
5 Reasons Behind The Success Of Amazon!

Summary: From a book-selling website to becoming a household name for almost everything, Amazon has come a long way. Ever wondered what made it so successful?

Surely, it wasn’t just luck. Amazon was first established in 1995 as a simple book-selling website. Within a month of opening, it had already shipped its products to 40 countries. Over the following years, the brand kept on evolving and flourishing, becoming a brand that is known as one of the most respected, largest, and most powerful companies in the world.

Over the last decade, the company has transformed in various ways to increase its reach, customer base, and product range. Whether you need a pen, a book, a refrigerator, a tv, or a smartphone, we know we can get everything on Amazon, right?

So what makes Amazon so successful? Some key reasons make Jeff Bezos`s company a flourishing venture:

1. They are more adaptive to Innovative Technology

The major contributor to Amazon`s success is its ability to innovate continuously. It didn’t wait for someone else to create its business model. Rather, they kept on experimenting with new technologies and happily embraced modern practices. For instance with their impressive voice command device- the Echo, Amazon created a moment of disruption. The echo can be used to play songs, control Bluetooth devices, enquire about the weather, set alarms, and also make calls. You can check out the case study of Amazon`s CEO- Jeff Bezos, here.

2. A Diverse Range of Products & Categories

Starting as a website to sell books, Amazon, later on, diversified its products range and added more categories for the convenience of its target consumers. This diversification has helped them to be the-go-to for a large number of consumers. From groceries to Amazon wallets, most customers know you can buy just about anything by going to Amazon`s site or mobile app.

In any business, diversification is necessary for the scalability of the business. The more you diversify the services and products you provide to your customers, the more likely it is that your business will grow. If you are looking to scale your business, this video will help you.

3. Excellent Customer Service

One of the strongest pillars of Amazon`s success is its exceptional customer service. From tracking orders to returning items, the site is well equipped to meet the demands of its customers. Having a winning customer service team is essential for any business and Amazon has built a reputation for superior customer service in multiple ways. It handles all the queries impressively. It offers round-the-clock assistance. It has played its strategy well by partnering with many competitors, like Kohl’s to offer in-person returns of products.

They engage in conversations with their customers and this is one of the major reasons why customers keep coming back to Amazon.

4. They Utilize Collected Data & Learn

Most often companies collect data but fail to take the appropriate step. Unlike others, Amazon gathers its data from sales, affiliate marketing, social media campaigns, and many other touch-points to make vital decisions and build strategies. The company recognizes what its customers want, so they work on it and up their game plan to reach that target section.

Companies, that can learn from their customers and resolve the challenges they are facing, always stand out. To learn more, you can take our problem solving courses and gain in-depth knowledge.

5. A Winning Attitude

Back in 1997, Bezos told Inc. Magazine that Amazon will remain unprofitable for a long time before they would see a return. His progressive mindset kept the company pushing through various strategies until 2003. In 2003 the company posted its first profit. Amazon has grown up from a little online bookstore to an e-commerce giant. Amazon created the industry for total domination.

If you too want to scale your e-commerce business, these points will help you. All you have to figure out is how you can integrate these strategies into your business. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you.

This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


4 Things That Will Give Power To Your Morning Routine

Summary: Entrepreneurs have too much on their plate. And if you do not start your day well, it can lead to stress and unachieved goals.

Entrepreneurship can be challenging! Not just because you are trying to tick off your goals, but also because being an entrepreneur means playing different roles at different times. Many people start their day packed with meetings and work that has been scheduled for later.

Most entrepreneurs start their morning by picking up their phones right away after they wake up to snooze the alarm, check email, or check their social media platforms. Unfortunately, this does not give a positive start to the day.

Creating a productive morning routine is essential. Otherwise, it could be challenging to perform efficiently. Here are four things every entrepreneur should do to create a powerful morning routine:

1. Start Your Day Two Hours Before Your Regular Day Starts

No, we are not going to tell you to get up super early like at four in the morning, but wake up at least two hours before your actual day starts. Starting your day early gives you considerable time to prepare your mind, spirit, and body for the day. You will feel prepared before your hectic day is off to start. You can also listen to the best motivational speakers in India to learn how you can create a powerful morning routine.

2. Read Something Uplifting & Inspiring

Reading is an amazing habit. If you have this habit, take out time to read something uplifting and motivating in the morning. You can read for 30 minutes. But, if this duration seems long, you can start with just 10 or 15 minutes. You can read a book, a blog, an article, or listen to an audiobook that is inspiring. Just make sure that you make some time for reading in the morning. So fuel your mind with positive messages first thing in the morning. It will help you to build self-confidence and a positive mindset.

3. Practice Daily Gratitude

So much has been said about gratitude and its importance, but not many people follow it. knowing that something is good for you and practice it daily are two different things altogether. There have been so many scientific researches that have proven that practicing daily gratitude regularly and keeping a journal can help people to be more happy and successful. The best time to practice gratitude is in the morning. Make this habit a part of your routine as it is the best way to start the day.

4. Get Moving

When you work out in the morning, the mind releases endorphins that help you to stay positive and happy. Exercising regularly will not only help you to stay physically fit but also help you to remain mindful.

The best way to create a powerful morning routine is to find out what works best for you and then try to follow that plan every morning. These four practices are simple and easy to do. They will give you a positive start to your day.

Are you looking to find solutions for your burning problems? Get practical solutions easily with our step-by-step learning strategies, action plan, and frameworks that are designed to empower you with various business functions. From finance to HR, Digital Marketing to IT & Sales, find creative solutions to prominent business problems easily. Click here to know how these courses will benefit you:


Top 10 Quotes On Entrepreneurship To Keep You Motivated & Inspired

Entrepreneurship can take you to a world that is completely different and multi-dimensional. From taking care of business to prioritizing your own physical and mental well-being the journey can feel like a roller-coaster. The lack of a steady pay cheque, market fluctuations, and irregular working hours are some of the many variables an entrepreneur has to juggle continuously.

India`s startup ecosystem is booming with new projects and many startups have joined the elite unicorn club. It simply means that the trend will surely rise, and one can take a lot more experience and knowledge to draw on when in doubt.

Sometimes the burden of transforming your dreams into reality can take a toll and one can feel demotivated and uninspired after a few initial setbacks. You can consult with some of the best motivational speakers in India to feel inspired again.

Here is a list of 10 quotes to inspire you by some of the smartest and brightest minds, inventors, and leaders this world has ever seen:

1. It is fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. – Bill Gates ( )

2. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. – Albert Einstein

3. Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill

4. Take the stones people throw at you and use them to build a monument.- Ratan Tata ( )

5. If you don`t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs. – Dhirubhai Ambani

6. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.- Steve Jobs ( )

7. Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.- A.P.J Abdul Kalam ( )

8. Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader. – Indra Nooyi

9. Uncommon thinkers reuse what common thinkers refuse.- JRD Tata

10. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.- Swami Vivekananda

We hope these quotes have inspired you to take on the world, once again. To hone your business skills, you can take BCP Bada Business.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can boost your sales easily with the right guidance from a business expert.  Learn to generate high revenue earning products for sales, generate payment links for customers, managing account-related details. Solve your problems in just one click:


How To Find Your Passion In Professional Life?

Given a chance, there will be many people who are likely to change their lives.  Why? The ratio of those who enjoy the world of their dreams and those who compromise them due to their responsibilities will probably be 30:70.

We often read and watch movies where people are often asked to follow their heart and chase their dreams. But not many people have a clear goal regarding their career and passion. Some people are not able to identify what they love doing and which career field they would like to work in. Some people hire a business coach for mentoring them.

If you too are confused about finding your passion, this article is a must-read!

1. Analyze Your Interests

Though there are many apps where you can keep a journal and write your thoughts; your notebook and pen will always be your true companions. Now when it comes to finding passion, your notebook and pen will play an important role here too. You have to write down your own thoughts and dreams.

Compile a list of your ideas. However, it is not necessary that it should be systematic. It is important that all your ideas and all your work, which you ever thought of doing, should be included in your notebook. When it comes to work, which field excites you? Is it cooking, traveling, writing, singing or dancing? It could be anything. You have to make a list of all those tasks in the notebook and whatever idea comes to mind, you will have to include it in your notebook immediately. You can also consult a motivational coach for entrepreneurs.

2. Take Inputs from Friends

Have you ever asked your friends what work you are best at? What work do you do better? If you haven’t done this yet, then you can do it now! Your friends and family know and understand you very well. They can give you a sense of direction or an idea that can help you to identify your passion and work towards it.

3. Get Back To Your Childhood

Our childhood is that territory where we do what our heart truly desires with a carefree attitude. However, going back to the memory lane will not only refresh our memories. But, it can also help us to find what we used to love doing.

Many people often find out that though they pursued one field, they were good at another in their childhood. People often switch their career because they later realize what they enjoy doing. Therefore, it is also important here that you remember the activities done in your childhood again. Maybe you have some childhood hobby, which you loved but have neglected while growing up.

So find that out. And, if you find an activity in which you are most interested, then start researching about it. Research how you can make a career in it and get success. Research whether the passion you’re looking for is a profitable one?  Can I make a career in and if yes then how to prepare for it?

Surround yourself with Inspiring People

What kind of people you are surrounded by is also matters a lot! That’s why it is always said that one should stay in the right company so that you stay motivated. When it comes to finding passion, the same formula needs to be adopted here as well. You should always be with people who believe in doing only what they want to do in life. Keep yourself surrounded with people who work hard to turn their dreams into reality by following their passion. The company of positive people works to instill confidence in you and helps you to keep you away from confusion and mistrust. So always try to be surrounded by people who are ambitious and inspirational. You can also listen to the business motivational speaker to gain new perspective towards your goals in life.

Happiness comes in life when you are really happy. Therefore, find your passion and fulfill your professional dreams.


Learn 5 Simple Ways To Have Better Mental Health In Our BB Masterclass

Entrepreneurship is stressful. It is difficult even during the best of times, but now as the world is dealing with Covid-19, Omicron, and a lot of other variants of the virus, it has become more stressful than ever. Also, entrepreneurs today are dealing with a lot of other things like an uncertain future, funds drying up, and worries about their own and loved ones` health.

The impact of the pandemic has been cruel and it has wreaked havoc upon many small business owners and entrepreneurs who are still struggling to get back on their feet with tighter margins, and fewer backup reserves. This is why mental awareness has become crucial more than ever.

There are many ways one can keep their mental health in check. One of the best ways is to take our Free Masterclass on Mental Wellness by Dr. Komalpreet Kaur- Mental Wellness Coach. All you have to do is download Bada Business Community App, where you can attend Masterclass on various topics related to business and its operations by top industry experts at zero cost.

If you are an entrepreneur, here are five ways in which you can have better mental health:

1. Always Remember Why You Have Started

Many times entrepreneurs start their dream business for a reason. It could be monetary, for personal fulfillment or to improve the world in some tangible way. It takes a lot to work upon your goals, and it can be easy to lose sight of that initial purpose due to daily hustle which can be stressful at times.

The best strategy to cope with it is to re-discover your purpose. A strong sense of purpose can help people recover emotionally from difficult and stressful life events. For a healthy mindset and long-term longevity, emotional resilience is extremely helpful. Taking time to reconnect with that sole reason and passion can help entrepreneurs to help improve their mental health during this crisis and the years to follow.

2. Listen to Your Body

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. So, if you want to have a healthy mindset, you need to keep your body physically fit and sound. Our body is in constant communication with us, but unfortunately, it speaks only through symptoms. Just because you are feeling uncomfortable does not necessarily mean you have a disorder.

It could also simply mean that your body could be dehydrated, sleep-deprived, malnourished, or lack exercise. Sometimes, it could also be due to too much negativity around you. So learn to understand your body`s language and listen to it. Take proper rest and try to maintain a work-life balance.

3. Develop New Self-care Routine

Whether it is morning yoga, going to the gym, or doing meditation while basking in the sunlight, it is very essential to develop a self-care routine. Many people often start a routine, but due to lack of excitement, they leave it mid-way. If you too have done this in the past, it is more important than ever to assess the self-care toolbox and think creatively about replacing it.

4. Eat Right- Sleep Right

The human body is composed of protein, fat, minerals, and water. There is no particular diet that fits all because the composition of protein, fat, and minerals vary. So choose something healthy and best for your body. Stay away from chemically processed foods and eat organically grown food.

Apart from choosing the right food, it is also essential to take 6 to 9 hours of sleep. For optimal brain performance, one should target 8 hours of sleep, however, if your requirement is for 6 hours, you can stick to that routine. The underline message is that do not skip or compromise with your sleep schedule because of tight deadlines.

5. Set Firm Boundaries

Work-life balance has always been a challenge not only for employees but also for entrepreneurs. Many people often think that being your boss gives you the liberty to work at your flexible schedule. However, it is just a partial truth. Entrepreneurs have to deal with tight deadlines and client meetings. Setting healthy boundaries for work is crucial for everyone`s mental health. Whether it is a boundary about the work schedule or what emotional tasks an entrepreneur takes, setting those boundaries straight is the key to mental health in this era.

Prioritizing your mental health is paramount. More than meeting a deadline or a client meeting, taking time out for self-care is crucial. You can get more insights and details regarding mental health and awareness by attending our Masterclass this Saturday on our BB Community App.

Download the app now! :


5 Powerful Tips To Keep Entrepreneurs Motivated!

Being an entrepreneur is as great as it is difficult because many big and important responsibilities lie on the head of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs also have to make new strategies to advance their business growth and success. However, the constant tasks and responsibilities can become challenges.

Many times entrepreneurs also get demotivated due to one difficult task after another in their daily routine. If you are also an entrepreneur and often get demotivated at work then you are not alone! The daily grind has an impact on everyone at some point.

However, to become successful, entrepreneurs must know how to tackle demotivation. In this article, we are going to tell you five such ways that help you to stay motivated even during the challenges:

1. Set Your Personal Goal

Entrepreneurs often make a business plan to start their business and strategies to establish it as a brand. You must also have made strategies for how you will achieve your business goals. But, just like many other entrepreneurs you too might have missed this one crucial thing- to plan or create anything for personal goals.

Well, you are not the only entrepreneur to do this. Almost every businessman who starts a business often delays in making goals for himself. But doing this is not right for any businessman, so you should also create a personal goal for yourself. Your personal goal can be to learn music, travel, or even your fitness. Making personal goals can help you to stay motivated even during challenging times. If you think you are unable to stay motivated, you can take help from a business motivational speaker.

2. Make a Habit of Reading Books

Books can be your best friends. And nothing can beat the knowledge and information it can impart to the readers. If you have a reading habit, it`s great. But if you haven`t you should develop it. Almost, every successful entrepreneur has a habit of reading books.  You should choose those books that can help you with business and keep you motivated.

Many such famous motivational speakers in India also teach the nuances of business and also play the role of Motivation Guru. You should read books written by a good motivational speaker. Apart from this, you can also read the biography of successful industry leaders. This habit of yours will always keep you motivated.

3. Be a part of the training

You don’t need to be proficient in everything. It may happen that you have mastered some skills and no other person can beat you, but you may lack in some other important qualities. That is why it is important to keep taking training from time to time. Many business corporate trainers provide business training. You can take training and learn from them.

4. Take Time for Yourself

Starting a business is not easy for any businessman. Entrepreneurs have to face many responsibilities and challenges. In the midst of all this, many entrepreneurs are not able to find time for them, and working continuously can become a cause of frustration at times. In such a situation, it would be better that you take out time for yourself and spend your time doing those things, which make you happy by completing them. Meet people you haven’t met in a long time, spend time with family and friends. Often family and friends also become a big reason for your motivation.

5. Make Fitness a Part of Your Lifestyle

Fitness keeps any normal person energetic as well as provides motivation. Fitness can prove to be a success mantra for an entrepreneur. You must make exercise a part of your life. You should make rules for your workout every day. This routine of yours will keep you motivated and will also help you to focus more on your work.

Entrepreneurs should always remember their goals to stay motivated. Why have you chosen the journey of an entrepreneur and how will you achieve that goal? Every entrepreneur should first find answers to these questions. The correct answers will give motivation to the entrepreneur.

You can enter your comment about the article by commenting in the comment section. Apart from this, if you are a trader and are facing many complex and difficult problems in your business, you can get guidance from problem solving courses for entrepreneurs.


Six Crucial Time Management Tips For Busy Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur is like walking on a double-edged sword. Where the flexibility to work for your dreams without having to be accountable to anyone else is liberating, managing multiple tasks at hand in 24 hours can be challenging.

Time cannot be bought and sold. And just like Jeff Bezos and Ratan Tata, you too have just 24 hours to accomplish what you want to. Neither there is any way to get the lost time back, nor can it be bought from Flipkart or Amazon. It ticks away every second of the day. And if wasted, it is lost completely. Every online course for entrepreneurs talks about time management.

As an entrepreneur, the to-do list is always growing, and to tick everything off the list, you should know which elements hold the most importance. Not all time management methods work for everyone, you must get a broader view of what works for you and what don`t.

Successful business owners know how crucial time management is to ensure that things get done on time. So, if you are an entrepreneur who is struggling to finish tasks at hand, here are 6 time management tips to ensure that things get done:

1. Make Your P-0 List

Every morning, when you get up, you should not just throw yourself into the rabbit hole filled with random tasks. This will not just waste your time, but will also put your important work in the back seat. So, every morning, write your essential tasks on a piece of paper that needs to be completed in a day. Though many management tools are available on the internet, sometimes they can be overwhelming. But, if you are comfortable with managing your time with the help of those tools, go ahead.

Avoid Parkinson`s Law which states, “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” So don`t just will your day with non-essential work, just because there is time left in the day.

2. Give Yourself Deadlines

Not having someone externally putting pressure on you can be a positive as well as a negative impact on the work. If you are not careful, this can lead to unproductive multitasking and procrastination. You can keep extending the deadline or keep postponing the important meeting with clients if you don`t give yourself a deadline to meet. This is something that no online business course for entrepreneurs teaches.

Setting firm deadlines can be extremely helpful for almost any task. Whether it is writing a report or creating content for a website, meeting, or phone calls, a deadline can help you with accomplishing tasks at hand under a specific period.

3. Stop Stalling

Time is a luxury. And, if you want to afford it, you should learn the art of time management. So often we spend our time on social media or chatting with friends, eating, or giving ourselves a break every other hour, however, it could lead to more waste of time. If you too have the habit of giving yourself too many breaks, then it is time to stop. Time yourself and give yourself a strict deadline to finish things. Block your schedule, delegate, and time yourself. Everything works until you decide to delay simply because you have done a great job at delegating work and doing other things.

Managing time does not mean that you should have less fun; it is the art of knowing when to work and when to play.

4. Build Up Momentum

A day is going to be productive or not this decides the first few hours of it. There is a reason why the mornings of successful entrepreneurs start early and many businessmen are in the 5:00 AM club. When you are already up early in the morning and have taken care of a couple of tasks, it keeps you ahead of your competitors and sets you up for success for the rest of the day. Most often, we procrastinate because tasks are daunting. This takes away the momentum for the rest of the day, allowing you to do more.

5. Do Right Tasks at the Right Time

Time is by far the scarcest resource and the best way to maximize it is to work in a way that keeps you in sync with it. If you are a morning person, you can wake up early and take care of important tasks. While you can`t make more time, you can use it more efficiently by doing the right tasks at the right time. By making time for yourself, you can also take some online course for entrepreneurs to update and upgrade yourself.

6. Adopt the 80/20 Rule

80/20 rule has proved to be a game-changer for many successful entrepreneurs. According to this principle, 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. If you have 10 tasks to finish only two of them will produce any results. However, we waste our time by doing other eight things. Always analyze the outcome of all your tasks to determine which ones are producing results and which ones have just turned into a busy day. Once you have those answers, you will be able to adopt the 80/20 rule.

So many people complain about not having enough time to achieve all that they truly desire. If you too feel like this, the problem is not probably with the day, but with how you utilize the time available to you. Try the above-mentioned techniques to manage your time efficiently.

Are you looking to find solutions for your burning problems? Get practical solutions easily with our step-by-step learning strategies, action plan, frameworks that are designed to empower you with various business functions. Find solutions to every business challenge with our Problem Solving Courses.


8 Ways To Become A Powerful Public Speaker

Speaking out in front of people is one of the biggest phobias in this world. Though it may not cause much of a problem in a few areas of everyday business, it could be harmful in the business world. You might have the best startup business idea, but you hesitate to say it in front of your colleagues and peers because of the fear to speak in front of people.

Speaking during the official meetings or conversations helps you to keep engaged with your peers, but also resolves problems and helps to boost your career.  Most often people who have fear of public speaking think that their audience might laugh because they are not being insightful. However, truth be told, no one expects anyone to be 100% witty or insightful all the time.

It is just a matter of starting to present your ideas with a few simple statements or questions. Once, the flow is set, the conversation takes its natural course. Many entrepreneurs miss out on some great opportunities because either they are not comfortable with speaking or they do not speak fluent English.

To get quick tips on learning and speaking English, you can watch this amazing video by Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India, here:

Here are 8 ways in which you can gain confidence to speak up:

1. Prep Up Before Finale

If you have a fantastic idea that you are afraid to put out in the open, do a dry run. Share your idea with a person whom you trust and take their feedback. Later, commit yourself to sharing it during a meeting to introduce your idea. You can later ask your colleagues to gain an outside perspective on what they thought of your contribution. Credible feedback from a trusted source can boost your confidence. You can also take the help of a business motivational speaker to help you find your voice.

2. Write Down What You Want to Say

One of the best things to learn when it comes to overcoming your fear of public speaking is to find out an occasion where you felt comfortable speaking.  When you feel comfortable it reduces anxiety and minimizes stumbles and stutters. Hence, write down what you are going to say as it will make you aware of the content. It gives you a clearer picture of what you are going to talk about and makes you sound clearer and more concise. It is okay to read your thoughts and feelings as it lets others know that this is something.

3. Develop Skills in Low-risk Environments

Identify opportunities to get out of your comfort zone. Look for environments and ambiances that are lower in risks and where there are people who are strong support systems for you. Let a colleague or a trusted mentor know what your areas for improvement are and that you want to build confidence in this area. You can ask them to observe and share feedback to help you grow. Like any skill, practice will help you improve and overcome your public speaking phobia.

4. Take Action, Than Seek Perfection

One mistake that most people do is that they often think that they have to feel confident to act with confidence. However, it is just a myth. Confidence comes from taking action. So stop waiting until you are ready or your idea is ready. Create your confidence by taking action and speaking up.

5. Focus on Facts, Not Emotions

To become an effective public speaker, you need to have clear communication. Having clear communication will allow others to align with your opinions, solutions, and suggestions. You will become more confident where you share the stats and facts, and not be emotional around what you are sharing.

6. Pay Attention to your Body Language

Your body language is equally important when you are speaking in front of the public. Working with a trainer or a business motivational speaker can help you make more aware of how you carry yourself and speak in different situations.

7. Become a Better Listener

Effective listeners are just as important as the talkers who fill the meeting rooms with their voices. Listen, watch and observe the patterns of their behavior and speaking style. You will then find your sweet spot.

8. Let go of the Outcomes

One of the things that stop people from sharing their opinions and ideas is the fear of rejection. So let go of the outcome and share for the sake of sharing your knowledge. Be less attached to the outcome and expect less. Speak up, express your position—irrespective of the response, it is worth doing.

Let go of the fears of speaking in public with the 8 tips that we have shared above. You can watch some of the best inspiring videos by Dr. Vivek Bindra on how to become a confident public speaker on his YouTube channel too.

If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner,  to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer problem solving courses that come with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


These 2 Inspiring Indian Entrepreneurs` Success Stories Will Fuel Your Startup Dreams!

Summary: A successful business takes years of dedication, hard work, and persistence. Are you ready to give your all to transform your dream into a reality?

“You cannot get into the business just for the fashion of it”- this famous quote said by Azim Premji, former Wipro Chairman stands true now more than ever. The current breed of entrepreneurs look for quicker returns, however, a business takes years of hard work and grit.

If you too have an amazing business idea, but can`t find inspiration to drive it with all your passion and dedication, here are two inspiring stories of Indian entrepreneurs who despite hundreds of hurdles pursued their dreams to find success.

1. Anuj Mundhra, Founder, Nandani Creation Pvt Ltd

Anuj Mundhra who started his professional journey from 2001 to 2003 worked in a saree showroom in Jaipur and earned INR 1,400 every month. He soon realized that he can`t lead a life with this income for too long. He quit his job in 2003 and started a business of trading suit pieces.

Soon, he started purchasing suit sets from vendors and further sells them to other vendors and shopkeepers. Once he started earning a decent income, Anuj opened his block and screen printing units in Jaipur. He continued doing it till 2012 until Anuj came to Delhi and saw huge hoardings of eCommerce marketplaces of Jabong & Snapdeal.

It didn’t take Anuj too long to understand that eCommerce is going to be the future of shopping in India. He came back to Jaipur and spoke to a Chartered Accountant (CA), enquiring about company regulations and compliances. He launched Nandani Creation in 2012 and branded the eCommerce offshoot as In the first year itself, the company clocked a turnover of Rs 59 lakh.

Today, the company manufactures and sells suits, Kurtis, fusion wear, and a host of other apparel items. The B2C Company even exports to countries such as the UK, the US, Australia, Malaysia, and a few others. The average selling price for suits is Rs 900 and for Kurtis, it is Rs 650.

If you too have limited resources but want to start your own business, don`t hold back. Anuj too started the business with very limited resources. Not just he takes out a loan from a bank but also pooled money from his friends and family.

So if you believe in your dreams, pursue them with all you have.

2. Prem Khanna, Founder, Gourav Luminaries

When Prem Khanna left Kharkoda village, he harbored dreams of moving to the capital city and building a life for himself. To help him pursue his dreams, his parents gave him INR 5000. Soon, he started working at a local factory in Delhi.

“My father was street smart and a one-man army. He would save whatever he earned and invest in building the team by calling on his friends and relatives who needed work. Over the years, the brand of the electrical has grown into an Rs. 52 crores revenue business with an 85-member strong workforce and 115 people employed as contractual labor”, shares Prem Khanna.

He worked out of a small room in the Shahdara district, and made chokes at night with his own hands, and sold them at local markets during the day. After saving enough money, he established ‘Gourav Luminaries’ in 1991 and began building his brand.

Soon his two sons Gaurav and Pankaj joined his business in 2010. Gourav Luminaries soon grew into becoming an electrical brand with four manufacturing units for its Otto modular switches (its bestselling product), Yodha switchgear, Hilyt LED lights, Viktor ceiling fans, etc., in the Sahibabad Industrial Area.

Today, the company has established a 250+ distributor and direct dealer network across North India and earns Rs 52 crore revenue. If you are determined to start your own business, nothing in this world can stop you from becoming a successful entrepreneur.

No dream is too small; no goal is too big if you are ready to give it all to turn it into a reality. With the onset of New Year 2022, start working towards your goals and turn that amazing business idea into a startup business. To help you move forward in building a business from the scratch, you can take online entrepreneur courses.

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5 Realistic New Year Resolutions Every Entrepreneur Should Make In 2022

With the onset of 2022, small business owners often go into the New Year with many plans and goals of building and scaling their business. Like all resolutions, these plans take a back seat when entrepreneurs are hit with the day-to-day challenges of life.

Setting up business resolutions gives small business owners a chance to evaluate where they are lacking and how they can improve in the coming year. And good thing is that there are some realistic resolutions that entrepreneurs can set and achieve.

Here are 5 New Year resolutions for entrepreneurs that will prove beneficial for their business in the long run:

1. Focus on Building an Online Presence

With Digital Marketing taking the wheel, the marketing trends have changed, completely. If you do not keep up with the changing trends and change your marketing strategy accordingly, you won`t be able to capture the attention of your customers.  The pandemic created a huge opportunity for businesses to continue their operations online. Many small businesses are using web presence for awareness, e-commerce acquisition, customer acquisition, and digital fulfillment.

Small startup businesses need to have fully implemented digital resources, a website, and ways to receive payments digitally. Learn the new social media strategy to build your online presence and analyze what works for your business and what does not.

2. Make Customer Service a PRIORITY!

Providing outstanding customer assistance is essential for every successful business. Most of the customers have come to expect 24×7 customer service in recent years. While you may be providing excellent customer service, it is essential to work on ways to improve. This will increase customer satisfaction and will bring in more business.

A customer is not looking for a new product, but an exceptional story related to your product that they can share with people. Always weave a story around your product that will make a connection with your customer. A unique product experience will help you generate loyal customers that will keep coming back for more.

Try to interact with your customers by responding to their queries on your page. Include personal notes and leave comments on their posts to create a personal relationship with your existing and potential customers.

3. Learn Something New

With constant technological development in the world, it is essential to keep yourself updated and upgraded with the market. And to be an ambitious entrepreneur, it is essential to think out-of-the-box. To keep your creative juices flowing, it is essential to expand the horizon of your learning abilities.

Being an entrepreneur can be difficult at times due to a lack of staff and professional expertise related to a particular field. New Year can be a perfect time to learn something new that will prove helpful in taking your business next level. Committing yourself to learning something will enhance your skills and bring a new dimension of interest to your professional as well as personal life. Go for an online business training course and learn something valuable!

4. Be More Empathetic

When you understand and share another person`s experiences, emotions, and feelings that make you empathetic. Yes, achieving your business goals within the set timeline is cool, but understanding other human problems can be soothing. It is one of the most beneficial traits an entrepreneur can possess. Talking empathetically with your investors, employees, customers, and shareholders will help your business succeed. You will have a better understanding of what is important to them. They will also appreciate that you care enough about them to make them a priority.

5. Take Time to Improve Your Health

Entrepreneurship is a demanding job! It drains a lot from the founders both, physically and mentally. This is why it is crucial to look after yourself to have the strength and energy to lead. The reason that most of us fail in fulfilling our goals is a lack of self-discipline and self-sabotage. We expect instant changes and transformation when progress is a slow process. So making a resolve to get fitter this year is a step in the right direction. However, expecting an overnight miracle will only lead to disappointment. So make resolutions that are practical, and achievable.

Being an entrepreneur can be hard in the absence of a personalized business and growth strategy. However, with Bada Business, you can get all your problems and confusion resolved with fund-raising, Digital Marketing, Time Management, Passive Income, Business Automation, and other online problems solving courses.

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