
6 Billionaires With Some Very Strange Eating Habits That Will Leave You Stunned!

Summary: From eating ice cream for breakfast to eating only carrots, the rich and the famous millionaires do have some weird diets and uncommon food fetishes that will surprise you….guaranteed!

We often find ourselves looking to search for some healthy food and lifestyle changes to keep ourselves in the best shape. A healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It not only acts as a fuel to your body to keep it loaded with the essential energy but also helps you against many chronic non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Eating a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugars, and saturated and industrially-produced trans-fats are essential for a healthy diet. And when we look at the rich-and-the-famous millionaires, most people imagine the life of a billionaire to include the endless ability to demand the finest things in life, including the ability to eat some of the world’s most delectable items and enjoy the healthiest, most expensive meals prepared by a personal chef.

However, the truth is far different from what we all assume. In this article, we are going to share some of the most strange diet fetishes of these millionaires that may sound bizarre. Are you ready to be surprised?

1. Sir Richard Branson

This high-powered CEO of Virgin Group is famous for his contributions to the world of music, entertainment, retail, and space exploration has led him to acquire wealth and notoriety across the globe. He was knighted at Buckingham palace, controls over 400 various ventures, and sits at the top of the corporate food chain, yet when it comes to the food for his consumption; he has one strange habit.

Branson is addicted to tea. He is known to drink as many as 20 cups of tea each day. He has also confessed in one of his interviews with The Daily Meal that he can’t survive without a cup of English breakfast tea.

2. Elon Musk

Elon Musk works for an excessive 90 hours a week and one would assume that the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX follows a strict diet to keep him healthy, active, and alert. On the contrary, Elon Musk skips his morning breakfast altogether and instead snacks on Mars chocolate bars instead. He relishes his lunch and puts more emphasis on his dinner plans if he is not working.

3. Warren Buffett

The chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway are also one of the most successful investors in the world. However, his food choices will shock you. Instead of having a healthy breakfast, Buffett opts to have ice cream for breakfast, shoestring French fries for lunch, and drinks at least 5 Coca-Colas per day.

He also prefers eating McDonald’s for breakfast every day and never spends more than $3.17 as he told CNBC.

4. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg, the $104 billion man, is the founder of Facebook and one of the richest men in the world. While many others in this position of extreme wealth would engage the finest chefs to create the best cuisine that money can buy, Zuckerman has opted for a much different path when it comes to the food he eats, and it’s not for the faint at heart. He went through a phase in 2011 during which time he would only eat the meat of animals he had hunted.

5. Bill Gates

With an astounding net worth of $137 billion Bill Gates keeping a healthy diet and lifestyle wouldn’t be so difficult. With that kind of money, he can get delightful meals cooked by the world’s best chefs. But instead of binging on healthy food, Gates keeps things simple, and quite unhealthy. He admits to being addicted to Diet Coke and drinks the beverage throughout the day. He’s rarely spotted without a Diet Coke in his hands. Along with a diet coke, he takes breakfast from McDonald’s.

6. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was known to go to extremes not only in his work but also when it came to his eating habits. The founder of Apple worth $10.2 billion was far more successful when it comes to technology than his ability to eat a balanced diet. He would sometimes just eat one or two foods at a time, for several weeks, and then he dabbled in being a ‘fruitarian’ for a while. Once, he had eaten only carrots and apples due to which his skin also turned orange. He would also fast using the days of not eating to create feelings of euphoria and ecstasy.

For these successful millionaires, many would imagine a personal attendant being on call at all times to cook up a storm of food requests on demand, and it would seem likely that caviar and other expensive food items would be the daily norm. That is not the case. These millionaires have quite weird eating habits that can’t be considered healthy!

We hope you enjoyed reading this article! Share and comment!

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


13 Powerful Quotes By Anand Mahindra To Recharge your Dreams

Summary: Anand Mahindra is ranked among the top 30 CEOs on social media. Apart from being a powerful leader he is also popular for voicing his opinions on various matters in the country and across the globe.

They say ‘a happy person makes a great leader’. Anand Mahindra, who is a Mumbai-based multinational conglomerate with revenue of more than $21 billion and the chairman of the Mahindra Group is standing true to his name.

Born on May 1, 1955, Anand Mahindra’s net worth is 210 crores USD. Bestowed with the Padma Bhushan Award, India’s third highest civilian award, Anand Mahindra was also included among the ‘World’s 50 Greatest Leaders’ by Fortune magazine and was featured in its 2011 listing of Asia’s 25 most powerful businesspersons.

While Anand Mahindra has been investing in Indian startups some of which include digital news website SheThePeople, social media platform LocalCircles, food tech startup DishCo, education company Naandi Education Support & Training (NEST), he has also established an NGO- Nanhi Kali that supports education for underprivileged girls in India.

An alumnus of Harvard University and Harvard Business School, he is known for his witty tweets that acknowledge and address various ongoing issues across the globe.

An amazing business mentor that he is, he has proved he is a powerful leader every now and then. We are listing some of the most inspiring quotes by the man who believes in thinking big while carrying empathy and compassion in his heart:

1.  “Leaders don’t look behind or to the side. Instead, they look ahead.”

2. “You have to treat every day as a new challenge, and you have to remain paranoid, as they say.”

3. “When you set the right targets, aspirations, and you work efficiently and diligently, the numbers happen.”

4. “Whether in services or in manufacturing, the trick is to stay ahead of the curve. I believe we should not wait to be disrupted — we should become disruptors ourselves.”

5. “Anyone who makes time frames beyond tomorrow probably isn’t pushing himself hard enough.”

6. “Nobody understands how the world will change. The only way you can plan for the future is to have scenarios. You have to have the courage to take a leap of faith on one of them.”

7. “The more you drive positive change, the more enhanced your business model.”

8. “Sustainability has to be a way of life to be a way of business.”

9. “Life has an interesting way of teaching even the most powerful people that joy from wealth is fleeting at best.”

10. “There is a degree of freedom that creates aspirations.”

11. “Brevity speaks. It forces you to convey complex thoughts.”

12. “Sometimes the only kind of innovation comes when you have some solitude; when you step away.”

13. “Benchmarking is an ongoing exercise in any company that aspires for leadership.”

We hope these wonderful quotes packed with motivation, wisdom and intelligence will inspire you to dream bigger and follow your passion without a doubt in your mind.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


5 Smart Tips To Succeed In A Job Interview To Get Your Dream Job

Summary: What you do in an interview and how you present yourself can make a huge difference in bridging the gap between you and your dream job.

Does the thought of appearing for an interview in your dream company give you nightmares? Preparing for an interview, no matter how good the job market may seem—is still the most daunting task ever. No matter how many interviews you may have appeared for, preparing for an interview still means doing your homework, putting it into practice, and knowing how to answer—and ask—the right questions.

Want to gain some deep insights to ensure that you get selected for your dream job? Watch this amazing video by Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India to gain in-depth knowledge about preparing for an interview.

Whether you are switching careers, returning to work, looking for a new challenge, or seeking better culture, pay, and perks, here are the best steps you can take to prepare for and nail your interviews:

1. Research About the Company

The first step in any interview involves the candidate researching the company. What the organization is all about, how it runs, and what its core values and vision– are a few factors that you must learn about before you appear for the job interview.

Doing research will also help you show your interest in that employer as well as will give you clarity on whether it is the kind of place you would like to work in the long run. Ask yourself what matters to you. It may be inclusivity, flexible hours, a remote environment, a diverse workplace—or simply a place that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

You can also call or arrange a call or two with other employees to learn more about the company and its culture.

2. Practice Leads to Perfection

To feel more confident, you can do mock interviews. You can either hire a business mentor or a professional coach to help you with preparing for the interview. Speaking your answers out loud as opposed to writing them can help you develop your muscle memory. However, avoid learning your answers word-by-word where you sound like a rehearsed parrot.

3. Get Comfortable Talking About Yourself

Cracking interviews is a nerve-wracking experience. For many talking about themselves is a unique challenge. It can be awkward and uncomfortable, but in order to get your dream job, you must feel comfortable selling yourself.

Clearly communicate the value you bring to the team, and use examples to make your point. In interviews, be specific. Show, don’t just tell. Share stories that demonstrate your successes. And when talking about a project you completed, explain the impact it had. Talking about the processes and its outcome will increase your credibility and the chances of getting hired too!

It’s really important to find a way that feels genuine to talk about yourself that really showcases the energy and the motivation you have in your work.

4. Keep Your Resume Handy

Whether you are appearing for an interview on video, phone or in person, always have your resume handy. If you are appearing for a face-to-face interview, come prepared with multiple copies to share with those you are meeting. Focus on bringing what’s on the page to life with anecdotes and examples. The more you practice, the easier this will become.

5. Know What Questions to Expect

Every company and its hiring panel is different. But there are a few sections in the interview round that are almost guaranteed to be asked. The one that most often confuses candidates—and that’s also likely to be the first—might seem like the simplest: “Tell me about yourself.” Your answer should be a bit longer than an elevator pitch and go beyond what’s on your resume.

However, it is very essential to not lose track. This question is meant for highlighting your journey, what motivates you, or a special achievement that you can boast about.

For a question like “why do you want to work for this company?” your research comes into play. A question like this is meant to test your knowledge and understand your thinking process.

Cracking a job interview can be difficult, but with little practice and lots of self-belief, you can pass it with flying colors. These five tips can definitely help you to get ready for the interview and get your dream job too! To know more tips about getting selected for an interview, visit:


Boost Your Confidence With These 5 Effective Public Speaking Tips

Summary: Does speaking in front of people give you nightmares? Here are five ways in which you can tackle your fear of public speaking.

The fear of public speaking is a common social phobia that affects approximately 25% of the global population. This makes it extremely difficult for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are looking to widen their prospects by bringing in a new line of products and services.

Though there are many business coaching programs on public speaking, learning from a business motivational speaker will speed up your progress, if you are willing to learn. Whether you are a student, a young entrepreneur seeking investors, a small business owner looking for customers or a CEO of a Multinational Company, public speaking is a way for you to make yourself accessible to your respective target audiences. It not only helps to create a bond but also shapes company culture.

Here are five ways that will immediately improve your public speaking skills:

1. No Introduction Please!

This might come as a surprise to many as our first point simply goes against the rule book of many online business programs. However, there is a logic behind it. Would you like a speaker on the panel to thank the organizers and share information about himself that you already know? Definitely not! You must have received an introduction about the speaker and all the related information through mail.

So instead of repeating the same information, you can start by beginning with a compelling or funny story. Make your audience laugh and create an experience that’s worth the audience’s time and attention.

To get easy techniques on public speaking skills, you can watch this amazing video by Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best business coach in India, here:

2. Hook Your Audience Fast

Our second point is about capturing your audience’s attention. Catching your audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds is an essential factor that people don’t often get right. Often many business motivational speakers jump straight to their presentation as they are too concerned about delivering all of the content in the time available. Start with a short and relevant anecdote that illustrates the idea you are presenting. Don’t forget to link it with a powerful call for action.

3. Minimize the use of PowerPoint

Would you rather want your audience to listen to you or furiously scribble notes? Permit the audience to listen, ask questions, and make eye contact without having to worry about retaining technical information. If you have a lot of data, plan to send it to the audience afterward.

If you have to use a PowerPoint presentation, follow the 10/20/30 rule. Your presentation should have 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes and the font should be at least 30-point. However, the best way to create a PowerPoint slide is the 6/6/6 rule. The best presentations are those with an opening and closing slide and six slides of content, no more than six bullet points on each slide, and no more than six words per bullet point.

4. Keep Your Audience Engaged by Asking Questions

Many business motivation speakers talk for 30-45 minutes and leave the end for questions. But, this can make your audience zone out from the ongoing session in which you might be sharing relevant information with them. Plan for questions throughout your speech and take breaks to prompt questions. This allows you to read the audience, and if you’re losing them, pull them back with an engaging question.

This strategy also creates an opportunity to learn from the audience and use their insights to make the speech even more compelling.

5. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse

Well, speaking in front of a large audience can surely give you nightmares, if you are not comfortable. This is why rehearsals are paramount. Rehearsing is a full-body experience of visualizing the audience and considering your verbal and nonverbal communication—body language, tone, physical position on the stage, inflection, and how you’ll make eye contact with the people sitting to listen to you.

Make notes and use them for run-throughs. Try to reduce your dependence on the notes by practicing more. Finally, rehearse in front of a mirror. Notice your body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures to evaluate whether they align with the information you are representing.

And last, but not the least, leave something valuable behind. You can also ask your audience to sign up for your email newsletter. Try these five ways we have mentioned above, and see yourself improving at public speaking.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about this program, visit:


Top 4 Mindset Milestones Every Entrepreneur Should Reach For Success!

Summary: Having a proper business mindset is required for starting any venture. But what exactly is a “proper business mindset?” Find out in this article.

We all have heard about the expression that your thoughts greatly shape you as the individual you are in the current moment. Our thoughts have a great impact on our personality and our life.

If you listen to or follow any business coach for entrepreneurs, you must have come across a common recommendation for developing a proper business mindset. Many successful leaders often emphasize the importance of the right mindset and how developing it can be beneficial for personal and professional growth.

But, what exactly is a “proper business mindset?”

In simple words, it represents a certain way of thinking that implements various growth strategies, people skills, and approaches to challenges and situations that together help you move forward with your initial plan. It not only helps in professional situations but also in personal life. So, it’s only natural to implement a success-oriented mindset into the field of entrepreneurship.

Here are the top four mindset milestones for entrepreneurs that will make the whole journey far more successful, wise, and even a bit fun:

1. Quit the Mindset that You Will Make it the First time

Many entrepreneurs often expect success out of their business ideas. Having trust in your ideas and confidence in your caliber is something that is an essential entrepreneurial trait. However, if you do not look at the failures along the journey as a normal process, then they can hit you hard if it happens.

This may lead to discouragement, discontent, and a decrease in your self-confidence, and recovering from that one will be quite challenging. Ask any business coach and he or she will suggest that instead of expecting success on the first try, keep your mind open and be ready for any type of scenario. Always, remember to view failures as an incredible source of learning mistakes.

2. Hire a Team of Professionals

As your business will start evolving, you would certainly need support. That’s when the hiring process takes place. Many young entrepreneurs often lack the confidence to hire professionals. So, they end up hiring less experienced people with doubtful work ethics. Recruiting the wrong talent can prove to be detrimental to your business in its early stages. So, always ensure that you hire the right people for the right job.

3. Invest, Invest, Invest

Starting a startup is like investing for a lifetime. If you thought that the initial investment is the only investment that would need to be made, you are greatly mistaken. Maybe your business will become a hit with your target audience and your revenue will start growing. But, before booking yourself an exotic international destination, stop for a second. A business is like a child. It will require constant investment, funds, energy, and time. Accept the fact that you need to reinvest a huge portion of your profit back into the business.

4. Adhere to Business Fundamentals, but Stay Open to New Approaches  

The business world can be incredibly dynamic with lots of trends and distinct approaches. Staying abreast with the new and familiar with the old-school business techniques is crucial for any business to stay relevant in this ever-changing world. We all may have certain preferred methods of work but we should also pay attention to new organizational trends, and be flexible and ready to embrace changes.

There are various business leaders to whom a business mindset comes naturally. However, the majority of us will probably need to further educate ourselves on the best practices and try to implement them in our growth strategies for our business. Having a startup business has many bright sides and it constantly keeps on teaching you how to rise to the next level of growth and self-development.

So, with these simple ways, you can start working upon yourself to develop a proper mindset for your business. You can also follow Dr. Vivek Bindra- the best motivational speaker in India to get business tips for your startup.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our business courses, visit:


5 Simple Ways To Monetize Your Instagram Account!

Summary: Instagram is much more than a picture-posting platform. And with the right knowledge and tools, you can earn money too! Want to know how? Find out in this article.

Instagram, which simply began as a photo-sharing app, today has evolved into a powerful marketing platform. Thanks to thousands of brands and influencers, businesses can reach a wider target audience. It has more than a billion active users per month. Approximately 60% of the users turn to Instagram to discover new products, and around 80% of them follow a brand which gives entrepreneurs a golden opportunity to establish their name.

If you are an entrepreneur and are looking to build a brand image, with the right knowledge and tools, you can grow your followers and earn money too. There are many business coaching programs online to learn Instagram marketing, which you can join to gain in-depth knowledge.

Here are five proven ways that will help you to make money on Instagram with a decent number of followers:

1. Sponsored Posts

These days’ brands use influencer marketing to promote their products because it is more effective. This is because people trust word-of-mouth recommendations more than the brands themselves. Consumers look for referrals from their peers when trying to make a purchase decision.

Brands understand the needs of their consumers and hence, turn to influencers to promote their products rather than doing it themselves on their profiles. If you have a decent number of followers, you can start earning as an influencer. Brands focus more on the engagement rate than on increasing the number of followers. Thus, have more in-person interactions with your followers as it attracts more brands.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Sponsored products are not the only way to make some money on Instagram. Working as an affiliate can also help you monetize your account. Every time your follower purchases a product that you recommend in your account, you earn money. They can use a promo code or they can purchase the item by clicking on the affiliate link. The brand tracks the number of sales completed through your recommendation in your profile and pays a commission in return.

You can start by researching the brands that you will prefer to affiliate with, fill out a request form, and if approved, start promoting their products on your account.

3. Sell Your Own Digital & Physical Products

Many Instagrammers make money by selling their digital products. The good news is that Instagram focuses on visual things. Users often visit this platform to get inspiration and discover new products. So, as long as your products have a strong visual appeal you can sell your products on Instagram. Want to learn more about Instagram marketing? You can join the business coaching program; a specially designed program for entrepreneurs by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

4. Become a Brand Ambassador

The high level of influencer marketing on Instagram makes it an ideal place to seek brand ambassadors. Though sponsored posts are common on Instagram, some brands prefer establishing long-term partnerships with influencers. They use them to endorse their products as their brand ambassadors.

Therefore, you can seek opportunities for collaboration with big brands on Instagram to promote their products too. The company will send you their free products to review and promote on your account.

5. Offer Social Media Marketing Services

Today, social media marketing is playing a key role in brands’ marketing strategies because of its strong sales potential. They use these platforms to endorse their products, services, and brand because they can easily find their target audience on these networks.

The competition is growing every day; hence it’s not easy for brands to run ads or post engaging content on Instagram. However, it’s easy to create great content with professional assistance and that’s what they are doing with influencers.

By using the strategies that we have mentioned above, you can simply start monetizing your account in no time. You can also join online coaching programs for entrepreneurs that will help you to understand digital marketing, different platforms, and its wide scope to reach your target customers.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Business motivation Motivational

5 Powerful Business Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Learn!

Summary: Every startup has a unique journey and its share of dos and don’ts. So why not learn from them instead of making the same mistakes again?

Ravi started his first business at the age of 19. Though he had a knack for how to start a business, he lacked how to manage it. So, his business grew quickly with just five employees in three states. His revenue was good, and the business was running smoothly, but because he lacked how to manage a business, things got out of control in no time.

Five years into the business, Ravi was in INR 10,000,00 debt. His dream of entrepreneurship had turned into a nightmare.

So what is the moral of this story? You might know a lot of things, but still, there are a few things that young entrepreneurs need to know.

Entrepreneurship can be wonderful and a fulfilling journey if you build your business the right way. Here are five wonderful lessons that you might want to learn today:

1. Know Your Customers Well

Seth Godin said, “If you try to reach the whole world, you will end up reaching no one.” If you are a “jack of all trades,” you will have a tough time growing your business. Your efforts to grow your business and focus to work in that direction will be scattered.

Hence, it is very critical to know your customer in and out. The more specific you can get to who your ideal customer is the better. It will help you to figure out the best way to find more potential customers. You can also take guidance from the best business coach who can help you to understand the buyer’s persona.

2. Don’t Over Promise & Under Deliver

In the business world, if you promise your customers a miracle, you should deliver one. If you want to grow your business and sustain it in the long term, you have to be the kind of business that always keeps its promise. For startups, there are going to be limited initially on what you can do, but that’s ok. Focus on your strengths.

3. Stay Organized

Whether it is home or work, unorganized surroundings and way of work could be frustrating for everyone: your staff, your customers, and your mental health! Staying organized is important to keep your business running smoothly. A disorganized way of working will repel new customers from doing business with you in the future. To keep your business organized, start simplifying things. This will eliminate the clutter and keep your business operations organized. Find a business coach who can help you navigate the challenges that a startup has to face, initially.

4. Focus on things that will Help You Grow Your Business

One of the most important lessons, which is applicable not just at work, but also in every sphere of life is to manage your time. As an entrepreneur, it is very important to learn where to focus your time. Don`t get distracted by too much information that might appear shiny and bright. Instead, focus on what is essential for the growth of your business and apply it wherever it is necessary.

5. Get Over Failure & Setbacks Quickly

Whether it is Einstein, Thomas Edison or Steve Jobs, or any other successful entrepreneur, one common thing that they share is FAILURE. Entrepreneurs often hold back because of ‘Fear of Failure’.  However, the truth is that failures are momentary set-back and not business-ending events, which send you in the right direction. When you experience failure, you must know that it is not the end of the world. Brush off the dust and move on, determined to come back even stronger. You can also work along with a business coach who can help you spot your shortcomings and direct you to bounce back.

You can have a good idea, but to be the most successful entrepreneur you must know how to turn a good idea into a viable product or service for your business. You can give it all, but it is important to know that it takes time and feedback from your customers to get your best.

So don’t be that “I know it all” entrepreneur. Be open to new learning and stay curious to look at things from a different perspective. Learn these lessons and your business will thrive.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our courses, visit:


Top 5 Offbeat Jobs That Pay High Salaries & Are Completely Fun!

Summary: Most of us are stuck in 9-to-5 jobs. But some people have taken up the offbeat path when it comes to doing jobs.….click…..Ctrl+C…Ctrl+V……save file…save as….Ctrl+shift+Del……….Well, a lot of us working in mainstream jobs might be getting our salaries on time. But very few of us would say that we are satisfied with our work.

We are stuck in a routine and our work schedule has become mechanical. Still, we choose to do 9 to 5 desk jobs each day. But a few lucky ones amongst us dared to dream differently and escaped the rut by doing some of these offbeat jobs that we are sure you have not even heard of.

Want to explore unique opportunities that will pay you well? Attend our Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra to discover unconventional business ideas.

Here are a few business ideas that pay surprisingly well:

1. Professional Cuddler

Gone are those days when the only profession was doctor, engineer, or lawyer. Today, there is no dearth of unique ideas that is a driving change behind the blooming startup ecosystem in India. One of these unconventional professions is to become a ‘professional cuddler.’

Many people have adapted it as a full-time profession and are earning pretty good. Trevor Hooton is a professional cuddler and hugger who charges as much as Rs 7,100, for an hour’s service. He also goes by the name ‘Treasure’ and offers ‘connections coaching’ for people who find it difficult to form relationships. According to Trevor, a lot of people do not understand the profession.

2. Become a Professional Bridesmaid

If you are good at giving wedding advice and guidance to all your friends when it comes to costume color, design, hair-dos, make-up, and footwear then you can consider becoming a professional bridesmaid.

Most often we see that brides need their friends around for beautiful photographs and of course emotional support. Many companies provide bridesmaids who provide exceptional services that include offering day-of advice to giving a beautiful toast at the ceremony. You can earn from INR 6000 to INR 7000. Sounds interesting? So put on your best dress and heels, and get ready to enjoy a wedding as a bridesmaid.

3. Water Slide Taster

As bizarre as it sounds, a water slide tester gets paid well. Job responsibilities include taking multiple rounds and trips down the slide to see how much it needs, how quickly you reach down, and how safe it is. Well, having fun during job hours goes without saying. So are you ready to make a splash?

4. Ice Cream Tasters

Does your heart skip a beat when you look at a cup filled with delicious ice cream? If you just nodded your head into a yes, this unconventional idea will make your taste buds extremely happy. Ice cream tasters, otherwise known as food scientists, sensory analysts, or “flavorologists,” can make up to $60,000 a year. If you’d like to get paid to try out new ice cream flavors, this unconventional career path may be for you.

5. Food Photographers

Have a look at your Instagram account. Do you see lots of dishes lying creatively in your posts and reels? Are you passionate about clicking pictures of delicacies and mouth-watering food decorated on a platter? Can your pictures make a badly-cooked dish look appealing to the eyes and other sensory organs?

If you love clicking pictures of food served on the table, you can become a food photographer. A food photographer is in great demand and makes a generous income these days. Chefs and restaurant owners hire food photographers to capture beautiful pictures of food for promotional use. Not just in the hospitality sector, but also they are in great demand by magazines, cookbook publishers, and newspapers too.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can also attend Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra which is going to be held on 22, 23, and 24 July 2022. For more information, visit


Top 10 Motivational Quotes By Dr. Vivek Bindra To Help You Chase Your Dreams

We all want to succeed in life. However, the road to success is not always a bed of roses. And sometimes despite giving our best, nothing seems to work our way out. We feel like giving up and we might feel nothing will ever change for the good.

The nature of being an entrepreneur means that you are comfortable with being challenged regularly. Many people often consider this career path irrational as success is not guaranteed. But many people do succeed because of their unwavering belief and laser-like focus.

You can achieve all your goals if you have faith and belief in yourself. If you are passionate enough to go that extra mile to fulfill your dreams, you can make a difference on the road to success. You can learn how to navigate the business challenges by being a part of India`s most powerful webinar Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

If you feel like giving up due to constant challenges, here are the top 10 motivational quotes by Dr. Vivek Bindra that will reignite the spark inside you to follow your dreams:

  1. Don’t focus on multiple things, focus on the main thing and the business will follow you.
  2.   Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses!
  3.   Difficulties in your life are not dead ends. They are just the sweet bends!
  4.   Surround yourself with people who have ambitious plans, meaningful purposes, and big goals.
  5.   You can’t convince people by convincing, you convince people by connecting!
  6.   Attraction to distraction drifts you away from your goal!
  7.   Success is not about changing reality. It is changing the mentality behind reality!
  8.   When failures hit you, you hit the failures back with a bounce back.
  9.   If you try to be the best you’ll be number one, if you try to be unique you’ll be the only one.
  10.   If you don’t help yourself, nobody in the world can help you to help yourself!

Starting a company is like a roller coaster of emotions with tremendous highs and at times, difficult lows, but one thing that will help you through the ups and downs is to connect with some of the greatest minds. Why not reach out to people who will help you to grow and evolve in your industry? Join India’s most powerful Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th July 2022.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our event and its exclusive benefits, visit:


4 Streams Of Income That Will Grow Your Wealth

Summary: Want to create passive income? Here are four income stream ideas to try out.

Studying about millionaires and billionaires is quite interesting. Why? They are more often than not regular and ordinary people, who with their sheer dedication and remarkable discipline have achieved everything they ever wanted to.

Successful millionaires too have twenty-four hours a day, but they use it differently from the rest of the world. One thing which is common among them apart from being wealthy is that they have multiple streams of income.

According to an article on CNBC, 65% of millionaires have three sources of income, 45% of millionaires have four sources of income, and 29% of millionaires have five or more sources of income streams.

Passive income is a powerful tool.  It can increase your wealth passively. So, here are the top four streams of income that will boost your bank accounts.

Before we begin to tell you about the different streams of income, we would also like to allow you to hone your leadership skills with the best motivational speaker– Dr. Vivek Bindra at the most powerful business training event ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’.

1. Real Estate Syndications

Passive income streams are one of the basic wealth-building blocks. Every person on this planet only has 24 hours in a day. No matter how much you can actively work, you will always hit a limit on how much you can earn and how much you can save.

With passive income, you can turbocharge your wealth generation as you will continue to make money even as you sleep. Real estate syndications are one of the best passive sources of income. It is a group of investors that purchase a particular commercial or multi-family property. These investments feature yearly returns of around 8% and typically run for about five years. Apart from these above-average returns, when syndications sell the purchased building, investors are provided with a 30%-50% lump-sum return at the end of those five years.

2. Investment Income

Investment income is another common type of passive income stream that will grow your wealth. This category is more generic as it includes dividends from equities and bonds. These investments will not pay life-changing money, but as you grow your wealth, the stock market is a fantastic place to park your money safely while it grows and earns quarterly or monthly income. The key to wealth building is diversification and making smart investments can help you achieve that goal.

Another way is to attend India’s most powerful business event Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ with Dr. Vivek Bindra who is a business coach to many corporations in and outside India.

3. Business Income

Many people do a side-hustle to earn extra income. This may look ordinary, but in the long run, it can help you to grow your wealth exponentially. Whether making or selling something or providing services, owning a business opens up a world of limitless income possibilities. Suppose you’re a copywriter and you are quite good at your work. You can find clients and work as a freelancer and earn something extra. You can reinvest it in your business or you can leverage your side gig to save more money tax-free.

4. Renting Out Your Car

From BlaBla to QuickRide Carpool & Taxi peer-to-peer rentals have become remarkably popular. Many companies were hit during the pandemic and sold many of their cars. You can turn this into a side business of sorts. It’s not just property you can invest in and rent — if market trends continue, renting out cars is fast becoming a viable income stream!

If you want to grow your wealth, you need multiple streams of revenue. Relying too heavily on one stream typically is risky. What happens if you lose it? Similarly, if that singular income stream requires work, you limit how much you can make because there are limited hours in a day that you can work.

All of the four streams of income above are fantastic ways to grow your net worth. If you haven’t already, consider diversifying your portfolio by implementing the income streams suggested above! It will help you to increase your wealth passively.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can be a part of India`s most powerful business training event ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

To know more, you can visit: