
Top 5 Offbeat Jobs That Pay High Salaries & Are Completely Fun!

Summary: Most of us are stuck in 9-to-5 jobs. But some people have taken up the offbeat path when it comes to doing jobs.….click…..Ctrl+C…Ctrl+V……save file…save as….Ctrl+shift+Del……….Well, a lot of us working in mainstream jobs might be getting our salaries on time. But very few of us would say that we are satisfied with our work.

We are stuck in a routine and our work schedule has become mechanical. Still, we choose to do 9 to 5 desk jobs each day. But a few lucky ones amongst us dared to dream differently and escaped the rut by doing some of these offbeat jobs that we are sure you have not even heard of.

Want to explore unique opportunities that will pay you well? Attend our Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra to discover unconventional business ideas.

Here are a few business ideas that pay surprisingly well:

1. Professional Cuddler

Gone are those days when the only profession was doctor, engineer, or lawyer. Today, there is no dearth of unique ideas that is a driving change behind the blooming startup ecosystem in India. One of these unconventional professions is to become a ‘professional cuddler.’

Many people have adapted it as a full-time profession and are earning pretty good. Trevor Hooton is a professional cuddler and hugger who charges as much as Rs 7,100, for an hour’s service. He also goes by the name ‘Treasure’ and offers ‘connections coaching’ for people who find it difficult to form relationships. According to Trevor, a lot of people do not understand the profession.

2. Become a Professional Bridesmaid

If you are good at giving wedding advice and guidance to all your friends when it comes to costume color, design, hair-dos, make-up, and footwear then you can consider becoming a professional bridesmaid.

Most often we see that brides need their friends around for beautiful photographs and of course emotional support. Many companies provide bridesmaids who provide exceptional services that include offering day-of advice to giving a beautiful toast at the ceremony. You can earn from INR 6000 to INR 7000. Sounds interesting? So put on your best dress and heels, and get ready to enjoy a wedding as a bridesmaid.

3. Water Slide Taster

As bizarre as it sounds, a water slide tester gets paid well. Job responsibilities include taking multiple rounds and trips down the slide to see how much it needs, how quickly you reach down, and how safe it is. Well, having fun during job hours goes without saying. So are you ready to make a splash?

4. Ice Cream Tasters

Does your heart skip a beat when you look at a cup filled with delicious ice cream? If you just nodded your head into a yes, this unconventional idea will make your taste buds extremely happy. Ice cream tasters, otherwise known as food scientists, sensory analysts, or “flavorologists,” can make up to $60,000 a year. If you’d like to get paid to try out new ice cream flavors, this unconventional career path may be for you.

5. Food Photographers

Have a look at your Instagram account. Do you see lots of dishes lying creatively in your posts and reels? Are you passionate about clicking pictures of delicacies and mouth-watering food decorated on a platter? Can your pictures make a badly-cooked dish look appealing to the eyes and other sensory organs?

If you love clicking pictures of food served on the table, you can become a food photographer. A food photographer is in great demand and makes a generous income these days. Chefs and restaurant owners hire food photographers to capture beautiful pictures of food for promotional use. Not just in the hospitality sector, but also they are in great demand by magazines, cookbook publishers, and newspapers too.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can also attend Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra which is going to be held on 22, 23, and 24 July 2022. For more information, visit

Business motivation

Top 4 Business Tips to Improve your Return On Investment

Summary: Finding ways to increase your business’ profits can be challenging. But with a little innovation and creativity, you may be able to move the needle substantially.

Every business analyzes its future by identifying past and potential financial returns. ROI or return on investment is a ratio of your company`s net profit compared to your financial investment in the business.

Many people often confuse this term with the profit margin. However, ROI is the financial return that you receive from spending money and not the profit received from the sale of goods and services. It helps the leaders to make informed decisions by kicking the guesswork out of the window. To know how you can increase the ROI of your business, you can attend Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

Why is it Important?

The ability to calculate return on investment is crucial for every business, regardless of the company`s size or industry. A businessman is considered smart if he manages his expenses and monitors ROI regularly. Only businesses that can analyze ROI, survive in the long run.

So how can you improve your business`s ROI? How can you ensure that your business`s ROI is always increasing, no matter what?

Want to know which type of business model will give you high ROI? Watch it here.

Here are three ways that will help any business to receive higher ROI in every season:

1. Invest in High-performing Marketing Platforms

As part of their marketing strategies many companies often buy ads from Google and Facebook. But these platforms take a lot of initial investment before they could give you a significant return. If you want to increase your ROI without investing such a large amount, you should look for other platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

2. More Discounts Means Less Profit

Most often than not, many business owners purchase inventory from distributors and lend it to the market on credit. This technique only results in loss- loss of inventory and loss of return. Why? The reason is that you purchase the stock after making the payment in advance to the distributor. However, when you gave the stock on a credit basis with receiving the down payment, you will be deprived of the funds.

Hence, you will have to offer your stock or products at a discount that will eventually hit your profit margin. Always choose a business model where once you sell a product, you get your money back. You can become a franchisee of Bada Business to earn profits every week.

3. Choose a Business Plan with Zero Inventory Management

If you have a small business that stores goods in a warehouse, then managing inventory is an essential part of how you can control your stock. Inventory management is like storing ice. Once you have kept ice inside the warehouse, it will melt down into the water and will drown your profits under it, if you do not manage your stock smartly.

As the time of the stock increases, its shelf-life, as well as the price, begins to decrease. For instance, electronic devices and gadgets experience a price drop as soon as a new model with upgraded technology is launched. From perishable to non-perishable items, the value of stock starts decreasing if the goods stay in the warehouse for a longer duration.

Hence, it is best to order those goods that are popular and have numerous takers in the market. You can also pick a business plan that does not require you to stock up goods in a warehouse. To gain in-depth information from the experts, join India`s most powerful business training event Leadership Funnel Program’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra. 

4. Margin

Whether you have a retail store, commodity business, mobile repair shop, or restaurant business, the profit margin is limited to 10%. However, the margin is not fixed and may be hit by external circumstances like an increase in cost, wastage of inventory, or expensive credit that can convert profit into a loss.

As an entrepreneur, you should always select a business model that returns high ROI. For instance, a Bada Business Franchise Partner enjoys a 20% to 50% of profit margin, without experience undercutting systems, with fixed prices.

If you are looking for simple and effective ways to improve ROI on your business, you should join LFP Bada Business. This event is designed to cater the modern-day entrepreneurs with practical solutions to business challenges.

To know more about our business training program, visit

Business motivation

5 Smart Tips To Increase Your Business Sales

Summary: Selling is a complex process and it is difficult to predict your customer behavior. Then how can you increase your business sales? Find out in this article.

Marketing is an integral part of every business because it’s not the best product that does well; it’s the best-seen product. This is why creating an excellent product or service is not enough. If you don’t have consumers coming for your business, you can’t increase sales.

The key to increasing sales is when you implement strategies that provide the visibility you are looking for. To master the ability to build effective strategies attend Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

From small businesses to large businesses worldwide, everyone is struggling to boost their sales and has been chasing the holy grail of increased revenue and growing sales numbers. At some point, it’s the systems that allow you to scale your business in a way that doesn’t directly involve all of your time.

So, how can you ensure that the number of sales is always on top? What if you can increase your sales number without having to jump through hoops? What if you find a simple formula that will help you to increase your business sales?

Whether you are selling your products online or running a brick-and-mortar business, these sales strategies will help you increase sales:

1. Create Sales Funnel to Focus on Consumers

Shape your marketing strategies and communication around your customers. Create a sales funnel that will lead your customer from a place of simply being aware of you to a place where they are ready to make a transaction with you. It is an integral part of your cycle that will take your consumer through the sales cycle.

What most business owners miss here is that a customer is not interested to know about a product. They are more interested to know how it will make their lives more convenient.

By shifting the focus of the discussion to your customer`s pain points, you will come out with a more customer-oriented sales strategy.

Conduct research on the current challenges that your customers are facing then communicate in a creative way how your business can help them to overcome those challenges. Want to learn more? Be a part of India`s most powerful  Leadership Funnel Program 2.0.’

2. Focus on Better Discovery Conversations

Most entrepreneurs often think that the goal of every discovery call is to close sales. But, it should not be like that. A discovery call should be looked at as an opportunity to analyze whether a potential client is a right fit for your company.

Be present with your clients and prospects with an attitude that you are available for any help. These questions and attitudes will help you focus on the outcomes of the other party and will eventually help you to build a solid relationship. You can also consult with the best business coach in India.

3. Show Up Where Your Customers Are

The internet gives a golden opportunity to businesses to be present in different ways and at various mediums where their potential customers are. You can use podcasts, videos, blogs, and many other formats to reach your potential customers. In other words, always ensure that your business is present everywhere where your customers are active.

4. Give Your Customers an Exclusive Experience

Treating your customers like a king can take your sales volume up, rapidly. It is very important for a customer to feel that their requirements and feedback will be taken seriously. They love it when a business owner remembers small details.

So, if a customer comes regularly to your café, remembering the amount of milk or the quantity of sugar he or she takes will make it special for them.

It is the feeling that brings a customer again to your store or café. According to a Forbes report on average, 7% of consumers expressed some level of frustration when their experience was impersonal.

If you are a shop owner, you can give your customers a personalized touch by greeting them with their names. This tip might appear simple, but it is very effective and will deliver big results. Want to know how to attract more customers? Attend LFP 2.0—India`s most powerful business training by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

5. Bringing Something New by Asking Your Customers

Change is a constant thing! It is essential to keep bringing innovation into your services and products. However, there is one thing that every business owner must do- take extensive feedback from your customers. Make your customers an integral part of the innovation by analyzing the ‘ABCDE Model’.

A-           Analyze the problems & needs of the customers

B-           Brainstorm what exactly your customer is looking for in your products.

C-           Co-create. Involve your customers when altering a range of products or services.

D-           Deliver what promised

E-           Evaluate

The model of ‘ABCDE’ is behind Subway`s success. They let their customers decide and select the ingredients of their meals. This way even if a sandwich doesn’t taste good, the customer doesn’t mind because of his involvement in the process.

With our above-mentioned tips, you will see your sales numbers increasing. If you want to make guaranteed progress in your sales numbers, attend our live event ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra which will help you gain in-depth knowledge regarding the business world.

To know more about our event and its exclusive benefits, visit:


Top 10 Motivational Quotes By Dr. Vivek Bindra To Help You Chase Your Dreams

We all want to succeed in life. However, the road to success is not always a bed of roses. And sometimes despite giving our best, nothing seems to work our way out. We feel like giving up and we might feel nothing will ever change for the good.

The nature of being an entrepreneur means that you are comfortable with being challenged regularly. Many people often consider this career path irrational as success is not guaranteed. But many people do succeed because of their unwavering belief and laser-like focus.

You can achieve all your goals if you have faith and belief in yourself. If you are passionate enough to go that extra mile to fulfill your dreams, you can make a difference on the road to success. You can learn how to navigate the business challenges by being a part of India`s most powerful webinar Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

If you feel like giving up due to constant challenges, here are the top 10 motivational quotes by Dr. Vivek Bindra that will reignite the spark inside you to follow your dreams:

  1. Don’t focus on multiple things, focus on the main thing and the business will follow you.
  2.   Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses!
  3.   Difficulties in your life are not dead ends. They are just the sweet bends!
  4.   Surround yourself with people who have ambitious plans, meaningful purposes, and big goals.
  5.   You can’t convince people by convincing, you convince people by connecting!
  6.   Attraction to distraction drifts you away from your goal!
  7.   Success is not about changing reality. It is changing the mentality behind reality!
  8.   When failures hit you, you hit the failures back with a bounce back.
  9.   If you try to be the best you’ll be number one, if you try to be unique you’ll be the only one.
  10.   If you don’t help yourself, nobody in the world can help you to help yourself!

Starting a company is like a roller coaster of emotions with tremendous highs and at times, difficult lows, but one thing that will help you through the ups and downs is to connect with some of the greatest minds. Why not reach out to people who will help you to grow and evolve in your industry? Join India’s most powerful Leadership Funnel Program 2.0 by Dr. Vivek Bindra on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th July 2022.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

To know more about our event and its exclusive benefits, visit:


4 Streams Of Income That Will Grow Your Wealth

Summary: Want to create passive income? Here are four income stream ideas to try out.

Studying about millionaires and billionaires is quite interesting. Why? They are more often than not regular and ordinary people, who with their sheer dedication and remarkable discipline have achieved everything they ever wanted to.

Successful millionaires too have twenty-four hours a day, but they use it differently from the rest of the world. One thing which is common among them apart from being wealthy is that they have multiple streams of income.

According to an article on CNBC, 65% of millionaires have three sources of income, 45% of millionaires have four sources of income, and 29% of millionaires have five or more sources of income streams.

Passive income is a powerful tool.  It can increase your wealth passively. So, here are the top four streams of income that will boost your bank accounts.

Before we begin to tell you about the different streams of income, we would also like to allow you to hone your leadership skills with the best motivational speaker– Dr. Vivek Bindra at the most powerful business training event ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’.

1. Real Estate Syndications

Passive income streams are one of the basic wealth-building blocks. Every person on this planet only has 24 hours in a day. No matter how much you can actively work, you will always hit a limit on how much you can earn and how much you can save.

With passive income, you can turbocharge your wealth generation as you will continue to make money even as you sleep. Real estate syndications are one of the best passive sources of income. It is a group of investors that purchase a particular commercial or multi-family property. These investments feature yearly returns of around 8% and typically run for about five years. Apart from these above-average returns, when syndications sell the purchased building, investors are provided with a 30%-50% lump-sum return at the end of those five years.

2. Investment Income

Investment income is another common type of passive income stream that will grow your wealth. This category is more generic as it includes dividends from equities and bonds. These investments will not pay life-changing money, but as you grow your wealth, the stock market is a fantastic place to park your money safely while it grows and earns quarterly or monthly income. The key to wealth building is diversification and making smart investments can help you achieve that goal.

Another way is to attend India’s most powerful business event Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ with Dr. Vivek Bindra who is a business coach to many corporations in and outside India.

3. Business Income

Many people do a side-hustle to earn extra income. This may look ordinary, but in the long run, it can help you to grow your wealth exponentially. Whether making or selling something or providing services, owning a business opens up a world of limitless income possibilities. Suppose you’re a copywriter and you are quite good at your work. You can find clients and work as a freelancer and earn something extra. You can reinvest it in your business or you can leverage your side gig to save more money tax-free.

4. Renting Out Your Car

From BlaBla to QuickRide Carpool & Taxi peer-to-peer rentals have become remarkably popular. Many companies were hit during the pandemic and sold many of their cars. You can turn this into a side business of sorts. It’s not just property you can invest in and rent — if market trends continue, renting out cars is fast becoming a viable income stream!

If you want to grow your wealth, you need multiple streams of revenue. Relying too heavily on one stream typically is risky. What happens if you lose it? Similarly, if that singular income stream requires work, you limit how much you can make because there are limited hours in a day that you can work.

All of the four streams of income above are fantastic ways to grow your net worth. If you haven’t already, consider diversifying your portfolio by implementing the income streams suggested above! It will help you to increase your wealth passively.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.

You can be a part of India`s most powerful business training event ‘Leadership Funnel Program 2.0’ by Dr. Vivek Bindra.

To know more, you can visit:

Business motivation

3 Key Tips To Create Ideal Buyer Personas For Your Brand

Summary: Want to connect with customers who are genuinely looking for your products?

Is it Ramesh who is the marketing manager in an MNC, Ravi from the sales department in a small store, Neeraj, who is a student, or Laxmi, who has just started her dream venture and looking for products and services to expand her business?

Do you know who your customers are? And if so, how well do you know them?

For any business, it is essential to know its target audience. If you don’t know who your customer is, you can’t expect your business to grow and sustain in the market. This is why making buyer personas are important.

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on data and research. It not just gives you time to focus on qualified prospects but also guides product development according to your customers’ requirements.

A buyer’s persona just like a business coach helps you to understand your customers better.

This will help you to attract high-value visitors, leads, and customers to your businesses that are going to stay with you for a longer time.

“Okay, so personas are really important for my business. But……from where should I begin and how do I make one?”

Well, this is a million-dollar question. The good news is that it is not difficult to create one. It depends on your market research and customer data.

Here are some tips you must keep in your mind while creating an effective customer persona to grow your business:

1. Narrow Your List

The first thing when you are creating a buyer’s persona is to understand that only a small  niche of people represents a portion of your audience instead of everyone. Understanding this will give you a clear view and a good start. Once you acknowledge that there are distinct customers with unique requirements and goals, it will be easier for you to develop personas to match your visitors. Narrowing your list will help you understand who visits your website and why.

E.g. if you own an online pet store, you should only consider that segment of your audience who either are pet owners or live animals. They can be further divided into two groups- cat lovers and dog lovers.

If you are working with a business coach, you can take his guidance and support to create an actionable buyer’s persona.

2. Practice Social Observation

Social listening or observing is the process of observing what people are saying about your brand. This can give great insights inside a consumer’s mind to business owners and marketing teams. Read their responses on various platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Track hashtags, mentions, and industry-related tags across all social media platforms. Use this information to get a glimpse into the mind of your customers. For instance, you get lots of appreciation on social media for fast delivery and great pricing. But they also mention that you do not have a great product that they would like to buy.

So if the request is within your territory, you can consider finding a way to resolve this challenge. Also, there is one thing you must remember—when building personas through social listening, you will have to learn to cut through some noise.

3. Review Feedback & Customer Support Tickets

Did you know that feedback, reviews, and even customer support tickets have the power to create customer identities? These days almost every business creates a feedback form that they present to new and old customers or website visitors. These forms cover various topics related to products or something broad, like the design and appearance of your website.

These forms can be a great way to learn about how customers feel about your brand. If someone takes the time to submit a feedback form, they are interested in seeing your business grow and succeed.

These tips can help you to understand your customer and build a persona based on their demographics. It will help you learn more about your target audience and improve your marketing efforts. You can hire a best business coach to help you navigate the challenges that many entrepreneurs face in the initial stage of their startups.

However, it’s worth noting that creating a buyer’s effective persona will take time and not happen. So, spend a considerable amount of time on social media, reviewing comments and forms on your site, and gathering information through emails and newsletters.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses.  To know more about these courses, visit:

Business motivation

5 Ways To Become Smarter At Managing Business Easily!

Summary: Learning is essential! Not just for students, but also for those who are treading on the path of entrepreneurship.

Many people believe entrepreneurship means doing a business. But that is not entirely true. Entrepreneurship is a journey that leads entrepreneurs to a place where they feel empowered to solve the problems of customers with their unique product ideas and creative solutions.

To continue this incredible cycle of coming up with solutions now and then, one has to do one thing- LEARN. To be successful not just in business, but also in personal life, one needs a nimble mind to think, understand, analyze and come up with a solution for the challenges. In short, if you are smart, you can succeed in life.

With practice, anyone can increase their knowledge base, sharpen their intellect and learn new skills. There are several ways through which you can work upon your cognitive skills and expand your mental capacity. You can watch this interactive video by the best motivational speaker in India- Dr. Vivek Bindra that will help you to decode the power of the mind :

Here are the five best ways to engage your mind and grow your intelligence that will help you to meet all your goals:

1. Read Everyday

If you have read our blog on the common habits of all the successful entrepreneurs in the world (Read Here), you must have noticed that all the leaders love to read.

Our mind is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it will get. Reading is an important element that helps to develop your mind. It helps you to discover new things and educate yourself on diverse topics. Words, both spoken and written, are the building blocks of our social existence. They provide a gateway through which you can go anywhere in the world.

2. Focus on Understanding More

True wisdom comes when you just don`t read, but also deeply understand a subject. The most successful business owners consistently outpace everyone else courtesy of their ability to learn new skills, adapt to changes, and work both as a team player and independently.

Start with the basics because knowledge is cumulative. Work consistently to steadily build a deep and meaningful knowledge base on key topics and issues. Be honest with yourself about areas you are weak in and seek to reinforce your understanding of important subjects until you have a rock-solid foundation that you can build on. The key to keep learning new things here is patience and persistence. You can also take help from a business motivational speaker or a business coach to gain in-depth knowledge related to your industry.

3. Stay Curious

Staying curious is the best way to discover and learn new things. Asking relevant questions is an essential factor in becoming smarter. It also increases the possibility of inventing new things. Imagine, we wouldn’t have known the concept of gravity if Newton was not curious about the apple falling on the ground.

Ask insightful questions that probe the validity of assumptions, analyze logic, explore the unknown, get to the heart of a matter and cultivate a willingness to push for answers. Don`t be afraid to seek clarification when something is not clear.

4. Bring Diversity to your Day

One of the best ways to sharpen your brain is to flex different areas of your brain. You are not going to get any smarter by repeating the same old thing every day. While having a routine is a great thing, staying stuck in it will not bring any fruitful results. By incorporating new things into your everyday life, you keep things fresh and interesting.

You can check out a new place for lunch, or go for a midday stroll in which you pay attention to the sights and sounds around you. You can also mix things up during working hours by simply finding new ways of doing your everyday tasks. If you will work with a business coach, you can learn new dimensions of business.

5. Keep Track of Your Ideas

When you build a knowledge base, you will find your mind expanding with new ideas. If you are filling your brain with great information, your mind will start interpreting that information in a new and useful way. You may feel great ideas coming your way. However, make sure that you are taking note of these ideas. Write them down, keep them handy and make sure you continue to refer back to them.

There are plenty of ways to boost your cognitive skills and expand your mental capacity. With practice, anyone can increase their knowledge base, sharpen their intellect and learn new skills. The more we learn and the more deeply we understand, the better we can improve our brain performance and increase our capacity to learn.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about this program, visit:


3 Winning Ways To Provide Unforgettable Experience To Your Customers

Summary: If you are not delivering your customers an out-of-world experience, you are not doing enough for your business.

Delivering a world-class customer experience that guarantees customer satisfaction in today’s hyper-competitive world is more important than ever.

The impact of the pandemic has changed customer behavior. And if there is one thing that 2020 has taught us, it is that companies no longer meet the expectations of their customers. They are falling short of expectations by overpromising and under-delivering.

A study by American Express states, ‘around 60% of people are willing to pay more if an enhanced customer experience is guaranteed.’

“If companies focus on delivering instead of making false commitments, they can surprise their patrons by giving them more than they can ever expect to receive”, says Dr. Vivek Bindra, the best motivational speaker in India.

Companies need to identify the trending patterns and customer behavior to build strategies in the near term.

Here are the 3 crucial strategies that will help your business to woo customers:

1. Retain Existing Consumers

“It costs 5 to 25 times as much to attract a new client than to retain an old one” states a report published by Harvard Business Review. Hence, more focus should be on retaining the old customers. Bringing customers back after their first purchase is crucial.

A customer journey consists of various touch-points that together add up to the experience they get upon interacting with a brand or a company. One way to do this is to understand the fact that customer behavior is constantly evolving.

Observing the current trend and pattern is important. Seeing the world as a pool of potential customers can help companies and small businesses to organize better and mobilize their employees around the customer requirements.

2. Creating Brand Advocates

If you ask a business coach what is the best way to create loyal customers? They will reply in unison- catering to all their needs and requirements. When you fulfill the expectations of your customers, you may have turned them into your brand advocates. No wonder what experts may believe, word-of-mouth is still the best, most trustworthy, and credible source of advertising. For instance, if your friend shares his experience about a respective brand, you will believe your friend more than any advertisement. So when you over-deliver your customers, you give them a surprise factor. And this turns them into your brand advocate.

Advocates are often regular shoppers, willing to spend significantly on products they love. These brand advocates may not have much social influence. And their advice and endorsements can be exposed far and wide through various digital strategies. They are passionate about a brand and loyal to them. Connecting with these folks will have a longer-lasting effect than trying to approach an influencer who’s probably bombarded by other pitches.

3. Build Strong Connections with Customers

Companies need to interact with their customers across multiple channels (website, live chat, social media, and more). While the customers appreciate the candid interaction across multiple channels, they want it to be consistent.

Brands should focus on customer experience and must invest heavily in it. Customers do not want to do business with a company that ignores their requirements. Hence, you can build strategies to give your consumer a world-class experience. Once you learn how to cater to your customers’ needs, you can win their loyalty for a long time.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more, visit:

Finance Motivational

Top 5 Investment Lessons From Rakesh Jhunjhunwala For Young Investors

Summary: Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is an investor with a midas touch. He is famously known as the Warren Buffett of India. Here are five investment lessons that will turn you into an ace investor.

Want to become a successful investor? Then why not learn from someone who has turned his 5000 rupees investment into INR 39,527 crores. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, who is popularly known as India’s Warren Buffet started trading in the stock market back in 1985 during his college days. At that time BSE Sensex was at 150 points. He started investing with Rs. 5,000 as capital.

According to Forbes, his net worth stood at $5 billion (Rs 39, 527 crores), as of July 5, 2022. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is not only one of the most successful investors in India, but he is also the most trustworthy and sought after by business moguls.

If you too want to learn some of the most useful lessons from the stock market, here is a list:

1. Don’t Rely on others Develop Passion For Stock Market Instead

When it comes to investing in the stock market, most often people rely on others for investment tips or suggestions. But Rakesh Jhunjhunwala suggests otherwise. His advice for the investors is to develop a passion for learning about the stock market by reading and talking with people who are seasoned investors.

Sharing his own experience he says that he used to ask his father about the nitty-gritty of the stock market. And that fascinated him, which eventually led to his passion for investing. Initially, he failed multiple times, but his interest never seemed to fade away.

You too can hire a business coach who can give you sound advice based on his years of experience and knowledge to help you grow your startup business.

2. Patience Is a Virtue

Investment is a long-term proposition. If you are looking to make some quick bucks, you will have to face disappointment. To become a successful investor, you need to be aware that it will take a decade or more to see the results of your investments.

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is a long-term investor. His investments did not give results overnight. He’s been investing in Titan Company Ltd, for over two decades now and has made over 1,000% returns on his initial investment in the stock. He says, “one should always invest in a company’s business, not its stock.” He does not sell shares even during a short time drop or stock market corrections.

3. Be Ready to Grab an Opportunity

One of the most key lessons from Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is that as an investor you should be ready to grab an opportunity. He firmly believes that the volatile nature of the market is what creates opportunities.

According to him, as an investor one must have the risk-taking ability. And you will never make money if you are afraid to lose it because the stock market is a game of nerves. Stock market success depends upon your character and temperament rather than on any other factors.

4. Avoid Investing Money Impulsively

Some people invest in a stock and that stock goes up. So, he or she decides to invest in another one impulsively rather than thinking logically. Making an emotional investment is one of the biggest mistakes that anyone can make while investing.

Jhunjhunwala believes that investors should learn how to control their emotions and behave like machines when it comes to making an investment decision. If you are a consistent investor, you need to have faith in the economic cycle and your investment philosophy.  To be a great investor you need to go against your impulses and instincts and embrace some counterintuitive behaviors.

5. Invest in Businesses which is Hard to Replace

Always find businesses that offer products and services which are irreplaceable. Investing in such businesses will give you a competitive advantage. Rakesh Jhunjhunwala invests in businesses with wide moats when investing. Investing in such companies, he believes, gives investors a competitive edge of their own.

Just like stock markets, it is essential to make decisions that are good for your business growth. And to ensure that you are on the right path, you can hire a business coach.

The idea of managing a business is easier said than done and we completely agree with you. This is why to help you move forward with your business goals, we at Bada Business offer an exclusive Business Coaching Program that comes with Foundation courses, specialized courses, and value-added courses. To know more about these courses, visit

Business motivation Process & Business Expansion

Hiring a Business Coach? Here are 5 Key Reasons You Should ASAP!

Summary: Having a business mentor is important if you want to achieve your goals in life. If you are an entrepreneur who has just started his journey, you should hire a business coach. Getting yourself a mentor who can guide you with his years of experience and expertise is the best way to achieve your goals.

Let`s say you want to go from point A to point B in your city. You are new to the city, and only have a basic idea about the medium of transport. Now there are three ways to find how you can get there.

The first way is to figure it out all by yourself. This might require you to get around the city and walk the streets in your quest to find the right one. This could be time-consuming and frustrating. You might reach or you might quit before reaching your destination.

The second way is to ask for directions. You can ask random people on the streets. While some might point you in the right direction, others may send you in the opposite direction. Nonetheless, you will waste a lot of time.

Now, the third way is to use GPS or Google Maps. A map will guide you turn by turn along with telling you the shortest route saving you from traffic jams. You will save time, frustration, and confusion. You will reach your destination easily. A mentor is just like GPS who will give you directions and help you to achieve your goal on time.

Many entrepreneurs often take the first way, trying everything out instead of getting a mentor. They read books, watch online videos and enroll themselves in random online problem solving courses. This is just like asking for directions from random people who might not be aware of your business requirements.

Here are five reasons why you should work along with a business coach:

1. Mentors Act as Great Navigators

Young entrepreneurs need to understand the right way to achieve success without deviating from their path. Success in any business is a combination of many factors and one of them is to keep updating and learning about business. Your mentor can suggest an online business coaching program for entrepreneurs that can help you to expand your viewpoint. It will help you to resolve problems and will boost your confidence too.

2. Mentors Provide Unbiased Views

Business mentoring and coaching are two different concepts. Your business coach does not have to be your best friend. The objective of a mentor is to help you develop your business. But to achieve that he will have to view your business with a fresh perspective, and unbiased eyes and guide you, instead of solving problems.

3. A Mentor can Help You Set Benchmarks

After the initial discussion, the key role of a business coach is to initiate goal setting and celebrate important achievements to help entrepreneurs stay engaged and enthusiastic.

4. Mentors Can Help You Find Investors

Being an entrepreneur one of the major challenges is to find an investor for your business idea in which you believe with all your heart. Angel investors or venture capitalists are individuals and groups that provide funds to startups with promising ideas. They will be more interested in you once they understand the potential of your business through the eyes of an experienced industry professional who is also your mentor.

5. Mentors Provide Balance

Young entrepreneurs often come up with unique concepts and business ideas. They believe in working in innovative and smart ways while chucking old-school approaches. However, it is always advisable to have a combination of old and new in a moderate balance. Business coaches often adopt smart working techniques, while providing sound advice and constant guidance to achieve the right milestones at the right time.

Mentoring is a long process that demands consistency. While you may feel that you don’t need a business coach all the time, having someone who is an expert and a seasoned professional who you can reach out to anytime provides great comfort.

To know more about a business coach. Visit: