Business motivation

5 Motivational Quotes To Fuel Your Entrepreneurial Dream!

To become a successful entrepreneur, setting goals is the first step. To accomplish anything meaningful in our lives, everyone needs to set a clear objective. And as it is only four months to the onset of 2022, it is time to make new resolutions and goals and work upon them to prepare ourselves for the year ahead.

To keep you motivated, we thought that it would be incredibly fitting to compile a list of some of the best quotes and our favorites that will keep your spirits uplifted for the New Year.

These powerful quotes by some of the most influential will always remind you not only of the importance of setting goals but also why did you make them in the first place.

Here is a list of 5 of our favorite quotes that exude power, persistence, and perseverance:

1. Vision is Essential

“None can destroy iron, but its rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person but his mindset can.” – Ratan Tata

An amazing quote said by none other than the most admirable and respected industrialist, investor, philanthropist, and former chairman of the TATA Group– Ratan Tata.

Ratan Tata has been garnered admiration across the world not only for his incredible business ethics and philanthropy but also for his integrity. A person`s mindset can be his best friend or foe. No matter how hard-working, talented and skilled you are, if your mindset is not right, you can end up being stuck at the same place for years.

Watch how Ratan Tata became one of the most celebrated industrialists in this video.

2. Dream Bigger

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” –Les Brown

Many people want to start their own business. But they impose multiple restrictions upon them due to which they block their path of success. When you dream big and shoot for the moon, you force yourself to step out of your comfort zone to yield bigger results.

3. Believe in Yourself!

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.” – Steve Jobs

Many people are dependents on the opinion of other people. They want to please everyone, and that is the major reason why they fail in their lives. If you let the opinion of others affect you, you will never become successful and achieve your goals. You can watch his inspirational journey here: 

4. Goal Gives Meaning to Your Journey

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” –Bill Copeland

Some people do not set goals and spend their entire lives fulfilling others. Hence, it is very essential to give direction to your life by setting an objective and then fulfilling those goals.

5. Stay Focused!

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” –Henry Ford

It is very common for entrepreneurs to lose their focus once they begin their small startup business. An entrepreneur has to don multiple hats due to which the objective of the business takes the back seat. Hence, it is very important to stay focused on your goal and keep walking towards it.

We hope these motivational quotes will inspire you to make new objectives for this year and the next. To get more information about starting a startup you can take our business coaching program.


3 Eco-friendly Low-Investment Business Ideas You Can Start Now!

Do you want to start a startup business that makes money but at the same time wants to give something back to this planet and society? The waste management problem in India needs no mention; the mounting landfills speak volumes about the deteriorating health of our environment.

Garbage disposal is one of the major challenges that India is facing currently. While some of the garbage is biodegradable, other substances like plastic can take around 1000 years to decompose. Many people often advocate the prohibition of certain products. However, it is difficult to replace them in daily life and hence, their disposal after fulfillment is inevitable.

So if you want to start your venture, we can give you the best eco–friendly small business ideas to start. These businesses upcycle and recycle waste products to create commercially viable products.

1. Upcycled Furniture

Furniture is an integral part of every home, and this is one of the reasons why it is a great avenue for upcycling waste. To use waste materials at a great scale, one can create a variety of products like tables, chairs, cupboards, and more that are in great demand.

Starting an upcycle furniture shop is a good low-investment small business idea. It requires a small seed investment and has the potential to pick up and return great profits. Look for the cheapest sourcing options to source raw materials and have a clear idea of what it can be converted into for its maximum utility.

Pradeep Jadhav of Pune started Gigantiques Furniture to create practical models out of waste materials like used tires & barrels. After delivering 500 orders, his business is experiencing a J-curve.

2. Recycled Products

Yes, plastic has many disadvantages, but if you can think about a creative way to turn its con into pros, you can start a small business startup that will need minimum investment. Plastic offers great utility, which can be its advantage as well if used smartly.

The simplest way to use it is to start a business where plastic can be used to create reusable products. You can collect plastic bags, gift wrappers, bags of flours, and pulses from local garbage collectors. Many products can be made by weaving the plastic strips together.

Nandan Bhat, founder of Pune-based start-up Ecokaari has started one such venture. He has employed artisans under his brand, who cut the plastic into thin strips and weave them into a fabric which is then made into a wide range of products like pouches, handbags, purses, travel bags to electronic covers that are purchased by people according to their requirement.

3. Upcycle Decoration

If you have an eye for details and can think about something creative, this is another low investment small business idea. You can start refurbishing fabrics to create some amazing decorative items like lanterns, pen holders, and other utility items that can be reused again and are also eco-friendly.

Delhi-based Siddhant Kumar has begun such a venture where he utilizes denim clothing and upscales it to come up with some of the most beautiful utility items.

Being an entrepreneur means resolving customer`s problems, and today our planet is screaming for help due to pollution. By utilizing the above-mentioned ideas, you can easily start a small startup business as they need very minimum investment.

To know how you can start a startup business, you can take our Business Coaching Program where you will get the handholding support of the experts along with premium content from SMEs.


Top 3 Common SEO Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make & How to Avoid Them!

As a small business owner reaching customers to boost sales is the major goal. Many entrepreneurs often forget about building an online presence via SEO activities. Most often than not, MSME business owners do not take SEO activities seriously and consider them as a liability. But optimizing your website and content according to the guidelines of the search engines can fetch high traffic to your business.

One of the major reasons behind it is that they have seen many organizations struggling with search engine optimization activities. However, what they don`t realize is that many small startup businesses jump over few SEO guidelines that are crucial to yield great results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) serves as a critical tool that ensures that your business gains an edge and remains competitive while capturing the right audience.

Here is the list of three common SEO mistakes that small to medium-sized businesses often make—and how you can avoid repeating them.

1. Expecting Results Overnight

SEO requires patience and persistence. And this is something that entrepreneurs must understand because success does not happen overnight. Many small business startup owners hesitate from applying a solid SEO strategy because of the time duration that it takes to see results.

When a new web page is published, Google uses 200-plus ranking factors to measure the quality of your content. Hence, it takes time to validate the relevance of the new content. The content you create helps to build your website reputation and pull up customers organically. The entire process takes around a month before you start seeing results. To come on top of the result page, the average age is almost three years.

Monitor SEO campaign for weeks, use SEO tools like Google Analytics to understand the performance of your webpage and the source of traffic.

2. Customized Research on Keywords

SEO is powerful only when Keywords are powerful. Hence, it is very important to find relevant keywords that meet your customer`s needs.  Keyword-rich content will help yield the highest results. And many new potential customers find new businesses through Google search that includes keywords matching with their requirements.

So try to put yourself in the minds of your customers and apply the keywords that define your ideas and topics.

3. Ignoring Backlinks in your Content

Backlinks are the second most important factor that plays a vital role in Google ranking. When creating a web link, backlinks are non-negotiable! The inclusion of external links into your content boosts your website`s search engine ranking and popularity organically.

Many business owners often skip this fundamental step of an SEO strategy because of the in-depth research and time it takes.

However, it is essential to include quality links that are from credible sources. The guidelines from Google penalize unnatural links and also prohibit links that are not that valuable and useful for the users.

Understanding the factors that can affect your SEO results can be time-consuming and challenging. But once you prepare it with the right approach, it will drive your customer acquisition and yield great results.

To understand how you can boost your business growth and revenue, you can take Business Coaching Program. It not only offers a bundle of exclusive foundation courses and value packs, but also handholding support of a personalized business coach.


5 Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Can Damage Business

Entrepreneurship is not easy, especially when it comes to making a marketing strategy for your startup business. Entrepreneurs learn new things by analyzing the market trend and what works for their brand. Despite, all the analysis and statistics, they tend to make mistakes.

Many mistakes most of the time that looks massive, end up being temporary setbacks. However, some mistakes may prove fatal for a startup business plan. These mistakes arise only when entrepreneurs exhibit a fundamental misunderstanding of best marketing practices. So if you are an entrepreneur and looking to avoid marketing mistakes that you must avoid, here is a list:


Your brand serves as the foundation of your business identity. It acts as a connecting link between your small startup business and your customers. Hence, if you try to market your business without a brand, you might have to taste the dust.

When people see your logo, your tagline, or pick up on your brand`s tone, they will form an opinion about your brand. This is the connection that is necessary for a business to thrive. Without it, your business is just floating in free space without any recognition and association.

So never market your business without brand building. The more connections you build the more familiar your customers will become with your brand.


One of the biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs can make is not being aware of their target customers. For instance, not everyone loves Apple IPhones and there could be multiple reasons like budget, operating system, interface, or restrictions.

Hence, it is very important to choose your market niche carefully and not market your product to everybody. Many entrepreneurs think that “everybody” is the largest possible audience, and so it offers the largest possible return. But the truth is far from this notion. A generic brand message has the least recall value.

So to stand out, you have to be unique when it comes to marketing, just like your startup business idea. Create specifically crafted messages for one segment of your customers at a time.


Making presumptions can be disastrous when it comes to potential customers. There are some marketers who very well understand that every customer is unique and hence, they should craft messages by keeping a specific audience in mind. Still, they don`t do it effectively!

Instead of relying on data and statistics, they rather make broad assumptions about their target audience. This can be detrimental for any business, especially for a startup business that is struggling to enter the market. Every entrepreneur needs to ask this question to themselves. If they are making their market decisions because of the way you think things work, or because of the way things work in practical work?


Successful investment in marketing is similar to putting salt in a dish- both demand a careful balance! Investing too much money at the beginning of the startup can be a waste of money because you might not know your target audience very well. You don`t know which platforms are more suitable for your business and what works best for your brand.

On the other hand, if you are investing too little, it will not yield desired results and you might not be able to acquire new customers.


Innovate or Die- this phrase defines marketing in the best possible way. If you are not experimenting, you can`t improve. And marketing is not a point-and-shoot game. It is a game of setting and resetting expectations, getting closer, but never reaching set parameters.

Watch how NOKIA lost its grip on the market and failed as a mobile giant in this video:

Hence, the only way to craft a perfect marketing strategy for your startup business is to try new things and being bold with your strategies, and see which ones work and which ones fail.

The above marketing strategies should be avoided when trying to establish a brand presence for a startup business. These mistakes are not only damaging for new entrepreneurs, but they are also some of the most common. The good news is that if you catch these mistakes early, you can up your marketing game.

If you want to know how to craft marketing strategies for your business, you can take our business coaching program.


5 Ways To Give Your Online Startup Business A Jump-Start!

The internet has grown into one of the largest marketplaces. With the pandemic hitting the economy, more and more companies are now operating online. Many small startup businesses with unique ideas are cropping up with their unique strategies.

However, it requires patience, commitment, and perseverance to keep the entrepreneurs going- but passion makes all the difference. If you have a solid idea for an online business startup there are important lessons that you might want to learn.

A lot of mistakes are bound to happen initially. While some of them can easily pass over, some may prove way too expensive. So here is a list of important lessons that will help you to kick-start your own online business:

1. Build a Website that is Faster & Better

Your website is the face of your business that people see when they visit. It is the gateway through which your potential customers will recognize you. If you are losing customers, a poorly designed website can be one of the biggest reasons behind it. If it is not optimized for mobile devices, you may lose a lot of traffic.

A slow-loading website can frustrate visitors, which is why building a website that can load faster is always a wise decision. Give users an easy browsing experience as it makes a user`s journey quicker. Users can also look at your products and purchase them in an uncluttered way.

2. Make your SEO Game Better

Search Engine Optimization is used to get your website ranked on Google. Search engines like Google look for keywords that people usually type when they are looking for a particular product. Entrepreneurs should use more of those keywords in their content such as blogs, articles, and product descriptions. The more those keywords will be used, the easier it will be for the users to discover you and your business.

Keep uploading fresh images of your content and optimize your layout with specific keywords as it can make a huge difference in the number of visitors. However, the results of any SEO activity will take time.

3. Use an Old Domain Name

Old domain names generate a sense of trustworthiness for search engines. They get an edge and that makes them hard to compete. The major reason behind it is that they have existed for a much longer time as compared to any other domain name.

They also come up higher on the first pages of Google searches that give your startup business online an edge over your competition. They may cost you a little more, but they can be a great investment for the future.

4. Have a Dominant Social-media presence

In today`s digital world, social media plays a significant role in every online startup business. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest have proved to be a set of invaluable tools for all businesses.

If you can use social media effectively, your followers will increase, and you might get tons of new visitors weekly. Make engaging content and add a dash of humor into it regarding your products and services that works well for your brand, and you can grow a community around your business in no time at all.

5. Use Advertising Methods Wisely

There was a time when the traditional methods for marketing your products included TV commercials and radio ads that required large budged. However, thanks to social media there are plenty of options available where you can market your business at a low cost. From Google AdWords to Facebook and Instagram ads, social media offers versatile choices to modern-day entrepreneurs to establish their brand presence.

Use them together with SEO activities and your business will achieve greater visibility. Whether you are using advertising platforms or building links, apply these tips and you will see unbelievable results.

To learn more about productive ways of marketing your small startup business online, you can take our Problem Solving Course.

Startup Strategy

3 Key Things That Help Startup Businesses Dominate On Instagram!

Most entrepreneurs who have just set up a small startup business would agree unanimously that real, organic, and engaging followers on Instagram are the most powerful audiences that one can build on social media.

Today, Instagram has been a promising platform not only to gain more customers for your startup business but also one of the best ways to build your brand presence. If you have few thousand followers who are real and engaged, you can turn your Instagram business account into a multi-million dollar business in just a few years.

Many people think that there are some deep secrets that the most popular brands or Instagram accounts must be hiding, but truth to be told, there are no secrets. To grow on Instagram you only need three things- Time, Patience, and Hard-work.

So whether you have a startup business selling quirky t-shirts, or you are running yoga classes, these tips will help you launch your business on Instagram in a new light:

1. Post Engaging Content

Ask yourself one question- why would you want to follow a business account on Instagram? Will you do it for their awesome products or services that you might come to know from ads that they run, or because they post highly engaging content on their profile?

The answer is simple and true- for their content.

To grow properly on Instagram, a business must focus on posting content that is of high quality and engaging as well. Post engagement is what brings growth to Instagram and helps a brand to establish its strong presence.

Some people think that posting promotional offers on their profile will get them, customers. But the harsh reality is that nobody wants to see unnecessary promotional material on their feed. People want to follow accounts that deliver value. If you are an entrepreneur with a solid startup business plan, maybe it is time to rethink your entire content strategy.

2. Follow Accounts that Deliver High Value

Inspiration is everywhere. Sometimes you can simply get it from your competitors who are doing well in their business. You can follow them and they can follow you back. Many people have rejected the idea of following/unfollow strategy, however, if done correctly it can prove to be effective.

If you are struggling to build followers on your business account, you can implement the follow/unfollow strategy. Also finding the right people to follow is the biggest issue and this is where most of the strategies fail. It is very essential to find the right kind of people who would be genuinely interested in your specific type of content. To find accounts that will be interested in your type of content and carve out your own space by increasing 500 followers per month on Instagram.

3. Be Ultra Social

Instagram is a social media platform. Unlike LinkedIn, you need to engage and socialize with your followers to keep them following your account here. And it can be rewarding for the social people. If you have a small startup business that has something to offer people- a product, service, or simply your expertise on a particular subject, there are plenty of ways to find value on Instagram.

If you engage with others, people will engage with you. And Engagement leads to growth and you will likely begin to gain followers from your contributions.

Social Media platforms can be really rewarding and prove to be a contributing factor in your business growth if used to their maximum potential. Many entrepreneurs think that there must be some easy-way-out like buying followers, but that is not organic and will harm your online presence in the future.

So use these three hacks mentioned above to increase followers by creating great content, and you too will find great success for your business on Instagram. To learn more about marketing strategies and techniques that work, you can take our Problem Solving Courses.

Business motivation Strategy

5 Amazing Benefits Of Working With A Professional Business Coach!

With many entrepreneurs turning towards the professional help of a business coach, many small startup business owners who are struggling with their business problems are now realizing its importance.

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey. Though it might sound exciting at the early stage, one has to don multiple hats and take care of multiple operations. Sometimes, it also means working endlessly and still feels like you are stuck on a deserted island.

Though the internet is filled with articles, blogs, podcasts, and exclusive video tutorials on how to build and scale your small startup business, every business is unique and so are your challenges. In this case, those articles and blogs will not prove helpful. This is where taking a business coaching program becomes essential for entrepreneurs. You can also watch our video on “Strategy to scale your business”, here:

But a business coaching efficiency depends on two critical factors i.e. the client is willing to grow, and there is a gap between where they are now, and where they want to aspire to be.

As an entrepreneur, working with a business coach can benefit you in various ways. A business coach can help you to grow in the following ways:

1. Helps you Set Goals & Work Towards it

Humans are passionate about the work they love doing. But unfortunately, very few people are aware of the fact what they want to do with their business and their professional lives. A business coach can help you to distinguish between what you could have, should have, and have-to-have.

A great business coach can also help you to set your ideal goal for your business and help you to achieve them too.

2. Helps you to maintain a Healthy Work-life Balance

If you want to be successful, it starts with a balanced lifestyle. It simply means that you will have to prioritize your professional commitments as well as personal commitments, which also means that you will have to be selfish, yet responsible. You will have to get better at communication, get your needs met, and still have people like you. You need this strong if you truly want to be successful.

3. Manage your Finances Well

Many startups fail in the initial years because of a lack of funds. Hence, it is essential to handle your finances well. A business coach can help you scale your business by setting up a startup business plan and future. He can also help you to design a strategy for you to earn more from your business.

4. Take Better Decisions

An ideal business coach knows and very well understands the importance of brainstorming and sharing ideas. He will encourage you to think out-of-the-box and bring innovative ideas to the table. He will be your best critic and will always give you honest and constructive views.

5. Helps you become more Focused & Productive

A mind that is focused and concentrated is also more productive. With a focused mind, entrepreneurs can make better judgments, great strategies, and excellent business plans for the future of the startup business.

When you are happy and free from problems, you will feel more productive and efficient, thanks to your business coach.

A business coach is an expert entrepreneur who has gained experiences through personal and professional experiences. He knows how to start and grow successful businesses and is willing to mentor you. Instead of making random and impulsive decisions on your own, you can work along with a business coach to help you upscale your small startup business.

Are you looking to grow your business with a help of a professional business coach? You can take our Business Coaching Program that is a super bundle of foundational and value-added courses that provide your hand-holding support with a certified Business Coach.

Business motivation

What is a Business Coaching Program & Why It is Beneficial for Entrepreneurs?

India has a large talent pool where a lot of young aspirants are looking to fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams with their innovative ideas. But due to lack of resources and funds, they compromise and take up a 9 to 5 regular job. Starting a new small business online or offline can make anyone overwhelmed.

Another reason due to which many people give up on their small startup business plan is that a lot of people who hail from small cities believe that only a full-time MBA program is the key to start a new venture and making it successful. However, that is farther from the truth.

There are courses like the Business Coaching Program offered by Bada Business that can equip the Youngistan of India to not only set up their small startup business but also make it successful.

What is Business Coaching Program?

Our Business Coaching Program is a customized comprehensive leadership program that offers a global perspective. This course is divided into three branches- Foundation Courses, Personalized Value Packs, Self-learning Courses.

A Certified Personal Business Coach with their expertise will be available to provide your support and help you understand various business-related dynamics, concepts, and case studies in a structured manner. Our customers will also be allowed to attend 1 physical event of 4 days and 24 Master Classes.

Apart from offering an impressive combination of distinct courses that will provide solutions to your business-burning problems, our Business Coaching Program also offers hand-holding support to our customers.

Here is a list of key features of the BCP – Business Coaching Program:

1. Certified Personal Business Coaches

2. Chat-based Hand-holding Support

3. Training by Billionaire Professors

4. 750+ Videos Lessons



Our personalized Business Coaching Programs bring a global perspective locally to provide an immersive learning experience with Structured Business Frameworks, Case-studies, and in-depth Video Tutorials that support the unique needs of Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, and Wantrepreneurs.

Through this course, you can find practical solutions from Subject Matter Experts. You can learn new and effective techniques to generate leads for your business. We offer business frameworks, robust case studies, and templates to help you learn and grow with our Business Coaching Program.

Some of the benefits are given below:

a. Get Practical Solutions with Business Coach.

b. SMEs from World`s Best Universities.

c. Get Qualified Leads for your Business.

d. Robust case studies, frameworks, templates.

e. Convenience to Access Courses anytime, anywhere. 



Our personalized value packs is a super bundle of practical solutions that focus on specific business challenges that can hinder your growth. Through our Personalized Value Packs gain new strategic insights, global perspectives, and leadership skills that enable us to lead change, drive innovation, and sustain a competitive advantage.

Some of the benefits are given below:

a. Develop Foundational Skills critical for business.

b. 5 Days of Live Sessions with Dr. Vivek Bindra.

c. 240+ exclusive videos, PPTs & assessment tests

d. Cultivate leadership skills through our Business Saarthi.

e. Exclusive business courses in Hindi on Bada Business App.



Our Self-learning courses are directly linked to your unique business burning problems and are delivered through a range of virtual and in-person blended formats. Our self-learning courses can help you to remove the obstacles in your business growth and explore global best practices. It will also fill gaps in your knowledge and skills so that you can contribute at a much larger level to your organization.

Some of its benefits are given below:

a. Self-Paced Courses

b. Learn from the Experts

c. Solutions to Every Business Problem

If you want to take your entrepreneurial dream ahead and want to transform it into a reality, Business Coaching Program is apt for you. To know more about it, visit


Top 6 Strategies To Craft Catchy Headlines By Dr. Vivek Bindra

The headline is a significant aspect of your advertisement, sales letter, space ad, or email marketing. You can have the best product or the best service, but it does not matter if the reader doesn’t get past the headline.

Have you ever come across a headline and couldn’t figure out which product was being sold? Or spotted a tagline in an email that was longer than the subject line? Or has it ever happened with you that a random tagline caught your attention and you ended up loving it so much that you shared it amongst your peers?

Taglines or headlines are often overcomplicated and underwhelming. And, changing the headline can make a huge difference in your customer`s response rate.

According to Copy blogger, “On average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.”

Catchy headlines hold the power to grasp your attention and determine the effectiveness of the entire piece. If you can come up with a good headline, you can make an award-winning advertisement.

You can discover some awesome strategies in this award-winning video by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

Here are 5 Tips to ensure that your audience turns into your customers:

1. Name-Dropping Authority

No matter how deeply you have researched before writing a headline, your customers will not trust you. To showcase authority, it is always advised to use names of famous personalities, and associations that are a proven authority in a particular field.

For instance, if you have the business of selling medical supplies, and writing an article related to it, you can use reports published by credible sources like Indian Medical Association, World Health Organization.

If you will create authority via your headlines, you will gain more visitors.

2. Lead with a Key Benefit or Intriguing Question

Always put your biggest benefit in the headline. This does not mean that you should put your entire sales pitch, but only the biggest benefit for your readers. Your headline should be so compelling that the readers have to stop and feel that there is something of value to them.

Give them hope, a promise, achievement, and confidence. For instance taglines of brands like L`Oreal- ‘You Are Worth It’ creates an experience of achievement in the customers. This instills confidence in their target audience and they keep coming back for that special sense of achievement.

3. Make Your Message Exclusive for a Community

If you have subscribed to Dr. Vivek Bindra`s YouTube channel, you might have noticed that many videos are based on a particular community. When you write a headline inclusive for only a special group of people, readers see that they fit into the group, and think that this particular ad, blog, or article is for them.

Here are some examples:

  • A video-based on small business owners from Madhya Pradesh
  • This video showcases the brilliant business skills of Marwari People
  • Explaining the concept of MLM marketing
  • YouTube v/s TikTok

4. Create Headlines With Extreme Unusual Emotion

The major reason behind any successful advertisement is its ability to strike the right emotional chord of the customer. If a customer can feel the “me too” emotion instantly while watching the ad or as soon as he reads the headline of an article, rest assured that he will watch the entire advertisement. It will also attract visitors to your website resulting in increased conversion rates.

5. A headline that Rhymes, Definitely Shines

Many brands have compelling headlines. Customers remember headlines far longer than the product itself. But it helps to create a recall value of the brand.

6. Include Adjectives & Numerical

According to KISSmetrics, “readers tend to absorb the first three words of a headline and the last three words.” But how often do we write six-word headlines? Hence, to make it more enticing, always include an adjective and a number in the title.

  • E.g. Top 10 Influential People who Failed Miserably
  • 5 Worst Mistakes Entrepreneurs Should Avoid
  • 7 Billion Dollar Sales Strategies for Startup Business

If you are dying to create an award-winning advertisement or want to create a blog post that attracts visitors in huge numbers, then you can use the six ultimate strategies mentioned above. For more strategies, you can watch this excellent YouTube video by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

If you are an entrepreneur and struggling with business challenges, you can take our Business Coaching Program where you can learn from the top industry experts with hand-holding support.


How To Create A Winning Content Marketing Strategy For Startups?

In a world that is full of false advertising and eroding the trust of the audience, content marketing is something that should be at the core of any digital marketing strategy. Whether it is a large company or a small startup business content marketing can be a powerful tool for business growth.

Content marketing is the only type of marketing that thrives on customer`s behavior and does not cost much. What`s more? It is as profitable as paid search advertising or paid social marketing.

According to Hubspot, around 70% of marketers are investing more actively in content marketing. Why? Content marketing is a subtle way through which you are serving useful, relevant content to your potential customers to help them overcome their burning problems.

But to truly excel at delivering awesome content that is customer-centric and also aligns with your business goals, you must do more to stand out from the crowd. You must have a content marketing strategy that empowers your future goals and long-term vision of what you want to achieve.

While creating a content marketing strategy for a small startup business, entrepreneurs must begin with setting their goals.

So how can you come up with a content marketing strategy that is so enticing that helps you to grow your business? We have outlined seven key steps below that you can use to develop an ironclad content strategy for 2021:

Step 1- Identify Your Business Goals

There could be millions of reasons behind your content strategy. Maybe you just want to increase your followers, capture new search engine traffic, or you may want to only showcase your products. Hence, setting out a clear goal is vital when making a content marketing strategy.

The clarity in your goals in the very beginning will help you to analyze the effectiveness of your campaign in the future. This will not just give you a clear objective at the beginning of the process, but a solid framework too to build on.

Step 2- Discover your Target Audience

Once you have a clear objective in your mind, the next step involves who the content should we geared towards? Who is your ideal customer? There are many ways to find out and pinpoint your ideal customers. But the idea one that even the best business coach swears by is to think about demographics, age groups, geographical locations, education, lifestyle, and interests.

Entrepreneurs with small startup businesses should understand the core of their customer base. This helps you to assess the types of content that will deliver excellent results.

Step 3- Set out your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

If you cannot determine a way to measure the success of your content, it is highly difficult to measure the statistical data in a more meaningful way. Hence, setting KPIs, in the beginning, is an extremely important step.

Step 4- Decide Your Content Approach

Surely, there are multiple social platforms on the internet. But not every platform has your target audience. So will you use just one type of content or would you like to experiment with different mixtures? Knowing your target audience, you can consider the article, blog writing, video tutorials, short posts, reels, pictures, and a lot more.

Step 5- Establish a Content Calendar

To ensure the consistency of your business presence, creating a content calendar is vital. The best way to do that is digitally so that you can share the sheet online with all the stakeholders. You can pre-plan the content that you will like to post on special days and festivals. Do not forget to continually assess and update the sheet as your business requires.

Step 6- Content Creation & Editing Process

This step is where content turns into a reality. Look for distinct ways to keep your content flow block-free. Also, keep content writing separate from editing to reduce the chances of making any accidental errors.

Step 7- Analyze Statistics

This final step in setting up a content strategy involves measuring the success of your content and KPIs. Having statistical data is vital. However, it must be interpreted accurately and in the correct manner.

Content can boost the visibility, credibility, and reliability of a small startup business. But, a clear strategy must be in place. If you lack a clear content strategy, your approach will lack vision. So try to align your strategies with your business goals to boost the number of customers and revenue in the future.

To gain in-depth knowledge, you can take our foundational courses that come with hand-holding support. Our Business Coaching Program offers everything that you will need to make your startup business successful.