
Change Your Destiny with Power of Belief System


  • What is the power of Belief System?
  • What Belief System do you possess – Negative or Positive?

Your ’Belief System’ is the core strength that you believe in. Your belief system can make you or break you. It can give you a hopeless end or endless hope or it can make you cry or try.

Belief System can make you strongly mental or mentally strong

What is Real Motivation?

The motivation which depends on an external source is always temporary in nature, but the motivation which comes from an internal source is permanent. 

’Belief system is the real source of motivation which comes from internal source’.

Belief System can be of two types:

Negative Belief System

Positive Belief System

Believe system can make you do the worst or greatest of the things depending upon what kind of the belief system you possess.

You can understand the power of a belief system is so much that:

  • In Thailand, women pierce their whole body with bamboo sticks, because they think that God Buddha gets pleased, and they get purified, while it is torture for others. 
  • In Eastern parts of India, women walk barefoot on burning coal, because they believe that Goddess Durga gets pleased and they get purified. But it is torture for others.
  • In some places on the earth, people kill innocent women and children, thinking that their God is getting pleased, and they will get heaven because it is their belief system.
Wherever you are today is based on Belief System that you have developed

The belief system is that one strength which can help you conceive, believe and achieve. Whatever you conceive, and you firmly believe, and there is a great possibility that you will be able to achieve.

Convert Your Anger into Resolution

Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of 1st class coach of the train by white people because of his skin color in South Africa during the British era. 

Gandhi protested saying that ’I am a barrister and I have a first-class ticket’. But white people didn’t allow him in 1st class owing to his skin color and threw him out of the train. 

Agonized from this act, Gandhi said, ’You threw me out of the train, I will throw you out of my country.’

It was the power belief system that he convert his Anger into Resolution, which led a mass movement for the independence of India.

It’s okay to have Anger, but it’s bad to get angry.

People who created history in the world are the people who were able to convert their anger into resolution. One revolution can bring a major revolutionary resolution.

Be the Only One

If you try to be the best you will become number one, but if you try to remain unique you will become only one. 

  • Be that unique ’Blue Ocean’, where you are the only one by creating your competitive strength. 
  • Your competitive advantage will finish all competitors in ’Red Ocean’ and you will become a competition yourself.

Speed of Implementation

People who implement their learning at lightning speed are those who grow fast, while others remain stuck in their patterns.

One top quality in every successful CEO is Speed of Implementation.

These people have a mental thermostat which helps then convert their every learning into the actionable plan at lightning speed. 

Your success depends on your speed of converting your learning into an actionable plan. You can make your business successful by increasing the speed of your implementation. 

Speed of Implementation will follow the below steps:

  • Hearing
  • Understanding 
  • Mediating
  • Digesting 
  • Applying

Implementation of Knowledge is Real Power.

Knowledge is not the real power, it is only potential power. It is the implementation of information that gets you real transformation

The kind of patterns you develop through your learning and their actual implementation in business will actually determine your future.

Power of ’NOW’

One most powerful word that can change your life is ’ ’Now’. 

You cannot improve the future in the future; you have to improve the future right now or never. The notion that good days are coming is actually bogus.

Good days will never come in the future, they will come right now, right here.

The people who have been successful in the world understood the power of a belief system, so do can you script the new history of success.


Learn How to Develop Personal Effectiveness with 3 Tips


  • Are you a manager trying to become a leader?
  • Do you want to develop personal power or positional power?
  • Do you know how to develop personal effectiveness?

Every manager in an organization someday wants to become a leader of an organization.
But do you know, what matters the most in becoming a leader? It is ‘people skills’.

“The higher you go in an organization, 90% is people skills and only 10% is technical skills.”

If you want growth, develop your technical skills.
If you want to grow more, then develop your managerial skills.
For unlimited growth, develop your people skills.

So, you have to develop people skills for growing from managerial positions to leadership positions.

But before dwelling into how to develop ‘people skills’, let’s understand the difference between ‘personal power’ and ‘positional power’.

Personal Power vs. Positional Power
Let us take an example to understand the difference between personal power and positional power, and how to develop personal effectiveness from them.

For Example
Mahatma Gandhi had personal power while Rahul Gandhi has positional power. Similarly, Amitabh Bachchan has personal power while Abhishek Bachchan has positional power.

So ‘personal power’ means ‘ability to influence masses by virtue of their own charisma. On the other hand, ‘positional power’ means ‘deriving power from the position, and it may or may not influence the masses’.

Which kind of power would you like to develop?
According to Verse 3.21 of Bhagavad Gita:

yad yad acharati srestha tad tad evetaro janah

It means ‘जैसा जैसा, वैसा वैसा’, that is, ‘Leading by Example.’
To put it simply, the way a leader does anything, the followers will also do the same.
However, it is not necessary that followers will obey everything instructed by the leader.

Leadership is not by positional power, it is by personal power.
Leadership is not by instruction; it is by inspiration.

So, before developing interpersonal effectiveness, you need to work on increasing personal effectiveness to be a successful leader.

Below given are some of the tips on how to develop your personal effectiveness:

Tip #1: Don’t See Things Worse Than They Are

In an organization, various things happen around you, don’t see things worse than they actually are.

You don’t behave based on what has happened to you, you behave based on what you feel has happened to you.

When you feel bad about something, you behave badly. When you do so, it creates a Negative Cyclic Reciprocation.

When you feel negative, you deal negative.

Tip #2: Try to See Things as They Are
When you try to see things as they are, you give benefit of doubt to a given situation. This, in turn, enables you to see things with a newer perspective. So,

When you change the way you look at the things

The things you look at they change

For Example
If you clicked pictures of a mountain, ocean, or a building and the picture taken is not looking good, then what you will do?

Do you shift the position of mountain, ocean, or building? No, you cannot.

You have to shift your vision to take a better picture. So, change your vision to look at things that are where the need arises to increase personal effectiveness.

Tip #3: Try to See Things Better Than They Are
When you see things better than they are, then you will behave better and develop people skills. It will also help you to develop great relationships.

Beyond a particular point, it is not your technical skills that help you grow; it is your people skills that help you grow. Hence you need to focus on increasing personal effectiveness, not positional effectiveness.
You have to feel better if you want to deal better.


How to Convert Failure into Success


  • Have you failed in your personal or professional life?
  • Do you want to know how to overcome failure and achieve success in life?

If you never fail in your life, it means you have been playing way too safe. To grow everyone has to take risks in life.

The biggest risk in life that you can take is not taking any risk at all.

No man in history became successful without taking a risk. You have to take a risk which may fail you many times, but failing repeatedly will tell you how to convert failure into success.

Following are some tips that will help you direct your failure to success:

Don’t Make Excuses for your failure

Don’t complain that you failed due to the scarcity of resources.

Even if you don’t have resources, you have seamless potential to generate resources. Even if you don’t have the talent to become successful, you have the potential to create talent.

Now, let us understand how to convert failure into success.

You Have Seamless Potential

No matter how adverse situations are, or what talent and resources you have got, you have to imbibe enthusiasm to convert repeated failures into success.

According to 7th versus in 15th chapter of Bhagavad Gita:
mamaivamso jiva-loke

jiva-bhutah sanatanah

The verse says, ’All the living being in this world are my (Lord Krishna) eternal fragmented parts.’
In other words, Krishna has unlimited potential, therefore, you have the benefit of his unlimited potential because you are the part and parcel of Lord Krishna.

Make Maximum Use of Possibilities

Many people complain that they didn’t get a chance in their life to
become successful They go on magnifying difficulties and overlook seamless possibilities around them.

In mathematics, one problem has one solution, but in real life, one problem has many solutions.
Just focus on that solution which will solve your problem.

Circle of Difficulty and Circle of Possibility

Wherever your mind is focused, it gets zoomed. If you think that difficulty is big, then it will go on magnifying it, but if you focus on possibility, then it will become bigger enough to solve all your problems.

No Success without Failure

No person in history has ever created history without tasting some failures. You cannot understand how to convert failure into success until you face failure in your life.

There is a story of failures behind every successful person.

  • Figure out as many possibilities as possible around you and delete difficulties.
  • By focusing on possibilities you can convert every failure into success.
  • You can create a resource from resourcefulness.

Build a Positive Attitude

A bad attitude can never help anybody. So, shift your attitude towards positivity and possibilities, and stop focusing on obstacles.

The disease of negative attitude is far deadlier than diseases like Cancer and Brain stroke.

If you don’t help yourself, nobody in the world can help you to help yourself.


How Successful People Become Successful


  • How successful people become successful?
  • Do you know how to get successful?

Why only small proportions of people become successful?

Because according to a survey 95% of people are busy in proving themselves and only 5% are improving.

Proving is said to be the result score, and improving is said to be the effort score.

Proving is only the outcome; so, you should focus on improving.

Is there a Need to Change! Why?

Japan introduced a word

KAI means ’Change’ and ZEN means ’Good.’

So, KAIZEN means change for good.

It is the key to the competitive success of Japan in the World.

When America was busy gaining royalty for what they were doing, Japan was busy gaining loyalty. As a result, people say that American products are good but they buy Japanese products.

People who focus on royalty, neither gets loyalty nor get royalty.

People in Japan have implemented KAIZEN everywhere. They have used the ABCD model for the implementation of KAIZEN.

Meaning ABCD: A= Zero Accident | B=Zero breakdown | C= Zero Cost of wastage| D= Zero Defect

KAIZEN means continuous improvement starting from the manufacturing to all the business processes. They continuously improve all these processes and are reducing the defects. This is how successful people become successful.

The most notable feature of KAIZEN is that big results come from many small changes accumulated over a period of time.

Based on KAIZEN let’s discuss about a few crucial tips to be successful in life.

Ritualistic Continuous Improvement (RCI)

RCI is the surest way to almost zero defect life.


It means you have made it a ritual. You are going to do it everywhere you go, every time and in every circumstance.


It is not an activity, it is a process. You need to do it over and over again.


It will work on improvement.

So, if you are continuously improving yourself and make it your ritual, then you will NEVER FAIL.

how successful people become successful can be understood better with example as below:


Sachin Tendulkar and Vinod Kambli used to play together.  Vinod Kambli was a better player than Sachin during that time. But, one day, when a slower bouncer hit Vinod Kambli on his helmet, he quit playing.

On the other hand, Sachin was hit on his body many times but he stood up each time. He continuously worked on improving himself and today, he is called the God of Cricket.

Success Mantra: How fast are you creating your Success Rituals?

People are rewarded in public for what they are practicing in private. This is called Ritualistic Continuous Improvement (RCI).

It is the common reason of how successful people become successful or the failure of every person. Those people who are continuously improving themselves are successful and those who are not improving themselves continuously have faced failure.

GKI – Gap between your Knowledge and Implementation
Are you implementing the knowledge and the frameworks that you study or create?

Are you making your actionable or not? If you are not implementing your knowledge, then this is the GKI.

If you want to grow or become successful in life, start filling the gap between your knowledge and implementation.

I Know Better (IKB) Syndrome is a new disease that is surrounding many people around them. This is the biggest reason for their failure.


How to Connect With Anyone


  • Do you want people to trust your brand?
  • Do you want to become an Effective Communicator?

Well! We all want that. Isn’t it?

But, do you know that without building the ability to Convince and Influence people, you won’t be able to communicate your Unique Value and Ideas to the World.

Let’s read further to know those 3 Powerful Tips on How to connect with people by which you will be able to Easily Impress, Convince and Inspire those around you.

In this article, we are sharing 3 ways to connect with people, which will enable you to impress and convince anyone.

Tip #1: Become a Connector Detector

Business is Logical but People are Emotional. Every Person has a Connector. All you have to do is ’ find the Connector!

There is always a way to connect with people.

You might have seen Security Guards and Policemen using a Metal Detector to Detect Metal.

Similarly, you will have to Detect a Connector in People to be a Connector Detector.

For Example

If a person comes to a mobile shop and says, “The battery of the phone drains off easily”. Now this problem is a connector because the battery problem is causing a problem to the customer.
If there is a person who comes and says, “The phone hangs a lot”. Now this problem is also a connector. Do not let this connector go, just hang on tot it and hold it tightly.


Make sure that you do not go into the Auto-Biographical Listening

it is not about communication; it is about Comm-you-nication.

It is not about informing people, it is about involving people.

Every person has their own Needs, Interests, Concerns, and Expectations (N.I.C.E) and from these set only you get the Connector.

You don’t have to find a connector that will be from your life, find it from other’s life.

You don’t have to be interesting; you need to be interested in other people’s interests or problems. The moment you get interested in someone, the other person starts feeling connected with you.

  • You cannot influence people by just talking about you.
  • To influence or convince others you need to make them know that you are interested in them.

The connector could be from anything, viz., Sports, Music, Movie, Tech & Gadget, etc. You do not have to delve deep into this. Rather you just have to catch the first two-three lines to find the Connector.

Once you have find the Connector, Just Repeat it!

How to Connect With People Through Parroting & Paraphrasing

The most powerful techniques in finding a Connector are Parroting and Paraphrasing.

The moment you find the Connector, quickly do Parroting and Paraphrasing to Repeat it.

When one person says something and you repeat it, the other person feels connected with you. He feels happy and comfortable.

So, the first step to convince anyone is to get connected.

Tip #2: RAPP Analysis

Meaning: R= Recreation | A= Aspiration | P=Profession | P= Problem

How to connect with people better by doing RAPP Analysis of people?

Once you get connected with the other person, now you can dig deep into their life. Now you need to talk with:

Empathy? not with Sympathy?

In this, you need to know:

What makes the person happy, excited and what gives him recreation?

This depends on your intent and not content, the deeper you go, the better it is for you.

What is Auto-Biographical Listening?

Example 1:

If you show your mobile to someone, he comments ’you have only 4GB RAM, this is nothing I have 6GB’

Example 2:

If you say, I walked for 3 Km, he says, this is nothing to what I used to walk.

So, the above examples show why people are unable to connect with each other.

Through this process of understanding the problem of the person -NICE analysis ’ you can better understand ways to connect with people, anywhere instantly.

Tip #3: Building a Lifetime Impression
How to connect with people better by building a lifetime impression in people’s mind?

Impression means pictures, and when you create a very good and strong impression in one’s mind then you can have very good communication with the person. So, even if you think that you are unable to