
4 Effective Tips For Mompreneurs To Strike A Perfect Work-Life Balance

What happens if you are a working mother? You are probably juggling between two different worlds while trying to keep your sanity intact. Here are a few tips on how to strike the perfect work-life balance.

Motherhood is the most beautiful yet most difficult phase in a woman’s life. Believe it or not, being a mother is a full-time job. If there were 26 hours in a day, mothers would still find themselves occupied for the entire time.

Many people often suggest new mothers to discontinue their work due to lack of time. Although it is not just a woman’s responsibility to take care of kids and home. Though, there are very few chances that anyone else would like to bear the responsibility. So, does that mean a woman should give up on her dreams? Absolutely not!

Motherhood is a beautiful choice, and so is managing time. Nothing is impossible when you know the art of parenting.

So here are a few tips for our mompreneurs who are struggling to balance their dream of a successful business and motherhood perfectly. Read them out below.

1. Make a strategy and stick to it!

The first step to acing time is to learn to manage it efficiently. The time that you dedicate to your work should never overlap with your personal time. Dedicate a number of hours to your work and try to stick with it. Avoid doing anything else, as it might cost you your focus and concentration. Keep all your files and stationaries in an organized way. It will keep you from hassling over things and will save you time.

There are many tools and apps through which you can stick to your schedule. Try to keep both your personal and work appointments on one calendar so that you don’t miss out on important ones.

2. Get Organized

When you have kids and a family to take care of, you must get organized. Being a female entrepreneur means that you will encounter times where you will have to draw a line. When you are working, you should be focused only on work. Keep your important files and computers covered and inside a cabinet. If your kids are small and need attention, you can also keep crayons, paper, and other things to keep them engaged.

3. Start your day early.

As the day proceeds, you will feel exhausted. Hence, try to finish your daily chores early. Take your time to prepare lunches, set up coffee and pick out school clothes for your children. Try to get up early in the morning before your family gets up so that you can manage some of the household activities. Starting your day early will help you groom your art of parenting as well as your entrepreneurial skills at the same time.

4. Ask your spouse for assistance.

Without help, it is difficult to succeed. Communicate well with your partner about how you both can help each other. You both need each other’s support as you both are doing full-time jobs. Later, thank your spouse for being there to you. Besides, take care of yourself too, as it is essential so that you can take care of your business, family, and home.

A working mother is a great juggler who fulfils many roles and responsibilities. From finishing household chores to carrying out meetings with investors, stakeholders, and employees, they have to tick off lots of things from their list. But with the above mentioned strategies, you can definitely achieve a perfect nirvana in your business as well as your personal life.

To learn how you can apply parenting strategy in business, join the ‘Art of Parenting & Success Mantras For Students’ free webinar by Dr Vivek Bindra on July 10th, 2022 on the YouTube channel.

For more details, click here:


Planning to Start a Business? Here are 4 Tips for Women to Become Successful Entrepreneurs

Starting a business is not easy. One has to really think out of the box to become a known and successful entrepreneur. When it comes to creative thinking, women are no less! Female entrepreneurs can do wonders if they are given the right guidance and motivation they need. Right from picking up a business idea, creating a business module to funding, a woman can become a successful entrepreneur in no time.

According to research, entrepreneurship rates among women increased by 13 percent versus 5 percent for men, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), which monitors 40 economies from around the world. Female entrepreneurship is growing with each passing but it still has a long way to go. Here are four tips that will empower you to get started today. 5 Schemes Focused on Development of Women Entrepreneurs in India.

Love What You Do

When you are planning to start a new business, keep in mind that you will have to pick a business that you love. Ultimately, you will work with passion for things that you love and wish to do. So, choose a business that you think you will never lose your interest in! As yourself, what are you completely and absolutely passionate about? Maybe it’s a hobby or maybe there is something you’ve been longing to do. When we feel completely and utterly passionate, there is no room for judgment.

Believe in yourself

Sometimes, we doubt our own skills. We often underestimate our talent that leads to failure and rejections. You should always let your passion burn brighter than your fears. Keep in mind that the only thing that you have that no one else has is ‘you’. Your dreams, your passion, your power and the world will be yours. You just need to do one thing- that is, to believe in yourself.

Never give up

Failure is just a part of the deal. If you are afraid of rejections, you will always face hurdles in your business because you are not open to learning new things. This will however, hinder your growth in the long run. For becoming a successful entrepreneurship, all you need to do is keep trying. The formation of great companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google are classic examples of motivating us never to give up on our ideas. Don’t quit. Keep going.

Get feedback

Where there is love and inspiration, you can never go wrong. But you should keep on asking people for feedback. Feedback is critical to validate your business and its reach. It can also help you understand what customers want. You should read reviews, find articles and interact with them to develop and good understanding. Pay particular mind to negative reviews and ask people specifically what they wish they were getting out of the product.


Motivational Startup Strategy

5 Common Startup Tips An Entrepreneur Shouldn’t Follow

Starting a business with an innovative idea is a great deal of work. After completing lots of preparations and paperwork, an entrepreneur can pull off his/her business model. However, there will be always people to give advice that might not work for the startup to grow. Following them blindly, as those pieces of advice worked for others, can prove to be a disaster for your business.

Here are a few tips which an entrepreneur shouldn’t follow:

1) Customer is Always Right:

Many times an entrepreneur hears this line. The main issue behind the advice is customer pays and for that, an enterprise needs to listen to his/her every demand. However, it is a proven fact that no one can be an expert on everything. When conflicts arise, the best way is to clear the misunderstanding with proper communication. This will not only bring the client back but also s/he will trust you more for being truthful.

2) Raise Money and Grow as Fast as Possible:

Of course, speed is something that is needed to sustain in a competitive market. But the biggest mistake an entrepreneur makes is earning more money in a shorter period and then burning it with the same speed without even waiting for their products to fit in the market. The result — the sooner they rise, the sooner they fall. Best way to deal with this issue is to make a plan to expend the money in the right direction and identify product-market fit.

3) Choose Between Business And Family:

This is one misconception that most of the female entrepreneurs have. Instead of believing in this misconception, one should create a seamless work-life integration, where passion intersects with your personal life. The first and foremost part starts believing in yourself, and the second being surrounded yourself with people who believe in you.

4) Following Best Practices:

Walking on the path shown by others sometimes may help an entrepreneur, but not always. A path derived and designed by others, how is that going to fulfil the dreams and aspiration of a budding entrepreneur? To lead from the front, getting inspiration from someone is awesome, but one should not strict to best practices. S/he always be on a lookout to derive new ways to solve issue and progress.

5) Fake It to For Success:

Last but not least. This tip might help an entrepreneur in the initial phase but will end in a disaster. No investor, client or customer like dishonesty. This not only dampens their reputation in the market but also eradicates the trust that people have on them. Ask yourself, do you want to be called as a ‘cheater’? Think wisely before you proceed with this ‘faking’ people tip.