“Life is what you make of it”- we must have come across this adage millions of times, however, only a few of us must have understood the true meaning behind these golden words. Whether you are looking to achieve your professional goals or personal goals, understanding the mysticism of the universe and how it works can surely help you to become successful.

Many entrepreneurs want to turn their startup business into a large venture. But due to a lack of guidance and the inability to have the right mindset they seldom succeed in taking their business to the next level. While there are many business motivational speakers in India, very few small business owners and entrepreneurs think about consulting them. However, working with a business coach can yield fruitful results in the long term.

A good business mentor will not only guide you with their years of expertise that they have experienced first-hand but can also help you to navigate the uncertainties of the business world. Many people often give up easily as soon as the situations begin to go haywire. But only with consistency and determination, you can fulfill your dreams.

On World Mental Health Day, let us give you eight golden truths that might shake you, or might hit you differently, but will bring you closer to the reality of life.

1. Consistency = Success

If you type the word ‘Success’ on Google, you will come across thousands of articles talking about tips and tricks and smart hacks to become successful in your life. From making small changes in your routines to big changes in your lifestyle, you will come across various tips claiming to produce guaranteed results.

But truth to be told, success is 5% brains and 95% consistency! Often people try to achieve something but give up soon. Others do not even attempt to achieve because they think they are not equipped with the required skills or knowledge. However, it is the consistent efforts and determination of a person that helps him win the race. You can watch some of the most amazing videos by Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker on how to create and set your goals.

2. Energy Flows Where the Focus Goes

Your energy and focus can make anything possible. And hence, you must focus your attention and channel your energy in the right place. Finding multiple time management tips will not help unless you figure out what are the activities that are taking up most of your time.

Most often people waste a lot of their energy on overthinking and meaningless relationships which are not at all constructive. Another thing on which the majority of people waste their energy and time is social media platforms. Although social media platforms also have lots of benefits, very few take advantage of it. So, before you start trying to find out excellent time management tips to increase your productivity, try to stop your time and energy from leaking from these three cracks.

3. Lack of Self-Awareness is the Most Dangerous Flaw

To evolve and grow in life, it is very essential to be self-aware. When you know what your strengths and weaknesses are; only then you can try to be a better version of yourself. However, one of the most dangerous flaws is the lack of self-awareness. If someone can’t tell you what their flaws are, they can never outgrow them.

4. Invest Your Money Before Spending it

In today’s world, people try to impress the people they don’t like by purchasing the things that they don’t need by spending money they don’t even have. The irony of this situation is that many people die while paying their debts and installments.

Hence, it is very important to have your finances in place. If you spend more than you earn to buy the things that you don’t even need, you will end up struggling for money. Always invest your money in buying assets or investment plans that generate income.

5. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

People often boast about the kind of person they are or about their character. But actions speak louder than words. A person’s ability to resist material things speaks volumes about their character rather than their ability to obtain them. The things that you possess say a lot about the kind of person you are in real life.

Many entrepreneurs often use their profits in buying expensive cars and other luxurious things instead of investing in their business growth. This can stall the progress of their business and might result in limited business operations.

6. Know When to End Partnerships & Relationships

Sometimes the things that we tend to hold for a long time are the things that stop our growth- professionally and personally. Many times entrepreneurs carry the baggage of partnerships with investors and clients just because they have been friends for a long time.

However, know that it is not the duration of a relationship or a partnership that matters, but the quality of it. How much value is it bringing to the table? Is it helping you to keep your mental peace or you are struggling hard to keep it going? Analyze it closely and know when to forge new partnerships and when to end them.

7. People Pleasing Can Cost Your Self-Worth

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee working in the corporate world, networking can help you to grow and find new opportunities. However, people have built a culture of appeasing peers and seniors for professional gains and opportunities. But can we blame them entirely? Not really!

The culture of ego-massaging and people-pleasing has been encouraged from top to bottom. And people who have this skill ensure a comfortable professional journey in their organization. However, it may help you to achieve short-term goals. But in the long run, it will cost you your self-respect. You will never be able to respect yourself because you will become like a slave to external validation and people-pleasing just for a momentary gain.

8. You Are Where You Were Meant to Be

The world went digital for the convenience of human lives. Unfortunately, it has also caused a lot of mental health problems associated with too much consumption of information, negative feedback, criticism, and addiction to things that are filled with hatred and self-doubt.

Beautiful pictures on Instagram and Facebook make others believe that they are leading a life that is far from picture-perfect. This fills them with disappointment, self-criticism, envy, and dissatisfaction with their own lives.

But it is very important to know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. There will always be someone better, smarter, prettier, and more successful than you. But that does not diminish the struggles you have faced and the things you have achieved in your life. If you keep thinking that your happiness lies in a particular place, or you will attain happiness after achieving a particular milestone, you will never find happiness.

Stay happy and confident with whatever you have and wherever you are currently and keep aiming for more. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit: www.badabusiness.com

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