
7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Self-confidence As An Entrepreneur

Summary: It`s not just the great money-making idea that makes an entrepreneur successful, but also how confident he is about his ideas and business plan. Let`s dig in deeper.

Confidence and self-esteem are two critical factors for everyone who wants to succeed in their life. From students to entrepreneurs, or any other professional role, confidence plays a key role in shaping up their careers and growth.

Dr. Vivek Bindra, a business coach for entrepreneurs says that many people who are low on their self-esteem often try to cover up what they lack with ego and arrogance rather than working on the issue. This does not resolve their inner conflict; instead, it makes an individual quite difficult to work with.

Entrepreneurs with healthy self-esteem and confidence are more resilient, creative, good listeners, more productive and treat others with respect. Everyone loves to work with them because they often have charming personalities.

While confidence may come easily to some entrepreneurs, others might have to work hard to develop it. Fortunately, the behavior and skills that are required for entrepreneurs to develop can be learned by focusing on the following aspects of your personality:

1. Maximize your strength

Many people often try the tactic of “fake it until you make it”, but it is a losing strategy in today`s complex and highly competitive business world. To be a successful entrepreneur, it is imperative to be aware of all your strengths and weaknesses.

Even the best motivational coach in India will suggest you to highlights your strength, and then build a team around you so that you can fill in for your weaknesses. You should work with them and trust them to help you until you have filled the gap.

2. Improve competence by prioritizing your passions

While some of us take pride in our technological interests, others love marketing and social media or team building. We can`t be good at all things. So as soon as you recognize your passion that you love and enjoy, you will feel more confident in your abilities. Self-esteem comes from greater competence in these areas and if you are love what you do, it will reflect in the work you do. You have the drive and determination to figure out any conflicts or obstacles that might come your way.

3. Be Decisive

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos often share his leadership advice with all the young and aspiring entrepreneurs who often hesitate to take risks. He says, “All of my best decisions in business and life have been made with heart, intuition, guts… not analysis.”

Being an entrepreneur means taking calculated risks and it doesn’t pay to be hesitant in the business world. If you have all the required information you need to make an informed decision, then take the decision and move on. Don`t fret about it for days, weeks, and month! Always remember that the more decisions you make, the more your confidence will grow.

4. Step out of the box

As an introvert, many entrepreneurs find it difficult to connect and socialize with others. Networking with unknown people can give them chills. However, it is best to push yourself to become more proactive and play a more active role within the organization. To do something by stepping out of your comfort zone can enormously help to increase your self-esteem.

5. Learn from your past mistakes

You can never learn without failures. Failure is the first to succeed. To have plenty of success in your career, failures are paramount. Anyone who claims that they have never tasted failure in their entrepreneurial journey is either lying or hasn`t done anything exceptional. We all gain confidence and self-esteem when we learn new things, and see progress.

6. Find a mentor

Many entrepreneurs often think that hiring a mentor is an overhyped concept. However, hiring the right business coach or trainer can help you navigate through multiple business challenges. A business motivational coach can provide insights that are always enlightening. From human resource issues to making business strategies and analytics, he can educate you more; thanks to his own experience, knowledge, and insights.

A business motivational coach can help you to find loopholes in your business and can guide you to overcome them.

7. Know your business & product

There is nothing worse than having someone ask you about your business, product, or services, and you have no answer. This could be a big confidence shaker. If you have ever pitched your business to any investor, you know that the investors only choose to work with entrepreneurs who can answer their questions in a rapid-fire manner. They appear much more confident than the ones as they appear more composed and credible to the investors.

Implementing the above-mentioned strategies should help you to build confidence and make your entrepreneurial journey smooth and successful. However, there is one very important thing to know: never try to be overconfident. When that happens, you don`t work with an open mindset and you risk making mistakes.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


How To Become A Motivational Speaker

Motivational speakers are all the rage these days. From corporates to entrepreneurs, individuals with lots of knowledge, lots of unique ideas, and a lot of ideas to share are respected for their valuable contribution in an organization`s as well as employees` journey.

A motivational speaker can make us laugh, motivate us, give us a new perspective, and sometimes can make us cry. Not only do they earn everyone`s respect and attention, but also earn well. Famous business motivators in India include Dr. Vivek Bindra, Sandeep Maheswari, and Apple`s founder Steve Jobs who got fired from his own company if we are talking about the global platforms.

But, what if ordinary people like you and I want to become motivational speakers? What if you want to inspire others, but you haven`t faced hardships in your initial growing years, or poverty, or high tragedy? Don`t worry! Everyone has something inspiring to say.  We all are unique and that sets us apart.

Nothing can stand in your way if you are passionate about your desire to become a motivational speaker. But there are a few factors that you must consider if you want to become a motivational leader in India. Here goes the list:

1. Be a Mentor

So you may not become like Dr. Vivek Bindra, but you surely are having experiences that can be valuable to others. There is nothing more inspirational than a knowledgeable individual who has unique insights, and interesting opinions. Apart from these qualities, you must also have the ability to spark a discussion, and listen to others without being judgmental.

To be a good motivational speaker, one also needs to learn how to be a mentor by providing informed insight into the way you see the world. Imparting your knowledge with grace is the first step towards being an inspirational speaker.

2. Be a Helper

Everyone needs a leg up at some point in their career. Help someone even if it only means sharing some pointers on the organization you are working for, or work experience, or passing on a resume to the right person.

Whether you believe in karma or not, the givers do receive good things in unexpected ways. In addition to this, it can also help you to build networking. In the words of Steve Jobs during his famous speech at Stanford University, “You can`t connect the dots going forward, you can only connect them going backward.”

3. Set an Example

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” So, from turning up on time to being well-prepared for a conference or a meeting to ensuring that your teammates are not working all hours whatever your expectations of your team are, exemplify them yourself.

The best way to lose respect is to expect standards from others, but not meet them yourself. Your team will take notice. Walk the talk, and not just talk the talk.

4. Be Imaginative & Empathetic

Human beings are a bag of mysterious emotions. We all can feel lost and purposeless at times, and we all have complicated lives. Always remember this while addressing other people as it can help you to access the empathy inside of you to inspire those around you.

JK Rowling once said in her speech, “Imagination is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experience we have never shared.” Humans are blessed with the power of imagination and this can aid us to imagine what others are going through and feeling. Those who embody this power are the few that truly inspire others.

So be imaginative, place yourself in others` shoes, and have confidence in your own experience. This will transform you into a powerful and motivational leader. Soon, you will watch yourself inspiring everyone around to reach their full potential and flourish.

With Bada Business you can find answers to all your queries with online business programs specially designed for Solopreneurs & Entrepreneurs. Our Business Coaching Program will help you with many aspects of your business with the minimum investment of time and money, leaving you free to focus on the larger picture.


7 Essential Traits For All Successful Entrepreneurs

Vision, focus, and determination- these three qualities can take entrepreneurs anywhere they want to go. They also have good leadership skills and can be a great motivational coach to peers around them.

Whether it is the most respected industrialist like RatanTata or a great businessman like Dhirubhai Ambani, every successful entrepreneur has a few critical attributes that can help thousands of business leaders, as well as the young entrepreneurs of India, succeed.

Here is a list of 7 essential traits that every entrepreneur must have to be successful:

1. Problem Solving

One of the most essential qualities that every entrepreneur who is planning to start a startup business must have is the ability to solve problems. “Having a mindset that is capable to think critically about various issues at hand is an amazing trait”, says Dr. Vivek Bindra- one of the most popular business motivational speakers in India.

The most successful entrepreneurs always go above and beyond to find solutions and get their job done while keeping calm under pressure.

2. Impeccable Communication

As an entrepreneur, you are required to meet new people for networking purposes and other requirements. You will accomplish little to nothing if you lack good communication skills. It is necessary to express oneself clearly and concisely, which can often make the difference between an ordinary and extraordinarily professional.  If you are an introvert, you can also take professional help from a business coach to excel in this as well as other departments.

3. Determination to become Successful

Failure is the stepping stone to success. And only those who have tasted the failure with a pinch of salt can appreciate—determination. Running a business does not necessarily mean that everything will be all rosy. There will be setbacks, challenges, and hurdles too. But a successful entrepreneur does not let anything stop them from achieving their goals.

It does not matter how many times an entrepreneur fails, his determination to succeed overpowers each failure and makes it appear like a minor setback.

4. Hunger to Keep Learning

The world of business is always evolving. Sometimes it’s a new tool, other times it’s a new technology that can help a business to grow. A successful entrepreneur keeps himself updated with the latest trends and networks with like-minded people to form professional relationships.

To be successful in your niche, take some time each week to reflect on what new they have learned about the business industry. Also, decide if there is any way that you can implement this new piece of knowledge into your business for growth. With continuous learning, you can get closer to your organizational goals.

5. Powerful Leadership Skills

While leadership attributes are important for everyone, they become necessary for entrepreneurs who are running their businesses. If an entrepreneur lacks leadership skills, his or her team will not be able to perform to the best of their capabilities.

6. Passion & Ambition

Passion and ambition are what drives an entrepreneur to do what they do every day. Starting a startup involves a lot of risks and is not for the faint-hearted. This is why entrepreneurs need to be passionate about what they are doing.

7. Ability to Look at a Larger Picture

To launch a new product or service, extensive research is required. Sometimes in this process, disregarding assumptions about what currently exists in the market is necessary. To meet the expectations and demands of consumers, it is necessary to shake off the traditional pattern and embrace innovative products, even if it means unlearning current beliefs.

Life doesn`t always go according to the plan, but there are plenty of ways to achieve desired results with consistency, persistence, and perseverance. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you need to cultivate these traits within you.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

Grow through self-learning and see your website traffic increasing with marketing collateral designed especially for you. Learn more here


7 Brilliant Ways A Corporate Trainer Can Boost Team Performance

Growth and development are the foundation of every organization. This also includes the area of employee development as well. As manpower is the backbone of any company, it is crucial to upskill and upgrade them through regular training by the best corporate trainers in India.

When employees attend corporate training sessions regularly, they become more productive and efficient. Many organizations want to build a high-performing team, however, they do not want to spend on corporate training.

But truth be told, a corporate trainer in India can help your employees to stay motivated and more productive. Here are four major reasons why should you make corporate training a priority:

1. Upgrades Employees

The right corporate trainer can give employees the skills they need to take on a new role. Programs like onboarding and mandatory training are usually offered to new employees or existing candidates that get promoted to a more challenging position. When employees receive training on foundational skills, they perform better. They can bring more to the table and boost your business revenue.

2. Exposes Gaps in the Business

Regular corporate training in the organization creates awareness in your employees. A corporate trainer can help the leadership and management to identify the various gaps in their organization. Once identified, it becomes easy to improve them. It will also help your employees to overcome them with proper training.

3. Helps to Retain Best Employees

When employees realize that there are growth opportunities for them in an organization they tend to stay back and work efficiently. According to a Deloitte report, “42% of employees looking for a new job often say that their existing employer is not maximizing their skills and abilities.  As there are multiple corporate training programs, some training programs prepare your employees for leadership positions as well.

4. Keep up with the Industry trends

Industries are always evolving. Hence, every business needs to keep up with the changing trends to stay in the league.  A corporate trainer ensures that every department of your organization stays up to date.

5. Motivate Employees & Enhance Performance

When the company invests in its manpower it motivates employees and creates a sense of belongingness. It brings a higher satisfaction in their job profile and helps to increase their productivity.

6. Develops Competence & Competitiveness

Due to increased competition job positions are getting harder to get. Hence, the demands and responsibilities in work are also shifting. A great corporate trainer can help employees sharpen their skills, enhance productivity, and stay updated with the changing trends. Refining their capabilities will make them proficient in their field and help them to adapt to the changing trends.

7. Identifies their weaknesses & Develops strength

Every individual has unique strengths and skills, but not many are aware of their abilities. The distinct personalities and the level of their productivity can impact an organization to a great extent. The best corporate trainer in India can help them identify the weakness of each individual.

Corporate training is the best investment an organization can make for its growth. Only those companies that are aware of the fact that the success of a business lies in its manpower grow tremendously.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


5 Simple Yet Effective Tips To Help You Become A Powerful Public Speaker!

Great communicators are more liked, more successful, more confident, and more productive. Effective communication is crucial in today`s world. Whether you are an established businessman or an entrepreneur who is struggling to find investors, communication is the key to build relationships- both personal and professional.

To become a great leader in business as well as life good communication skills matters a lot. Often, inadequate communication results in promotions not being given, loss of opportunities, and relationships tarnished. The best motivational speakers in India will also swear by this one skill that can open a door of growth opportunities.

So how can you improve your communication skills to become more effective as a leader in business and life?

1. Become an Active Listener

If you dig a little deeper, you will realize that most people do not listen to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. This is where the major fault is! According to the best motivational speaker in India– Dr. Vivek Bindra it is very crucial to listen and understand before responding.

You may feel the urge to put your point across, but before you do that, it is important to pause and listen to the other person. This will give you some time to understand the other person through his verbal and non-verbal ways. Hence, practice becoming an active listener with the next person you meet.

2. Ask Questions

If you will never ask, you will never know. Shying away from asking questions due to the fear of asking a wrong question or embarrassing yourself is something that can hinder your growth. Though having these thoughts when speaking publicly is normal, but when questions aren’t asked, people may remain stuck in the unknown. Next time, ask questions to witness the real results and show people that their communication is valuable.

If you will neither listen to people nor respect them, they will not take part in what you are talking about.

3. Say Goodbye to Stage Fright

Many of us have the fear of speaking in front of a large crowd. This is called stage freight.  To overcome speaking in front of the crowd, you can start practicing in front of the mirror. This will give you a fair glimpse of how you appear in front of the crowd, how are your expressions and if you are maintaining eye contact. This will also instill a sense of confidence to talk and put your points across clearly.

4. Understand Your Target Audience

Effective communicators don`t waste time preparing brilliant answers in their minds, especially when someone is speaking. Instead, they try to focus on their target audience and ask questions. This helps them to build a connection with their audience and clarify things and ensures that people understand what others are saying.

To become powerful communicators, they continually check their understanding to avoid miscommunications assumptions, and misunderstandings.

5. Be Aware of Misunderstandings

In any communication the room for misunderstanding is always present; therefore an ideal communicator observes the gaps in the communication, differences in patterns, distinct reactions from various people, and consistencies that are expected from a person. They also observe closely the alignment of words, tone of voice, message, and body language. If any of these factors lack verbal and nonverbal communication, communication becomes a disaster. This is generally an overlooked factor that can easily be eradicated.

Ideal communicators give themselves permission to understand and listen to others; in this way, they understand what people are thinking about a particular situation or circumstances. They know how to balance speaking and listening effectively. This makes people comfortable and ensures that they speak what truly matters.

To become a powerful communicator or a public speaker, you should practice these tips to enhance your speaking abilities if you want to grow well in your professional as well as the personal region.

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International Literacy Day: 4 Ways A Girl`s Education Can Benefit India!

Literacy is the most essential prerequisite for individual empowerment. It plays a very important role in any person`s life, irrespective of gender. It not only enhances the quality of the life but also instills awareness and improves the skills of people.

What is literacy?

Literacy is the ability to read, write and comprehend information in a constructive way to communicate effectively. From reading the textbooks, scriptures to newspapers, and understanding road signs literacy is the only tool that helps you make sense of your surrounding and helps to broaden our mindset and perspectives.

The knowledge of social conventions combined with the problem-solving capacities of people is what determines them as being literate. However, it is a miserable fact that in India a girl`s education is still in an oppressive stage. Despite much evidence demonstrating the importance of education for everyone, gender disparities in education persist.

About 129 million girls are out of school. And in countries that witness conflicts, girls are more than twice as likely to be out of school as girls living in non-affected countries.

According to, “only 49 percent of countries have achieved gender parity in primary education. At the secondary level, the gap widens: 42 percent of countries have achieved gender parity in lower secondary education, and 24 percent in upper secondary education.”

Many few people understand the grand impact that a women`s education has on society. Here are a few that we would like to mention:

1. Educated Nation

It is said that one literate man is just one literate man, but when one woman gets an education, she makes the entire family and an entire country educated. A young girl, who goes to school to receive education unmistakably guaranteeing education for her kids and thus benefits the country by contributing to the economy.

2. Reduction in Child Marriage

Though the prevalence of child marriage has decreased worldwide, one in four girls who were married a decade ago was a child bride. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 100 million girls were expected to marry before their eighteenth birthday in the next decade. As a result of the pandemic, up to 10 million girls will be at risk of becoming child brides. Child brides often get pregnant at a young age and put themselves and infants at various risks. It takes a heavy toll on their psychological, and physical well-being.

3. Promotes Development of Skills

An education that is equal to all empowers girls and boys equally. It helps to impart knowledge and information and promotes the development of life skills- like self-management, negotiation, communication, and critical thinking that plays a significant role in young people`s life to succeed.

It reduces the skill gaps that give birth to pay gaps, and gradually results in prosperity for entire countries. A gender-equitable educational system can reduce gender-based violence and harmful practices including child marriage and female genital mutilation.

4. Population Control

Educated couples are much more likely to do child planning by keeping their family income in mind. This will help them to lead more progressive lives, increasing the expectation of living for their families, children, and social networks.

Literacy constitutes the backbone of development in a progressing country like India. But there are crores of children that are out of school in India and hence, the Indian Education System needs to build a better life for children to make our nation a progressive country.


5 Things Science Says Your Facebook & Instagram Feeds Reveal About You!

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. Thanks to affordable smartphones and cheaper data plans, social media has become easily accessible to all. But did you know that what you post online and how you use a particular platform like Instagram, Facebook can say a lot about you?

There have been many scientific studies that have revealed a strong connection between a person`s mental health and social media. While social media platforms have proved to be an excellent way to make the world more connected, they have created new challenges as well.

For instance, according to recent research people who are more frequently browse Instagram are more likely to show signs of depression than others.

From job to leisure, emotions to religion to diet, social media has captured almost every aspect of our lives. Facebook and Instagram feed reveal a lot more about you that you can anticipate.

Here are 5 things that your social media feeds reveal about you, according to research:

1. People With Depression Post More Frequently on Instagram

The frequency at which you post on Instagram can be an indicator of your mental health. Harvard and Vermont universities came together to research by using a computer program in which they analyzed more than 43,000 Instagram posts from 166 users to analyze how people with depression use these apps.

Turns out users who are struggling with mental health issues posted more frequently than those who were physically and mentally healthy. They also used fewer filters and had more faces in their feed.

2. Users who spend too much time on Social Media are Less Happier

If you have been living under the rock, let us tell you that spending too much time on social media can be toxic. But once you limit the time you spend on social media, the experience can be fulfilling. An app called Moment collected data from the social media platforms of people`s usage and discovered that there is a happiness breaking point for each platform.

If you spend more than 23 minutes on Facebook, it can result in an unhappy experience, and for Instagram, the threshold is 31 minutes.

3. Social Media Platforms can Skew Your Memories

Almost everyone who is on social media puts images, reels, or stories about their happy life. You want to see yourself in a positive light. It does not mean that everyone is living their fantasy life. Instead, it simply means that they are publishing happy photos and happy memories through a filter.

And while many people might think that social media is a great place to collect their happy memories so you can go and recall them later, it will not be the case. According to one study most people post about their false-positive memories on social media. But when they look back at their photos, what they are recalling is something that is false and inaccurate portrayals of memories. This can skew their significant events.

4. Spending too much time on Social Media can Make your feel Isolated

While many people think that social media keep us more connected, the matter of fact is that it has made a large number of people socially isolated. Today, many people sit for lunch or dinner with their family, only to have their eyes glued to their phone screens and minds contemplating over social feeds.

According to a recent study, people who spend more than two hours a day on social media have twice the odds of getting isolated socially as compared to those who spend less time.

5. People who post excessively about their partners are likely to have low self-esteem

Many few people know that they are revealing their personality traits through their posts on Facebook and Instagram. According to research conducted by Research Daily in which they collected data from 555 Facebook users, people with low self-esteem tend to post about their current romantic partners more frequently.

Social media is useful in plenty of ways if only used constructively. Before you send your next post, take a moment to analyze your intentions behind it. We hope, this article will help you to understand and realize how one should make the most use of social media platforms.

If you are an entrepreneur and want to upscale your business, you can take our Business Coaching Program. It not only offers you hand-holding support and premium content but also easy access to video tutorials from anytime, anywhere in easy-to-understand Hindi language.


7 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur

If you have just started your own startup business to fulfill your entrepreneurial dream, you must have realized that it is quite difficult to manage it all, alone. On the other hand, if you have been in this boat for quite some time now, you probably have encountered quite a road bumps that have set you back.

Working on a startup business idea feels exhilarating in the beginning, but managing multiple entrepreneurial tasks can put you off balance. Also, if the results are not as per the expectations, the passion soon begins to fade away.

Either way, as an entrepreneur, it`s easy to lose motivation. The key is to not give up and to figure out ways to uplift your spirits and morale on those dark and more grueling days. Though there are some of the best motivational speakers in India who can help you to stay on track, there are other ways too!

To help you, we have mentioned 7 ways in which you can stay motivated as an entrepreneur:

1. Set Personal Goals

You must have created your startup business with a specific goal in mind, objectives that you would like to achieve, and some core values you adhere to for lifelong. However, the major issue that is common with many entrepreneurs is that they often tend to forget to create their own personal goals.

Hence, it is crucial that you prioritize your personal goals and write them down as a reminder for becoming an entrepreneur in the first place. 

2. Get Inspired through Entrepreneurial Stories

There are thousands, if not millions of stories of entrepreneurial success in the real world. It is really encouraging to see people achieving dreams that are similar to ours. Read those stories and use them as an inspiration. Most importantly, learn from them. If you have a specific challenge you need to overcome, look at ways others have done it in the past. You can also take the professional help of a business motivational speaker like Dr. Vivek Bindra to find creative solutions for your burning business problems. 

3. Join the “Entrepreneurs Book Club”

Bill Gates read around 60 books a year, which means he finishes 5 books a month. Reading a book not only improves focus and concentration but also enhances knowledge. People who read regularly are better problem-solvers.

Find out a book club where entrepreneurs from various industries and sectors regroup to tell their peers about motivational and inspirational books they have read.

4. Follow Healthy Routine

We can`t avoid stress. But yes we can find better ways to cope up with it. People are often more concerned about their physical health and ignore their mental health. Physical wellness can definitely have a positive impact on your mental health, so it is very important that you maintain a healthy diet, regular workout schedule, and time to relax.

5. Join the Morning Club

To have a productive day, the beginning should be proper. It is very important to have your day planned in order to achieve all the tasks at the end of the day. Once you have woken up, showered, and taken breakfast, sit down and write tasks for the day.

Prioritize your important business-related tasks that require more attention and focus in the first half. The second half can also include your personal goals like meeting your friends for dinner. This list will help you stay focused and organized.

6. Indulge in Motivational Activities

Taking breaks and engaging in other activities is as important as focusing on your work. Watch inspirational movies, read motivational books or listen to podcasts, play your favorite sports, or dance to the tune of your favorite music in your free time to keep your spirits high and souring! 

7. Get Proper Sleep

Many entrepreneurs believe that attending few business-related conferences and completing tasks is worth missing out on a good night’s sleep. But the truth is that lack of sleep can lead to many chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s and hypertension. Lack of sleep can also lead to poor focus and motivation. Hence, it is crucial to get proper sleep in order to stay motivated and pursue your entrepreneurial tasks.

The key to keep yourself motivated as an entrepreneur is to always remember why you started in the first place. By staying positive and using some techniques that we have mentioned above will help you to reach your goals.

You can learn how to give your customer an unforgettable experience from the top industry leaders through our online business course i.e “Entrepreneurship Course”.


5 Qualities You Must Look For In A Business Coach

Just like every young player needs a coach to hone or sharpen his or her skills, similarly, every entrepreneur needs a business coach. Why? The fastest way to learn about the nuances of business is to study someone successful at it.

The best business coach has already paid the price of gaining experience from his journey. And you should absorb all the information that you can out of him or her.

There are so many young and aspiring entrepreneurs and solopreneurs who want to be successful but are just not ready to invest in themselves. Many think that they can teach themselves and can learn on their own. However, if you ask the successful billionaires, they would advise you to make a few mistakes, if you can by taking help from the best business coach in India.

Though our whole lives are about learning, finding the right teacher or mentor at this stage can help you save time and money.

However, it is needless to say that not all business mentors can be good. Some coaches would be better than others. And with so many people claiming to be the best and offering their services online, it is essential to take your time to know a potential coach.

Before you leap to hire the best business coach in India here is a list of qualities you should be looking for:


The paramount thing that a mentor can share with you is his experience. Hence, the first thing that you should look for before hiring a mentor is her work experience.

What exactly have they accomplished? How does their professional journey look like? Does he have what you want to accomplish in your professional life? Your business mentor must have walked the walk.

It is very important to find someone who has truly gained wisdom from failures and can speak to their real-life experiences. With their insight, they can guide you to navigate the business crisis and help you avoid making costly mistakes. This can increase your chances of success immensely. Ask for their testimonials and clients’ feedback. Do not forget to search for complaints as well.


Having a great attitude and a positive approach comes with time and experience. A person who has never sailed in the troubled waters of the sea can share his in-depth knowledge and wisdom on how to become a great sailor.

The right business coach will have been through it all, and emerge on the other side knowing that a light perspective goes a long way in business. They can look at the bigger picture. An ideal business mentor has patience, but also determination and persistence.


Good or bad- a great coach is ready to share all his experiences with you. If you feel that this person is holding something back, then it is not a good sign. You can only learn the most from someone willing to be radically transparent.


Has your potential business coach written a book? Does the conduct frequent webinars, seminars? Does he often give lectures? Do reporters interview him or her? If yes, you must take a great look at his portfolio to decide whether this individual has the potential to give what you are looking for?


A good coach must be accessible and must be willing to customize his program for you because they know that different businesses have different requirements. You can ask them how much time they will offer you. What are their schedule and availability like? How many other projects they are handling? Discuss these details upfront.

A business coach can help you build longstanding relationships with people who could benefit you. Hence, hiring the best one is highly essential. Dr. Vivek Bindra is an internationally acclaimed business motivational coach and mentor. If you are looking to find the best mentor, he is the one!


Four Powerful & Practical Ways To Stay Motivated As A Solopreneur!

Nothing can beat the feeling of being your boss. It has a charm, an unexplainable excitement, and an incredible allure. And the term ‘Solopreneur’ is a perfect blend of all these emotions. Though the term is not new in the industry, where some people are not very well aware of this term, many others confuse it with entrepreneurs.

However, being a solopreneur is a lot different from becoming an entrepreneur. Many people choose to work for their business ideas, dreams, passion, and to find fulfillment. But, it can also be lonely when you have to don multiple hats and juggle between various business challenges, all alone.

Being your boss has its perks, but running a business all by yourself requires a lot of discipline, focus, and resilience because, on this journey, you are bound to encounter stumbling blocks along the way.

So, apart from taking some of the most essential business training programs to stay updated, here are some powerful tips to help you stay motivated to weather ups and downs in the business:

  1. Pace yourself!

That`s because good things and successful business take time to build up. Growing a business is a marathon, not a sprint. Being a solopreneur can rapidly become a 24×7 job if you are not careful. Especially during the early stages of a business, solopreneurs put in very long hours with no end in sight. And then it is just a matter of time when you become tired, exhausted, and discouraged.

Hence, finding a work-life balance is extremely important to keep working for the dream you have in your eyes and the passion in your heart.

  1. Always have Support System

Flying solo may sound amazing, but it requires a lot of a strong support system. Friends and families are irreplaceable, but there are many other resources like a business mentor or a motivational coach.

A business coach or a mentor can offer their expertise and professional advice to guide a solopreneur in the right direction. Dr. Vivek Bindra, who is one of the best business motivational coaches in India provides consultation for long-term business growth and development. His mentoring technique is more short-term and performance-driven.

The use of business coaches has become prevalent in India and small business owners are increasingly using paid coaches for overcoming challenges. Hence, finding a support system for solopreneurs can be beneficial for their business.

  1. Celebrate Small Wins

The more you praise and celebrate your small wins in life; the life will give you more reasons to celebrate. As a solopreneur, it is crucial to celebrate small milestones along the way to keep your drive to run business and the motivation to do it, super high.

The key is not just to keep your eyes on your main goal, but also to enjoy the progress you are making. The better you feel about yourself and your progress, the more effort you will put in without feeling frustrated and discouraged.

  1. Always Remember ‘WHY’

As a solopreneur, you will encounter your share of challenges and setbacks along the way. This is why it is so important for you to remember your “why”. Remembering the sole reason why you have started to come this far or why did you start your business in the first place will energize you. Getting in touch with this big-picture will help you to remain focused. It will also provide you with a renewed perspective to make wise decisions.

Just because you start small, don`t forget to think big! Where being a solopreneur is not always easy, but it is probably rewarding, perhaps every single time. By following the above-mentioned tips, you will be in a better position to remain energized, so that you can ultimately reach your long-term goals.

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