Business motivation

5 Simple Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs To Boost Productivity

Summary: Improving your habits can significantly increase your chances of success. It’s time to take a radical approach towards self-care.

Being an entrepreneur can be exciting, financially advantageous, passion-driven and personally fulfilling. It can also be exhausting, stressful and emotionally taxing as each day comes with various business challenges to navigate. In the absence of a business coach and a solid self-care plan, an entrepreneur’s vision can become skewed, making their goals harder to reach.

Entrepreneurs grapple with loads of stress than most people and can quickly get overwhelmed. They often prioritize burning the candle at both ends over caring for themselves. Hence, this often results in burnout and reduced productivity in the long run.

If you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur or even someone who is experiencing burnout lately, here are some great self-care habits to develop that will boost your efficiency and productivity:

1. Nourish Your Body

Entrepreneurs often tend to stay up late to make their dreams a reality. This could easily lead to overwork and overeating. To run a business successfully, one needs energy and stamina. To build that energy and stamina you need to start fuelling your body with nutritious food, rest and exercise. Hence, focusing on a balanced diet will make all the difference. Along with eating a nutritious diet, hydrating yourself is also important. So don’t forget to keep a jug at your desk!

2. Take Adequate Sleep

As we mentioned, entrepreneurs are famous for trading sleep with idea creation and business building. However, an average adult should get 7 hours of sleep every night and make it a common goal. Having a consistent bedtime and a sleep schedule will ultimately boost productivity, allow for more spaciousness in mind for creativity and benefit overall health.

The mentality of checking “just one more email” or “hustle-mode” can often mean that your rest is compromised. Once you develop a regular sleep cycle, you also know how much sleep you need. Resting isn’t at all difficult — it’s giving ourselves the permission to rest that is difficult. So, ensure that you get an adequate amount of sleep.

3. Set Boundaries at Work

We all have heard about boundaries. But very few understand the concept of establishing them at a workplace. When building your business, it is very easy to be tempted to take calls, reply to one more email, and be consistently available at all hours of the day. However, this can mean interrupted sleep patterns, fatigue and poor choices in nutrition. Communicating your set working hours to clients and the time during which you are “available for calls” is an essential cornerstone for your success.

4. Take Regular Breaks

Staying glued to the screens of your laptop can reduce your productivity and efficiency. Hence, taking regular breaks between handling your projects and the clients is essential. Even if you have to force yourself away from your work, make it a priority to take small breaks, when possible, even if it’s just to sit outside and enjoy a nice day.

5. Learn the ‘Art-of-Delegation’

Saying ‘NO’ and knowing what work is better delegated is an integral part of self-care. We often have set parameters and expectations of how a certain thing should be. But the more you allow yourself to be open to results instead of the process, the more you bring to the table.

Self-care is a subjective term. It does not have a fixed definition. It is rather a very vast term that keeps on evolving constantly. For some it might be taking a spa treatment, while for someone it could be reading a book or taking a nature walk.

However, in a broader spectrum self-care can include any action that helps a person refocus, rest and recharge. Activities such as yoga, meditation, athletics, artistic pursuits and even time out with friends could be included under the self-care banner. Building and scaling a business is a formidable challenge. Those well-rested, well-nourished and focused on the importance of wellness are well suited to face the challenges head-on.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:

Leadership Building

5 Skills Entrepreneurs Must Seek In Their Employees!

As the pandemic has changed the world forever, it has also forced the world to think beyond the obvious and come up with something revolutionary.

In the first and second quarters of 2020, there have been mass layoffs by the companies. According to a report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), around 81 million jobs are wiped out in 2020.

We are in 2022, but every year, one or the other virus variant keeps giving us surprising visits. Thankfully, in India, a significant amount of the population has been vaccinated and the economy has also begun to look promising.

Many startups are doing well and have joined the Unicorn club. Other startups like Nykaa have got themselves listed on the stock market.

Needless to say that building efficient manpower would be one crucial step to transform the businesses. The process of hiring criteria post-Covid is going to be a demanding exercise.

For large businesses or small businesses, the pandemic has paved way for smart thinking. If you are an entrepreneur and looking to expand your team, these set of skills you should be looking for in your prospective employer:


Any business becomes successful when it is being consistent in its customer service, product performance, and the productivity of its employees. If your employees are not consistently performing well or focusing on their productivity, your startup business will not experience growth. So always hire people that show consistency in their behavior and resume.

Analytical Thinking

You don`t need hands & legs to drive your organization, you need a head and heart to drive your organization. Thus, people who can think critically, quickly, and can solve problems with ease should be given preference. Complex problems need creative solutions and this new hiring trend will focus on such analytical skills.

Agile & Flexbile

The smartest business decision you can make is to hire qualified people. Therefore, hiring the right people is very important.

Apart from looking for qualifications and skills ‘flexibility’ is what you should be aiming for. Flexibility is the need of the hour, and we all must look for people that can easily adapt to the new working norms.

Hire people who come for the love of the job. A person who loves challenges will deliver the service and products just the way your customer needs and would be the right fit for the business.

Creative Mindset!

Modern problems need creative solutions. If there is one thing that can never be off-the-shelf that is Creativity! Thinking out-of-the-box will always bring a sense of innovation in every dimension of business. Creativity can take you to places and help you discover practical solutions to various business problems. Hence, bringing in a creative mindset will take your business to a whole new level.


Courtesy to Covid-19, new tasks, roles, and responsibilities have emerged suddenly. Hence, we all must stretch ourselves to the optimum level considering the hiring trends post-Covid. But, of course, we just can`t expect a CA to fix our desktops. But, yes, an employee must have a vision and a perspective. The prospective employee must bring a set of multiple skills that will outdate role titles and definitions to benefit your business.

Making a comeback from a struggling situation is not easy, but reaching out to the right people is. Shift your perspective from the mainstream recruiting process to a creative one.

As the hiring trends have changed, make use of Twitter and Linked In to interact with job seekers and connect with them on a personal level too.

For other business problems, you can take online business courses for entrepreneurs. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer exclusive problem solving courses that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:

Business motivation

5 Mindset Traits That Every Successful Entrepreneurs Have!

Life is uncertain and the pandemic has taught us it the hard way! Where many people lost their jobs, many small and large businesses had to shut down because of the pandemic.

However, there have been many people who also transformed the adversity into a business opportunity. Many companies have joined the Unicorn league and are doing exceptionally well. Inspired, many individuals want to start their own small startup business as they have creative money making ideas.

But at the same time being your boss may sound amazing, but starting a startup is more than just saying “I am running my own business and being my boss”. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to have that entrepreneurial mindset that will allow you to succeed in this day and age.

If you thought that you need to pursue management courses from a recognized university charging you a bomb, you are mistaken! All you need to do is reflect and know yourself first along with some of these traits we are mentioning below:

1. Maintain a Positive Attitude

When it comes to run a successful startup business, having a positive outlook pays! A positive approach and outlook help you to act around challenges and find creative solutions without letting negative emotions clouding your judgment.

2. Open to New Things

Just like in real life, businesses are also unpredictable. No matter in which way you want things to work out, you have to be prepared to handle completely random and unimaginable challenges. As an entrepreneur, you need to be quite adaptable to the dynamic changes of the business world. With a Business coaching program, you can learn how to handle the challenges of business, efficiently.

3. Being Curious

Business thrives on innovation and to be innovative, you need to constantly feed your curiosity. It is always a wonder to see how different parts of the business work. When you keep your inner child alive, you tend to become curious even about simple things. This sense of inquisitiveness allows you to come up with out-of-the-box solutions to your business problems, even before they happen.

4. Persuasion comes naturally to you!

Persuading people into buying your products is one thing, but persuading your employees that your solutions are effective is another. Whether it is about an elevator pitch or proposing a solution to a customer`s burning problem, an entrepreneur needs to have excellent communication skills.

When you are an effective communicator, you can put your points across effectively. You know how to deliver your message to your partners, stakeholders, and your social media platforms.

5. Creativity

Creativity is a vital ingredient that makes the recipe of your small startup business a hit! To bring innovation in your services and products is a critical factor that helps you create a USP for your small startup business.

Though there are no set rules or parameters to have an entrepreneurial mindset, there are some traits that can help you decide if you are a perfect fit & ready to start your entrepreneurial journey. If you are passionate about an idea and want to fulfill your entrepreneurial journey nothing can stop you.

To learn the nuances of the business world, you can take our Business Coaching Program. Here you can get exclusive content from the subject matter experts and learn from the top industry leaders. To know more about it, visit