
9 Career Advice From Ankur Warikoo We Wish We Knew Earlier!

Are you anxious about your career choices? Are you worried about how to take your professional career ahead? Worry not! Here are nine pieces of career advice from none other than Ankur Warikoo- a popular face who has his own YouTube channel. He is also the former CEO of Groupon and Nearbuy.

Here is a list of career advice from Ankur Warikoo who will help you navigate all the confusion that we all experience at some point in our lives:

1. You Get Paid for What You CAN Do!

When starting a career, we all have high expectations about the role and reimbursements. But at the initial stage, you only get paid for what you can do. You explore different industries and roles and based on your performance, you make your career. You have to showcase your abilities and then you get paid for those. Later, after you become experienced, you get paid for what you do.

2. You End Up Managing People

No matter in which industry or field you are, every promotion brings you a step closer to managing people.

3. Not Everyone Can Become Managers

Every individual is unique because of their exclusive skills and talents. But this does not mean that they could be good managers too. Managing your job and responsibilities is one thing and managing people who are coming from different backgrounds, beliefs and experiences is completely another ball game.

4. Grow Professionally By Helping Your Peers & Your Boss!

Most people on their first job can be seen working tirelessly even outside their job roles. This simple step not just helps them grow professionally, but also helps them to build networking. The more you make your boss’s job easier by taking on more and more responsibilities, the more you will grow- professionally because you get to learn new things and develop new skills.

5. Grow While Learning

When you start working, always ensure that you are enhancing your skills. A job that gives you experience should add to your knowledge bank as well. If you switch jobs and opt for the same job role, ensure that you are learning something new. If you have three years of experience, make sure that you hone your skills and make it 3 YEARS of experience. Not 1 year of experience done three times.

6. Gain In-depth Knowledge of Your Work

In the early days, it is very important to gain deep knowledge 0of your work, field, and industry. This will give you an edge over everyone else. Deep insights and knowledge will help you in the future. Once you have gained experience, you can go wide. You can explore the horizon of industries and can experiment with distinct roles and positions.

7. Action is Greater than Thoughts

Have a business idea? Then make a business plan along with goals and how will you achieve them. Create a timeline to achieve your goals. An idea remains a dream unless action is taken. No one ever gets rewarded for just having an idea. So work on your idea and never shy away from working hard towards your dreams. You can also take help from a business coach who will mentor you and guide you in the right direction.

8. Respect Your Commitment

Once you have committed, you must fulfill it by beating the odds. When you do what you have promised, you not only become more trustworthy, but it also increases your credibility. The reward for standing by your word and commitment is immense.

9. Be Consistent

“Slow and steady always wins the race.” You must have heard this adverb a lot of times courtesy of the story of a rabbit and a tortoise. The message here is that it does not matter how fast you are running. If you hustle, you grow fast in the short term. However, it is essential to be consistent in your efforts. If you pace yourself, you grow big in the long term.

Everyone has dreams when they start their career, with lots of expectations and high hopes. This career advice by Ankur Warikoo will help you to navigate in the right direction.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about our courses, visit:


These 10 Books Recommended By Elon Musk Will Open A Whole New World Of Knowledge!

“A book can be your best friend.” Sometimes it can be your peaceful escape, while other times it can take you to a world, where you have never been before. A book can give you a fresh new perspective, open your mind, and give wings to your imagination. It can throw light in the darkest corners of your mind by making you aware of various aspects of the world.

Many successful millionaires read books. In an interview, Bill Gates mentioned that he is very fond of reading and reads around fifty books per year. And Elon Musk who is the brilliant mind behind Tesla and SpaceX is no exception.

Whenever Musk is asked about how he learned to build rockets, he says, “by reading books.” Not only this genius reads them but also devours them. Musk has a personal library and offers some recommendations of his own.

Here are the top 10 books recommended by Elon Musk:

1. Life 3.0: Being Human in the age of Artificial Intelligence| By Max Tegmark

Will superhuman intelligence be our slave, or become our god? What will the future look like? Taking us to the heart of the latest thinking about AI, Max Tegmark, the MIT professor whose work has helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial, separates myths from reality, and utopias from dystopias, to explore the next phase of our existence.

How automation can help us grow our prosperity, without leaving people lacking income or purpose? How can we ensure that future AI systems do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning, or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will AI help life flourish as never before, or will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, and even, perhaps, replace us altogether?

2. Twelve Against the Gods| By William Bolitho

Encompassing the timeless values of perseverance, bravery, and strength of spirit; this book consists of essays that are nearly one hundred years old but still that have proven to resonate with the pioneers and thought leaders of today.

In this book, author William Bolitho details the lives of twelve great adventurers — Alexander the Great, Casanova, Mahomet, Christopher Columbus, Lola Montez, Charles XII of Sweden, Cagliostro (and Seraphina), Napoleon I, Lucius Sergius Catiline, Isadora Duncan, Napoleon III, and Woodrow Wilson. He also demonstrates the struggles and successes that made these iconic figures famous.

3. Screw Business As Usual | By Richard Branson

It’s a vibrant and definite sea change from the way business was always done, when financial profit was a driving force. Today, people aren’t afraid to say, Screw business as usual!-and show they mean it. Richard Branson is one of the world’s most famous and admired business leaders. He argues in his book that it is time to turn capitalism upside down-to shift our values from an exclusive focus on profit to also caring for people, communities, and the planet.

4. Waiting for Godot| By Samuel Beckett

‘Waiting for Godot’ is a valuable book that begins with a summary of the play and its origins and editions. It then explores the play’s meaning and the historical and intellectual contexts informing Beckett’s work. The book then examines Beckett’s dramatic art and gives full coverage of the play’s performance history. A bibliographical essay surveys the most important critical studies.

5. Howard Hughes | By Donald L. Barlett

Whether he was courting public attention in the roles of aviator, playboy, and entrepreneur, or shunning it as a recluse, Howard Hughes commanded headlines throughout his career. Yet the image of his life, his power, and his business empire that caught the public imagination was almost completely false. This book revolves around his life, revealing the multiple layers page by page, taking its readers closer to the reality of his life.

6. Super Intelligence | By Nick Bostrom

Human beings are blessed with some of the most amazing capabilities that the other species on this planet lack. It is these capabilities that put humans in a more dominant position. Where other animals have stronger muscles and sharper claws, humans possess the ability to think with their cleverer brains. Read the book and learn about genies, oracles, singletons, and a lot more intricate concepts.

7. Benjamin Franklin | By Walter Isaacson

Benjamin Franklin is the founding father who seems made of flesh rather than marble. In a sweeping narrative in this book that follows Franklin’s life from Boston to Philadelphia to London and Paris and back, Walter Isaacson chronicles the adventures of the runaway apprentice who became, over the course of his eighty-four-year life, America’s best writer, inventor, media baron, scientist, diplomat, and business strategist, as well as one of its most practical and ingenious political leaders.

8. The Machine Stops | By E.M Forster

The Machine Stops” is a science fiction short story (12,300 words) by E. M. Forster. After initial publication in The Oxford and Cambridge Review (November 1909), the story was republished in Forster’s The Eternal Moment and Other Stories in 1928. It was voted as one of the best novels in 1965.

9. Steve Jobs | By Walter Isaacson

Walter Isaacson tells the story of the rollercoaster life and intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.

10. The Life of Greece | By Will Durant

A history of Greek civilization from the beginnings, and of civilization in the Near East from the Death of Alexander to the Roman Conquest of Greece!

Inspiration can be anywhere! And if you want to be a successful entrepreneur reading could be a great way to increase your knowledge and awareness. These 10 books recommended by Elon Musk should be on your reading list.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


How To Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes That Cause Startups Failure?

India is the 3rd largest startup ecosystem. Though the immense growth and support for startups is a pleasant change, the hard fact is that most of the startups in India fail within 5 years of their launch, as per a report by IBM Institute for Business Value and Oxford Economics.

One major reason behind the failure of any startup is the lack of innovation. But that’s not it! Another factor that contributes to startup failure is not learning from past mistakes and repeating them. Here is a list of five common pitfalls that every entrepreneur makes at the early stages that could cost them their dream venture:

1. Not Hiring People Who Think Out Of the Box!

Many entrepreneurs hire people just like themselves. Avoiding this trap is essential to make a startup business successful. Without people who challenge the stereotypes and the founders’ thinking, a startup fails to identify new opportunities or spot risks until it’s too late.

Avoiding this trap is essential to make a startup business successful. Startups should hire people who think out of the box and know no creative boundaries. The diversity of ideas, skill sets, and backgrounds are the key essentials of every successful startup. You can watch amazing videos by Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best business coach in India to learn how to hire the right people for your organization!

2. Rushing After Funds

Capital is essential. But this does not mean that every startup should rush after it. Speed is important, yes, but without breaks, it will result only in a misadventure. Finding a balance speed to find the right fit is equally essential.

Finding perfect Venture Capital is just like finding the right partner for marriage. Take enough time to find the right match- and avoid jumping at the first or the most extensive check.

To avoid a situation like that, put in a considerable amount of time to find a VC partner that will provide thoughtful guidance, and mentorship and will be there for you during the challenges.

3. They Don’t Consider Customer’s Pain Points

Too often founders get overly enthusiastic about their ideas related to their product or service. They often believe that once they build a product, customers will come. But building a product or a service without any customer validation or A/B testing can be dangerous for a business.

Instead, founders of startups should always find an alpha customer and then create a product to solve the customer`s biggest pain point. Creating a customer-centric product doesn’t happen by just sitting around a conference table brainstorming. The idea to build an amazing product comes from seeking out and tackling the real problems in the world that already exist. If you are confused about your business growth, you can hire the best business coach in India.

4. No Go-to-Market Plan

Entrepreneurs should document a clear and concise path to their profitability. To chart this document they should conduct rigorous research and analysis that challenge their market estimates.

This requires an in-depth knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of their market competitors. They should also determine the company’s proprietary advantage in each market segment it is looking to penetrate.

It is also important to be prepared in advance to be able to shift the business with technological advancement or according to customer needs. And while adaptability is crucial, having a focused plan is also essential. As a startup the resources are generally limited, thus, it is important to be laser-focused for maximum impact.

5. Lack of Strategic Partnerships

Many startups think about partnerships just in terms of capital and checks. But startups also require strategic alliances that will help them refine their business models, and new customers, scale revenues, and generate market awareness.

By making partnerships with large and established companies, startups can save costs on R&D resources and the expertise of their professional team.

Want to know what are the other pitfalls that entrepreneurs should avoid? Know it all from the top industry experts with our Business Coaching Program. To know more, click here:


11 Timeless Quotes By Sudha Murty Will Give You A New Perspective of Life!

Sudha Murthy, an affable-looking woman with short height and a friendly demeanor is the wife of the founder of the country’s topmost tech company- Infosys! But, that is not what she is known for! Sudha Murty is a philanthropist, award-winning author, and Padma Shri awardee for the amazing work she is doing for the benefit of society.

Sudha Murty is the Chairperson of the Infosys Foundation, a Karnataka-based non-profit that works towards empowering underprivileged and marginalized communities. The award-winning author empowers them through quality education, rural development, public hygiene, healthcare, art, and culture.

Having worked with people from different walks of life, Sudha Murty believes that her true calling is to serve others. She says she woke up to a new outlook over two decades ago when her daughter urged her to reflect on the purpose of her life.

Here are 11 quotes by the author who is famous for her book- “How I Taught My Grandmother to Read” which has been an inspiration for many across India and is also included in the academic syllabus:

  1.   The struggle is Life!
  2.   Trust is difficult to earn and easy to destroy.
  3.   Too much money in too little time is just like excess liquor
  4.   One should stick to what one can do best.
  5.   Money mostly divides.
  6.   A fire cannot be extinguished with another fire. It is the only water that can make a difference.
  7.   Life is an exam where the syllabus is unknown and question papers are not set. Nor are there model answer papers.
  8.   Nature is very intelligent. Whether you are good-looking or not, whether you are intelligent or not, whether you are rich or not, you only have 24 hours a day. Whatever your set of problems or difficulties or solutions, you have to accommodate all of them in 24 hours.
  9.   It doesn’t matter how intelligent you are, how well-off you are, or how well-connected you are. Your perseverance, your courage – if you keep that intact, only such people will always be successful.
  10.   Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision is merely passing time. But vision and action together can change the world.
  11.   Having good relationships, compassion, and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, degrees, or money.

So keep dreaming and keep growing! The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about interesting quotes, visit

Business motivation

From MP to PM: 5 Interesting Facts about UK’s new PM Rishi Sunak that will Amaze You!

When India was celebrating Diwali, a new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was appointed. Yes, we are talking about none other than Rishi Sunak, who has created history by becoming the country’s first leader of colour. 

Rishi Sunak, who was set to become UK’s Prime Minister, was termed victorious on the auspicious day of Diwali. In 2015, Sunak was elected as MP for Richmond in Yorkshire in May. He served as the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Local Government between 2018 and 2019, following which he entered the Cabinet as chief secretary to the Treasury. 

In 2020, he became the youngest Chancellor ever of the Exchequer in February. However, due to differences with former PM Boris Johnson, he resigned. He lost elections in the race to replace Johnson as UK’s PM to Liz Truss. However, as luck would favour it, Sunak again threw his hat in the ring on October 23, after Truss’s short tenure.

Here are 5 things you should know about him:

     1.       Rishi Sunak has Indian Roots

Rishi Sunak has often referred to himself as having “Indian roots”, however, he is not completely Indian. Sunak was born in 1980 in Southampton, England. He completed his education at Winchester College, a private boarding school followed by his graduation from the University of Oxford.

His grandparents originated from India before independence. Their birthplace Gujranwala lies in modern-day Pakistan’s Punjab province. Sunak, whose Indian-origin parents had emigrated to the UK from East Africa, was born in Southampton in 1980. He is the son of a pharmacist mother and a doctor father. His family migrated to Britain in 1960 during which many people from Britain’s former colonies moved to the country.  

     2.    He is the youngest PM in more than 200 years

Sunak who is 42 will be the youngest PM in more than 200 years. The only man who was younger than him when he became Prime Minister was William Pitt the Younger, who became the last Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1783 at age 24 and remained in power until 1801 and then became the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1804. 

     3.       The Fastest Journey to Power in the Modern Era

As we have previously mentioned, Rishi Sunak was first elected as the MP of Richmond, Yorkshire in 2015. In 2022, he became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. His entire journey took him a little more than seven years. 

David Cameron- former PM of the UK went from MP to PM in just nine years. Pitt the Younger, however, took only 2 years to cover the distance between his position as MP to PM.  

     4.       Rishi Sunak & Akshata Murthy are Richer than King Charles III

Rishi Sunak is married to Akshata Murthy who is the daughter of Narayan Murthy (founder of Tech Giant- Infosys), and together they are wealthier than King Charles III. According to a report in the Guardian, “The combined fortune of Prime Minister Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty is estimated at £730 million, which is double the estimated wealth (£300 million-£350 million) of King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort.”

     5.       Sunak has an Addiction!

One fact about Rishi Sunak that will surely surprise you is that he is a total Coke addict! And by Coke, we mean Coca-Cola. During an interview in March 2021, Sunak confessed to being a big Coca-Cola addict. He still collects Coca-Cola things and also shared that his favorite was “Mexican Coke”. 

Though many Indians are celebrating that Rishi Sunak is an Indian, the matter of fact is that his roots are Indian. The rich culture of India is deeply ingrained in him and he is a proud Hindu as well. His journey is truly inspiring and encourages everyone to follow their dreams. We wish him all the best for his tenure as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. 

Learn how you can take your startup to new heights with our business coaching program. Click here to know more about this product:


These 5 Fundamentals Of Business Will Help Your Startup Grow!

Doing multiple things at the same time and without having a solid business background, being in charge of a lot of things can feel overwhelming. Understanding how to read a balance sheet and a financial statement is just as vital as it is to understand how to make, launch and market the product or offer A-class customer service.

While many entrepreneurs and small business owners hire a business coach, others try to figure out the market trends on their own.

No matter what the nature of the business is, there are fundamentals that every entrepreneur must be aware of to keep their business thriving. Here are five fundamentals that you must know to grow your business startup:

1. Avoid Rushing

While business expansion is on every entrepreneur`s mind, growth and scalability are the product of consistency, persistence, effort, and hard work. However, doing multiple things in a bid to attain instant results can result in a disaster. If your business is in the early stages then do not try to market your product or service to everyone. Target a small niche of consumers first, and then focus on reaching out to a wider audience. Here is a very informative video that will tell you how you can scale up your business. Watch it here:

2. The Regulatory & Legal Framework

Every country has some laws and every business requires certain financial, economic, and legal frameworks in India. Adhering to all the regulatory and legal requirements is required to smooth the working of your business. Some of the legal aspects that your business must include are business structure (corporation, partnership, and sole proprietorship), business name (copyright issues), tax IDs, and permits & licenses.

Understanding the legalities also means managing your rights and maintaining the right to do business. Also, insurance is crucial to any business as the future is uncertain. Having insurance is essential to growing a business at any stage of development.

3. Cash Flow

Understanding the concept of cash flow projection is a vital step because budgeting is the first step that will take you on a successful entrepreneurial journey.  You must be well acquainted with information like how much money your startup can expect to earn. How much profit will be generated, and how much funds will be required to continue day-to-day operations? Set realistic goals and take a cold, hard, fact-based look at what you can reasonably expect in the future from your business.

Have a basic understanding of financing and fundraising options that include angel investors, venture capital, self-funding, crowdfunding, loans, grants, and more.

4. Forge Collaboration & Networking

Networking is one of the most crucial factors that can help a business to grow immensely. Topping the list, every entrepreneur must focus on building an online and offline network. Building an online network with some of the most important key influencers is a really powerful thing to do. This can lead to people sharing your brand with others.

If you don’t have a large circle, go out and meet new people to build meaningful connections. Create a profile on social media and be socially active with influential people. Follow their blogs, and leave comments on their social network profiles.

Engaging with influential people on social media can bring you to their notice. If you work with a business mentor he can also help you build strong connections through his network.

5. Marketing Strategies

Having deep marketing knowledge is a must-know thing for every entrepreneur. Marketing is essential for the growth and profit of any business.

For instance, you have created an amazing product. It can change the lives of your customers, but your customers are not aware that your product exists in the market. Would it be beneficial for your business or your customer? Not exactly! Hence, you will have to invest a considerable amount of time into marketing.

Also, people do not like to make purchasing decisions impulsively. They need to be persuaded, coaxed, and reassured. That’s what a good marketing strategy does. You will need to understand your customers and their buying behavior to sell your product or services in the market.

Entrepreneurs must keep these fundamentals in their mind that will help them to scale up their startup business. Put these to use and with your determination and perseverance, you will see some excellent results.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

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Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam: 11 Inspiring Quotes From India’s Missile Man To Motivate You!

A.P.J Abdul Kalam needs no introduction. Known as the ‘Missile Man of India’, he was the 11th President of India. He worked as an aerospace scientist with India’s two major space organizations- Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

A league apart, Abdul Kalam was a source of inspiration for tens and thousands of Indians. Kalam’s prodigious rise from Rameswaram, a small but famous pilgrimage town in Tamil Nadu, led him to become one of the world’s most accomplished leaders.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was born on October 15, 1931 in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, India. He left a remarkable legacy in the fields of science and technology, contributing significantly to India’s missile and space programs. Tragically, this inspirational leader passed away on July 27, 2015, leaving a profound impact on countless lives and continuing to be remembered for his extraordinary contributions to the nation and the world.

His contributions have enabled scientists, educationists, and writers across the country, and have encouraged every Indian citizen to dream and achieve extraordinary things in life despite adverse conditions.

Here are eleven quotes by the leader who was passionate about his work and his love for science, technology and innovation have led to some of the most crucial satellite launches along with the development and operationalization of the Agni and Prithvi missiles:

  1. All Birds find shelter during rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above clouds.
  2. Don’t take a rest after your first victory because if you fail in the second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.
  3. All of us do not have equal talent. But, all of us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.
  4. You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
  5. Failure will never overtake me if my definition of success is strong enough.
  6. I’m not a handsome guy, but I can give my hand to someone who needs help. Beauty is in the heart, not in the face.
  7. You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.
  8. Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only with those who dream and work.
  9. Your best teacher is your last mistake.
  10. Don’t read success stories, you will only get the message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.
  11. Man needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy success.

We hope these quotes inspire you to achieve your dreams and follow your passion. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we totally agree with you. That is why to help you move ahead with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer a specialized Diploma in Entrepreneurship course accredited by GLA University which comes with Foundation Courses, Specialized Courses and Value Added Courses. To Know More visit our Bada Business website.

Process & Business Expansion

3 Effective Tips For Entrepreneurs To Overcome Burnout

Summary: Whether you are passionate about the thing you are doing or not, there comes a moment when we all experience burnout.

Finding something that you love doing and are passionate about and turning it into a full-time career is not an easy task. Even if you end up choosing one and choose to spend your entire life pursuing it, it does not mean you will never experience burnout. Once the excitement and newness of the job paves way for the monotony and pressure to get the job done and achieve your targets, burnout begins to appear.

Burnout in careers is a real issue, especially in this world where the competition is rough and our society keeps pushing people on the go with minimal rest. Due to the constant frenzy of completing tasks, many people are feeling the effects of long-term burnout.

Dr. Vivek Bindra, founder, and CEO of Bada Business Pvt Ltd is also a world-renowned business coach and guides more than 500 corporates in India to keep their employees motivated by achieving work-life balance.

Here are three powerful tips that might appear simple on the surface, but are super-effective if practiced daily:

1. Money is Not the Master Key for Every Door

People today often are a part of a rat race because they have lost their sense of individuality. Their goals are influenced by others and they want to achieve what their peers are trying to achieve, which is more often than not- MONEY! However, contrary to what our society wants to make us believe, money doesn’t resolve all the issues in our lives. No doubt that it makes life more comfortable, but there is more to life than what we buy and own.

In a bid to make a certain amount of money to give your family a comfortable life, you may be sacrificing your time with them. Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting to work hard, but being an entrepreneur one must know that something is going to slip through the cracks, and sacrifices have to be made. The good news is that there are ways to be able to do both.

2. Create Boundaries

The doors of opportunities are not easy to find in our fast-paced society. For entrepreneurs who are on a constant lookout for opportunities to scale their business or people who want to climb corporate ladders in less time, it may be hard to say “no.” Hence, boundaries are necessary to achieve balance. If there is stress in your life, then you have created stress and not the business. If you have stress in your relationship, it is because of a lack of boundaries.

Life is more enjoyable when you learn to say “no” to the things that don’t excite you or help you achieve your innermost goals. You can also work with a business motivational speaker to learn how to create boundaries and focus on the things that matter the most.

3. Give Equal Importance to your Relationships

Many people start their journeys to make money and create wealth so that their families can lead comfortable lives. In their pursuit, they sacrifice their precious time with their family. Hence, while it is good to work hard towards achieving your goals in life, one should not take their family and friends for granted. Relationships are not binding chains. They are like rocket fuel. And to lead a balanced lifestyle, leaning on one another can help us grow.

These three tips might look simple, but definitely will leave a positive impact on your mental and physical well-being. So follow these tips and Dr. Vivek Bindra, who is the best motivational speaker in India.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about our course, visit:

Process & Business Expansion

5 Amazing Tips For Entrepreneurs To Be More Productive!

Productivity is crucial for the success of any business! And from entrepreneurs to wantrepreneurs, solopreneurs to business owners, productivity is of utmost importance.

There are multiple times when people are busier than productive. And, it is essential to understand the difference between the two. And, if you are not making constant efforts to improve your productivity, it’s only a matter of time before all your business goals and aims will come crashing down. A great business mentor too can help you increase your productivity.

You can complete all your major tasks in less time if you maximize your efforts and minimize distractions. Here are 5 brilliant tips that will improve your productivity rapidly, as a busy entrepreneur:

1. Be More Accountable

Public accountability is something that can truly motivate us. Make a to-do list and set short-term goals, even if it means finishing your pending tasks for the day/week. Share your tasks and goals with a coworker, friend, or with your team. Working with a business coach will also help you to improve. Knowing that you will have to report back and be answerable for not meeting these goals will keep you motivated to perform better to see them through.

2. Find Out When You Are More Productive

Do you struggle with focusing on prioritizing tasks? Do you often fail to manage your time? If you found yourself nodding your head while reading the above two questions, then Time Block could be the solution.

A time block is nothing but small parts of your scheduled time throughout your day. You can decide the tasks you would like to complete according to their priority. Focus on a single task and ignore everything else. Focusing on a single task at a given point in time helps you to concentrate and perform better. It also ensures that you tick off all the important tasks for the day.

3. Eliminate Distractions

Easier said than done, we know, but try to reduce unnecessary distractions throughout the day that we perform unconsciously. You can also write ‘Day in your life off, which is a wonderful way to take note of where you are spending your maximum time.

All you have to do is write about your assigned task and your daily routine which you follow. This will give you an idea of where your maximum amount of time is getting spent. For instance, you can reduce social media browsing, or spend too much time on your phone.

4. Focus On One Task

We know that in today’s busy world, most people will suggest you handle multiple tasks in one go. However, what most people forget to mention is that it reduces efficiency & productivity. When you are being pulled in hundred different directions daily, it is really hard to give your best and deliver quality results. Jobs are often left open and incomplete, or they are full of human errors due to simple oversight.

This is why staying focused on one task until its completion ensures that it has 100% concentration and is done to the fullest potential.

5. Take As Many Tasks As You Can Handle

When you segregate your daily tasks and schedules, it is time to prioritize them wholeheartedly. Allocate your time to the most worthwhile tasks, which will help you to achieve your goals. This also means saying ‘No’ to new projects, new assignments, new clients, and new responsibilities.

Saying NO to non-essential tasks will help you to finalize the list and helps you to stay adhered to your to-do list.

Staying busy and occupied all the time can stifle your mind and block your creative juices from flowing.  Take time to distress your mind regularly as it will impact your effectiveness. And your mind and business will thank you.

Want to know how to deal with business challenges that come unannounced? The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


3 Consumer Trends In 2023 Entrepreneurs Should Watch Out For!

Do you understand your customers? What their fears might be or the value they possess? Understanding your customers is a very important aspect of any business. Knowing about the challenges they are facing and what they expect from businesses can contribute to a business’s success. These factors affect how they interact with your company.

Here are three consumer trends you should watch out for in 2023:

1. Trust-Based Economy

Be it a personal or a professional relationship; trust is a significant part of anything that forms a strong foundation. Unfortunately, it has become a commodity in these modern times. But the brighter side is that it has not lost its value. Rather it has gained a lot of value for businesses like Uber, Ola, Airbnb, and a lot more companies that completely depend on customers’ trust.

As we get into cars with strangers, sleep in the homes of people we’ve never met, and lend money to others on the other side of the world, a powerful new currency is emerging — and it’s based on trust.

Customers are more likely to engage with companies that actively demonstrate good values and prioritize health and safety. This trend is a welcoming change and has brought a sense of inclusivity by sparking new thinking and patterns where the customer is no more just a prospect, but a human too! Businesses that will focus more on customer satisfaction will be rewarded with huge profits. You can hire a business coach who can help you overcome these aspects.

2. Brand Loyalty

Thanks to digitalization, the world is now an open playground for businesses where those who not just abide by the rules, but keep on making improvements, win the loyalty of the customers. While this is great news for the customers, it also means that developing brand loyalty is crucial more than ever.

However, customer relationships can be affected by unexpected factors. Here are some of the following:

  • 70% want to know you treat employees well.
  • 61% are looking at how you respond to racial injustice.
  • 50% will be scrutinizing your environmental practices.
  • 47% consider action on economic injustice important.
  • 41% rate you on how involved you are in the community.

One of the obvious ways of building brand loyalty is to deliver on everything you have promised and deliver that to the highest standard. Never let your customers down. The services and products you provide also need to be of the highest quality. Maintaining this quality in everything you do so that the value you offer is never questioned. You can learn about distinct ways by taking help from a business mentor.

Another thing is to never forget about your customers; also never let them forget about you. Regularly conversing with them will strengthen the bond between you and your organization, and your client and their organization. Share the latest developments in your organization with your clients and ask them about theirs. You can also build loyalty by focusing your organization’s combined efforts on customer experience and service.

3. A Pleasant Omni-channel Experience

Your customer should be able to interact with your business across multiple channels as part of one seamless customer journey. Marketing, sales, customer support, and even in-store experiences are synced up so a customer can easily go from one customer channel to another to complete their purchase.

Customers want to experience a consistent voice across departments. Many believe that it doesn’t feel like service, sales, and marketing teams share true information for a seamless experience.

The most important thing to remember about creating an Omni-channel customer experience is that it needs to deliver what your customer wants, when they want it, and how they want it. Make sure you’re rewarding your customers with a great, joined-up experience in exchange for their data.

The future is the sky’s limit for businesses. So, do deep research to understand and give your customers nothing but the best experience. The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit: