Leadership Building

5 Essential Skills Will Help You Become A Powerful Leader

Summary: A strong leader can help an organization to stay afloat in the best of times, and in the ones that try us the most.

As an entrepreneur, business leader, or owner, the importance of leadership skills can`t be underestimated. Now, we are living in a post-pandemic world and it will be foolish to assume that the blissful stability that once existed will return. This is why strong leadership is more important than ever!

However many people often wonder what it takes to be a great leader? What constitutes to make a great leader? What are those essential qualities that make for great leadership?

We have asked Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India, is it possible to become a great leader with practice? He replied, “Leadership is a skill, and like all skills, it takes practice to become truly great.”

Here are five qualities and mastering them will help you become a more effective leader:

1. Build Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence plays a key role and has an impact on leaders, employees, and organizations as a whole. A leader who is open with his or her emotions in a workplace is much more likely to have a positive impact than a leader who is short-tempered and rigid. The work environment created by the leaders belonging to the latter category is more toxic. Infact, employees experience burnout and attrition is quite high.

To develop emotional intelligence, you need to start introspecting. Cultivating emotional intelligence starts with self-leadership and self-awareness. You can hire a business coach who has been a mentor to high performers. A great mentor can help you to get unstuck and aligned with your goals.

2. Lead With Empathy

Empathy is the ability to be able to understand and relate to the feelings of other people. And it is a very powerful tool for leaders. It can help to build deeper connections with their teams. If it is practiced all over the country it can increase overall success. When you open your heart more, you open up your ability to go against your ego. You open yourself up to new opportunities, new possibilities, and new relationships. A great leader communicates honestly and tries to understand their employees without any judgment.

3. Be a Good Listener

Listening and hearing have a hairline difference between them. While hearing is passive, listening is active. A great leader is someone who understands the difference between the two terms.

Active listening is essential for effective communication. It not only involves ears but many other aspects like body language, expressions, and gestures. What’s not said is just as important as what is said.

A great leader will take cues from all other aspects and help people in the organization who might lack the courage to speak up. We need leaders who listen and are intentional about their conversations. Join India’s most powerful business training event Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra and master the leadership skills.

4. Transparent Communication

When it comes to communication there is no set formula. But, successful communication begins with transparency. But to keep lines open and clear across the business, we must be careful not just about putting our messages across, but also about the mediums, too.

While businesses around the globe are adapting to the change unleashed by the pandemic, great leaders are trying to find the right balance. Good leaders today have to make difficult decisions such as furloughs, and staff reductions.

5. Act Quickly & Confidently

Many leaders talk, but they do not execute what they say. And it is doing so that separates the real leaders from the rest. When your words match your actions, people learn to develop trust. It is more impactful when you take action on what you are hearing from your employees. Leaders who act quickly and confidently often must make difficult decisions, and for that it takes grit.

We are in uncertain times, where the dynamic of business is constantly changing. Leaders, who have clear objectives, are certain, and are committed to their passion and perseverance, are the ones who will continue to build trust in these uncertain times.

It is essential to have leadership qualities to lead a successful business. Learn how to become a powerful leader from the industry experts in our ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’. To know more, click here:

Business motivation

5 Ways To Become Smarter At Managing Business Easily!

Summary: Learning is essential! Not just for students, but also for those who are treading on the path of entrepreneurship.

Many people believe entrepreneurship means doing a business. But that is not entirely true. Entrepreneurship is a journey that leads entrepreneurs to a place where they feel empowered to solve the problems of customers with their unique product ideas and creative solutions.

To continue this incredible cycle of coming up with solutions now and then, one has to do one thing- LEARN. To be successful not just in business, but also in personal life, one needs a nimble mind to think, understand, analyze and come up with a solution for the challenges. In short, if you are smart, you can succeed in life.

With practice, anyone can increase their knowledge base, sharpen their intellect and learn new skills. There are several ways through which you can work upon your cognitive skills and expand your mental capacity. You can watch this interactive video by the best motivational speaker in India- Dr. Vivek Bindra that will help you to decode the power of the mind :

Here are the five best ways to engage your mind and grow your intelligence that will help you to meet all your goals:

1. Read Everyday

If you have read our blog on the common habits of all the successful entrepreneurs in the world (Read Here), you must have noticed that all the leaders love to read.

Our mind is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it will get. Reading is an important element that helps to develop your mind. It helps you to discover new things and educate yourself on diverse topics. Words, both spoken and written, are the building blocks of our social existence. They provide a gateway through which you can go anywhere in the world.

2. Focus on Understanding More

True wisdom comes when you just don`t read, but also deeply understand a subject. The most successful business owners consistently outpace everyone else courtesy of their ability to learn new skills, adapt to changes, and work both as a team player and independently.

Start with the basics because knowledge is cumulative. Work consistently to steadily build a deep and meaningful knowledge base on key topics and issues. Be honest with yourself about areas you are weak in and seek to reinforce your understanding of important subjects until you have a rock-solid foundation that you can build on. The key to keep learning new things here is patience and persistence. You can also take help from a business motivational speaker or a business coach to gain in-depth knowledge related to your industry.

3. Stay Curious

Staying curious is the best way to discover and learn new things. Asking relevant questions is an essential factor in becoming smarter. It also increases the possibility of inventing new things. Imagine, we wouldn’t have known the concept of gravity if Newton was not curious about the apple falling on the ground.

Ask insightful questions that probe the validity of assumptions, analyze logic, explore the unknown, get to the heart of a matter and cultivate a willingness to push for answers. Don`t be afraid to seek clarification when something is not clear.

4. Bring Diversity to your Day

One of the best ways to sharpen your brain is to flex different areas of your brain. You are not going to get any smarter by repeating the same old thing every day. While having a routine is a great thing, staying stuck in it will not bring any fruitful results. By incorporating new things into your everyday life, you keep things fresh and interesting.

You can check out a new place for lunch, or go for a midday stroll in which you pay attention to the sights and sounds around you. You can also mix things up during working hours by simply finding new ways of doing your everyday tasks. If you will work with a business coach, you can learn new dimensions of business.

5. Keep Track of Your Ideas

When you build a knowledge base, you will find your mind expanding with new ideas. If you are filling your brain with great information, your mind will start interpreting that information in a new and useful way. You may feel great ideas coming your way. However, make sure that you are taking note of these ideas. Write them down, keep them handy and make sure you continue to refer back to them.

There are plenty of ways to boost your cognitive skills and expand your mental capacity. With practice, anyone can increase their knowledge base, sharpen their intellect and learn new skills. The more we learn and the more deeply we understand, the better we can improve our brain performance and increase our capacity to learn.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about this program, visit:


3 Winning Ways To Provide Unforgettable Experience To Your Customers

Summary: If you are not delivering your customers an out-of-world experience, you are not doing enough for your business.

Delivering a world-class customer experience that guarantees customer satisfaction in today’s hyper-competitive world is more important than ever.

The impact of the pandemic has changed customer behavior. And if there is one thing that 2020 has taught us, it is that companies no longer meet the expectations of their customers. They are falling short of expectations by overpromising and under-delivering.

A study by American Express states, ‘around 60% of people are willing to pay more if an enhanced customer experience is guaranteed.’

“If companies focus on delivering instead of making false commitments, they can surprise their patrons by giving them more than they can ever expect to receive”, says Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India.

Companies need to identify the trending patterns and customer behavior to build strategies in the near term.

Here are the 3 crucial strategies that will help your business to woo customers:

1. Retain Existing Consumers

“It costs 5 to 25 times as much to attract a new client than to retain an old one” states a report published by Harvard Business Review. Hence, more focus should be on retaining the old customers. Bringing customers back after their first purchase is crucial.

A customer journey consists of various touch-points that together add up to the experience they get upon interacting with a brand or a company. One way to do this is to understand the fact that customer behavior is constantly evolving.

Observing the current trend and pattern is important. Seeing the world as a pool of potential customers can help companies and small businesses to organize better and mobilize their employees around the customer requirements.

2. Creating Brand Advocates

If you ask a business coach what is the best way to create loyal customers? They will reply in unison- catering to all their needs and requirements. When you fulfill the expectations of your customers, you may have turned them into your brand advocates. No wonder what experts may believe, word-of-mouth is still the best, most trustworthy, and credible source of advertising. For instance, if your friend shares his experience about a respective brand, you will believe your friend more than any advertisement. So when you over-deliver your customers, you give them a surprise factor. And this turns them into your brand advocate.

Advocates are often regular shoppers, willing to spend significantly on products they love. These brand advocates may not have much social influence. And their advice and endorsements can be exposed far and wide through various digital strategies. They are passionate about a brand and loyal to them. Connecting with these folks will have a longer-lasting effect than trying to approach an influencer who’s probably bombarded by other pitches.

3. Build Strong Connections with Customers

Companies need to interact with their customers across multiple channels (website, live chat, social media, and more). While the customers appreciate the candid interaction across multiple channels, they want it to be consistent.

Brands should focus on customer experience and must invest heavily in it. Customers do not want to do business with a company that ignores their requirements. Hence, you can build strategies to give your consumer a world-class experience. Once you learn how to cater to your customers’ needs, you can win their loyalty for a long time.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:


4 Tips Young Entrepreneurs Can Use To Stay Inspired

Summary: Have you ever felt like you are stuck in your entrepreneurial journey and can`t seem to find your way out? Don`t worry! It`s not your lack of passion but a phase. Here are a few tips to keep you on the right path.

Entrepreneurs do not have an easy job. It might sound like all glitters and stars to be your boss; however, there comes a phase when everyone feels stuck. But always remember that it is just a phase. If you feel it is getting difficult to come out of a rut, you can always take help from a business motivational speaker.

Take small steps every day, as it is better to make slow progress than to quit and completely stop working towards your goal. It can be tough to continue working towards something when you don’t see a clear path ahead — you start feeling defeated, and instead of enjoying the process, you begin to loathe it.

Being stuck is draining and you may feel like nothing is working in your favor. You may also lack the motivation to find a solution to the current business challenge that you might be experiencing. However, you can`t let the grind sap all the life out of you. To get out of this rut, you will need a support system. It could be your friends, colleagues, or peers, or you can hire a business coach who can guide you to come out of that difficult phase with his guidance and support.

1. Positive Self Talk

If there is one person who is going to be with you constantly is— YOU. Hence, it is very important to analyze how you communicate with yourself. Focus on positive self-talk and affirmations. Avoid negative thoughts, self-criticism, and underestimating yourself. For instance, instead of saying “I haven’t had a promotion in five years”, say to yourself, “What is my plan to get the promotion or find a job that fairly compensates me.”? Try to focus on the resolution, instead of your hurdle and you may look at the challenge from a different perspective.

2. Do New Things

Following a routine is fine, but living life is also important for a happy mind and healthy heart. So, the only place to grow is discomfort. Just like stagnant water begins to stink, staying in your comfort zone will hinder your growth. Do things that make you uncomfortable, but are important for your business. For example, if networking is what gives you nightmares, set a goal on how many connections you’d like to make. Spark up the excitement for life again. It’s the small steps that create the largest gains over time.

3. Surround Yourself with Positive People

A tree survives in appropriate conditions. However, it only grows when it is provided with weather conditions that are clean, healthy, and pleasant. Having people around you who are full of positive energy, dreams, goals, and vision is a great way to stay motivated.

You won`t be stuck for too long if you can call someone whom you trust. Hiring a business motivational speaker is also a great idea. Set up an in-person meeting with a friend, family member, or mentor who always knows what to say when you are facing a conflict.

4. Don`t Just Make Plans, Execute Them

Neither wishing nor complaining will get the job done. Take steps towards finding solutions that will help you to change your circumstances. So take out some time to figure out what you want, and start formulating a plan.

Entrepreneurs are meant to bridge the gap between a problem and a solution. You decided to become an entrepreneur because you recognized a problem that can help people and bring ease to their lives. Always remember why you set out to be an entrepreneur. Do not push your goals and dreams aside just because you are feeling stuck momentarily. You can always hire the best motivational speaker in india to help you keep moving forward.

Want to make progress in your business with Dr. Vivek Bindra. Visit:

HR & People Management

5 Tactics To Retain Top Performing Employees In The Organization

Summary: The great resignation is an opportunity for employers and businesses to reassess, re-engage, and redefine strategies and make them more employee-friendly.

The time that we all have spent during the pandemic working remotely has played a key role in the revolution of ‘The Great Resignation.’ It has given some time to the people involved in a rat race to think about their work-life balance in a way never before possible.

According to an estimate, around 4 million workers per month are quitting their jobs. This is a revolution that is causing great disruption across the globe. While many companies, business coaches, corporate trainers, and leaders are trying to address the problem, many will continue to struggle because they don`t understand the reason behind their employees leaving in the first place.

The majority of the workers are quitting their jobs because of low pay, lack of growth opportunities, toxic culture, and feeling disrespected. Employers and leaders should look at this as a challenge and start reassessing, redefining, re-engaging, and adjusting direction by using the following strategies:

1. Begin By Hiring the Right People

Hiring a person who aligns with your company`s goal and core values typically leads to long-lasting, mutually beneficial hires. It helps to build a team that can work together and employees who feel valued and share values with the company they work for are more likely to stay. Quick or bad hiring practices will leave you in a sticky situation where you will be subject to more resignations.

2. Show Genuine Appreciation

According to one report published in Mckinsey, employees want to feel valued by their managers and their company. Of course, they seek sufficient pay, benefits, and perks, survey data shows that it’s the appreciation and respect that they want from their seniors.

The best motivational speaker in India– Dr. Vivek Bindra says, “Every action which is appreciated, gets repeated.” But how do you show appreciation? If your team is handling a challenging project, send personalized “thank-you” gifts to every member. While people do like bonuses, the key is linking the gift with genuine appreciation. If your employees are feeling burn-out, close the office for an unplug-and-recharge day.

3. Offer Training

Training and professional development are two important keys that can help an employee to grow in his career. You can arrange a few sessions with a business motivational speaker or can provide online training and other coaching tools that can prove to be effective in showing your team members that they are valued. It will not only increase the person`s value but will also their career marketability.

4. Be Generous with Pay & Benefits

Many companies in India still do not feel comfortable with the idea of giving their employees a ‘five-day-working’ culture because they feel why they should pay to give their employees paid offs. However, this is the worst mistake that they can do. Many employees often leave their companies not because of the better pay but because of work-life balance.

Also, offering competitive salaries and benefits packages will give you a fighting chance to land and retain top-performing employees. Practices like bonus plans, compensation reviews, and annual benefits will ensure that your top talent feels appreciated.

5. Offer Work-Life Balance & Flexibility

Thanks to the pandemic, many companies have adopted a “productivity over time in the office” philosophy. However, many companies still have not learned about the hybrid work culture. This is one of the major reasons behind employees quitting their jobs. Adopting a hybrid culture can be a major factor in retaining staff.

While organizations will always face a percentage of resignations each year, smart and committed companies can take real steps, including the ones mentioned above, to overcome the “Great Resignation” by valuing, inspiring, engaging, and retaining employees — especially top performers.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.


5 Small Startup Business Ideas To Start In 2022

Leaving a 9-to-5 job and starting a small online business may seem like a giant task, especially when the capital is limited. Daily tasks like logistics, managing inventory, marketing, etc., often send chills down the spine of beginners.

Building a successful business is an arduous journey. However, if you have the right plan and the right business strategies, your business can reap benefits for its founders, stakeholders, and several others who depend on it for their livelihood. Today, with a great business idea and the Best Motivational Speaker in India, you can start a small online business with a minimum investment.

Here are five small online business ideas that can be started even in small villages and rural areas.

1. Retail Business

Rural areas generally have more people as compared to urban areas. Hence, consumption and the demand for essential goods are always high. But the supply is relatively low. Opening a small department store or a Kirana store in these areas can be a good, small investment for people who want to start their own business.

2. Artificial Jewelry

If there is one thing after food that never goes out of fashion and demand, it is beautiful pieces of jewelry. The best example of it is that even during the COVID-19 pandemic when many businesses were shut down, the demand for artificial jewelry pieces remained.

There are portals like Trade India where people can create an online shop to contact good manufacturers for procuring and selling jewelry. First customers of the business can be your friends and family members, who can endorse your products in their circle. To grow your online business, you can consult with a motivational coach for entrepreneurs.

3. Home Bakery

If you have a thing for bakeries, you can also start your own bakery business. This business does not require a large investment. You only need a minimum investment to procure an oven and buy ingredients for baking. When starting on a small scale, there is no need to do branding. However, it is essential to focus on quality and deliver a product that customers will relish. This business can be started with an investment of between INR 15,000 and INR 25,000.

4. Homemade Candles

In the last few years, many people have become inclined toward aromatherapy and scented candles. Candles are a wonderful way to enhance the interiors of homes and for gifting purposes. You can start this business online with a minimal investment, either by manufacturing it at home or procuring it from a third party.

You will need wax, wick, molds, thread, aromatic oils, and more to start your business. Apart from this, you will also need to have some candle-making equipment, which includes a melting pot, a pour pot, a thermometer, a weighing scale, a hammer, and an oven to melt the wax. Once your business starts growing, you can also take assistance from Motivational Coach for Entrepreneurs.

5. Flour Mill

Setting up flour mills in rural areas is a good idea. The demand for good quality flour will always be on the rise, especially with most Indians being round-the-year consumers. Opening a flour mill in a village or a rural area is a good small business idea as the equipment is very useful in every harvest season.

If you have a great small business idea, you can begin to work upon it because it requires a minimum investment. To ensure that your business runs smoothly, you can also consult with the best business coach in India.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done, and we completely agree with you. This is why, to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To learn more, you can visit

Business motivation

5 Things About Entrepreneurs That Are Not TRUE!

Ask any entrepreneur who has built a startup, and he or she will tell you that starting a company is just like having a baby. Just like parenthood, entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted. It is emotionally draining, physically, and spiritually tough even if you are working with the best business coach for entrepreneurs.

Starting a business requires courage to take risks, patience to face the worse, and confidence to manage everything with panache. That being said there are plenty of ideas, notions, assumptions, beliefs, and most common myths that surround entrepreneurs.

Some of them might inspire a lot of you; while some of them might prove to discourage you to start your own business. However, these myths are far from true and superficial too.

Here is a list of all 5 common misconceptions about entrepreneurship that we will go through and debunk to present the truth behind them. If you are on the fence about building a startup, take a look at these myths getting debunked:

1. Entrepreneurs are Workaholics

Lots of people believe that entrepreneurs work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But part of being your boss means you can schedule your working hours and can take time off whenever you want. Though entrepreneurship can take grueling working hours and commitment, it is not true that entrepreneurs do not have a personal life.

However, it does not mean that you can take off whenever you don`t feel like coming to work, it simply means that you can attain a cordial work-life balance.

Also, one of the key skills to becoming a successful entrepreneur is to acquire brilliant time management skills. So, if you can establish a proper work routine, you won`t have trouble finding free time. If you are struggling with managing your time, you can watch this amazing video by Dr. Vivek Bindra on time management here:

2. Entrepreneurs Wait for a Perfect Time

When it comes to launching a business, a common misbelief that most people have is that they should wait for the right time. Perhaps, this could be one of the reasons, why most excellent projects never see the light of the day. The truth is that there never really is a “right” time. Most people never feel fully ready. And waiting can certainly prove costly.

The secret behind the success of a few entrepreneurs is that they prepare themselves for the future by taking small steps. You can take all the time in the world to plan, build and then put it off for years, but if you don`t execute it, you are not going to go anywhere.

If you wait for the right moment, you will keep waiting forever. There is not a set date or an alarm that will go off announcing, “Today is the day!” The sooner you begin, the sooner you will get closer to a sustainable and profitable business. You can also take help from the best motivational speaker in India to take guidance and support.

3. You need to Know Everything Before Taking the Entrepreneurial Leap

In the bestselling book, Rookie Smarts, author Liz Wiseman asks the million-dollar question- Is it possible that we can be at our best despite being under-qualified or trying something for the first time? The answer is yes- with the right, focused, and positive mindset.

Being new, curious, and somewhat naïve is an asset in today`s dynamic world. Sounds strange, right? However, there is a logical reason behind it. To be successful at anything new requires energy, innovation, creativity, and the ability to step outside your comfort zone.  It`s often not what you know, but how fast you can learn is that counts.

4. Entrepreneurs are Risk Takers

Entrepreneurs do take risks! However, this doesn’t necessarily mean putting yourself in a high-risk situation consistently. Entrepreneurship is generally considered a risky proposition and many risks are associated with your business. However, contrary to popular belief, entrepreneurs smartly plan their every step to reduce risk.

They follow a calculated learning and experimentation process, actively taking steps to mitigate risk early and continuously.

5. Entrepreneurs are motivated only by Money

Generating revenue is not the only motivation for small business owners. It is not even first on their list. Following their lifelong dream and achieving their passion is the main motivation for entrepreneurs.

But does that mean entrepreneurs start a business in which they can`t make huge profits? Never! However, there is more to it- Financial Stability.

It does not mean that you are buying Ferraris. Being financially stable simply means that you are living a comfortable life and able to make ends meet. Money is a motivator, but not as important to entrepreneurs as people assume. If you have an amazing startup idea that can provide ease to people`s lives, you can take help from a business coach for entrepreneurs for support and guidance.

Dreams and ideas are two fundamentals, but also you will have to believe that it`s possible to achieve them. More and more men and women are starting a business. Everyone can get the skillset and mind of an entrepreneur. But to be a successful entrepreneur passion, confidence and the willingness to never give up are the most essential.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about our business-related courses, visit:

HR & People Management

Build High-Performing Team With These 4 Simple HR Practices

Companies that invest in their human capital achieve their business goals and promote a positive culture. A study by Darwish, T.K., Singh, S., & Mohamed, A.F. (2013) and Huselid, M.S., Jackson, S.E., & Schuler, R.S (1997) published in Forbes indicates the importance of aligning human resource strategies to achieve business goals and improved business performance.

Your business may face severe consequences because of the lack of skills and knowledge. But it is entirely unrealistic to build a successful business without building people, especially in a startup.

So whether you are a solopreneur, an entrepreneur, or a wantrepreneur, if you want to create a professional and efficient culture in your company, here are three best HR practices that will guarantee a more productive culture in your organization:

1. Find the Right Fit for the Right Role 

Wrong hiring can harm an organization in the long term. Along with the essential skill set and a positive mindset, it is also crucial to consider the cultural fitment of the candidate.

Hiring the right candidate with a positive approach can help to create a culture in the organization where everyone feels welcome and participate.

Ensuring that the purpose of the position is met with the desired candidature of the job applicant is very important. It provides personal and professional aspirations are being met. Select people who are self-motivated, goal-oriented, talented, and driven by passion and also share your vision. An improved and enhanced team will remain motivated. This will eventually accelerate your business growth.

2. Build Employee-friendly policies

The employees should be empowered to mold their work environment within the defined boundaries. Also, a set of policies that limit the border within which it is to be carried out should be defined clearly.

The Policy or the handbook forms the foundation of the agreement on service conditions with the hiring candidate. This needs to be signed during the acceptance of the offer, and every time the request is amended. You also consult with a business motivational speaker to keep your team inspired.

Looking for a bit of expert advice on building a high-performance workforce? Click here:

3. Create a Performance-driven culture 

Business owners who invest in their employees, in turn, invest back in the business. Performance drives the success of any organization.

An agile and motivated man force is every organization`s biggest strength. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an HR working in a large organization, it is necessary to ensure that your staff members are delighted with their role in the organization. You can conduct a training session from time to time and a session with the best motivational speaker in India, Dr Vivek Bindra, to increase your team’s productivity.

Employees should clarify their current job role and growth opportunities as ambiguity can lead to non-performance. Encourage your employees to do self-evaluation. Try to nip the problems at the early stages.

As an entrepreneur, you must retain good employees and promote growth within the organization by making the entire staff skilled. An employee’s development could be vertical as well as horizontal. Make your employees trained and more capable.

One of the most standardized and joint initiatives that entrepreneurs can implement is new employee orientation. An orientation program will inculcate a sense of commitment in the employees and encourage a sense of ownership.

4. Conduct Systematic Performance Review  

If the business size is small, it is advised to have a systematic performance review. A quarterly performance check would make more sense in a startup. If you want to scale up your business and promote its growth, be honest about the performance.

The idea of managing a business is more straightforward said than done, and we agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more, visit:

HR & People Management

3 Soft Skills Every Company Looks In A Candidate While Hiring!

People often spend their entire lives honing their industry-related skills. But they often miss out on developing soft skills. Soft skills are how an employee interacts and relates with other people. These are the traits that involve teamwork, listening, and communication and are extremely valuable to employers.

Do you want to know how to get your dream job? Here are the 10 best tips to get your dream job:

Whether you are a fresher who has just graduated from college, a mid-career professional who is looking to take a leg up in your career, or a working professional looking to secure your next promotion; there are few important soft skills you will need to achieve your career goals.

Though the importance of hard skills can`t be neglected, soft skills are priceless. Where hard skills are teachable and easy to quantify, an employee must cultivate soft skills as well. If employees don’t have these basic soft skills, it can hurt the overall success of the company.

Here are three soft skills that must possess if you are looking to accelerate your career:

1. Positive Mindset

Failures and setbacks are part of life. But how you choose to get past them is what determines your success. It is the ability to bounce back in the face of obstacles and failures that help you succeed.

Professionals with a growth mindset are highly motivated to achieve higher levels of success by continuously learning new skills to keep pace with a changing market. You can listen to the best motivational speaker in India Dr. Vivek Bindra to learn how to develop a positive mindset.

2. High Emotional Intelligence

Managing work-related roadblocks by producing innovative solutions requires a positive mindset and a creative approach. Building meaningful relationships in the workplace is one of the most important skills. It is also important to be curious and passionate about learning new skills so that you can give your best performance and distinguish yourself.

3. Curiosity to Learn

The ability to grasp and learn new things is another important soft skill of the 21st century. Whether you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, or a job-seeker, it is this one skill that will keep you ahead of the crowd.

The illiterate of this century is not someone who does not know how to read and write, but a person who is not willing to learn, unlearn and relearn. In this fast-paced world where new trends fade as quickly as they emerge, success is more about adapting your skills by growing and adapting and less about what you already know.

There are many other skills that hiring professionals look for in a candidate. But the three soft skills that are mentioned above are in great demand. Showcase your positive attitude and the skills above by mentioning times when you took the initiative to learn a new skill to improve your performance.

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Leadership Building

5 Common Traits Of Great Leaders

A strong leader is like a pilot that can help to keep the plane in the air if something unfortunate happens. During a crisis, a good leader can help an organization to stay afloat in the best of times, and in the ones that try us the most. Hence, strong leadership is more important than ever!

If you have worked with the best motivational speaker or top leaders, you will come across one thing- the most significant leaders share some common traits, and anyone can develop these traits.

What constitutes a great leader? What are those essential qualities that make for great leadership? Here are five qualities that make for great leadership, and the more we nurture these qualities, the better leaders will become during the crisis and beyond:

1. Walk the Talk

Many leaders only believe in giving heavy speeches, but when it comes to working upon those promises they simply back off. Managers who lead by example boost team values and commitment. Great leaders believe in walking the talk and not just preaching rosy stories. They back their words with action and know that they can act which helps them to drive the business forward. So make sure that you are practicing what you preach.

2. Encourage & Motivate Others

Managers often talk about their growth and managing their subordinates. But this is what distinguishes a great leader from mere managers enjoying senior posts. A great leader shares a relentless drive and determination to reach the pinnacle. But they also believe in empowering people around them. They instill motivation in the people working for them. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg motivates his employees to innovate by giving them the leeway to take risks and experiment.

3. Good Listener

Listening and hearing have a hairline difference between them. Hearing is passive, while listening is active-and the great leader is someone, who understands the difference between the two terms. A great leader will take cues from all other aspects and help people in the organization who might lack the courage to speak up. We need leaders who listen and are intentional about their conversations.

Real listening is essential for effective communication. Listening not only involves ears but many other aspects like body language, expressions, and gestures. What`s not said is just as important as what is said. Want to develop leadership traits? You can enquire about a leadership funnel program that will help you to hone your leadership skills.

4. Effective Communicator

While businesses around the globe are adapting to the change unleashed by the pandemic, great leaders are trying to find the right balance. Good leaders today have to make difficult decisions such as furloughs, and staff reductions.

However, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to communication. But, successful communication begins with transparency. And to keep lines open and clear across the business, we must be careful not just about putting our messages across, but also about the mediums, too.

5. Act Quickly & Confidently

Many leaders talk, but they do not execute and do. And it is doing that separates the real leaders from the rest. When your words match your actions, people learn to develop trust. It is more impactful when you take an action on what you are hearing from your employees. Leaders who act quickly and confidently often must make difficult decisions, and for that it takes grit.

Leaders, who have clear objectives, are certain, and are committed to their passion and perseverance, are the ones who will continue to build trust in these uncertain times.

It is essential to have leadership qualities to lead a successful business. Learn how to become a powerful leader from the industry experts in our Leadership Funnel Program. To know more, click here: