Reopened Your Hotel or Homestay Yet? Now Is the Time As Hotel Occupancy in India Improves in September

New Delhi, October 29: If you are thinking of the right time to repoen your holiday home or hotel, this is it! Ever since the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic, the hospitality segment was brought to a grinding halt by the pandemic. The sector is slowly limping back to normalcy and is seeing an improvement in […]

India’s Economic Growth in FY21 May Be Negative or Near Zero Due to Ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic, Says Nirmala Sitharaman

New Delhi, October 28: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday said that India’s economic growth in the current financial year may be in the negative zone or near zero amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Speaking at the India Energy Forum of CERAWeek, Sitharaman, however, noted that signs of revival are visible now and India would […]

Tour Operators Write to PM Narendra Modi Seeking Release of SIES Benefits For 2019-20, to Help Them Survive & Revive Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

New Delhi, October 28: The coronavirus pandemic affected the tour operators as businesses remained shut for several months. On Tuesday, the tour operators approached PM Narendra Modi asking for immediate relief. According to an IANS report, their demand is asking for the release of Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) benefits for 2019-20, which could […]

Smart Digital Marketing Tips Which Will Help Your Startup to Grow Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Mumbai, October 28: Coronavirus pandemic has made every business to restructure their strategy and planning for the future. It has come as a roadblock, where companies have been forced to sit down, brainstorm on new ideas and evolve. The pandemic has also seen several companies shutting down and many on the verge of collapse. Here […]

Women Entrepreneurs in COVID-19: From Starting New Business, Closing Funding Deals to Innovating, Here Are the Women Who Saw Opportunity in Adversity

New Delhi, October 22: The coronavirus pandemic has caused a devastating effect on the economy. From job losses to factories being shut, people across the world were impacted by COVID-19. However, in spite of this, there is also a positive side where few women entrepreneurs took the challenging market condition as an opportunity and flourished […]

4 Business Lessons Which Every Entrepreneur Should Take From the COVID-19 Situation

Mumbai, October 21: The coronavirus pandemic has affected every business around the world. Several companies have been shut, people have been fired and many are on the verge of closing down. The pandemic has taught entrepreneurs some harsh lessons which every owner needs to keep in mind before starting a business. The coronavirus pandemic has […]

Credit Guarantee Scheme For MSME Sector Unlikely to be Extended Beyond October 2020

New Delhi, October 19: The Narendra Modi government is unlikely to extend the Rs 3 lakh crore-Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for MSME sector beyond October. According to a PTI report, this scheme is meant to provide financial support to businesses, primarily Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), impacted by slowdown triggered by the […]

Credit Guarantee Scheme: Banks Sanction Rs 1.86 Lakh Cr to 50 Lakh MSMEs Impacted by Slowdown Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

New Delhi, October 17: The Finance Ministry announced that banks have sanctioned loans of about Rs 1.86 lakh crore to 50 lakh business units under the Rs 3-lakh crore Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) for the MSME sector, those who have been affected by a slowdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to a report […]

India to Have Around 62,000 Startups, Including 100 Unicorns by 2025, Despite COVID-19 Blow, Says Report

Bangalore, October 15: Businesses have been hugely hit by the coronavirus pandemic. However, here comes a piece of positive news where it is expected that India is expected to be home to 60,000-62,000 startups, including 100 unicorns, by 2025, despite the COVID-19 blow, according to a report jointly prepared by TiE- Delhi, a not-for-profit promoting entrepreneurship, […]

COVID-19 Impact: 15% Startups Halt Operations, 44% Have Cash Runway For Less Than 6 Months

Mumbai, October 14: The coronavirus pandemic has affected across sectors causing job losses and business being shut. According to an IANS report, the impact of COVID-19 has been severe on the Indian startup as 15 percent of the startups have halted operations. According to a report by TIE Delhi-NCR and Zinnov, 44 per cent of […]