When used wisely, it can help you to bridge the gap in your finances without putting your assets at stake. But, it is important to ensure that you are taking a loan from a genuine source.
Tag Archives: Loan
5 Smart Ways To Eliminate Debt & Grow Your Small Business
Ask any small business owner or entrepreneur to name their foremost hardest challenges that don`t let them sleep in the night, they will say debts. Find out 5 ways in which you can not only repay your business loan but can also boost it.
Bank or Investor? Choose The Right Funding For Your Startup Business!
When thinking about starting a business, which type of funding should you choose? Discover the right type of funding for your startup business in this article.
What is a Business Credit Score & Why is it Important? Here are Three Benefits of Having a Higher Credit Score
For firms to survive only on equity and owners’ fund is not possible. As a business grows, expands and diversify, more and more funds are required. Owing to the limited funds with the owner, businesses look for external sources and borrowed funds. Availing a loan is a tiresome and lengthy process; firms do not get […]
Credit Guarantee Scheme: Banks Sanction Rs 1.86 Lakh Cr to 50 Lakh MSMEs Impacted by Slowdown Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
New Delhi, October 17: The Finance Ministry announced that banks have sanctioned loans of about Rs 1.86 lakh crore to 50 lakh business units under the Rs 3-lakh crore Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for the MSME sector, those who have been affected by a slowdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to a report […]
Startup India Scheme: Here’s How to Apply And the Eligibility Criteria to Avail Government of India’s Startup Business Loan
Bangalore, September 8: India is home to several startups and it has the third-largest startup base in the world. Startups require loan to help them to boost their business initially giving the necessary machinery and equipment. So startup loan is the business loan which basically caters to the main funding of a business with which […]
MSMEs Who Are Still Under Financial Stress May Get Another 6-Month Moratorium on Loan Principal Repayment
Mumbai, September 2: Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and Retail borrowers who are still under financial stress amid the coronavirus pandemic and are unable to repay their loans even after availing the 6-month moratorium provided by the Reserve Bank of India, may get another six-month moratorium only for principal repayments. The news reported by […]