Leadership Building

5 Common Traits Of Great Leaders

A strong leader is like a pilot that can help to keep the plane in the air if something unfortunate happens. During a crisis, a good leader can help an organization to stay afloat in the best of times, and in the ones that try us the most. Hence, strong leadership is more important than ever!

If you have worked with the best motivational speaker or top leaders, you will come across one thing- the most significant leaders share some common traits, and anyone can develop these traits.

What constitutes a great leader? What are those essential qualities that make for great leadership? Here are five qualities that make for great leadership, and the more we nurture these qualities, the better leaders will become during the crisis and beyond:

1. Walk the Talk

Many leaders only believe in giving heavy speeches, but when it comes to working upon those promises they simply back off. Managers who lead by example boost team values and commitment. Great leaders believe in walking the talk and not just preaching rosy stories. They back their words with action and know that they can act which helps them to drive the business forward. So make sure that you are practicing what you preach.

2. Encourage & Motivate Others

Managers often talk about their growth and managing their subordinates. But this is what distinguishes a great leader from mere managers enjoying senior posts. A great leader shares a relentless drive and determination to reach the pinnacle. But they also believe in empowering people around them. They instill motivation in the people working for them. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg motivates his employees to innovate by giving them the leeway to take risks and experiment.

3. Good Listener

Listening and hearing have a hairline difference between them. Hearing is passive, while listening is active-and the great leader is someone, who understands the difference between the two terms. A great leader will take cues from all other aspects and help people in the organization who might lack the courage to speak up. We need leaders who listen and are intentional about their conversations.

Real listening is essential for effective communication. Listening not only involves ears but many other aspects like body language, expressions, and gestures. What`s not said is just as important as what is said. Want to develop leadership traits? You can enquire about a leadership funnel program that will help you to hone your leadership skills.

4. Effective Communicator

While businesses around the globe are adapting to the change unleashed by the pandemic, great leaders are trying to find the right balance. Good leaders today have to make difficult decisions such as furloughs, and staff reductions.

However, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to communication. But, successful communication begins with transparency. And to keep lines open and clear across the business, we must be careful not just about putting our messages across, but also about the mediums, too.

5. Act Quickly & Confidently

Many leaders talk, but they do not execute and do. And it is doing that separates the real leaders from the rest. When your words match your actions, people learn to develop trust. It is more impactful when you take an action on what you are hearing from your employees. Leaders who act quickly and confidently often must make difficult decisions, and for that it takes grit.

Leaders, who have clear objectives, are certain, and are committed to their passion and perseverance, are the ones who will continue to build trust in these uncertain times.

It is essential to have leadership qualities to lead a successful business. Learn how to become a powerful leader from the industry experts in our Leadership Funnel Program. To know more, click here:

Leadership Building

5 Simple Traits To Help You Become A Powerful Leader

Summary: They say leaders are born. But, we say that leaders are made provided the right guidance and expertise.

Being great seems like an easy job. Many people say that great leaders are born and too many it appears like a straightforward job because there are no hidden secrets in it. But, while many leaders think that great leadership consists of simple things, only a few implement them because the rest of the people forget about them for some reason.

If you are an entrepreneur who wants to hone your leadership skills, you can join Leadership Funnel Program by Dr. Vivek Bindra. It is the most powerful flagship program in India that has benefitted many people including top management leaders from large organizations.

Here are a few tips that can help you to sharpen your leadership skills:

1. Be Kind, Be Human

Many leaders often forget that they are dealing with real human beings who have unique stories and backgrounds. Every unique individual has his or her share of struggles, challenges, and breakthroughs. For many managers and leaders from the top management, people at work are nothing more than man-hours who need to be managed and optimized.

Your team members always know what value they hold for you. And a man-hour will never help you to overcome situations. Hence, never forget that you are dealing with real humans and not bots.

2. Sharpen your Managerial Skills

Directing people is not something that comes naturally to any one of us. It is an art to co-work and co-exists happily at the same time. Fortunately, we have a lot of amazing programs like the Leadership Funnel Program that offers expert advice and guidance to help you become a powerful leader.

As a leader, you will need to defend the interests of your company but you will be able to do it only when you are aware of the theory of negotiations and understand the psyche of the person you are talking to.

Reading books can be another medium to become better at your managerial and leadership skills. You can begin by reading about psychology, the structure of thinking, negotiations, hiring people, project management, marketing, and economics too.

3. Have In-depth Knowledge

The best way to win authority is through your expertise. You need to understand the things that you manage, and this golden rule applies to every stage. For instance, to lead a creative team you must have a fair knowledge of typography, graphics, color coordination, and some of the most popular tools like Photoshop, coral draw, and Illustrator. This will help you to talk with the people in their language.

Without knowing the things you are managing you can`t do value addition. Without an understanding of what you manage, you will not be able to assess the risks, costs, and timing.

4. Admit Mistakes (Your Own & Others` too)

If something goes wrong, you should have the integrity to accept your mistake gracefully. If you will try to dodge the bullet, you will only be deceiving yourself and no one else. More than that, you will immediately lose your authority within the team.

Accepting your faults publicly can truly have a magical effect. This will give your team a clear understanding that it is okay to make mistakes and that making mistakes is normal. But, what is more, important is to learn from them so that they are not repeated shortly.

Once your team will understand it, they will be more open to experiments, and they become more courageous in their work, take responsibility, and more risks.

5. Protect Your People

To earn the respect of your team members, you have to be the shield that takes all the impact. No one in this world should have the right to influence your team past you. If someone wants to criticize your employees, let them do it to you and not directly to your team members.

One of the best things that will help you to become a great leader is, to be honest with your employees. Whether you are planning to give them a pay raise or thinking about closing down a particular product or the entire company, communicate with your employees honestly. Always remember that a transparent culture in an organization is always better.

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Business motivation

4 Vital Traits That Keep Businesses Relevant For Customers

Summary: Staying relevant should be the priority for the entire organization and not just one function, product, or service. Those that understand this stay in business while others fade into the sunset.

Since the foundation of growth and success for every business is staying relevant to their consumers, companies always try to focus on it. However, over the past few years, the dynamics of business have changed. Earlier, once established, companies used to worry about the changes that will make them irrelevant. Today, these changes take place over months or every couple of years.

A recent example that tested the relevance of companies across the globe is COVID-19. Small or large, companies of all the scales were tested at a short notice to operate in a virtual model and pivot their businesses. Companies like Amazon had inherent agility built into their business to utilize the moment of disruption. And this is why they sustained. But many startup businesses failed to even sustain themselves for the first few weeks and collapsed.

At the pace the world is changing, companies can no longer stay glued to familiarity. Entrepreneurs must learn that transformation is not an endgame. So, it is critical to provide value to their customers at all costs.

Here is a ‘Formula of Four’ that can position your startup businesses in a better place than others to stay in the game no matter what:

1. Customer is the Only King

To embrace a customer-driven approach is not an option, but imperative for companies. Making it an obsession to value customers can be the ultimate key to success. By placing the customer at the center, startup business can prioritize their activities with ease, pivot quickly when needed, and optimize their products and services.

For instance, the ideology of Airbnb`s- create a world where anyone can belong anywhere- is the major driving force behind the strategy in the customer service, product development, recruitment, and the markets that they explore.

2. Innovate or Die

Conventional business practices and processes are passé. It is time to embrace an inclusive approach that looks from the customer`s point of view and then translates it into a product or a service. Creating exceptional customer value is the need of the hour. To reach this stage, you must understand the broader context and the driving forces behind the change.

For example, Adobe, when moved to a cloud-based subscription model their revenue dropped initially, but later registered much higher growth than before.

3. Reinvent Yourself

Once established, startup business should keep reinventing themselves. Self-disruption helps to embrace the future by building an organization that is constantly becoming better with each passing day. However, it also challenges entrepreneurs in more than one way. It puts more emphasis on progression than on perfection, on learning than knowledge and founders have to reimagine conventional ways of thinking, working, and executing. If you want to make your startup business a winning company, think without fear. Winning organizations are unafraid to disrupt themselves.

4. Learn From Failures

Self-disruption is not for the weak-hearted. It is easier said than done and involves great risks. Failing small and building big on success, taking calculated risks and small bets, and encouraging it as an organization-wide culture is vital to stay relevant in the business world.

Hence, learning from failures and to keep exploring multiple small ideas is the key to becoming a successful small business.

In these challenging times, staying relevant is a constant journey of inventing, reinventing, and not about landing with a perfect solution. And this should be the quest for the entire organization and not just one specific branch or hierarchy.

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7 Essential Traits For All Successful Entrepreneurs

Vision, focus, and determination- these three qualities can take entrepreneurs anywhere they want to go. They also have good leadership skills and can be a great motivational coach to peers around them.

Whether it is the most respected industrialist like RatanTata or a great businessman like Dhirubhai Ambani, every successful entrepreneur has a few critical attributes that can help thousands of business leaders, as well as the young entrepreneurs of India, succeed.

Here is a list of 7 essential traits that every entrepreneur must have to be successful:

1. Problem Solving

One of the most essential qualities that every entrepreneur who is planning to start a startup business must have is the ability to solve problems. “Having a mindset that is capable to think critically about various issues at hand is an amazing trait”, says Dr. Vivek Bindra- one of the most popular business motivational speakers in India.

The most successful entrepreneurs always go above and beyond to find solutions and get their job done while keeping calm under pressure.

2. Impeccable Communication

As an entrepreneur, you are required to meet new people for networking purposes and other requirements. You will accomplish little to nothing if you lack good communication skills. It is necessary to express oneself clearly and concisely, which can often make the difference between an ordinary and extraordinarily professional.  If you are an introvert, you can also take professional help from a business coach to excel in this as well as other departments.

3. Determination to become Successful

Failure is the stepping stone to success. And only those who have tasted the failure with a pinch of salt can appreciate—determination. Running a business does not necessarily mean that everything will be all rosy. There will be setbacks, challenges, and hurdles too. But a successful entrepreneur does not let anything stop them from achieving their goals.

It does not matter how many times an entrepreneur fails, his determination to succeed overpowers each failure and makes it appear like a minor setback.

4. Hunger to Keep Learning

The world of business is always evolving. Sometimes it’s a new tool, other times it’s a new technology that can help a business to grow. A successful entrepreneur keeps himself updated with the latest trends and networks with like-minded people to form professional relationships.

To be successful in your niche, take some time each week to reflect on what new they have learned about the business industry. Also, decide if there is any way that you can implement this new piece of knowledge into your business for growth. With continuous learning, you can get closer to your organizational goals.

5. Powerful Leadership Skills

While leadership attributes are important for everyone, they become necessary for entrepreneurs who are running their businesses. If an entrepreneur lacks leadership skills, his or her team will not be able to perform to the best of their capabilities.

6. Passion & Ambition

Passion and ambition are what drives an entrepreneur to do what they do every day. Starting a startup involves a lot of risks and is not for the faint-hearted. This is why entrepreneurs need to be passionate about what they are doing.

7. Ability to Look at a Larger Picture

To launch a new product or service, extensive research is required. Sometimes in this process, disregarding assumptions about what currently exists in the market is necessary. To meet the expectations and demands of consumers, it is necessary to shake off the traditional pattern and embrace innovative products, even if it means unlearning current beliefs.

Life doesn`t always go according to the plan, but there are plenty of ways to achieve desired results with consistency, persistence, and perseverance. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you need to cultivate these traits within you.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

Grow through self-learning and see your website traffic increasing with marketing collateral designed especially for you. Learn more here