3 Middle Class Business Leaders Who Changed The World
Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and late Steve Jobs- what do these names have in common besides being famous and at the top list of richest people in the world today?
Apart from their incredible business sense and passion to do something in their lives, one common thing is that they all hail from humble backgrounds. All of them are of middle-class origin, who courtesy to their ambition and aspirations have changed the world since the end of the last century, and to the present one.
If you have seen their biographies, you will notice that they all come from the American middle class or even from other countries. These people who define success on their terms are the product of “aspirations” that can`t be learned in any online business course.
But what does it reflect for young entrepreneurs who want to start their business, but hold back because of their social class?
It sends out a strong message to our youth that these business leaders who hail from made a mark in the world achieved success from their aspiration of a social class that does not enjoy the great privileges of luxuries. They overcome their vulnerabilities and have made a better life for themselves and their fellow men.
1. Jeff Bezos, Miami Middle Class
Jeff Bezos’s mother is Jacklyn Gise married Miguel Bezos- Jeff`s adoptive father, from whom received the surname. He completed his graduation in computer science engineering in 1986 from Princeton University. After his graduation, Jeff began working immediately in various companies of medium prestige.
His family was settled in Miami, Florida and when Jeff started his first business it was his parents who brought him his initial capital. His book sales company was installed in the garage of a house in Seattle. Nobody imagined that he was laying the foundation of today`s giant- Amazon.
And the rest is history. Jeff Bezos had a middle-class childhood and adolescence with high aspirations. Perhaps, he never imagined that one day with his positive mindset, he will become one of the richest men in the world.
If you too want to begin your startup, begin by making yourself equipped. Enroll yourself in an online business course and learn everything about the business world.
Watch his amazing journey here:
2. Bill Gates, Quality Education
Bill Gates spent his childhood and adolescent years in the city of Seattle. Gates’s father was a lawyer, while his mother was a teacher. The family income was modest through which his parents managed to provide him with a high-quality education.
In 1975, he founded a company called Microsoft, which over the years became one of the brands that changed the world. To know more about how being merely a student, he managed to establish a company, watch this brilliant case study on Bill Gates by Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India.
Watch his amazing journey here:
3. Steve Jobs, the benchmark of Success
The late Steve Jobs is the benchmark of success derived from great aspirations. There is no one else in this world that can even come an inch closer to this title. Jobs during his living years and beyond is the overwhelming proof that the origins and your social class have nothing to do with your quench for triumph.
Steve Jobs’s biological parents gave him up for adoption to a classic middle-class American couple- Paul Jobs and Clara Hagopian. The adoptive father was a railroad engineer and his mother was a housewife. The couple raised him with great effort.
His corporate journey began in 1976 with the start of Apple which he began with his friend Steve Wozniak in a garage. Death cut his life short in 2011. But this legend utilized his living years to transform the way this world had known computers.
We will not recommend you to miss out on his inspirational journey! Watch it here:
These millionaires and billionaires come from humble backgrounds. With moral values, integrity, passion, and high aspirations they have changed the world forever for the better. They are moved by the desire to promote economic development and the benefit of their own and society.
To give your aspirations wings, you can take our “Entrepreneurship Course” through which you will gain in-depth knowledge about the distinct business dimensions.
5 Key Factors Entrepreneurs Should Focus On For A Successful Startup
Success never comes easy! This is true. But there is no reason to make success hard when it is easy. However, it is shocking to see so many entrepreneurs continue to come in their way by focusing on the wrong things on their journey.
Most often than not many entrepreneurs focus on the things that they don`t know at first. It results in frustration and they eventually get stuck. It is very important to take tasks that you are good at first.
Focusing on the things that you can do will motivate you to keep going and to gain momentum. Focus on the easy parts, and then come on to the more difficult aspects of building your startup business. Even the best motivational speaker in India like Dr. Vivek Bindra agrees with the idea. He says, when an entrepreneur starts doing easy things first, he will build enough momentum that will help him or her to maintain the productive focus.
So, what exactly entrepreneurs must do to ensure that their business meets success at a very early stage? Here are 5 basic skills that will help young entrepreneurs to achieve success:
1. Focus on What Works the Most
Many entrepreneurs waste a lot of time focusing their time and efforts on expensive details. Though they believe that they will succeed, however, they lack the basic business skills and common business sense to back that belief.
Instead of focusing on creating their branding or marketing strategies, they often get occupied with perfecting the font on their logo. Business owners like these often make it hard for themselves, to find success and witness a boost in their profits, instead of making it easy by trusting the process.
Obsessing over perfection or the wrong details is not very productive. Entrepreneurs must learn to prioritize and how to manage their time.
2. Avoid “Squirrel Syndrome”
It is very common for an entrepreneur or a solopreneur to get entangled in various aspects of a business, and lose focus. When this happens, many people start looking for the next ‘IT’ thing to focus on, instead of trying to prioritize their subjects. This is called Squirrel Syndrome.
Jumping from one new idea to another makes you unfocused and restless for not accomplishing enough at the end of the day. Refocus by taking the time to work on one project or one direction in which you need to head towards. Work on it and turn off all distractions. Every time to take de-route, it takes much longer to reach success. You can also take online business courses for entrepreneursto learn how to set goals and achieve them.
3. Focus on Result Oriented Activities
Whether you are a student-turned-entrepreneur or a business owner with an established brand, the focus is one of those basic but critical habits that are crucial to be successful. Start focusing more on day-to-day business activities that you are good at and they produce extraordinary results too. Spending time and energy doing the tasks you are good at helping you reap the biggest results.
4. Multitask Mindfully
Multitasking is a term that has got many advocates. But the truth to be told, doing many things at the same time can decrease your productivity. However, if you plan to do it strategically and mindfully, you can stop reacting to distractions. By remaining mindful, you can determine how you need to focus on a new situation and check-in with yourself. You can learn this crucial skill by hiring themotivational speakeror a mentor.
5. Build One Big Project at a Time
Entrepreneurs are highly creative people with amazing startup business ideas. It is difficult to turn off the desire to act on multiple ideas at once. But, starting multiple projects at once may have your mind and heart all over the place. Your attention will be split, and you will face troubles in achieving anything at all.
Thus, it is best to pick creative projects first as they will require your complete attention, focus, and creative juices as well. Make a list of all the tasks that you need to accomplish each day and stick to it. You will get a lot more done if you focus on the right thing at the right time. Giving your attention to the things that are not productive will not take you anywhere near to success.
You can learn how to stay focused and handle big projects in a startup business from our ‘Entrepreneurship Course’. You can get step-by-step business strategies and in-depth practical knowledge on how to get new business projects with ease.
How To Build A Strong Business Network When You Are An Introvert Entrepreneur
Aditya, a 24-year-old guy, with plenty of revolutionary startup business ideas in his mind and a determination to set up his startup hails from Kanpur, a city in Uttar Pradesh. Surrounded by a large crowd of successful entrepreneurs and young solopreneurs who are chasing their business goals, he is getting nervous with each passing minute.
He can feel the sweat beads forming consistently and rolling down over his forehead against his will, which adds up to his discomfort. He can feel his heart thumping, ready to leap out of his chest. And, while many of you may think that Aditya is about to experience a cardiac arrest, let us tell you that nothing of this sort is about to happen.
Aditya, who has a charming personality and the confidence to sweep any businessman off with his effective communication skills and creative ideas, is also an INTROVERT. Being an introvert means meeting total strangers or attending an event with hundreds of people is no less than a nightmare.
While many people can easily share personal stories while making business contacts, there are also people like Aditya who want to build a strong network and close business deals for his business idea but can`t approach a stranger and start talking. You can also watch video on “Covid Proof & Recession Proof Business Ideas” , here:
Loud and crowded settings are often intimidating for introverts and draining. But in a world that often recognizes an extrovert as the ideal personality, how do introverts get ahead when it comes to building a network?
Here are five tips that can help even the most introverted entrepreneurs improve his or her networking skills:
One of the most clichéd tips of all time, yet very effective and true. Accepting your weaknesses and strengths is the ultimate way of evolving both personally and professionally. Beating yourself up for not having an outgoing personality will not help you in any way. It will only create a sense of inferiority that will hold you back in the future.
Make improvements by learning from extroverts, but don`t expect yourself to behave like one. To get uplift your mood and spirits, you can listen to the best motivational speaker in India.
There is nothing wrong if you feel more comfortable in a small group. After someone accepts your invitation to discuss your startup business idea, look for scenarios where you can meet people in settings that are peaceful and ideal for network building. You can invite business investors to small group or in-person activities like a cup of coffee at your favorite café to discuss endless business possibilities.
It may take you more time to meet new people. But, it will help you to overcome your hesitation to meet new people and will build much deeper and significant relationships.
If you too get cold feet like Aditya when it comes to approaching even one person, then fret not! Take baby steps. Do not rush. Do not try to force yourself to go and talk to people when you are not comfortable. Forced conversations can leave a negative impact on your investor.
Begin by exchanging emails or few direct messages on LinkedIn with your business prospect. This will give you a sense of familiarity with the person you are about to meet in person. After you have communicated through emails, take the conversation ahead by meeting them in person. You can also hire a business coach who can help you overcome hesitation.
It is very normal for introverts to remain with that one connection they make in an event for the entirety. However, being an entrepreneur you will have to build multiple connections for your business growth. Force yourself out of your comfort zone. Tell yourself a number and meet as many people within a certain amount of time. Explain that you are a little introvert and it will be amazing if they can introduce yourself.
Aditya is not alone in this world! Many people like him begin sweating at the mere mention of attending events. Many people in this world do not find the thought of meeting countless strangers pleasing. But, building a network is an important aspect of a start-up business. A little planning can ease out the entire situation for introverts.
When you find an event that can materialize your startup business idea into reality, you can contact the organizer a couple of days ahead of the event. See if the organizer can help you to make introductions through email or social media. On the day of the event, you will know specifically which people to seek out.
Introverts may find meeting total strangers and converting those meetings into treasured resources quite overwhelming. But as an entrepreneur, you have to have a strong network. So, networking has to be a part of the business plan.
To resolve this challenge, we have many ‘Problem Solving Courses’ that include personality development as well to help you build a strong network.
5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Shall have a Powerful Personal Brand!
Every startup business must have a brand value and every entrepreneur must focus on creating an impactful personal brand. If you have been in the market for years and still do not have a visible and powerful brand, you are doing at a great disadvantage to yourself in professional, business, and personal life.
What is personal branding?
From individual to popular brand, everyone has a unique personal brand. Personal branding is the art of marketing yourself and your business as brands, just like Dr. Vivek Bindra. Today, if anyone thinks about the best motivational speaker in India, Dr. Vivek Bindra, and his organization Bada Business is the first thing that comes to mind. That`s how much popular as a personal brand Dr. Vivek Bindra is in the business world.
Though personal branding is an ongoing process, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, or small business owners should strive for a powerful, attractive, and visible personal brand.
Wondering how can you achieve that?
Always stay true and display your authentic self by showcasing the engaging aspects of your professional and personal activities and interests.
Still, thinking, why do you need personal branding at all?
Here are five major reasons to have a top-notch personal brand if you want to be successful in the long run:
1. Attracts Big Opportunities
Opportunities will knock at your door only when you are being VISIBLE. When your brand or you as an entrepreneur are performing great in your professional work, customers, clients, vendors, and even companies will approach you and reach out to you. This will not only help you to make more customers but will also boost your revenue.
Want to know how you can create a brilliant personal brand? You can take online business courses for entrepreneurswith Bada Business where you can learn in-depth knowledge of personal branding.
2. Networking- Online & Offline
When you turn yourself into a brand that is recognizable and quite popular among people, everyone finds you desirable and attractive. This can help you build great professional connections as you can share distinct aspects of your business and brand with them. This variation will compel people to connect with you and do business as well.
3. Build your Business
A personal brand can yield much success to a business because from clients to customers and vendors, everyone would prefer to do business with a company whose leader has a killer personal brand. Best examples are Elon Musk, Ratan Tata, Warren Buffett, and Bill Gates. The entire concept of personal branding is also known as brand equity in the business world.
Watch this compelling video on brand equity, here.
4. Boosts Confidence
Developing your brand requires you to unleash the inner leader inside you. You will have to find your authentic voice. When you find your voice, you will become much more capable to connect with your potential customers. Your audiences will start responding more positively that builds self-confidence and self-esteem. A powerful, visible, and attractive brand is the key. It helps you to create credibility and the reputation of your business in the long run.
5. A Lively Personal Life
A strong personal brand will not only help you in your business as an entrepreneur but also help you to have an enriched personal life. When you are interesting, people notice you and connect with you. Many times, you can become the best of friends with people who contacted you through your LinkedIn or Facebook profile.
Not only it is important you have a brand presence of your business, but also as an entrepreneur personal branding is equally important. If you want to learn more, you can take online business courses in India.
You can also take our premium course ‘Entrepreneurship course’ to find personal guidance to increase your brand presence consistently to facilitate sales, engage your customers and close leads.
5 Commitments Every Successful Entrepreneur Must Make For Business Excellence!
Whether you are a passionate and ambitious person for your job where you are deeply invested or planning to start a startup business, there are certain commitments and decisions that successful people have to make. Discipline and determination help to shape them into elite businessmen and –women.
According to Dr. Vivek Bindra- one of the best motivational coaches for entrepreneurs, “each day is a fresh opportunity for mastering the key skills to acquire goals. Success often comes down to having the right attitude and making smart decisions.
So, if you are trying to excel in the business world, here are five commitments you must make to acquire your goal:
1. Appreciate the Good
Most often we are too focused on the bad in our lives. However, it does no good but gives birth to negativity. No matter where you are in your career, find ways to appreciate the work you are doing. Jobs are not perfect and not every aspect of it, you will enjoy.
Make mental notes to focus on the solutions and not the problems. Allow no space in your mind for negative thoughts. When you think in terms of lack, you start making decisions from a negative place. Learn to respect your achievements, understanding that small things make room for bigger opportunities. You can also take help from the motivational coach for entrepreneurs to keep your spirits high.
2. Fear of Failures
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm”, this quote by Winston Churchill elaborates the right approach towards your business goals. The road to success is full of failures, disappointments, and setbacks. If you give in to the fear of failure, it will discourage you from walking on the new path.
If you want to be successful, you will have to take a risk and be willing to witness the consequences of those decisions. Just like a good motivational coach, consequences can be your mentor and guide you with quick answers. If you will never take risks, you will never redirect yourself and your business in the right direction.
3. Work Hard for Dreams
It is essential to measure your success with your work ethic. If the pursuit of your success is solely based on money and profit, be aware that your mind will only be focused on the lack of it. Worry blocks opportunity and keeps reminding you of how much you don`t have.
Hence, always set up a mindset that your hard work will generate profit. Always focus on the goals and do not shy away from working hard for them.
4. Expand your Vision
Always be grateful for your achievements, but never be satisfied. Commit to thinking big by setting higher goals. Despite achieving great heights of success, know that you are not done. And it is just the first step.
Most often entrepreneurs become complacent as their businesses begin to generate revenue. However, this results in no innovative business strategies and they begin to lose their grip on the market. Always ask, “What is next?” How can I expand my business further? If you are struggling with certain business challenges, you can also take problem solving courses that are available online.
Never downsize your dreams. Change the path, not the dream!
5. Be Consistent
Consistency is the key to your entrepreneurial success. Commit to working with passion and determination, taking steps no matter how little towards your business goals. It is only through consistent and diligent work, coupled with flexibility and patience that you can achieve greater heights of success. If you feel like you are losing enthusiasm, you can always speak to the best motivational speaker in India– Dr. Vivek Bindra.
It’s the last person standing who ends up winning the race. The above-mentioned commitments can play a key role in your journey to establish a successful business startup. To be successful in business, commit to making self-aware and smart choices. Make one smart decision by joining our “Entrepreneurship course”.
When someone mentions ‘Motivational Speaker’, a lot of us start thinking about an individual who will come up and start giving a speech. But this couldn’t be any farther from the truth.
Who is the Motivational Speaker?
A motivational speaker is a speaker who delivers speeches intended to inspire or motivate an audience. Such inspirational talkers may attempt to transform or challenge their audience.
Motivational speakers are ordinary individuals who have made their place in this world by going through a series of ups and downs in their lives.They learned from his experience and gained expertise in a particular area.They are manual not only for your professional challenges but also for the issues related to your personal life.
How does Business Motivational Speaker help you?
A business motivational speaker can help you in the following ways:
He/she reignites the passion to achieve your goals.
He/she motivates you to overcome personal as well professional challenges.
He/she inspires you to set and attain goals.
He/she pushes you out of your comfort zone.
So, when a person faces any situation in life where he/she gets stuck, loses direction, loses faith in his capabilities, gets surrounded by negative people, thoughts or situations, or when he or is completely lost a business motivational speaker can instill hope for a brighter future and confidence to attain success.
At such times, we need help from someone who could guide and inspire us to bring a wave of positivity to our lives. Someone who can influence, inspire and motivate us to bring about a change for the better so that we can sort out the problems of our lives. These mentors don the role of motivational speakers to provide help at the right time with their wisdom of words.
Anyone can motivate you. It could be in your family, friends, and relatives as they influence and encourage you in different phases of your life. For instance, as a teenager, your family, teachers, and friends influence you a lot while selecting a career option. These are the people who will always make sure you choose what is best for you.
Many people want to pursue this as a full-time career too. They want to become a motivational speaker because these days it pays well. With the right experience and passion for motivating people to achieve their dreams, you too can become a business motivational speaker.
Motivational speakers choose to do this to fulfill various objectives:
High-level executives who want to share their knowledge.
People who want to educate people in a particular field.
People who want to educate others about social issues and motivate them to take action in this direction.
People who guide others on personal or professional aspects of life.
People who have a story or passion that they want to share with others.
How can a motivational speaker influence the lives of people?
By inspiring people to bring about a change in their lives and achieve their goals.
By providing guidance or education in a particular field.
By aligning individuals with their goals.
By providing new ideas or perspectives to see things.
Are a Motivational Speaker and a Business Coach the same?
Though a motivational speaker and business coach do the same work, they influence and inspire people; there are several differences between the two.
Some of these differences are:
Motivational Speaker
Business Coach
Gives a motivational speech to a group of people from different backgrounds
Guides businessmen or employees on a one-to-one basis belonging to the same company
Inspires and motivates people to bring positivity to their lives
Enhances the knowledge and skills of businessmen and their employees by giving them tips and strategies to perform their work efficiently
Delivers a powerful and encouraging speech, which every individual in the audience can relate to and apply in their life differently
Gives a speech related to a particular topic like a strategy to increase sales, tips to reduce the cost of the company, tricks to create a positive attitude in employees towards the company, etc. So, all the people attending this session will reach the same conclusion.
Can a person develop expertise in both genres?
You can find several people who are either motivational speakers in India or well-trained business coaches, but very few can do justice to both roles.
But, there is definitely ‘one’ person who has been recognized and awarded for excellence in both- Dr. Vivek Bindra. Dr. Vivek Bindra is an international motivational speaker and business coach who has received many awards for his invaluable contribution to developing entrepreneurship in India.
Some of the global recognition awards that he has under his kitty are:
“Best Motivational Speaker” by the International Glory Awards 2019.
“Best Leadership Trainer in Asia” by Marshall Goldsmith at World HRD Congress.
“Best CEO Coach in India” by Times of India –Speaking Tree.
“Best Corporate Trainer in India” by Maruti Suzuki.
“Think Tank of Corporate Asia” by World Leadership Federation.
Dr. Vivek Bindra is one of the top motivational speakers in India and a renowned business coach. He is the Founder & CEO of one of the largest and most progressive organizations in South Asia– Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as Global ACT).
Dr. Vivek Bindra is recognized as the best motivational speaker in India and rewarded everywhere because of his immense knowledge of Business Strategies and his ability to empower entrepreneurs to make it big. As an Indian motivational speaker, he has shown the direction to millions of people to take control of their life and move towards happiness and success.
A little background on Dr. Vivek Bindra (Motivational Speaker in India & Business Coach)
1. Owner of the World’s No. 1 Most Subscribed Entrepreneurship YouTube Channel:
He owns the World’s No. 1 Entrepreneurship & Leadership Development YouTube Channel. He has more than 12 million subscribers globally and 700 million+ viewership
On his YouTube channel, he provides several business strategies and frameworks to solve the business problems of small businessmen, entrepreneurs, and Startups in India.
He also gives case studies on different companies, renowned personalities, and countries to motivate and inspire people.
His YouTube channel is a “Free Digital Learning University” whose objective is to empower every aspiring potential entrepreneur to start his own business and generate employment contributing to his vision of adding to the GDP of the country.
2. Founder & CEO of one of the Most Progressive Organizations – Bada Business Pvt. Ltd.
Apart from being one of the best Motivational Speakers in India, Dr. Vivek Bindra is a revolutionary entrepreneur as well. He is the Founder and CEO of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as Global ACT). He established this company in 2010. It started as a training company that provides business training to corporates from different industries but has now grown into a ‘University of Entrepreneurial content’ for SMEs.
He is a trusted advisor for over 1500+ corporates and a guide to various entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities. He has also been an inspirational pathfinder to various high-profile entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities providing Leadership excellence for taking their organizations to the next level.
As a business coach, he has been instrumental in providing CEO coaching to over the Top 100 CEOs in the country.
3. Launch Various Programs and Events for Motivating People
Dr. Vivek Bindra has organized various seminars and events like Leadership funnel, Bounce Back, etc. wherein he dons the role of both a motivational speaker and a business coach and solves the problems of entrepreneurs by giving powerful tips, strategies, and frameworks.
He launched a new mobile App, “Bada Business community App”, which is a unique platform for entrepreneurs, leaders, industry experts and anyone who has a dream and a vision to achieve it. The platform allows young entrepreneurs to network with like-minded people and learn from the experts in the Free Masterclass.
Problem Solving Courses (PSCs) are designed to give practical solutions to the most frequent and prominent business problems around various business functions like Business Finance, IT, HR, Sales, Digital Marketing, Legal, etc. faced by entrepreneurs.
Recently, he has also launched Business Coaching Program under which anyone can get access to premium courses that are specifically designed to solve business challenges that entrepreneurs face.
He has also launched his ambitious project Bada Business Juniorwhich aims to provide academic education as well as soft skills to prepare kids for a brighter tomorrow.
Vision of Dr. Vivek Bindra
As the world best motivational speaker, his vision is to empower businessmen in a manner that they can expand their businesses not only in India but around the world. This will help in making India economically stronger; and further, take our country ahead on the path of becoming a developed nation.
Dr. Vivek Bindra’s mission is to help and guide the Indian entrepreneur who is struggling to establish and expand his businesses.
The objective of Dr. Vivek Bindra is entirely different from the people who have taken up motivational speaking as a career choice to either share their knowledge, earn money and fame or do it as a part of service to the society.
For his contributions to empowering and motivating entrepreneurs, Dr. Vivek Bindra has received 100+ awards. Some of them are:
Royal American University, Boston has rewarded him with the highest degree of “Doctorate” in the year 2020.
Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijay Bhai Rupani awarded Dr. Vivek Bindra for his “Outstanding Contribution in the field of Entrepreneurship Development” in the year 2020.
Economic Times has rewarded him with the award of “Game Changer of the Year 2019.”
Conferred upon with “India’s Greatest Brands and Leaders –Pride of the Nation” award, process reviewed by PricewaterhouseCooper
World Leadership Federation has crowned him as the, “Think Tank of Corporate Asia”.
Dr. Vivek Bindra also holds a place in the Esteemed Golden Book of Records for “Training the Largest Gathering of HR Professionals under one Roof on the topic – Can HR Become a CEO?”
The awards and achievements of Dr. Vivek Bindra, whether as a motivational speaker in India, a business coach or an entrepreneur himself are endless, but the goal is one- to relentlessly work towards the growth of the nation and its people. As one of the best motivational speakers in India, it is his dream to make the entire nation a powerhouse full of entrepreneurs and he is leaving no stone unturned to make it a reality!