtain them. The things that you possess say a lot about the kind of person you are in real life.

Many entrepreneurs often use their profits in buying expensive cars and other luxurious things instead of investing in their business growth. This can stall the progress of their business and might result in limited business operations.

6. Know When to End Partnerships & Relationships

Sometimes the things that we tend to hold for a long time are the things that stop our growth- professionally and personally. Many times entrepreneurs carry the baggage of partnerships with investors and clients just because they have been friends for a long time.

However, know that it is not the duration of a relationship or a partnership that matters, but the quality of it. How much value is it bringing to the table? Is it helping you to keep your mental peace or you are struggling hard to keep it going? Analyze it closely and know when to forge new partnerships and when to end them.

7. People Pleasing Can Cost Your Self-Worth

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee working in the corporate world, networking can help you to grow and find new opportunities. However, people have built a culture of appeasing peers and seniors for professional gains and opportunities. But can we blame them entirely? Not really!

The culture of ego-massaging and people-pleasing has been encouraged from top to bottom. And people who have this skill ensure a comfortable professional journey in their organization. However, it may help you to achieve short-term goals. But in the long run, it will cost you your self-respect. You will never be able to respect yourself because you will become like a slave to external validation and people-pleasing just for a momentary gain.

8. You Are Where You Were Meant to Be

The world went digital for the convenience of human lives. Unfortunately, it has also caused a lot of mental health problems associated with too much consumption of information, negative feedback, criticism, and addiction to things that are filled with hatred and self-doubt.

Beautiful pictures on Instagram and Facebook make others believe that they are leading a life that is far from picture-perfect. This fills them with disappointment, self-criticism, envy, and dissatisfaction with their own lives.

But it is very important to know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. There will always be someone better, smarter, prettier, and more successful than you. But that does not diminish the struggles you have faced and the things you have achieved in your life. If you keep thinking that your happiness lies in a particular place, or you will attain happiness after achieving a particular milestone, you will never find happiness.

Stay happy and confident with whatever you have and wherever you are currently and keep aiming for more. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


5 Smart Ways To Help You Settle Business Loans Quickly!

Summary: Is your business running in losses? Are you losing your investors because of the debt? Do you want to take your small business out of debt?

Rising interest rates and high corporate debt levels are giving sleepless nights to lots of investors and small business owners. It is impossible to predict the future, and with the latest happenings in the world, the period of consistent declines in the GDP of India, it is challenging for small business owners to run their business operations with the guidance of an expert.

Though most entrepreneurs begin their startup by arranging funds through debt funding, equity funding, loans, or other less formal sources like friends & family, the experience of being in debt can be scary and overwhelming. To avoid making drastic mistakes at the initial stage, many entrepreneurs also hire the best business coach in India.

If managed smartly, borrowing funds can help you accomplish your goals; if mismatched, it will affect your financial well-being and cause mental stress, especially to small business owners that are worse affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Indian government launched many loan schemes to offer relief to MSMEs in subordinated debts, collateral-free loans, and equity infusion through its Fund of Funds (FoF) scheme in 2020. This scheme proposes to purchase up to 15% growth capital in high-credit MSMEs.

You can work with a business coach who can help you manage funds more efficiently. Also, if you have a well-thought financial plan, you can solve the cumbersome process of taking your business out of debt, just like others. Here is how you can chart your way out of debt:

1. Reorganize the Debts 

The first step that will take you closer to managing your debt is to organize all the details of precisely what you owe. Make a list of your debts with EMIs, interest rates, and tenures. This will help you recognize the costliest obligations.

2. Pay Urgent & Costliest Debts First!

After sorting out your debts, pick the costliest one! If not paid on time, expensive debts will extract the highest interest. This can drain your finances. Hence, settle your costliest debts on a priority basis. Take help from the best business coach for strategies that will help you pay your debts.

3. Make Monthly Budget

One of the most vital debt management techniques is planning a monthly budget! Make a list of your income & expenses while deciding on your monthly budget. This will allow you to think about ways to reduce your daily expenditure. Having details of monthly cash flow can help you save money that you can use to clear your debt.

4. Consolidate Loans

Sometimes keeping track of all the loans can be difficult. If you have too many loans, it can be a good idea to consolidate them into one. This will leave you with just one EMI. Business loans, personal loans, and credit cards provide you with this option. It will remove various debts and leave you with just one loan to track. Consult with a business motivational speaker today to understand your finances. 

5. Protect yourself Against Economic Shocks 

The future is uncertain, and it is wise to protect yourself from uncertainties you might be exposed to. For E.g., a loss of a job could lead to delayed EMIs. So, to avoid such situations, create an emergency fund to help you sustain yourself during a bad phase. Ideally, this fund should be 3-6 times more than your current monthly income.

Repaying loans is a moral, legal, and also a financial obligation. With intelligent and effective debt management strategies, you too can get your business out of debt. Learn how to manage your debt with the top-industry leaders from our Problem Solving Courses.

Leadership Funnel Strategy

Make Your Business Pandemic Proof With Powerful Booster Dose of LFP 2.0

With the onset of New Year 2022, a new variant of the virus has stuck our nation once again! Where large organizations have adopted the hybrid model of working, small business owners are again worried about the future of their business due to slow business operations. However, many startup owners are taking their venture to new heights despite the lockdown and other business challenges. How? Because they are good leaders!

Good leaders are indispensable, not just for an organization but also for the success of the business. Hence, organizations and business leaders need to train themselves for the right mindset and clear goals-especially when it comes to entrepreneurs.

Successful entrepreneurs are defined by three characteristics- 1. They are powerful risk-takers. 2. They can navigate through uncertain times. 3. They are highly ambiguous explorers. These three traits are critical for anyone who wants to grow as they enable a leader to perform, analyze and find solutions.

A strong entrepreneurial leader can turn problems into an opportunity that not only benefits the organization, but also contributes to his or her personal growth, and society at large. And at Bada Business, Dr. Vivek Bindra strongly believes that entrepreneurial leadership is both a mindset and a skill set. And the best part is that it can be taught!

And with the booster dose of Leadership Funnel Program 2.0, this program will help you to create opportunities for your business and will enable you to lead change, create value across business and society, and solve business challenges. To catalyst your growth, Dr. Vivek Bindra is bringing a powerful booster dose of Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 that will deliver the unique content of 300 days in just THREE HOURS! This course is designed to develop a mindset that will help you to see opportunities where others see challenges and acts as a muscle you can strengthen with the right practices and strategies.

Dr. Vivek Bindra—the best motivational speaker in India will be explaining 26 Strategies that will make your business-Pandemic Proof! Here are 26 strategies that will help your business to grow despite the challenges:

1) Capture the Inconvenience

2) Market Research

3) Talent Acquisition

4) Talent Engagement

5) Talent Retention

6) Talent Off Boarding

7) Team Management

8) Startup Metrics

9) Bait and Hook Model

10) Intellectual Property Rights

11) Design Thinking

12) Brand Positioning

13) Product Pricing Strategy

14) Reduce your COCA

15) Product Packaging

16) Creative Business Cards

17) 10Cs of Content Creation

18) How does a Brand become Viral?

19) Must-Haves in your Ads

20) 5As of Marketing

21) Online Reputation Management

22) Performance Management

23) Billion $ Business

24) Passive Income

25) Designing Effective KRA – KPIs

26) Project Management

So why not give your business the growth that it deserves? Do not forget to attend the powerful booster dose of LFP 2.0 on 26th January 2022.

Register Now:

Business motivation

8 Most Important Skills Entrepreneurs Must Have

Summary: Being an entrepreneur sounds exciting! But what are the skills that make an entrepreneur successful in this world full of cut-throat competition? Find out in this article.

Being your boss, working for your dreams, pursuing your passion, solving burning problems of consumers—these are a couple of factors that define the life of an entrepreneur. But these are just glorified surfaces.

An entrepreneur also has to take care of multiple roles alone. He not only has to ensure the continuity of the business but also has to take difficult decisions regularly.

So what makes an entrepreneur successful? What are the most important skills you need to have as an entrepreneur? To answer all these questions, we have curated a list of 5 skills that every entrepreneur must have:

1. Curiosity

Curiosity has led human kind to a lot of amazing places and discoveries. That being said, it is a no-brainer to mention that great entrepreneurs have held this aspect of their personality closer to their hearts. An entrepreneur is tasked to discover new challenges, bring innovative solutions, reveal potential niche opportunities, and refractor their original business process. This is possible only when someone is passionate about distinct fields of study and business cases outside of one`s comfort zone.

2. Time Management

Defining milestones, carefully planning strategies, execution and iteration are all essential for a business to keep it evolving. However, none of that would materialize and lead towards progress without the right project management and efficient time management methodology that gets the work done.

3. Critical Thinking

No business has ever experienced the course of a smooth road. This simply means that entrepreneurs must learn how to decipher a problem to its core and reveal growth opportunities. This requires figuring out creative solutions to identify the low-hanging fruits.

4. Efficiency

When it comes to resolving a problem, one needs to be highly efficient. Hence, an entrepreneur needs to be equipped with the best of techniques like applying the 80/20 rule and other techniques that will yield higher results in less time. You must also be able to switch between different chores to experience progress effectively day-to-day.

5. Resilience

Not every day is the same! Some days will be good, while some days will be gloomy. Hence, entrepreneurs need to learn how to handle rejections, burnouts, stress, lack of focus, and slow progress.

6. Networking

To scale business operations, networking is very important. Growing a network facilitates business opportunities, partnership deals, finding investors and future employees. With good networking skills, you can expand the horizon of PR and convey the right message on all fronts. Hence, to be a successful entrepreneur one needs to be able to outreach to open new aspects for your startup business.

7. Finance

Finance management will make or break a business. Handling resources properly and carefully assessing investments compared to ROI is a solid requirement for entrepreneurs.

8. Persistence

As an entrepreneur, you will have to be passionate about your business. You must be willing to give whatever it takes- your time, your energy, money, and any other resources to accomplish your goals.

You must be ready to not give up and persist through trying times to achieve the goals you have set for yourself and your team. No successful entrepreneur has ever had a road full of roses. All of them have their share of struggles to reach their path to success. So, don`t give up, when hard times hit you.

If you have these skills, you can become a successful entrepreneur. However, the idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer exclusive online courses for entrepreneurs that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can boost your sales easily with the right guidance of a business expert.  Learn to generate high revenue earning products for sales, generate payment links for customers, managing account-related details. Solve your problems in just one click:

Leadership Building

5 Steps To Become A Successful Corporate Trainer

Learning can lead to long-time business sustainability. As the technology and business dynamics are evolving every day the continuous learning can help to run the business operations smoothly.

Education and technology advance on what appears to be a weekly event in some industries, and the companies that remain on the top of these transformations are the successful ones. So, the direct route to success is continuous employee training from the best corporate trainers in the country.

Nowadays, many companies require the corporate trainer to keep their employees updated and upgraded to achieve their long-term goals. With the right combination of education, skills, and experience, you too can become a corporate trainer, if you want to pursue a career in this field.

What is a corporate trainer?

A business coach or a corporate trainer is someone who can provide training and instruct their employees. They try to motivate them and help the organization to teach their employees skills that can help them to grow and perform better. Many corporate trainers work for a single organization. However, many other business coaches work as a consultant too.

What role does a corporate trainer play?

A business trainer is responsible for training employees in an organization for their professional as well as personal development. A corporate trainer conceptualizes, decides lesson plans, hosts training classes, and helps people to learn new skills to help them grow in their current job.

So how can you become a corporate trainer? Follow these five steps if you want to become a successful corporate trainer:

1. Choose your industry

Business mentors and trainers are useful in many distinct fields. So, you need to decide your niche. If you are clear about working in a specific industry that excites you, you can choose it. You can also seek opportunities for specific skills that you require. Also, you must know in which segment you are good at and always stick to that. If you have years of experience in finance, you may want to become a corporate trainer in the finance sector.

2. Learn more about your role

If you are working in an organization and still want to pursue your career as a corporate trainer, you can go to your training department to gain first-hand knowledge. Check, if you can do a job shadow. When you spend some time engaging with the team, only then you can decide if it is the right path for you. You can see what skills are needed to get hired for the role.

You can also take help from someone who is working as a corporate trainer already so that you can learn more about the industry from them.

3. Get certification

While some organizations might be interested in hiring you as a guest corporate trainer, most organizations often like to work with someone who is a certified business coach or a trainer. Many professionals hold a degree in human resources, business administration, organizational management, psychology, or a related field in which they want to provide training. If you too want to work in a particular industry, you can consider obtaining a certification that will provide you with information and prepare you for a career in the field.

4. Ask yourself if you are the corporate trainer type

Perhaps you want to become a trainer, or maybe you are already doing it but are not sure if you should keep doing it. So how will you find out if you have it in you what it takes to be a corporate trainer? Well, if you love speaking in front of people and have no fear of being judged, you can become a trainer. A great business coach or trainer is not afraid to be a little irrelevant and enjoys learning more all the time. So if you too have these qualities, you can become a trainer.

5. Understand the challenges

One may compare teachers with corporate trainers, but the two jobs are poles apart. Where teachers have a certain position of authority due to which students follow their instructions, trainers have no such luxury and will have to build a strong relationship with their learners to get the message across.

Trainers need to possess the ability to talk and engage people with confidence. A great corporate trainer must have a natural thought process to create training material that is relevant to their audience, a good sense of humor, critical thinking, and loads of enthusiasm.

If you are outgoing, love talking and interacting with people and enjoy sharing your knowledge bank, you can become a corporate trainer by following the above-mentioned 5 steps.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program  that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.