
10 Powerful Elon Musk Quotes That Will Inspire You To Achieve Business Success

Known for his impressive accomplishments, Elon Musk has been an inspiration for many young entrepreneurs across the world.

While Musk has founded billion-dollar companies, money was not the driving force behind them. He invested a huge whopping amount and sometimes nearly all of his fortune to solve some of the world`s biggest problems.

Just like Elon Musk, we too believe that ordinary people write extraordinary stories by believing in themselves. To inspire our readers, we are presenting some of the key learning lessons from Musk’s life. Take on the impossible with these seven Elon musk quotes:

1. I think ordinary people can choose to be extraordinary.

2. The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.

3. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.

4. If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not.

5. Persistence is very important. You should not give up unless you are forced to give up.

6. If you go back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today would seem like magic-being able to talk to people over long distances, transmit images, fly, and access vast amounts of data like an oracle. These are all things that would have been considered magic a few hundred years ago.

7. The first step is to establish that something is possible; then probability will occur.

8. It’s OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket

9. My biggest mistake is probably weighing too much on someone’s talent and not someone’s personality. I think it matters whether someone has a good heart.”

10. If something has to be designed and invented, and you have to figure out how to ensure that the value of the thing you create is greater than the cost of the inputs, then that is probably my core skill.

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The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

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Business motivation

5 Top Investment Tips From Warren Buffett For Every Investor

Warren Buffett, even at the age of 92 years is famous for his smart investments along with his sense of humor in investing in the stock market. But even in his old age, his jokes continue to amuse people. Over the years, Buffett has invested in many profit-making behemoths, helping him and his clients generate record income.

Here are Warren Buffett’s top five investment tips for every investor:

1. Do not Put All Eggs in One Basket

When it comes to investment, Warren Buffett suggests that one should have a diverse portfolio. Never invest all your money in one scheme. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned investor, diversification is one of the most vital strategies to invest in the industry because it mitigates the chance of losses. The idea behind this technique is to not put all your money in one place.

Diversification promotes spreading capital in different stocks across various industries. This squares the losses that you incur in one stock with the profits that you make in others. You can also watch this informative video on trading by Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best business coach in India.

2. Believe in Long Term Investing

If you are thinking about investing in stocks, think about owning them for 10 years. One should only invest in the stocks of a company if its products or services could be relevant in the next ten years. Buffett believes that going that extra mile before picking a stock would always pay off in the long term.

3. Create Multiple Income Sources

Warren Buffett suggests that if you want to create wealth, never depend on a single income. Always make investments to create a second or third source of income. Having multiple sources of income helps you to generate passive income and secure your finances for the future.

4. Seize the Opportunity

Warren Buffett says that opportunities come without notice.  So when it knocks at the door you should seize it and use it decisively. When stock prices are significantly low, investing heavily might be a good idea. Good prices may not come along again soon. He says, “When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.”

Want to know how Warren Buffett became the king of trading? Watch his case study here-

5. Save Before Spending

If you spend more than what you earn, you will end up with a negative bank account. If you want to create wealth, you need to have a budget in place. Before spending, ask yourself, whether you need that expensive bag that you have been eyeing for months. Take out a fixed amount every month for the saving purpose and then whatever is left you can spend.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


This Designer Is Making Blind Women Financially Independent With Artisanal Brooms!

How many of us use our brooms as decorative pieces? None, right? But there is one house in Kerala where you can see two broomsticks placed side by side adorning the wall right beside the doorway at the entrance like a piece of art. And this house belongs to none other than Lakshmi Menon.

These broomsticks are not ordinary! In fact, they have an interesting story behind them that will not only touch your heart but will also inspire you to do something to give back to society. These broomsticks look stunning in their designs, but what makes them unique is their imperfection. Attractive and colourful, one may point out that the pattern is not perfect in a few places.

To which Lakshmi Menon gives a befitting reply, “If you can see the imperfections, you are one of the luckiest people because the person who made the broom could never see it themself.”

The craftsmen who weave these beautiful broomsticks belong to a group of visually impaired women at the Kerala Federation of the Blind. These visually impaired women receive training from Lakshmi in a bid to become financially independent and lead a better quality of life. Attaining a sense of independence gives them hope for tomorrow.

A Fascination Start to a Noble Journey

Lakshmi, who hails from Kerala, was struck with this amazing idea while vacationing at an Ayurvedic beach resort in Thrissur at a beautiful property. Spending her days admiring the picturesque beauty of nature and the line of coconut and palm trees that outlined the landscape of the resort, she noticed that the hotel staff would cut the leaves once they became aged and dry.

In Kerala, it is a common practice to make brooms from these dried coconut leaves. Lakshmi too used to do this with her grandmother and mother when she was younger. Once she joined them, she realised that she could easily make around five broomsticks a day.

She soon discovered that these broomsticks can be sold for INR 250 and thought it would be a very sustainable venture to have. To make it more sustainable, Lakshmi decided to use scrap pieces of cloth from a neighbouring tailor instead of plastic that was usually used to tape the broomsticks together.

She started putting pictures on her social media account. As soon as her followers saw the images of the broomsticks she had put up, she was flooded with orders for these.

So how did this amazing idea that she got on vacation turn into a noble cause?

What you Seek, Seeks You!

Following her vacation, one of her friends told her about the Kerala Federation of Blind and how women at the federation were not getting much work those days. And when her friend asked Lakshmi, if she knew any activity that can help these women to gain financial independence? Lakshmi was quick to reply!

She indeed knew of the activity that could transform the lives of those women forever. In fact by this time Lakshmi had taken the innovation further. She further shares, “I thought a tapestry would make an attractive covering for the broom. There was no point weaving through the entire thing. By simply covering the outer layer of the broom with colourful woven yarn, the appearance would be fabulous.”

The next day she shared her idea with the women in the federation and she received a great response and was quite surprised to see their impeccable skills in doing the work.

In 2022, she established her venture- Choolala—which means “broom” in Malayalam. Her venture would solely focus on these broomsticks made by visually impaired women. The broomsticks created by Choolala have a luxury associated with them because they are non-polished and also because of the fact that each broomstick is made by someone who, despite not being able to see, has crafted it with love and passion.

Currently, there are 15 visually impaired women from Idukki, Calicut, Trivandrum, Kottayam, and other places around Kerala, who are engaged in Choolala. And watching them piecing them together is wholesome.

Speaking about the process of making the broomsticks, she says it is heart rendering to watch these visually impaired women make these. “They hum, sing, listen to music and enjoy the process so much, it almost feels there is magic happening right where the brooms are made.”

These women live at the Federation of the Blind and have all their needs taken care of, Lakshmi provides them with training to make the brooms and they are given INR 150 for the sale of the broomsticks. Lakshmi is also in talks with the airport authorities in Kerala to have the broomsticks made available in all souvenir shops, as she says, “This is the best memory you can take back from the state.”

Nothing handmade can ever be perfect and this is why the broomsticks from Choolala also have a kind of special touch. Circling back to why her venture is focused on visually impaired people this time, Lakshmi says it has made her more aware of the beauty of life.

She adds that we as a society and the world sometimes fail to understand how tough life must be to wake up and not be able to see. This is why we should be grateful for everything that we have in life and keep working toward the betterment of society.

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Improve Your Body Language & Look More Confident With These 5 Powerful Tips!

You may be a successful entrepreneur with excellent leadership skills but do you look like one? Influencing people’s perception of you is called impression management. And in today’s world building a positive image is essential to be successful in any industry.

Whether you are looking to crack a job interview or want to impress investors, your body language plays a key role in effective leadership communication. Here are five body language hacks that will make you look like a leader:

1. Make Eye Contact!

Nope! We are not talking about staring at people. But when you make eye contact while talking to someone, it makes you look more confident and interested in the conversation. People who don’t make eye contact look timid, shady, and uncomfortable either with the conversation or the entire environment. Keep a subtle gaze and be comfortable with holding eye contact while talking. Learn how to build a magnetic personality in this video from Dr. Vivek Bindrathe best motivational speaker in India– 

2. Pay Attention to Posture

Power and authority are often expressed by non-verbal language. You don’t have to shout out and demand attention. All you have to do is pay attention to body posture. When you want to project leadership presence at a conference or in a meeting, sit tall and claim your territory. Sit tall, don’t slouch, uncross your legs and place your feet firmly on the floor.  Widen your arm position and keep your elbows away from your body.

To avoid looking unsure or hesitant, widen your stance, relax your knees, and center your weight in your lower body. Keeping your posture erect makes you look more confident and credible.

3. Quit Fidgeting

Fidgeting is your body’s response to a situation where you feel confused, anxious, or uncomfortable in a certain situation. Fidgeting includes biting nails, and moving legs nervously, which signals you are anxious. People often start doing it without even realizing that they are shaking their legs, biting their nails, or sweating their palms. So when you catch yourself doing this, take a deep breath, relax and stop fidgeting.

4. Smile To Make a Difficult Task Seem Simple

Only human beings are bestowed with the ability to smile. And this is unfortunate that as compared to kids, we adults laugh and smile less often. No matter the task, when you frown or grimace, your brain releases stress chemicals into your bloodstream. And this creates a vicious circle: the more stressed you are, the more difficult the task becomes.

When you smile, your brain gets the message that the situation is not-so-bad. However, avoid smiling like a creeper. Have a happy and relaxed demeanor when you enter the room to put other people at ease and increase credibility.

5. Sound Like a Confident Leader

How you say a certain thing matters more than what you have to say! And as a leader, you can be sure that people will not only be listening to you but will also be evaluating how you say what you say.

Put enough emotion in your voice, so that you don’t sound like a well-rehearsed parrot. Speak politely but sound confident. Don’t mumble or speak too fast as it might make you look under-confident. Take pauses while speaking wherever it is appropriate. It’s unexpected, it’s attention-getting, and it’s effective . . . very effective. And avoid using the words “like” or “um” too much. This will make you sound more confident. Always make sure you are speaking with enough volume to be heard. And remember to enunciate and speak clearly.

In the workplace, how you conduct yourself matters a lot! Well, the first impression certainly shouldn’t last a lifetime but can affect how a person perceives you when meeting you for the first time. With these 5 hacks, you can improve your body language and appear to look more confident.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about our courses, visit:

HR & People Management

9 Worst HR Policies Which Should Have Been Removed Long Back!

Contrary to the common notion, a human resource department is a crucial part of every organization. Many believe that the human resource department is a liability; however, the success of an organization depends on it. Hunting and recruiting the right candidates while keeping the current employees happy to maintain all the records is no easy task. And we surely respect them for carrying out all critical tasks so smoothly. However, there are some HR policies that not only do not make any sense but are also downright unethical.

Increase the productivity of your employees by learning how to build an effective team by clicking here.

Here are nine of them that we think should have been removed from the HR policies long back:

1. Three Month-Notice Period

If you are working with a multinational company, you must be aware of this policy. A notice period of more than 30 days is considered to be unethical by employees who are willing to leave the organization for some reason. When companies hire a new candidate, they expect him or her to join immediately. Hence, they should not make their employees serve a notice period of three months.

2. 45 Days for the Full & Final

When an employee decides to leave an organization, he or she does not receive a month’s salary, thanks to an F&F of 45 days. The period of 45 days is completely unjustified as the process can be taken care of in less than 45 days. The forty-five days might still be okay, but when that duration increases and becomes 60 days then it becomes a problem. On top of that, no response from HR despite continuous emails and calls makes the entire experience even worse. If there’s a system that needs to be followed by every employee, it’s HR’s responsibility to ensure that that system is being followed.

3. Fixed Time for Coffee & Loo Breaks

Now there is a reason why the act of going to the washroom is called “Nature’s call”. It simply means that humans have no control over it and should address the call wherever and whenever it is required. The HR policy to put a tab on coffee and loo breaks should be termed illegal. An employee is a full-grown adult and it is extremely annoying to be told how many times they are allowed to use the washroom.

4. Unfavorable Leave Policy

Where some companies allow their employees to take a few days off, with the managers being understanding and accommodating towards their teammates, some companies treat their employees like criminals when they ask for a leave. Well, if an employee is entitled to have annual casual and sick leaves, they should also be allowed to utilize them. The unfavorable leave policy should be removed for a healthy work culture and work-life balance.

5. Working Weekends

Weekend…..what weekend? There is a thing called work-life balance, but sadly many organizations do not understand the concept of giving their employees a day off to enjoy family time. It is not surprising that millennials are frustrated and are suffering from depression and burnout due to workload. Asking your employees to work on weekends or anytime which is not their official working hours, without even compensating them for the same, is unethical.

6. Terminating an Employee For Being Late

If you have not been living under a rock, you must remember the incident when a man got fired for being 20 minutes late for the first time in 7 years. Yes, this is the injustice we are talking about. If companies expect their employees to work for late hours just to show their dedication, they should also expect that a person can be 20 minutes late. RIGHT?

7. Offering Less Salary to Prospective Employees

If you have ever received a call from the recruiter, you must be aware of how HRs talks when it comes to disclosing salary information. It is more of a practice than a policy, but either way, it is not conducive to a person’s growth. When you have a talented prospect that perfectly fits the bill and surpasses all your criteria and asks for a salary that comes under your budget bracket, then it doesn’t make sense to offer a lower salary without disclosing the budget.

8. Firing Someone for Moonlighting

What an employee does outside their working hours should not be a concern for any organization (except if they are indulged in criminal activities). A couple of weeks ago, Wipro terminated more than 300 employees because of moonlight. Moonlighting is a term used for employees who have taken on additional projects through freelancing. Of course, employees should not trade company secrets or policies with direct competitors. But other than that a company should mind its own business.

9. Making Employees Pay for Breach of Employment Bond

First of all, it is completely illegal to make anyone sign a bond. On top of that making, your employees pay for breaking the employment bond is completely unethical. No employer can ask employees to pay for breaking the employment bond if they haven’t incurred any expenses in the special training of an employee.

These HR policies do more harm than good to employees who are investing their 9-10 hours in the growth of an organization. We believe these policies should be removed, what do you feel? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more,


8 Powerful Yet Hard Truths That Will Change Your Life!

“Life is what you make of it”- we must have come across this adage millions of times, however, only a few of us must have understood the true meaning behind these golden words. Whether you are looking to achieve your professional goals or personal goals, understanding the mysticism of the universe and how it works can surely help you to become successful.

Many entrepreneurs want to turn their startup business into a large venture. But due to a lack of guidance and the inability to have the right mindset they seldom succeed in taking their business to the next level. While there are many business motivational speakers in India, very few small business owners and entrepreneurs think about consulting them. However, working with a business coach can yield fruitful results in the long term.

A good business mentor will not only guide you with their years of expertise that they have experienced first-hand but can also help you to navigate the uncertainties of the business world. Many people often give up easily as soon as the situations begin to go haywire. But only with consistency and determination, you can fulfill your dreams.

On World Mental Health Day, let us give you eight golden truths that might shake you, or might hit you differently, but will bring you closer to the reality of life.

1. Consistency = Success

If you type the word ‘Success’ on Google, you will come across thousands of articles talking about tips and tricks and smart hacks to become successful in your life. From making small changes in your routines to big changes in your lifestyle, you will come across various tips claiming to produce guaranteed results.

But truth to be told, success is 5% brains and 95% consistency! Often people try to achieve something but give up soon. Others do not even attempt to achieve because they think they are not equipped with the required skills or knowledge. However, it is the consistent efforts and determination of a person that helps him win the race. You can watch some of the most amazing videos by Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker on how to create and set your goals.

2. Energy Flows Where the Focus Goes

Your energy and focus can make anything possible. And hence, you must focus your attention and channel your energy in the right place. Finding multiple time management tips will not help unless you figure out what are the activities that are taking up most of your time.

Most often people waste a lot of their energy on overthinking and meaningless relationships which are not at all constructive. Another thing on which the majority of people waste their energy and time is social media platforms. Although social media platforms also have lots of benefits, very few take advantage of it. So, before you start trying to find out excellent time management tips to increase your productivity, try to stop your time and energy from leaking from these three cracks.

3. Lack of Self-Awareness is the Most Dangerous Flaw

To evolve and grow in life, it is very essential to be self-aware. When you know what your strengths and weaknesses are; only then you can try to be a better version of yourself. However, one of the most dangerous flaws is the lack of self-awareness. If someone can’t tell you what their flaws are, they can never outgrow them.

4. Invest Your Money Before Spending it

In today’s world, people try to impress the people they don’t like by purchasing the things that they don’t need by spending money they don’t even have. The irony of this situation is that many people die while paying their debts and installments.

Hence, it is very important to have your finances in place. If you spend more than you earn to buy the things that you don’t even need, you will end up struggling for money. Always invest your money in buying assets or investment plans that generate income.

5. Actions Speak Louder Than Words

People often boast about the kind of person they are or about their character. But actions speak louder than words. A person’s ability to resist material things speaks volumes about their character rather than their ability to obtain them. The things that you possess say a lot about the kind of person you are in real life.

Many entrepreneurs often use their profits in buying expensive cars and other luxurious things instead of investing in their business growth. This can stall the progress of their business and might result in limited business operations.

6. Know When to End Partnerships & Relationships

Sometimes the things that we tend to hold for a long time are the things that stop our growth- professionally and personally. Many times entrepreneurs carry the baggage of partnerships with investors and clients just because they have been friends for a long time.

However, know that it is not the duration of a relationship or a partnership that matters, but the quality of it. How much value is it bringing to the table? Is it helping you to keep your mental peace or you are struggling hard to keep it going? Analyze it closely and know when to forge new partnerships and when to end them.

7. People Pleasing Can Cost Your Self-Worth

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee working in the corporate world, networking can help you to grow and find new opportunities. However, people have built a culture of appeasing peers and seniors for professional gains and opportunities. But can we blame them entirely? Not really!

The culture of ego-massaging and people-pleasing has been encouraged from top to bottom. And people who have this skill ensure a comfortable professional journey in their organization. However, it may help you to achieve short-term goals. But in the long run, it will cost you your self-respect. You will never be able to respect yourself because you will become like a slave to external validation and people-pleasing just for a momentary gain.

8. You Are Where You Were Meant to Be

The world went digital for the convenience of human lives. Unfortunately, it has also caused a lot of mental health problems associated with too much consumption of information, negative feedback, criticism, and addiction to things that are filled with hatred and self-doubt.

Beautiful pictures on Instagram and Facebook make others believe that they are leading a life that is far from picture-perfect. This fills them with disappointment, self-criticism, envy, and dissatisfaction with their own lives.

But it is very important to know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. There will always be someone better, smarter, prettier, and more successful than you. But that does not diminish the struggles you have faced and the things you have achieved in your life. If you keep thinking that your happiness lies in a particular place, or you will attain happiness after achieving a particular milestone, you will never find happiness.

Stay happy and confident with whatever you have and wherever you are currently and keep aiming for more. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Business motivation

12 Powerful Quotes By Bill Gates For Business Success!

Born as William Henry Gates, Bill Gates needs no introduction. An American business magnate, software developer, author, investor, and philanthropist Bill Gates was the mastermind behind starting the most famous tech company- Microsoft. Not only that but he has also been an inspiration for young entrepreneurs who want to start their businesses. Here are 12 inspiring quotes by Bill Gates which will motivate you to grow your business on a grand scale:

1. Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.

2. It is fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.

3. This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.

4. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.

5. Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.

6. The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

7. Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player.

8. In business, the idea of measuring what you are doing, picking the measurements that count, like customer satisfaction and performance…you thrive on that.

9. Of my mental cycles, I devote maybe 10 percent to business thinking. Business isn’t that complicated. I wouldn’t want to put it on my business card.

10. Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other.

11. We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next 10. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction.

12. Don’t make the same decision twice. Spend time and thought to make a solid decision the first time so that you don’t revisit the issue unnecessarily. If you’re too willing to reopen issues, it interferes not only with your execution but also with your motivation to decide in the first place. After all, why bother deciding on an issue if it isn’t decided?

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

Want to read more amazing quotes by successful millionaires? Visit our website:


How To Write A Perfect Sales Copy For Your Product?

Summary: Want to increase sales? Discover how you can generate more leads by choosing your words wisely.

Many entrepreneurs often lose their sleep because their ad copies fail to perform! If you are a copywriter, you probably analyze it too, but even if you are not a copywriter, it is critical to understand the critical elements that make a copy good.

If you don’t want to be at the mercy of your marketing director or ad agency, you must understand the inherent structure of an excellent copy that sells.

Here are 4 tips to craft a perfect sales copy:

1. Craft a Perfect Headline

Headlines are significant. If done correctly, it will trigger a spark in that prospect’s emotional core and that’s when the magic begins that can change doubt into confidence, despair into hope, and fear into courage.

And yet not many people invest much time in thinking about the headlines while writing copies. The headline is essentially the ad to your ad. It is crucial to grab your potential customer’s attention to make them read the entire message. To craft a perfect copy, it has to tap into your target audiences’ core. This tip will require you to invest time, but once it is optimized, it will attract customers to your startup business like a moth to a flame. You can also consult with a business coach who has experience in crafting a sales pitch.

2. State The Promise Clearly!

Every winning ad copy that resonates with the promise you have made to your customers works the best. The first two paragraphs after the headline serve the function to restate the promise of your product or service. However, it also states who is it for, and who it isn’t for.

Once your well-written copy grabs the customer’s attention, he or she begins wondering if it has something for them. It is your lead’s job to clarify what your product or service is and what it will deliver. If the message is not clear, a reader will get confused and a confused mind almost always withdraws and says “NO”. A winning lead should be clear, and concise, and deliver the promise that you have made.

3. Make it Clean With Bullet Points

Mystery, novelty, promise, and vivid imagery are the key ingredients to crafting a perfect headline with bullets. We all are aware of the clarity that bullet points provide us in any presentation, article, or blog. These are concise statements that offer insights about benefits but do not reveal anything. The purpose of bullet points is to arouse curiosity. The bullet points that are excellently crafted have elements of. This invokes an image inside a customer’s mind and makes it easier to make readers take action.

4. Body Copy

Body copy is that part of the sales argument, which is often the least-read part. Most of the readers skim through this portion in an unconscious attempt to figure out how it is beneficial for them to read the entire body of the sales letter. To attract more customers for your startup business, use subheadings and unused bullets to divide the letter into distinct sections. Add some images, sales arguments, promises, and proof and push tactics to craft a unique selling proposition around your startup business.

If done right, a copy can become a frictionless call to action. With these four simple steps, you can craft a perfect sales copy. You can boost your sales easily with the right guidance from a business expert. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about it, visit:

Sales Webinar

Discover 5 Super Secrets of Selling that Will Grow Your Business Sales!

Summary: Be it a product or a service, sales is all about selling solutions!

Whether you are selling a product or a service- you are selling something that can resolve challenges that thousands of people might be facing currently. Irrespective of the product or service, selling requires interaction with your customers.

With so many entrepreneurs and startups cropping up, there is huge competition in the industry fighting for the customers’ attention. There are many videos on Dr. Vivek Bindra’s YouTube channel that can help you to increase your sales.

Here are five tips that will help you to increase your business sales:

1. A Customer is Human

Yes, some bots and robots have become CEOs in large organizations and are in the news. But the fact is that the customer in any industry is a human. Humans buy from other humans. Human relationships are the first and most important element. While you may work for yourself or a company, it is you who will be the first to experience a sales lead. Hence, always treat customers as humans first before seeing them as a customer and you will be amazed to see how they open up!

2. Sell Benefits, Not Features

Ever watched how Apple launches and advertises its products? They do not boast about the camera quality or the powerful chip. But they explain how you can capture beautiful moments via wonderful pictures and how you can share them with your family and friends at a lightning speed.

The biggest mistake entrepreneurs often make is focusing on their products and services while selling. But humans as we know are much more interested to know how a product will change their lives. How your product will add another dimension to their comfort or how your service can help your customers to resolve their existing issues. Always focus on how your product will benefit your customer.

3. Ask the Right Question

It is essential to ask the right question. You may have a great product or a service, but why will your customer buy it from you? Hence, understanding what a customer wants after building a relationship is significant to ensure that your products and services are relevant to them.

4. Know Your Product & Customer

If you are selling a wellness product, your target audience should be clearly defined. You can’t share your product with a person who is not health conscious. Hence, define your audience based on their demographics. They are the ones who will buy your product.

But before you can understand your customer, product knowledge is the key. If you are selling a software program, you must know what it is solving. How will it help your customers to perform their tasks more efficiently? Do you know your products and toolsets well enough to match them to the solution the customer needs? If you want customers to buy your product, you need to believe in it.

5. Build Human Connections

Spending huge money on print advertising or digital advertising is effective for established brands. However, it is least effective when it comes to new entrepreneurs building their startup businesses. There is no alternative or shortcut to the personal approach. Get one-on-one with your customer. There are many ways to do it- send those personalized emails, phone calls, or messages. You can choose anything to which your customer responds the most.

Businesses worldwide focus on increasing their sales numbers because selling is an integral part of the business. It is essential for the sustainability of the business as well. If you want to learn the ‘Super Secrets of Sale’ you must attend the FREE IBC WEBINAR by Dr. Vivek Bindra on October 9, 2022, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM on Bada Business Community App!

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Business motivation Marketing

How to build a Successful Business with White Labeling?

Summary: White labeling has many benefits! Discover how it can help your business to grow without developing a new product.

Do you want to start your own business, but are confused about which product should you come up with? Do you have product ideas in mind, but due to lack of time unable to create it? The White Label is the solution!

White labeling has been around for a long time, but not many people know that it is not limited to just software. For many years brands like Walmart have been buying products from other companies and relabeling them under their brand.

In a start-up world where the competition is fierce and the market is dynamic being an entrepreneur is not an easy task. From taking care of multiple tasks at the same time to managing your products, marketing, brand reputation, and customer service, it is hard to do everything on your own. For an entrepreneur who is facing a business challenge, doing everything on their own could be the first reflex. You can learn white labeling from the best business coach Dr. Vivek Bindra in their online business coaching program.

White-label business solutions are a gateway into the business world. It helps you to scale your business and sell your products at no extra cost and without pre-planning, training, hiring, and implementation work.

What is White Labelling?

White-label products and services are kinds of re-brandable, and re-sellable items that are produced, branded, and sold by one company but are rebranded and resold by another company.

A White Label Solution involves a manufacturer who sells an unbranded piece of product or service to a reseller who then places their logo and sells it to their business clients. Hence, in a white-label market, the manufacturer and seller are two separate entities that work for mutual benefit.

It is not only limited to small business owners and large enterprises but many colleges and institutions are also making the most of this service with White label content creation.

How do White Label Solutions come into existence?

This concept was drawn from the fashion industry where retailers acquired mass-produced goods from the manufacturers and sewed their branding on the product. What did they get? A product that was similar to private label brands. However, at a competitive price point!

Advantages of White Labelling

Naturally, the foremost benefit of white labeling is its cost-saving aspect. However, there are plenty of other benefits that white labeling that every entrepreneur, solopreneur, or business owner must consider:

1. It saves time– Time is money! And since businesses do not have to build or develop solutions from the start by putting their own time and resources, White Labelling saves up a lot of time, financial and human resources.

2. No Infrastructure Needed– As the resellers can purchase the product from the manufacturer and start reselling it under their branding, they do not need an infrastructure to set up a manufacturing unit.

3. Happy Customers– With quick customizations and quicker time to market the products at the reseller`s end, you will have more happy & satisfied customers.

4. Allows you to focus on your business– More often than not, the companies hoping to build a solution find themselves in a precinct that does not fall under their expertise. Pre-packaged solutions with White Labelling that are prepared by experts can help businesses to reach their goals more efficiently.

White Label Solutions can help businesses that are trying to establish themselves in the market to utilize their unique branding to offer a range of products and services without having to incur money in resources, infrastructure, and technology.

By using white labeling entrepreneurs can give their customers a quick solution to their immediate problems. They can also focus on the core competencies of their business, and move towards building a brand and greater conversion rates.

Want to know how you can grow your business with White Label Marketing? Click here to watch this video:

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