
This Designer Is Making Blind Women Financially Independent With Artisanal Brooms!

How many of us use our brooms as decorative pieces? None, right? But there is one house in Kerala where you can see two broomsticks placed side by side adorning the wall right beside the doorway at the entrance like a piece of art. And this house belongs to none other than Lakshmi Menon.

These broomsticks are not ordinary! In fact, they have an interesting story behind them that will not only touch your heart but will also inspire you to do something to give back to society. These broomsticks look stunning in their designs, but what makes them unique is their imperfection. Attractive and colourful, one may point out that the pattern is not perfect in a few places.

To which Lakshmi Menon gives a befitting reply, “If you can see the imperfections, you are one of the luckiest people because the person who made the broom could never see it themself.”

The craftsmen who weave these beautiful broomsticks belong to a group of visually impaired women at the Kerala Federation of the Blind. These visually impaired women receive training from Lakshmi in a bid to become financially independent and lead a better quality of life. Attaining a sense of independence gives them hope for tomorrow.

A Fascination Start to a Noble Journey

Lakshmi, who hails from Kerala, was struck with this amazing idea while vacationing at an Ayurvedic beach resort in Thrissur at a beautiful property. Spending her days admiring the picturesque beauty of nature and the line of coconut and palm trees that outlined the landscape of the resort, she noticed that the hotel staff would cut the leaves once they became aged and dry.

In Kerala, it is a common practice to make brooms from these dried coconut leaves. Lakshmi too used to do this with her grandmother and mother when she was younger. Once she joined them, she realised that she could easily make around five broomsticks a day.

She soon discovered that these broomsticks can be sold for INR 250 and thought it would be a very sustainable venture to have. To make it more sustainable, Lakshmi decided to use scrap pieces of cloth from a neighbouring tailor instead of plastic that was usually used to tape the broomsticks together.

She started putting pictures on her social media account. As soon as her followers saw the images of the broomsticks she had put up, she was flooded with orders for these.

So how did this amazing idea that she got on vacation turn into a noble cause?

What you Seek, Seeks You!

Following her vacation, one of her friends told her about the Kerala Federation of Blind and how women at the federation were not getting much work those days. And when her friend asked Lakshmi, if she knew any activity that can help these women to gain financial independence? Lakshmi was quick to reply!

She indeed knew of the activity that could transform the lives of those women forever. In fact by this time Lakshmi had taken the innovation further. She further shares, “I thought a tapestry would make an attractive covering for the broom. There was no point weaving through the entire thing. By simply covering the outer layer of the broom with colourful woven yarn, the appearance would be fabulous.”

The next day she shared her idea with the women in the federation and she received a great response and was quite surprised to see their impeccable skills in doing the work.

In 2022, she established her venture- Choolala—which means “broom” in Malayalam. Her venture would solely focus on these broomsticks made by visually impaired women. The broomsticks created by Choolala have a luxury associated with them because they are non-polished and also because of the fact that each broomstick is made by someone who, despite not being able to see, has crafted it with love and passion.

Currently, there are 15 visually impaired women from Idukki, Calicut, Trivandrum, Kottayam, and other places around Kerala, who are engaged in Choolala. And watching them piecing them together is wholesome.

Speaking about the process of making the broomsticks, she says it is heart rendering to watch these visually impaired women make these. “They hum, sing, listen to music and enjoy the process so much, it almost feels there is magic happening right where the brooms are made.”

These women live at the Federation of the Blind and have all their needs taken care of, Lakshmi provides them with training to make the brooms and they are given INR 150 for the sale of the broomsticks. Lakshmi is also in talks with the airport authorities in Kerala to have the broomsticks made available in all souvenir shops, as she says, “This is the best memory you can take back from the state.”

Nothing handmade can ever be perfect and this is why the broomsticks from Choolala also have a kind of special touch. Circling back to why her venture is focused on visually impaired people this time, Lakshmi says it has made her more aware of the beauty of life.

She adds that we as a society and the world sometimes fail to understand how tough life must be to wake up and not be able to see. This is why we should be grateful for everything that we have in life and keep working toward the betterment of society.

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From Doing Embroidery on Clothes to Supporting the Family to Winning Gold in Weightlifting at CWG, Achinta Sheuli’s Journey is Super-Inspiring!

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”

Nothing in this world is impossible if you have the passion and determination for it. With sheer dedication and persistence, you can achieve anything that you want in your life. And Achinta Sheuli is the live example!

Achinta Sheuli with his outstanding performance in the Commonwealth Games won a gold medal for India in the men’s 73 kg weightlifting category with a combined lift of 313 kg (snatch 143 kg + clean and jerk 170 kg), creating a new CWG record. From embroidering necklines on women’s kurtas to working in fields Achinta Sheuli has come a long way to creating a record in CWG his journey was anything but smooth!

Followed His Brother’s Footsteps

Hailing from Deulpur in West Bengal, Achinta was first introduced to weightlifting by his brother. His brother Alok was fascinated by weightlifting after watching a body-building competition. Seeing his interest his mother Purnima took him to a gym run by Astam Das in 2010. Achinta followed his brother to that gym after a couple of years, and took to it, as a fish takes to water. Das trained them for free and provided nutritious food too.

But the turning point in Achinta’s life was the Junior National Championship held in 2013 in Guwahati, Assam. Achinta came fourth and was noticed by the Army Sports Institute. Alok said that Achinta was called for a trial by the Institute in 2014.

After his father passed away, it was very difficult for his family to survive financially. Their financial status was so poor that they did not have money to even perform their father’s last rites. To bring food to the table, his mother started doing needlework, and the kids joined in later. They would receive orders to embroider the necklines of women’s kurtas.

The family used to work for 12 hours a day, seven days a week. It was a hard job. On a very good week, they would make INR 1200. While on an average week, it was less.

Achinta and his brother also worked in the fields, harvested crops, and carried the loads on their head because they were given an egg a day and a kilo of chicken at the end of the day.

His Brother Was His Biggest Support

After his father passed away, Achinta’s brother Alok had become the breadwinner of their family. To support his mother, Alok gave up on his dreams. The training and food at Army Sports Institute helped Achinta get strong and gain weight. And he would train and embroider whenever he had the time while going to school.

And the Journey Began…

Achinta left his local school in class 6 and completed his further studies at the Army Sports Institute. He then participated in Youth National Games in Haryana and came third. He later joined the Army in 2015 and received a letter from the Indian camp. He won a silver medal in the Youth Commonwealth Games which was organized in Pune. He went on to win gold at the Commonwealth Championship in 2019 and silver at the Junior World Championship in 2021.

Thanks to the Army job and stipend, Achinta is now able to support his family. His mother does not need to do the needlework anymore and his brother Alok is focusing on his career now.

Achinta believes that a target, focus, and discipline are essential to succeed in life. And rightly so, he has made the entire nation proud by winning gold at the CWG after Mirabai Chanu and Jeremy Lalrinnunga.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

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Meet Neha Narkhede; The Youngest Self-Made Woman Entrepreneur!

Summary: Co-founder and former chief technology officer of cloud company Confluent has become the youngest self-made woman entrepreneur in Harun India’s rich list.

Indian American entrepreneur Neha Narkhede (37) has made it to the list of India’s youngest self-made woman entrepreneurs on the Hurun India Rich List 2022. Born in Pune, Neha, co-Founder of Confluent- a streaming data technology company now figures in the IIFL Wealth list for 2022.

In June 2021, Confluent had risen to 25 percent on the NASDAQ, reaching a market valuation of US $11.4 billion. The eleventh edition of IIFL Wealth Hurun Rich List included 1,103 individuals this year, up by 96 from 2021, across 122 cities. With a net worth of Rs 13,380 crores, Neha is 8th amongst the top 10 richest Indian women on the Hurun Rich List.

The Kotak Private Banking Hurun Leading Wealthy Women List 2021, published by Hurun Report, is the third annual list of India’s wealthiest women entrepreneurs and professional managers. According to the list, nine of the 20 women under the age of 40 are self-made.

Her Educational Background

Born and brought up in Pune, Neha did her BSc in Engineering from SCTR’s Pune Institute of Computer Technology. In 2006, after graduation, she joined Georgia Tech and later joined Oracle where she worked till 2010.

In February 2010, Neha joined LinkedIn as a software engineer. In two years she donned various hats on the professional social media platform. In September 2014, along with her colleague she left Linkedin to build Confluent, a multi-billion dollar tech company. She was the CTO of the tech giant until January 2020. Currently, she is an independent consultant to tech enterprises and helps them scale.

Her Father Was Her Inspiration!

When she was asked about her biggest inspiration, Neha excitedly replies—‘My Father’. She shares that her father has been the single largest influence in her career. He would narrate her stories of trailblazing women and has cultivated a sense of empowerment in her.

Neha is also 55th on the 2022 America’s Self-Made Woman list by Forbes. In 2018, she was inducted as World’s Top 50 Women in Tech and also America’s Top 50 Women in Tech. Neha is also the winner of the 2022 Technology Entrepreneurship Abie Award.

Her dedication and self-belief are the major contributors that made her successful. If you too want to achieve something bigger in life, be persistent, passionate, and dedicated towards your goals.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. These courses will act like tools meant for rising stars just like you. Our apps and services let you manage many aspects of your business with the minimum investment of time and money, leaving you free to focus on the larger picture. To know more about our courses, visit:


Back to Basics: This Guy Quit His High Paying Job to Sell Earthen Pottery

Where non-stick utensils offer great comfort while cooking food, few people know about the harmful effects of using them at home. These utensils are not just harmful to our health, but also damaging to the environment.

But then what is the alternative? While the market is flooded with products claiming to be harmless to the environment, it is better to exercise caution.

Earthenware utensils that were once used by people before the modern utensils paved their way into the market and our household may seem like an alternative. However, there are lots of fake products in the market that are being made with a die-cast mold with a chemical coating on it.

Such earthenware might end up causing more harm than we know of. To provide a solution to this modern-era challenge, Neeraj Sharma- a resident of Dawla village in Jhajjar (Haryana) came up with his startup up- ‘Mitti, Aap Aur Main’. The business is now yielding a monthly turnover of INR 2 Lakh.

Neeraj completed his engineering from a college in Rohtak in 2016. After that, he got a job with an MNC in Gurgaon where he stayed until 2019. While living in Gurgaon, he experienced multiple health issues. After some time, he went back to his village and told his parents that he wanted to prepare for the civil examination instead.

Neeraj Quits his Corporate Job

Upon returning to his village, Neeraj decided going back wasn’t an option. He intended to find some business to engage in while staying in the village. At home, he started noticing various kinds of earthenware. While some utensils will break easily, others will sustain for a longer time.  They were sturdy and environment-friendly because of their natural composition.

Intrigued by such observations, he made a trip to a nearby factory where their earthenware products were manufactured. He thought the factory would have many artisans working on these products, however, he was stunned by what he saw. Upon entering the factory, Neeraj saw there were various kinds of machines that were churning out these products with zero human input. Given there is much demand for earthenware, the sight gave him a business idea.

Initially, he started by using molds and dyes, but soon he realized how toxic chemicals like caustic soda and soda silicate were while making the products. He conducted some basic research and realized that these were harmful chemicals.

Made his way Back to Basics

Once he realized how harmful those chemicals were, he decided to find a way back to the traditional way of pottery. His search took him to some of the traditional potters from his village who had lost their jobs due to the advent of machines, but they were looking for an opportunity to put their skills to use again.

A Not-so-smooth Start

Initially, only two potters saw merit in his idea. They used to make products with absolutely no chemicals in them. However, it was difficult for him to compete with products that were all beautiful and shiny. It took a while for Neeraj to make people understand the chemicals that are being used in the manufacturing process of those utensils.

His products started building curiosity and more and more people began coming to see their work more out of curiosity than anything else.

Raised Awareness Through Social Media

To spread the word Neeraj used the platforms like Facebook and YouTube to raise awareness about his products and their qualities. Attending local fates, festivals and organic fairs also helped in raising brand awareness. At these events, Neeraj met doctors and nutritionists who were very impressed with the products and started speaking about them. Slowly, people from the city started visiting the unit to buy directly from Neeraj. He says that a lot of the traffic that his business gets is courtesy of the videos he puts up on his channel on YouTube which currently has 1,34,000 subscribers.

Neeraj takes immense pride in his decision of coming back to his village and working with these local artisans. The soil that is used to manufacture these utensils is sourced from Rajasthan and Haryana. The soil in the field is not used to make these utensils as they are contaminated by the use of fertilizers and chemicals by the farmers. One can buy planters, kitchen utensils, and even cookware at prices starting from Rs 250.

With his determination and passion, today Neeraj is earning lakhs per month. We salute his spirit and his fresh perspective toward the environment and society that led him to produce a product that is made from natural resources.

Do you have a startup idea too? Find out exactly what you need to turn that idea into a reality with Bada Business. To know more, visit


62-Year-Old Runs Dream Restaurant Successfully Post Retirement, Serves Homemade Food with Love!

Summary: Chasing a long-cherished dream, 62-year-old Smita Surendranath Blaggan started Lake View Restaurant in Goa.

Who said after a certain age retirement is the only resort for elderly people? Inspiration can find you at any age! The only thing that it demands is that you recognize your calling. Discovering passion and rekindling your dreams at the age when people expect you to retire is the new ‘IN’ for senior citizens.

The person who we are talking about is Smita Surendranath Blaggan- a 62-year-old restaurateur based in Goa who after getting retired from her government job made her way into the hospitality sector chasing her dreams. Her lake view restaurant is the labour of love and passion of hers and her son Rohit (30).

A Blend of Diverse Culture

Born in Karnataka’s Dharwad district, Smita is a Maharashtrian who married into a Punjabi family. The stark contrast between the two cultures would have given a cultural shock to anyone. However, for Smita, it was a boon. With such a diverse family background, she received exposure to multiple cuisines and flavours.

Not only is she well-versed in different world cuisines such as Italian and continental, but also speaks multiple languages like Punjabi, Konkani, Goan, and Maharashtrian. Smita likes to make all the spices on her own that she uses in her lip-smacking dishes. When it comes to shopping for raw ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, she ensures to do it on her own.

However, the Journey was not Easy!

Smita and her son Rohit started their restaurant in March 2020. But before they could start their operations, the nation went under lockdown due to COVID-19. The following months were full of uncertainties, anxiety, and a sense of unease.

But as they say, good things and good coffee take time to brew, this mother-son duo waited patiently during that time as they were super-confident about their food cooked with delectable flavors and lots of love.

All Roads Lead to Good Food

Recalling her younger days, Smita says, “I remember cooking as early as 10 years old, making jawar roti for my father. Even after I got married and moved to Goa in 1986, food played a very important role. I am a foodie and so I’m always on the lookout for new cuisines and foods to try.”

She continues, “My mother and mother-in-law were both wonderful cooks and I have learned a lot from both of them. My love for good food was so strong that I enjoyed coming into a Punjabi family and learning so many new things. In fact, after eating my mother’s mutton curry, the smell would linger on my fingers for up to three days and I would love that.”

Soon after her marriage, her place became the favorite spot for everyone when it comes to relishing delightful food. From her husband’s colleagues and bosses or her children’s favorites, the food that she whipped attracted people like a magnet.

The 60s’ Gave a New Direction to her Life

For many people starting a new business post-retirement happens by chance. But Smita always wanted to own a restaurant. It was a conversation that she often had with her late husband as well. Every time she would host a bunch of people at her home, her husband would often suggest that food is her true calling.

The restaurant was started when her son Rohit returned to India from Dubai in 2020. Starting initially with a minimum investment of about INR 25 lakhs, her restaurant is located right next to a shimmering lake with a seating capacity of 150, which provides this place an edge over other cafes.

Fun, Food & Flavours

Along with a spectacular view of the beautiful lake, Smita ensures that her guests receive nothing but the best Goan food in Goa. She is particular about everything that happens in her kitchen. From making garlic and ginger paste to the freshly pound masala, everything is made once the order is placed.

Smita says that every day comes with its unique challenges which make life even more interesting. She says, “What is life without some masala and drama.”

From flipping the pages of a cookbook as a young girl to now becoming a proud owner of a restaurant enveloped in the aroma of her various recipes, Smita shares that she is living the dream of her life.

Do you have a business idea that you would like to turn into reality? Don’t wait! Start working on it today! The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

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Meet IAS Officer Who Scored AIR 57 In UPSC While Working Full-Time With RBI

When Colin Powell said, “A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work”, many people did agree with him. Human beings love to dream about their career, ambitions, and a lot more other things that they aspire to achieve in their lives.

Okay, so coming back to reality, we live in a society where we like to get things done instantly! Instant food, instant replies, food or grocery delivery in under 10 minutes, instant emails, and instant results. We all are guilty of instant gratification. But truth to be told, every good thing takes time and the best and the most valuable thing in life come from working hard to achieve them. An IAS officer Yashni Nagarajan is the leading example of that.

Yashni Nagarajan cracked the UPSC exam and bagged the All India Rank 57 in 2019. Union Public Service Commission or UPSC as it is popularly known is one of the most prestigious and difficult administrative service examinations in India. Lakhs of students prepare for this exam for years, before appearing for it from all over the country. But only a few aspirants clear the examination which is followed by a face-to-face interview that is equally famous for their high level of difficulty.

Yashni Nagarajan cleared her exam in her fourth attempt while working full-time and the reason behind her success was her excellent time management skills. What are the factors that contributed to making her journey successful? Let’s find out:

1. Education & Family Support Played a Crucial Role

Most people underestimate the quality of education in central government schools; there are students like Yashni Nagarajan who prove them wrong. She completed her schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Naharlagun. She enrolled herself in the National Institute of Engineering, Yupia in 2014 and completed her B.Tech in EEE with flying colours.

Her father Thangavel Nagarajan is a retired state PWD engineer and her mother is a retired superintendent of the Itanagar branch at Gauhati High Court Registry. Both of them have been supported throughout her journey.

2. Worked Hard on Weekdays, Studied Harder on Weekends

Yashni believed that if you are working on weekdays, you will have to study on weekends. During her journey, Yashni used to study for 4 to 5 hours dedicatedly every day, while on weekends she used to study the whole day. Studying on weekends strengthens your preparation. And with the right time management skills, you can manage to take out 4-5 hours for studies every day.

3. Choose What You Excel At

Yashni cleared the UPSC exam on her fourth attempt. She failed in her first three attempts but took them as lessons of wisdom.  She shares that in her initial attempt, she chose Geography as an optional subject under the influence of other people. However, she changed the subject later on when noticed that she excel in another subject.

Yashni says that you should choose a subject of your choice so that you can read it with full interest. You will read about it and try to gain in-depth knowledge only if you like the subject. An optional subject plays an important role in the UPSC exam as it helps to score better marks.

4. One Piece of Advice for Other Aspirants

One important piece of advice that Yashni gives to all UPSC aspirants is that Essay and Ethics are two subjects in which they can score the highest. Therefore, it’s very important to give importance to these subjects. She says that though it is difficult to prepare for UPSC while having a full-time job, it is beneficial too! Along with gaining experience, you also master time-management skills. She says, “You will feel less stressed even if you don’t qualify UPSC. And because you already have a job, you don’t worry much about your career. You can become an IAS or IPS officer with hard work and better time management.”

So, if you want to enhance your learning, prepare for a competitive exam, or want to pursue that management course that you have been eyeing for a couple of months- go for it. The story of Yashni Nagarajan is full of inspiration and testimony that hard work, dedication, and excellent time management skills can help you achieve your professional and personal goals.

For more such stories, visit:

News Powerful Personalities

9 Interesting Facts About Sachin You Didn’t Know!

On November 16, 2013, when the batting legend Sachin Tendulkar decided to bid adieu from the game; he is regarded as the ‘God’ of, millions of eyes shed tears of joy and sorrow at the same time.

While Sachin Tendulkar delivered his last speech with choked words and moist eyes; tens of thousands of his fans stood in the Wankhede stadium holding their breaths as the euphoria of catching the last glimpse of their favorite Indian cricketer on his home ground surmounted.

India, where cricket is the religion, and the stadiums scream of the infamous “Sachin….Sachin”, it would be considered a sin to not know this man who has made fans across the globe go breathless with his beautiful strokes, timeless elegance, calm demeanor on the field and his relentless dedication to the game.

Yes, we are talking about Sachin Tendulkar- the God of Cricket. And if you want to watch hand-picked stories that are unseen and unheard of, watch them here:

An unparalleled career that was further glorified with grand records created and broken by the ‘Little Master’ has been an inspiration for many national and international sportspersons who dare to dream.

Bringing some of the most untouched aspects from his life, we are going to tell you 9 interesting facts that we bet you probably did not know:

  1. Sachin Tendulkar is considered to be the best batsman, to date. But did you know that he wanted to become a fast bowler? However, when he went to the MRF Pace Foundation, Australian legend Dennis Lillee asked him to focus on his batting instead.
  2. Sachin Tendulkar bats and bowls from his right hand. But he writes from his left hand. This makes this legend ambidextrous too.
  3. Sachin Tendulkar was dismissed by Australian pacer Brett Lee for a record 14 times. This is the highest by any bowler.
  4. Sachin`s first car was a Maruti-800, and you know what, he still owns it.
  5. In 1987, during Pakistan`s tour of India, Sachin was sent in as a substitute fielder when Abdul Qadir and Javed Miandad went during lunchtime.

Remembering this incident, Sachin writes in his book “Playing it My Way”, “I don’t know whether Imran Khan remembers this or has any idea that I once fielded for his Pakistan team”.

  1. Sachin Tendulkar was the first international batsman who was given out by the third umpire, Jonty Rhodes in 1992 against South Africa.
  2. Tendulkar`s coach Ramakant Achrekar used to give him a Re 1 coin whenever he completed his entire practice session without getting dismissed. To date, this cricket legend has kept the collection of 13 coins with him.
  3. In Manchester, 1990, for his maiden Test ton, Sachin was awarded a bottle of champagne. But as the British rules didn’t allow people under 18 to drink, he waited for 8 year and opened the bottle on his daughter Sara`s first birthday in 1998.
  4. Sachin Tendulkar is the only Indian cricketer who has received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Arjuna Award, and Padma Shri by the Indian government.

So what do you think, did you know the God of cricket as well as you thought you did? Let us know in the comment section below.


This Karnataka Teacher is Making Mathematics exciting for students with his Math Lab!

The mere mention of mathematics can make students run a mile without looking back. No wonder most Edu-tech startups are trying to find creative ways to make this subject interesting and more engaging for the students.

While children in metropolitan cities and urban areas have access to the benefit of various digital platforms, students who reside in rural areas and hinterland India have no such facilities. However, thanks to teachers like Yakub S Koyyur, now they too can get easy access to quality education more excitingly.

Yakub S Koyyur is the genius behind the Maths lab that he has set up in the Government High School, Nada in Belathangdy, located in Dakshina Kannada.

Yakub was born in Koyyur village in the Dakshin Kannada district of Karnataka. Among his two sisters and five brothers, he was the only one who got the opportunity to pursue high school. After completing his Bachelors in Science from SDM College in the district, Yakub began teaching children at the local Government High School for about two years.

During his course of teaching, he realized his love for teaching and he decided to pursue his Bachelor`s in Education from Mangalore University with a second rank.

Yakub began his official teaching journey in 1996 at the Government High School in Nada village of the same district. Till now, he has taught over 4000 students by developing special content for not-so-good students. He also gives training to new teachers.

So from where did he get the idea of establishing an award-winning math lab? Yakub shares that in 2012, he realized that he wants to do something innovative and different that will improve the current education system.

He furthers shares that one night he dreamt of a room in his school. There was a board hanging outside that read “Math Lab”. The walls inside were colorful and were full of interesting and inspirational quotes. The walls were painted in vibrant shades, creating an all-dreamy experience for him.

The next morning, he decided to turn that dream into a reality. However, the journey was not so easy. While his peers and colleagues appreciated the thought, they were not ready to join in due to the financial constraint.

Yakub took to Facebook and Whatsapp, where he created groups to connect with his former students. He shared the idea with them and also mentioned his major financial constraints since it was a government school.

Soon, the help from his students started pouring in. Within a day, a total of INR 3.5 lakh was collected with old students transferring various amounts from all over. With moral support from his family members and monetary help from his former students, Yakub built the math lab in an unused room in the school and named it ‘Maths World’.

The lab has a 52-inch SmartTV screen where he showcases his YouTube channel where there are more than 400 math-related topics. The math lab also has a smart-board, created especially by a company called EyeRIS. The smart-board helps students learn and practice math problems easily.

Apart from the smartboard, there are various math models too, which students can touch and feel to get a better understanding of the concepts.

Yakub was conferred with the Best District teacher Award in 2016, Best State Teacher Award in 2018, and finally the National Teacher Award in 2020. He was one of the other 47 teachers who were recognized for their contribution to education in the country.



The Most Inspiring Journey of Mary Kom: Born to Beat Adversities!

The world has two types of people- achievers and fighters. But only those who are filled with true passion and determination belong to this category. Mary Kom is both- the real champion of the society.

Mary Kom has not only been an inspiration for women across India but also around the world. She has made the country proud by winning six World Championships and an Olympic bronze.

Mary Kom`s real name is Mangte Chungneijang. She was born in Manipur in 1983. Her parents, Mangte Tonpa Kom and Mangte Akham Kom worked in jhum fields. Coming from a very humble background, Mary had to undergo a lot of hardships and inconveniences and created a name for herself in the world of boxing.

Just like other girls in the village, Mary Kom also worked in fields to help her parents. Along with working in the fields, she also took care of her younger siblings. During her school days, she showed intense interest in athletics along with many other sports like football, and hockey. She took up sports to aid her family with financial support. However, she never showed any interest in boxing.

Mary Kom`s father was a former wrestler player at his young age. But he never wanted his daughters to pursue the same. However, destiny has its plan. It was the success of Dingko Singh that inspired her to become a professional boxer player.

Instead of looking for excuses and blame her financial condition, Mary Kom decided early on that she would build her strength. In 2000, Mary Kom began her boxing training under the coach K. Kosana Meitei in Imphal.

The journey to becoming a professional boxer player was not easy. As Mary`s father was not in the favor of her stepping inside the ring, she had to hide her interest in boxing from her family. Her father shouted at her when a photo of her winning the state boxing championship was printed in the newspaper.

Mary Kom made her first debut at the Women World Boxing Championship at the age of 18. After just one year of starting to learn boxing, she won a silver medal in the 46 kg weight category.  Later on, she won a gold medal at the second Association International de Boxe Amateur (AIBA) World Women`s Senior Boxing Championship that was held at Antalya, Turkey.

Mary Kom, a mother of twin sons, has won six world records. She wasn`t born in an affluent sportsperson’s family, hence did not have the privilege of training with the best at the early stages of her career.

Post her marriage in 2005, Mary Kom became the mother of twin sons in 2007. She took a short break until the birth of her kids, but started training again and achieved success in the following year. Married to Karung Onkholer, Mary Kom won much recognition in her career:

  1. Arjuna Award (Boxing) in 2003
  2. Challenger for Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in 2007
  3. People of the Year in 2007 as Limca Book of Records
  4. ‘Magnificent Mary’, AIBA in 2008
  5. Reliance Industries & CNN-IBN Real Heroes Award in 2008
  6. Pepsi MTV Youth Icon in 2008
  7. Ambassador of International Boxing Association in Women’s Boxing in 2009
  8. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in 2009
  9. Sahara Sports Award in 2010
  10. Decorated as Padma Shri in 2006 for sports
  11. Decorated as Padma Bhushan in 2013 for wonderful achievement in sports.

“Unbreakable”, an autobiography of Mary Kom was released in 2013 by Harper Collins. Mary Kom, a headstrong girl, did not give up on her dream and followed it passionately. She is an inspiration to women who dare to dream big!


The Moms Co: How this brand is helping would-be Mothers with Toxin-free Products!

Necessity is the mother of all inventions’. And today we will unravel the success story of one such purpose-driven brand- The Moms Co. The brand which has raised $8 million (Rs 58.4 crore at the current exchange rate) in its third round of funding is riding on a wave of success. The existing investors Saama Capital and DSG Consumer Partners led the Series B round of funding.

The Moms Co. is a wellness start-up that began in 2016. Based out of Delhi, The Moms Co came into existence when the husband-wife duo Malika and Mohit Sadani had their second daughter. The couple moved to Gurgaon from London after her delivery. Malik`s struggle to find a safe, natural, and toxin-free product for her baby in India led to the birth of The Moms Co.

In today`s time, hygiene is paramount! The topmost priority of new-age parents is to keep their babies safe from diseases. No couple would want their child to open his eyes in an unhygienic environment. Also, maintaining a sanitized environment is essential for the mental and physical wellness of the expecting mother.


“Finding a premium quality product for my daughter that was natural, safe, and toxin-free was so difficult that I had to rely on my friends traveling from abroad to India to get my stock. On discussing the ordeal with other mothers, I soon realized others like me were also facing similar challenges. It just struck to me that no brand in India was listening to us moms and trying to resolve our requirements,” explains founder & CEO Malika Sadani.

What finally triggered her to come up with her brand is when a friend of the couple traveling from the US couldn`t get the products they had ordered due to heavy snow in Boston. That`s when the couple finally decided to do thorough research and go deeper into the supply chain. They wanted to know if high-quality products can be made in India.
It was then that she decided to take her first step towards The Moms Co. Before setting her foot as an entrepreneur, Malika, who has done her graduation from the Welingkar Institute of Management, has worked as a banker with ICICI bank. Her husband Mohit is an IIM Ahmedabad alumnus and worked with big hotshots like Mckinsey & e-commerce unicorn Snapdeal.

So what makes this brand special? Their excellent quality standards! The company`s products are developed by highly skilled experts across Australia, India & Switzerland. The ingredients used in their products are checked thoroughly against databases available around the globe.
The products then undergo stability tests to ensure that their quality and stability are intact across varied humidity and temperature conditions. Each product undergoes microbial tests to determine they are free from heavy metals, mineral oil, and microbial growth.
After going through a series of tests, the products are finally sent for dermatological evaluation to ensure they are free from any irritants. Their entire product range is certified toxin-free and deemed safe by Safe Cosmetics Australia.

At present, The Moms Co has a market size of Rs 10,000 Cr and growing exponentially at 20% annually. With most of the mothers spending time online on research and for their daily shopping needs, the brand is gradually shifting to online as well.

The Moms Co. is coming out with a wide range of products for hair, skin, pregnancy & baby care, and another 25 expected by the end of 2020. They are trying to evolve as a one-stop destination for pre-natal, post-natal, and baby care products.

Malika`s journey is an inspiration! Her motivational story can inspire people to achieve big by turning dreams into reality. But conceptualization of an idea can take more than just thorough research about the market. Know how can you expand your start-up and establish it as a brand. Visit to join