
4 Effective Tips For Mompreneurs To Strike A Perfect Work-Life Balance

What happens if you are a working mother? You are probably juggling between two different worlds while trying to keep your sanity intact. Here are a few tips on how to strike the perfect work-life balance.

Motherhood is the most beautiful yet most difficult phase in a woman’s life. Believe it or not, being a mother is a full-time job. If there were 26 hours in a day, mothers would still find themselves occupied for the entire time.

Many people often suggest new mothers to discontinue their work due to lack of time. Although it is not just a woman’s responsibility to take care of kids and home. Though, there are very few chances that anyone else would like to bear the responsibility. So, does that mean a woman should give up on her dreams? Absolutely not!

Motherhood is a beautiful choice, and so is managing time. Nothing is impossible when you know the art of parenting.

So here are a few tips for our mompreneurs who are struggling to balance their dream of a successful business and motherhood perfectly. Read them out below.

1. Make a strategy and stick to it!

The first step to acing time is to learn to manage it efficiently. The time that you dedicate to your work should never overlap with your personal time. Dedicate a number of hours to your work and try to stick with it. Avoid doing anything else, as it might cost you your focus and concentration. Keep all your files and stationaries in an organized way. It will keep you from hassling over things and will save you time.

There are many tools and apps through which you can stick to your schedule. Try to keep both your personal and work appointments on one calendar so that you don’t miss out on important ones.

2. Get Organized

When you have kids and a family to take care of, you must get organized. Being a female entrepreneur means that you will encounter times where you will have to draw a line. When you are working, you should be focused only on work. Keep your important files and computers covered and inside a cabinet. If your kids are small and need attention, you can also keep crayons, paper, and other things to keep them engaged.

3. Start your day early.

As the day proceeds, you will feel exhausted. Hence, try to finish your daily chores early. Take your time to prepare lunches, set up coffee and pick out school clothes for your children. Try to get up early in the morning before your family gets up so that you can manage some of the household activities. Starting your day early will help you groom your art of parenting as well as your entrepreneurial skills at the same time.

4. Ask your spouse for assistance.

Without help, it is difficult to succeed. Communicate well with your partner about how you both can help each other. You both need each other’s support as you both are doing full-time jobs. Later, thank your spouse for being there to you. Besides, take care of yourself too, as it is essential so that you can take care of your business, family, and home.

A working mother is a great juggler who fulfils many roles and responsibilities. From finishing household chores to carrying out meetings with investors, stakeholders, and employees, they have to tick off lots of things from their list. But with the above mentioned strategies, you can definitely achieve a perfect nirvana in your business as well as your personal life.

To learn how you can apply parenting strategy in business, join the ‘Art of Parenting & Success Mantras For Students’ free webinar by Dr Vivek Bindra on July 10th, 2022 on the YouTube channel.

For more details, click here:

Business motivation

6 Valuable Entrepreneurial Skills You Can Teach Your Children

You must have heard the stories of many successful entrepreneurs who are just 6 years old or 12 years old and have started their own company or a YouTube channel and are driving growth with their amazing entrepreneurial spirit.

They know about “cause marketing,” “buzz marketing,” and “moment marketing.” Their business model is apt, and the strategies that they employ can surprise even seasoned marketing professionals. There is one thing that plays a key role in shaping a child’s mindset is the Art of Parenting.”

Here is a list of six valuable entrepreneurial skills you can teach your children:

1. Help them see the greater possibilities

Entrepreneurs can look beyond what is obvious. They don’t limit their vision to what they already know is possible. They look at the bigger picture with a skilled eye. They assess the impossible and analyse what cannot be achieved and then find solutions to make it possible.

In short, entrepreneurs are not limited by the status quo, and neither are their children. Teach your children to never settle for less than what they can imagine is possible. You can also use this parenting strategy in business to achieve your goals.

2. Build Resilience

While successful entrepreneurs feel they are living the dream, it does not come without its share of challenges. So, to prepare your kids for future challenges, set an example. Your children are more likely to develop a stress response based on how they see you responding to a stressful situation. They often learn from and imitate their parents as they witness how their parents navigate the stumbling blocks in life and business.

3. Teach Them How to Handle Feedback

From parents to colleagues and peers to friends, feedback comes in all forms and from different media, whether or not we seek it out. A smart entrepreneur should be able to filter out the relevant details from the irrelevant ones. If your kid is involved with you in your business, this is a perfect moment to teach reasoning and the value of a positive mindset and attitude.

4. Teach them to evaluate the risk

People often say that an entrepreneur’s biggest strength is taking risks, which is true only to some extent. No human in his or her state of mind would like to make decisions without evaluating them. Learning to weigh the pros and cons, developing a strategy, and understanding the financial and emotional risks associated with doing something new are valuable life skills and beneficial regardless of whether your child becomes an entrepreneur in the future.

5. Money Management

Money is an important factor that can contribute greatly to building a startup from scratch. Teach your kids to never throw away or waste money, even if the amount seems negligible. Ten rupees may seem like a very small amount, but if invested wisely, it can multiply exponentially.

6. Being adaptable

Humans need to be adaptable. Entrepreneurs often find themselves in difficult situations, in unfamiliar cultures, and dealing with total strangers. Give your children space and situations that are not in alignment with their comfort zones. It will make them uncomfortable at first, but it will pay off as they learn key adaptability skills.

The best way to instil any ability in someone is to start teaching them very early on. Entrepreneurial skills are no exception. If you want to learn the secrets and various tips to prepare your kids for a brighter future, join our Free webinar ‘Art of Parenting & Success Mantras’ by Dr Vivek Bindra on July 10th, 2022. The webinar is full of useful information and is free for all. So don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Register yourself now:


These 5 Best Sales Secrets Will Boost Your Profits

Selling is an art and it has its secrets. Want to increase your business sales? Read this article till the end.

Be it a service or a product, we all are selling solutions. It generally requires interaction with someone or something.

Given the increase in competition across all the startup ecosystems, entrepreneurs can be seen fighting for their market share. So, given the cut-throat competition, what is the unique idea that will make you stand out? How can you shine without going out of your budget and still thrive?

Here are five sales secrets that will increase your profits and boost your business:

1. Your Customer Is a Human Being

Well, this should not come as a surprise! However, many businesses often forget this absolute fact. Humans buy from other humans. So, while you may work for your own company, you are its face, and you will have the first experience of being a sales lead.

Many people often forget about their customers, and only when they work with a business motivational speaker do they realise that keeping customers in mind is vital for business growth. So when you are making sales strategies, always remember that human relationships are the first and most important element. It not only help you to increase sales, but also boost profit.

2. Be Curious, Ask Questions

It is very important to ask questions. The only catch is to ask the right one! You may have a great product or a great service, but why should a customer purchase that product from you? What are the unique features that you are offering? Why should a customer not purchase it from your competitor? This will provide you with insight and help you understand the client’s requirements. Building a relationship with your customers is essential to ensure that your products and services are relevant to them. It will encourage them to purchase your products and eventually increase your revenue.

3. Recognize Your Product

Product knowledge is the key! You can only sell what you understand completely. If you are selling a software platform, you should know what problems it is solving. Do you know your products and toolsets well enough to give your customers the solution they are looking for?

Knowing your customers as well as your products is so important. It is a crucial part of the sales process. You need to be passionate about your product as well. If you buy your product and believe in it, it will undoubtedly show in your conversation with your customer.

4. Get in-depth industry knowledge.

Always keep industry knowledge ready! You should know how your competitors are performing and what they are offering to your target customers. While relationships are crucial, so is the value you bring, especially if you know your client is researching their options. You can hire the best corporate trainer to understand the industry norms and help you come up with strategies according to your target audience.

5. Follow Through

Last but not least, don’t forget to follow up! Selling your great product to clients is awesome. But you know what creates the long-lasting effect? Clients want to feel the same enthusiasm and interest that they received before they made a business transaction with you.

This simple gesture will not only ensure the client’s loyalty but also help to upsell in the future. It will also create great feedback and potentially word-of-mouth advertising for your solutions.

In short, place your customers at the centre of your sales. Your sales efforts will bring great results if you have a genuine interest in their requirements.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done, and we completely agree with you. This is why, to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with foundation courses, specialised courses, and value-added courses.

To find out more about our courses, visit:

Strategy Webinar

3 Powerful Strategies That Will Sharpen Entrepreneurial Skills In Your Kids

Does your kid have an entrepreneurial spirit that needs nourishment? Here is a recipe to raise tomorrow’s successful millionaires.

India has emerged as the third-largest startup ecosystem in the world after the USA and China. A country that is producing more than ten unicorns every year is expected to grow remarkably in the next few years, according to Business Standard.

So, in a country that shows a tremendous future for upcoming entrepreneurs, will you raise your kids to work for someone else’s dream or do you want your kids to pursue their interests and work independently? With art of parenting, you can now prepare your kids for a brighter tomorrow.

If your kid has an entrepreneurial spirit, you as a parent will need to help him develop emotional skills like being comfortable with taking risks, being able to solve problems, and having a good attitude about failing.

Not only academic skills but also soft skills are important to encourage social-emotional skills in kids. Here are five parenting tips that will help you to foster entrepreneurial qualities in your kids:

1. They develop their effective problem-solving skills

It is essential to foster problem-solving skills in kids as it will help them to spot business ideas in everyday life. Most of us think that a business idea has to be technical or something that involves a complex process. But a simple business idea is what it takes to establish a successful startup business.

While your kids are young, you can hone their problem-solving skills with smart parenting skills. If not an entrepreneur, they can simply become a business coach who can help other entrepreneurs achieve their goals. So, help your kids spot the challenges and causes, think of all the possible solutions, weigh the pros and cons, and come up with the best option.

2. Help them understand that failures are lessons

In today’s world, people are keen to focus more on their achievements and wins. They highlight their wins while downplaying their failures. The media has created a stigma about failure that nobody wants to accept that it is a natural process to fail at some point in your life.

Failure is a stepping-stone toward success. If you don’t fail, you will never learn to work on yourself. Influence your kid’s willingness to try, fail, learn, and you also try again as a parent. These are the essential skills of entrepreneurs. Help your kid see criticism as a chance to learn by helping them come up with ideas about what they should do next.

3. Let Your Kids Take Their Own Decisions

An entrepreneur has to make multiple decisions in his life. Some are challenging, some are hard, while some decisions can change the course of their business completely. The confidence to make the decisions after weighing the pros and cons comes from early independence.

You can let them choose their own outfits or dinner menu. This will help them to make their own decisions and will make them feel good for being able to do that. Try to limit the choices to a few options, as it can be overwhelming for kids.

Kids are often taught to follow what their parents tell them to do, blindly. This is a habit that hinders their ability to think constructively. Instead, teach your kids to challenge the usual norms by articulating their rationale. Ask if they agree with a certain thing. If not, what would they like to change and why? Give them the ability to think, reason, and make decisions independently.

If you are looking for some guidance on how to raise your kids and nourish their entrepreneurial spirit, then do not forget to join the FREE-FOR-ALL Webinar, ‘Art of Parenting & Success Mantras For Students’ by Dr Vivek Bindra on July 10th 2022.

Register  now:


5 Key Things To Consider Before Launching Product In The Market

Summary: Do you want your product launch to be successful? Read this article to make your product launch a huge hit!

Most often entrepreneurs come up with an idea of creating a new product to resolve the challenges that their target customers in a particular segment are facing. They believe that by just creating a killer product they can bring a revolution to the world. Now they want to launch their product in the market and expect the entire nation to go frenzy over it.

But none of that happens and you get up with sweat beads all over your forehead. All the hard work and efforts that you have put in to create a product now appear pointless. Scary, isn`t it?

It is extremely easy to get ahead of yourself when trying to create a new product. Envisioning all the sales and profits, recognition, and success that will emerge after your product launch can often take us away from reality. But just like any other business initiative, a product launch also requires time and careful planning.

And, launching your product in the market without having your ducks in a row is a recipe for disaster. Thus, if you have created a brilliant product after investing your hard-earned money and efforts, here are 5 steps every entrepreneur should take before releasing a new product:

1. Define Your Potential Audience

Whether you are coming up with a new technology or a food joint, it is important to find and learn from your core audience. Establish your base and build their confidence in you.

Learn from your competitors as there are no original ideas, only repurposed ones. As you prepare for your product launch, research your competitors. Take from their good, learn from their mistakes and enhance where you think is a scope for improvement. You can also hire best business coach in india to get expert guidance.

2. Focus on Buyer`s Journey

What is the foundation of all the marketing and sales activities? The Buyer`s Journey! The process that revolves around the buying process makes the basis of all the activities related to marketing. Thus, it is essential to understand the customer`s pain points, from where they get their information, and who influences the purchase. Generally, there are specific events that may trigger a purchase.

3. Go All out When It comes to Product Launch

Obscurity kills businesses. If you do not shine like a sun when it comes to publicity, you won`t get the attention that is needed to be successful. If you will not go overboard when it comes to marketing your product launch, you will not get your customer`s attention. Also, having a thorough understanding of the challenge that your product or service is solving is imperative to business growth. It is very surprising to see how it is not thoroughly thought through.

4. Be Clear About Your Potential Customers

Being an entrepreneur is not an easy deal and thus, it is suggested that you should research well about your target audience. If someone asks you, “Who is your target audience?” you should have a concise answer. Otherwise, it’s a red signal!

Apart from knowing your audience, you must be well aware of your product`s value. You can also take testimonials from your clients who have used your products. You can work along with a business mentor who can help you navigate these challenges in your business.

5. Focus on Buyer`s Journey

What is the foundation of all the marketing and sales activities? The Buyer`s Journey! The process that revolves around the buying process makes the basis of all the activities related to marketing. Thus, it is essential to understand the customer`s pain points, from where they get their information, and who influences the purchase. Generally, there are specific events that may trigger a purchase.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our courses, visit:


5 Powerful Parenting Strategies You Should Implement in Business

Running a business needs discipline, ground rules, and working as a family towards a common goal. Find out how you can blend a few parenting skills with your business.

Whether it is a large organization or a small company, every business owner considers his company as a “family.” Starting a business is very similar to having a baby. Just like a baby needs continuous love, affection, and proper diet on time, a company too needs every department to work in sync.

Successful leaders and business owners do not shy away from applying the art of parenting to good business practices. Here are five parenting strategies in business that can help you to become a better entrepreneur:

1. Ensure Rules Across the Organization

The best possible way to achieve your goals is through discipline. Ask any parent and they will swear by having rules. Enforcing essential rules is essential for business growth. It is very important to clearly outline behavioural expectations in communication. It is also important to ensure that employees clearly understand them.

Just like family members remind each other what is acceptable and what is not, give your employees a space where they can remind each other of the rules. Make sure that everyone understands the consequences of breaking the rules.

2. Focus on Values

Creating values in a company is no different than creating a positive environment in a family. Parents often try to model behaviour for their children because kids tend to adopt what they see. The owner of a business should use this approach of parenting to teach their employees some core values.

The application of the art of parenting in business also means encouraging good behaviour of the employees and discouraging negative behaviour of those in the team. When you see it happening in your team or your organization, call out the offending employee(s). Have an open discussion and send out clear messages about how employees are expected to treat each other.

3. Multitasking

Being an entrepreneur is more or less similar to being a parent. Just like parents have to play multiple roles for their kids at different times, entrepreneurs have to don multiple hats. Sometimes they have to be a salesperson, an accountant, or an assistant while taking care of business operations.

4. Keep Calm & Maintain Composure

One of the most important traits of parenting strategies in business is to keep your cool no matter the situation. Being a parent means taking care of the different requirements of children, which also includes their emotional needs. Children who are growing every day and getting exposed to new things frequently also experience mood swings, to which parents have to cater without losing their calm.

Similarly, building a startup from scratch is not an easy task. There are multiple things to be taken care of and various challenges that an entrepreneur may encounter. Keeping your patience and calm is the key to thinking about out-of-the-box solutions to overcome those challenges.

5. Always Be Fair

Changing rules without making people aware who will be impacted directly can create a chaotic environment in a family. Similarly, employees perform best when they feel appreciated. Each employee should feel that he/she is being treated fairly and nobody is getting preferential treatment. Ensure that you apply consequences even-handedly when a rule is broken, no matter who they are.

Every startup company is like a small kid. You need to constantly work your socks off for its growth and sustainability. So why not implement these parenting strategies in business?

Learn about the “Art of Parenting” by Dr Vivek Bindra, which is a free-for-all webinar. Be ready to learn some excellent parenting strategies on 10th July 2022.

Register Now:

Business motivation

5 Things About Entrepreneurs That Are Not TRUE!

Ask any entrepreneur who has built a startup, and he or she will tell you that starting a company is just like having a baby. Just like parenthood, entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. It is emotionally draining, physically, and spiritually tough even if you are working with the best business coach for entrepreneurs.

Starting a business requires courage to take risks, patience to face the worse, and confidence to manage everything with panache. That being said there are plenty of ideas, notions, assumptions, beliefs, and most common myths that surround entrepreneurs.

Some of them might inspire a lot of you; while some of them might prove to discourage you to start your own business. However, these myths are far from true and superficial too.

Here is a list of all 5 common misconceptions about entrepreneurship that we will go through and debunk to present the truth behind them. If you are on the fence about building a startup, take a look at these myths getting debunked:

1. Entrepreneurs are Workaholics

Lots of people believe that entrepreneurs work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But part of being your boss means you can schedule your working hours and can take time off whenever you want. Though entrepreneurship can take grueling working hours and commitment, it is not true that entrepreneurs do not have a personal life.

However, it does not mean that you can take off whenever you don`t feel like coming to work, it simply means that you can attain a cordial work-life balance.

Also, one of the key skills to becoming a successful entrepreneur is to acquire brilliant time management skills. So, if you can establish a proper work routine, you won`t have trouble finding free time. If you are struggling with managing your time, you can watch this amazing video by Dr. Vivek Bindra on time management here:

2. Entrepreneurs Wait for a Perfect Time

When it comes to launching a business, a common misbelief that most people have is that they should wait for the right time. Perhaps, this could be one of the reasons, why most excellent projects never see the light of the day. The truth is that there never really is a “right” time. Most people never feel fully ready. And waiting can certainly prove costly.

The secret behind the success of a few entrepreneurs is that they prepare themselves for the future by taking small steps. You can take all the time in the world to plan, build and then put it off for years, but if you don`t execute it, you are not going to go anywhere.

If you wait for the right moment, you will keep waiting forever. There is not a set date or an alarm that will go off announcing, “Today is the day!” The sooner you begin, the sooner you will get closer to a sustainable and profitable business. You can also take help from the best motivational speaker in India to take guidance and support.

3. You need to Know Everything Before Taking the Entrepreneurial Leap

In the bestselling book, Rookie Smarts, author Liz Wiseman asks the million-dollar question- Is it possible that we can be at our best despite being under-qualified or trying something for the first time? The answer is yes- with the right, focused, and positive mindset.

Being new, curious, and somewhat naïve is an asset in today`s dynamic world. Sounds strange, right? However, there is a logical reason behind it. To be successful at anything new requires energy, innovation, creativity, and the ability to step outside your comfort zone.  It`s often not what you know, but how fast you can learn is that counts.

4. Entrepreneurs are Risk Takers

Entrepreneurs do take risks! However, this doesn’t necessarily mean putting yourself in a high-risk situation consistently. Entrepreneurship is generally considered a risky proposition and many risks are associated with your business. However, contrary to popular belief, entrepreneurs smartly plan their every step to reduce risk.

They follow a calculated learning and experimentation process, actively taking steps to mitigate risk early and continuously.

5. Entrepreneurs are motivated only by Money

Generating revenue is not the only motivation for small business owners. It is not even first on their list. Following their lifelong dream and achieving their passion is the main motivation for entrepreneurs.

But does that mean entrepreneurs start a business in which they can`t make huge profits? Never! However, there is more to it- Financial Stability.

It does not mean that you are buying Ferraris. Being financially stable simply means that you are living a comfortable life and able to make ends meet. Money is a motivator, but not as important to entrepreneurs as people assume. If you have an amazing startup idea that can provide ease to people`s lives, you can take help from a business coach for entrepreneurs for support and guidance.

Dreams and ideas are two fundamentals, but also you will have to believe that it`s possible to achieve them. More and more men and women are starting a business. Everyone can get the skillset and mind of an entrepreneur. But to be a successful entrepreneur passion, confidence and the willingness to never give up are the most essential.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about our business-related courses, visit:


5 Ways Digital Marketing Helps Startup in Business Growth

Internet today has become an indispensable tool for almost any consumer who has to make a purchasing decision. According to a report by Forbes, people are spending time online more than ever before, and internet usage is increased by 50-70 percent. They use the internet for three hours on average for communication, research, entertainment, and information.

The data above indicates that business owners today must focus on connecting with their consumers digitally. Even if you are not selling any products or services online, your target audience is present on the internet and looking for the products you are selling.

Given the pace at which the market technology is changing, small business owners need to update themselves with go-to-market strategies.

Everyone has realized the power of digitalization in the crisis, from large organizations to small companies. The adoption of digitalization will be the key to unlocking a brighter future and many entrepreneurs are now working with the best business coaches in India to build strategies aligning with their company’s goals.

This is why Digital Marketing is defined as the future of marketing. You can learn how to do digital marketing without burning a hole in your pocket efficiently!

But First, Let’s talk about Digital Marketing.

The concept of marketing has always been about connecting with your audience and meeting them at the right place and at the right time. Digitalizing everything means connecting with your audience and building a solid customer relationship where they are already spending maximum time- on the internet.

Any marketing tactic that uses electronic devices to promote their business services or products on the internet is called Digital Marketing. Businesses use digital channels such as search engines, email, social media platforms, and other websites to connect with existing and potential customers. Many small companies also take assistance from a business coach for entrepreneurs to leverage the power of digital marketing.

What makes digital marketing crucial for startup growth?

When you purchase an advertisement on a billboard or physical newspaper, you reach a limited number of subscribers. It is distinct from the traditional marketing methods and targets potential buyers. It is more cost-effective than conventional advertising methods and enables you to measure daily success.

If you are an entrepreneur, here are the top five ways how innovative use of digital marketing can help you in business growth:

1. Reach Your Target Audience @Minimum Investment

As we have mentioned above, picking traditional advertising methods like billboards, magazines, or TV does not guarantee to hit your target audience. Also, the conventional techniques give little control over who sees your ad. Though you can measure demographics like viewership, readership, or population in a particular area, it is still a shot in the dark.

Digital marketing allows you to identify and target a particular audience interested in purchasing your products or services. It also lets you send personalized, customized, high-converting marketing messages as it allows you to research and identify your buyer`s persona. Implementing these strategies by working with a good business trainer is easy.

2. Helps You Achieve More Results with Minimum Investment

With digital marketing, you can track campaigns in real-time and collect data to analyze what works and does not work with your target audience. It can also give you complete control over where you spend your money and of what amount.

Work in a small company or have a small business with a limited budget for advertising. You can try investing in blogging, social media, or SEO that can guarantee high ROI even with minimal spending. It is a beautiful way to build your online presence. You can also work with a business coach for entrepreneurs to make powerful marketing strategies.

3. Helps You Understand Your Competitors Better

Small business owners or entrepreneurs can use digital marketing to stay ahead of their competitors even if they do not have millions of dollars to spend on advertising. With effective digital marketing strategies like content marketing, SEO, and social media, small brands can create awareness and strong brand identity. Search engines do not care which brand is the biggest and work on a simple algorithm.

4. Lead Generation

One of the primary reasons behind advertising and marketing is lead generation. Though many advocate that traditional methods generate more leads, there is no way you can measure it. Media buyers may say that people saw your commercial, but how do you prove it?

A digital ad allows you to create an ad, track its engagement, and generate leads. The digital ad tells you how many people got engaged with your ad and enables you to add them to your email and phone lists. You can contact them to qualify the lead, which is critical for converting a lead to a sale. If you are working with a good business mentor, they can help you develop robust strategies for lead generation.

5. Stay Connected with Your Customers

“Out of sight is out of mind,” which is why it is essential for brands to stay connected with their customers, especially after they have done business. Social media platforms give a golden chance to every business to engage and build relationships with their customers.

Digital Marketing has the power to turn the tables around for startups if used strategically. We hope the above reasons will encourage you to actively and strategically incorporate digital marketing.

The idea of managing a business is more straightforward said than done, and we agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program with Foundation courses. These specialized courses focus on business challenges like Digital Marketing and value-added approaches.

To know more, visit:

Business motivation Startup

How PhysicsWallah Became India’s 101st Unicorn

Summary: From a free YouTube channel to raising a $100M fund in Series A, PhysicsWallah joins the unicorn club. Read the inspiring story.

“A dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work,” said Colin Powell, and we couldn’t agree more.

Many people often complain despite having all the privileges in the world. They blame the situations, consequences, and sometimes people for their inability to achieve their goals.

But, there are people like Alakh Pandey (Founder and CEO, PhysicsWallah) who fulfill their dreams despite life’s challenges.

If you have been living under the rock, then let us tell you about Alakh Pandey and the success story of his Noida-based startup- PhysicsWallah. His Edtech startup PhysicsWallah has become India’s 101st Unicorn. He received funding in its Series A round from investors, including Westbridge and Funding.

Want to know how you can raise funds for your business? Watch this video: 

Many believe that the availability of financial resources makes a person successful. But nothing can be further from the truth. Having a solid financial background can help a person, but one has to walk the road to success on his own.

Born and raised in Allahabad, Alakh loved to learn as a child. He wanted to pursue engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology. But coming from a humble background, he couldn’t fulfill his dream of studying at IIT.

He was admitted to Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur, to study mechanical engineering. To fund his education, Alakh’s father had to sell his house. To help his father, Alakh began teaching JEE/NEET courses at coaching centers during his graduation.

Soon Alakh realized that many students couldn’t afford expensive coaching classes. So in 2016, he started a YouTube channel offering free physics and chemistry lectures for JEE/NEET examinations. In 2019, he was joined by Prateek Maheshwari, an IIT BHU alumnus who founded startups like Night Panda, Pen Pencil, and Moon 2 Noon. They knew they would be fundraising for their startup in 2022.

After a few meetings, Alakh asked Prateek to join him as a co-founder, and in May 2020, they launched the PW app. The app crashed on day 1, not because of a technical glitch but because there were so many downloads. In seven days, there were three lakh downloads.

Born as a free YouTube channel in 2016 with just an investment of about INR 30,000 used to purchase a camera phone, tripod, whiteboard, and a few books, today it is a family of more than six million students and 1,500 staff, who aim to provide quality education at an affordable price.

PhysicsWallah got subscribed by 10,000 people in the first year and 50,000 in 2017. In May 2020, they developed an excellent tech idea for their business model and launched their Android version.

The course structure is divided into two categories: live classes and scheduled recorded lectures. They are further sub-divided into free (on YouTube) and paid batches (on the app).

“It is a very student-friendly app. More than 5.5 lakh students consume 90 minutes of educational content every day. The overall rating of the app on the Google Play Store is 4.8. Moreover, the PW app is probably the only one to conduct the largest live online class,” Prateek claims.

Students can access daily practice problems, one-to-one sessions with mentors, and live doubt sessions by top facilities, including PW founder Alakh Pandey.

From a free YouTube channel to becoming India’s 101st Unicorn, Alakh Pandey has had his shares of challenges. But he was determined to achieve something in his life by providing solutions to others, and he sure did!

Bada Business wishes Alakh Pandey more success in the future!


Four Powerful & Practical Ways To Stay Motivated As A Solopreneur!

Nothing can beat the feeling of being your boss. It has a charm, an unexplainable excitement, and an incredible allure. And the term ‘Solopreneur’ is a perfect blend of all these emotions. Though the term is not new in the industry, where some people are not very well aware of this term, many others confuse it with entrepreneurs.

However, being a solopreneur is a lot different from becoming an entrepreneur. Many people choose to work for their business ideas, dreams, passion, and to find fulfillment. But, it can also be lonely when you have to don multiple hats and juggle between various business challenges, all alone.

Being your boss has its perks, but running a business all by yourself requires a lot of discipline, focus, and resilience because, on this journey, you are bound to encounter stumbling blocks along the way.

So, apart from taking some of the most essential business training programs to stay updated, here are some powerful tips to help you stay motivated to weather ups and downs in the business:

  1. Pace yourself!

That`s because good things and successful business take time to build up. Growing a business is a marathon, not a sprint. Being a solopreneur can rapidly become a 24×7 job if you are not careful. Especially during the early stages of a business, solopreneurs put in very long hours with no end in sight. And then it is just a matter of time when you become tired, exhausted, and discouraged.

Hence, finding a work-life balance is extremely important to keep working for the dream you have in your eyes and the passion in your heart.

  1. Always have Support System

Flying solo may sound amazing, but it requires a lot of a strong support system. Friends and families are irreplaceable, but there are many other resources like a business mentor or a motivational coach.

A business coach or a mentor can offer their expertise and professional advice to guide a solopreneur in the right direction. Dr. Vivek Bindra, who is one of the best business motivational coaches in India provides consultation for long-term business growth and development. His mentoring technique is more short-term and performance-driven.

The use of business coaches has become prevalent in India and small business owners are increasingly using paid coaches for overcoming challenges. Hence, finding a support system for solopreneurs can be beneficial for their business.

  1. Celebrate Small Wins

The more you praise and celebrate your small wins in life; the life will give you more reasons to celebrate. As a solopreneur, it is crucial to celebrate small milestones along the way to keep your drive to run business and the motivation to do it, super high.

The key is not just to keep your eyes on your main goal, but also to enjoy the progress you are making. The better you feel about yourself and your progress, the more effort you will put in without feeling frustrated and discouraged.

  1. Always Remember ‘WHY’

As a solopreneur, you will encounter your share of challenges and setbacks along the way. This is why it is so important for you to remember your “why”. Remembering the sole reason why you have started to come this far or why did you start your business in the first place will energize you. Getting in touch with this big-picture will help you to remain focused. It will also provide you with a renewed perspective to make wise decisions.

Just because you start small, don`t forget to think big! Where being a solopreneur is not always easy, but it is probably rewarding, perhaps every single time. By following the above-mentioned tips, you will be in a better position to remain energized, so that you can ultimately reach your long-term goals.

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