Business motivation Business Startup Ideas Startup Webinar

How to host a successful webinar? Top 3 Impactful ways to Host a Webinar that your Audience will Love!

Webinars are dime a dozen. The webinars have flooded the internet over the past few years. And according to a report by Content Marketing Institute, “more than 60% of the digital marketers are currently using webinars as part of their marketing strategies.”

As successful webinars especially for startups are becoming one of the most effective and profitable ways of attracting potential customers, more marketers are beginning to take advantage of them.

Many of you will find it unbelievable. But do a quick Google search for the term “webinar” and you will be presented with more than thousands of results. You will feel like you have entered into a webinar jungle. But the key is to not get lost in the webinar jungle just yet.

There is a reason why the concept of the webinar is becoming increasingly successful and popular. And out of all, the primary one is- that they WORK!

However, there is a catch. A webinar becomes successful only if done correctly. And guess what, the road is far from easy!

Boring, bland, and beige- most of the webinars are just that. When was the last time you attend a webinar that was exciting, engaging, and informative- all at the same time?

A successful webinar can convert visitors and subscribers into real customers because they have already signed up for it and looking for exactly what you have promised to deliver. People love practical guidance because it helps them.

So if you are looking to host a successful webinar for your business startup, here are the top three most essential and effective ways to have one:

  1. Quality Content is Paramount

If you have decided to host a webinar, of course, you are interested in sales. After all, you are not shedding money for a bunch of free leads to watch your webinar for no reason. However, focusing too much on the end sales and not enough on content is one of the biggest mistakes that people make.

Content is imperative to make a webinar successful. Good quality content is imperative. And you cannot sacrifice with it. Do not ever compromise with the quality for the sake of quantity, speed, or a potential sale. It Never Works!

So how can you create engaging content without ever sacrificing the quality?

There are three components and three simple ways to do it. And to make it easier for you, we are revealing them all, right here.

a). Presentation– Does your webinar looks professional? Do you have a speedy internet connection? What is in the background behind you? Have you practiced sufficiently? Your users will judge your webinar on visual appeal.

Also, it is essential to remain mindful of your customers while creating content. If you are marketing to a less professional audience, less professional materials will resonate more with them.

b). Storytelling– Do you think you are an entertaining storyteller? Can you present your content clearly and concisely? If yes, then you are good to go! If you struggle in this area, you can also hire a ghostwriter or a copywriter to assist you in your webinar production.

c). Interaction- Last, but far away from the least is Interaction. Interact with your audience. Answer their questions. Resolve their queries. Provide feedback and your expertise, all in real-time.

Also, do not talk about your product until the very last of your presentation.  Provide great content first, and sell at the very end.


Timing is everything! And when it comes to webinars, it is crucial in a couple of ways.

Firstly, decide when you want to host your webinar. Pick a time that will be convenient for you as well as your audience. Secondly, do not start promoting or advertising your webinar a day before. Start advertising about it at least a month before. Also doing a countdown on your webinar is recommended.

Lastly, decide on the length of the webinar. What should be the duration of your webinar? As your audience is busy, you will be taking a chunk of their precious time. Respect it. And try to keep your webinar for 30-60 minutes.


Prepare, prepare, prepare as this is the most important key to host a successful webinar for startups. This is not the place to miss it.

Pick an appealing and compelling headline. Shoot a short video, reel, or write a short blog to tell people what they can gain and learn in your webinar and, how that knowledge will add value to their life.

Then start advertising it on all your social media channels. Always ensure that the webinar is free and/or it’s a limited-time opportunity. If this is the first time you are hosting a webinar then practice your presentation skills.

Your speech should sound casual, conversational, and natural. Practice it, until you get it right. Do not hesitate to ask for help. You can also take a professional`s help in nailing the webinar.

With the above-mentioned tips, your webinar will be a hit! Have any of your tips to add? We would love to hear them.

If you want to learn how to host a successful webinar for your business startup, you can take our ‘Problem Solving Courses’, where every business challenge has been provided with practical and easy solutions.

Business motivation

5 Low-Cost Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs to Enhance their Skills

‘Success may come to the first movers, but success stays with the fast movers’. Starting your own business is a dream, but if you stay confused about which industry or sector you must choose, you might keep waiting for a long time.

Every business has its challenges, however, if you are determined and confident about your skills you can find amazing business ideas that are profitable in 2021.

For young entrepreneurs who are passionate about making their mark, here is a list of low-cost business ideas:

Repairing of Mobile Phones & Computers

If you are an undergraduate but have dreams of becoming an entrepreneur in India, this idea is perfect for you. If you are interested in computers, you can do simple hardware repairing certification course. It is one of the most profitable low-cost business ideas that do not require you to have any degree. You can set up a shop in your locality and start earning by repairing mobile phones & computers.

Create a YouTube Channel & do Brand Promotions

In this world of digitalization, the definition of entertainment has changed, completely. Today, young entrepreneurs are earning well by creating engaging content and promoting popular brands on their YouTube channel.

Starting a channel on YouTube is easy and hassle-free. It is a low-risk business idea, which is perfect for young entrepreneurs who are filled with unique concepts and exclusive ideas. All you need is a phone and a video editing app to create short videos that scream entertainment.

Become a Translator

Love learning new languages? Then becoming a translator is an excellent business idea for young and aspiring entrepreneurs in India. Various companies in the country are looking to expand their reach globally. They are willing to pay people who can speak foreign languages like Japanese, Chinese, German and Spanish.

So if you are interested in learning a foreign language, you can make good money from this by offering your translation services to individuals as well as companies.

Fitness Guru

Today, people are becoming health conscious more than ever. Thanks to our unhealthy lifestyle and hectic work schedules, more and more millennials are turning towards fitness trainers for good health.

If you are crazy about physical fitness, you too can become a fitness trainer. There are many certification courses available as well. You can set-up a gym and become a qualified fitness guru.

Online Tutor

With BYJU`s joining the Unicorn Club in 2020, online education has become a popular thing. If you have proficient knowledge about a certain subject, why not use it constructively? Due to the pandemic, many students are looking for a subject matter expert to help them in their studies. Becoming an online tutor is an excellent business idea that is profitable and involves no risk. Your subject knowledge can help you earn handsome money.

If 9 to 5 desk jobs do not excite you, fuel your entrepreneurial skills with our amazing business ideas. However, with proper guidance and expert knowledge, you can reach your goal quickly.

What does it take to become India`s no. 1 entrepreneur? Deep insights of great mentors who are ready to help you throughout your journey! And our Everything About Entrepreneurship course provides you exactly that. Why not connect with us for more information?

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Kerala Becomes the 8th State in India To Complete Ease of Doing Business Reforms, Becomes Eligible for Additional Borrowing Limit of Rs 2,261 Cr

Kerala has become the 8th State in India to successfully undertake ‘Ease of Doing Business’ reform stipulated by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance. The ease of doing business is an important indicator of the investment friendly business climate in the country. Improvements in the ease of doing business will enable faster future growth of the state economy. Therefore, the government of India had in May 2020, decided to link grant of additional borrowing permissions to States who undertake the reforms to facilitate ease of doing business. Kerala has become eligible to mobilise additional financial resources of Rs 2,261 crore through Open Market Borrowings.

An official release by the government stated that the permission for the same was issued to Kerala by the Department of Expenditure on January 12, 2021. Kerala has now joined the seven other States namely, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Telangana, who have completed this reform. On completion of reforms facilitating ease of doing business, these eight States have been granted additional borrowing permission of Rs 23,149 crore.

State wise amount of the additional borrowing permitted is as under:

Sr. No. State Amount (Rs in crore)
1. Andhra Pradesh 2,525
2. Karnataka 4,509
3. Kerala 2,261
4. Madhya Pradesh 2,373
5. Odisha 1,429
6. Rajasthan 2,731
7. Tamil Nadu 4,813
8. Telangana 2,508


The reforms stipulated in this category are:

(i)      Completion of first assessment of ‘District Level Business Reform Action Plan’

(ii)     Elimination of the requirements of renewal of registration certificates/approvals/licences obtained by businesses under various Acts.

(iii)    Implementation of computerized central random inspection system under the Acts wherein allocation of inspectors is done centrally, the same inspector is not assigned to the same unit in subsequent years, prior inspection notice is provided to the business owner, and inspection report is uploaded within 48 hours of inspection.


COVID-19 Impact: 5 Tips to Help Your Businesses Recover from Coronavirus Pandemic

Businesses have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are now limping back to normalcy. The Indian economy is now expected to see a faster turnaround with less disruptions to business operations as it opens up gradually. The coronavirus lockdown forced several businesses to shut while consumption slumped, investments took a hit and jobs were lost. In the time of crisis, it can be hard to stay calm, be optimistic and find ways and means to drive your business. For entrepreneurs and business leaders, being calm and working under pressure is part of the job.

In this article, we’ve put together some ideas that will help you in business recovery. Your business recovery may not happen overnight, but you can make it achievable by trying and not giving up.

Here are 4 Tips that can help your Businesses Recover from COVID-19 Pandemic

Strategic Marketing Plan

The pandemic and the lockdown slowed down the world. However, this time can be utilised by business leaders to strategically think about different ways to establish themselves in the market again once things get normal. An entrepreneur need to think of ways that can help them establish the brand identity again in the market. You need to understand your competitors and work on the leads.

Expect Delayed Payments

Businesses have witnessed a lull amid the coronavirus crisis. As businesses struggle to get back to normalcy, you can expect any restart to be a little sluggish. Almost all of us are going to be in the same boat. As you are struggling to re-establish a healthy cash flow, it’s highly likely your customers will be grappling with that too.

Look For New Sales Channels

As people now prefer being home as a precautionary measure amid the pandemic, this gives an entrepreneur a chance to establish and look for new sales channels to sell their products. Find out ways to serve your clients and customers via alternative sales channels. If you have a retail business and the pandemic has hit you hard and there is no footfall, trying looking for e-commerce offerings. If you are into hotel business, majority of people are trying and avoiding meeting at public places, in such case, you can be open for takeaways meals instead.

Review Your Website and Enhance Digital Marketing

As the economy opens, this is an opportunity for you to review your website and update the information with latest trends and demands. Take a look at your competitor’s websites and try to understand if you can add more value to your content, which will help you stand out from the rest in the market. Go digital and promote your website on social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter among others. Try to build a marketing strategy if you are not already doing so. Having a plan and campaign ready as social media marketing campaigns can connect your targeted audience with a marketing message immediately.

Communicate Openly With Your Customers

‘A Customer is the King’ is an age-old business mantra which shows the importance of customers in every business. Businesses that treat their customers as king have reported higher returns than their competitors who puts little to the value of the customers. Hence, be open and clear with your customers and understand their demands. Don’t just sell your product, but provide solutions to them. If this your mantra, no force can stop you from succeeding and taking your business to another level.



Home Business Ideas: 4 Brilliant Work From Home Ideas That You Should Consider Taking Up

At a time when the world is battling the coronavirus pandemic, people have been forced to work from hone than ever. Whiles some are working remotely, some have started their own small businesses amid the crisis. Staying productive and maintaining a balance between professional and personal life is the only way out to survive the crisis. Amid the crisis, employers are encouraging or requiring people to work from home for an indeterminate amount of time. If you are planning to start a home-based business, you need to first understand what interests you and what you are good at!

Remember, a business will survive if there is a need of your product in the market. The struggle comes when you have to create a demand for your product, which takes a great deal of time, efforts and funding. Of course, there are pros and cons to consider when deciding whether a home-based business is right for you. If you’re new to the work-from-home lifestyle, you will have to change some of your routine habits to make working from home a success.

Buy products in bulk to sell

If you want to start with a small business, this hack can work wonders! Amid the pandemic and COVID-19 restrictions, people avoid venturing out to buy things. If you have good contacts, you can buy products in bulk and sell them in your circle, neighbourhood and among your pals. These products can be really simple ones, like cups, mugs, coasters or maybe other daily essential items. Maybe you know of some unique products that aren’t readily available in your market despite a demand for them.

Sell homemade products

Be your own boss and sell what you make. There is no other joy that creating something of your own and selling your own handmade products. If you are the maker yourself, you can consider turning your hobby into a business. If you like making candles, cushion covers, curtains, dresses, or anything else, you can create your products and make it commercial. You can also sell gift baskets, handmade jewellery, sweets, homemade cookies, personalized gifts, etc. The only thing you should focus on is to promote and make it reach large audience via social media. As home business idea, there are plenty of opportunities for designers to create and sell their own clothing from home.


If you enjoy cooking, especially baking, and you can spend a great deal of time baking in order to create enough goods to sell, taking up baking as a profession is meant for you! It is rewarding which fetches you decent income. With too much competition in the market, it is tough to stand out in the crowd. To take up baking business, buy some equipment and set up a commercial kitchen at home. You can sell your products to local shops or businesses or sell products online. Read up on regulations to be compliant!

Freelance Writer

If you are fond of writing and can play with words, it has huge potential to be one of the most profitable business ideas. Freelance writing is the perfect job for people planning to set up their own blog or digital content firm. You don’t need any formal training to become a freelance writer.


Business Ideas for Young Entrepreneurs: 5 Low-Cost Business Options That Aspiring Youngsters Can Take Up to Enhance Their Skills

Every person, who aims to be a successful businessman in his life, desires to have a business that really does well in the market and has a unique brand identity. However, if you are young and want to explore the business ideas that you have in mind, this is the right time! The classic example of starting early is that of Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook as a teenager and grew it into a multi-billion dollar industry over the years. There are many low-cost business ideas for students and young entrepreneurs which one can get their hands on!

  1. Start your own YouTube Channel and promote brands

In this online world, starting a YouTube channel can be easily done without any hassle. All you need to do is use your mobile phone and skills to shoot a video. You can easily make and edit short videos with your phone. Just be creative. You can make videos that are comical, dramatic or unusual that the world would want to know about. Companies need teenagers and students to talk about their products on camera. You can approach these companies with short video samples that you have made.

  1. Offer language translation services

If you are a pro in languages, this is certainly your thing! There are companies that wish to expand in other countries. They are usually ready to pay people who can speak those languages. So if you are good at languages and have the skills, you can make good money from this by offering language translation services to individuals and companies.

  1. Become a fitness trainer

Crazy about fitness and exercise? Don’t waste your skills by just not doing anything about it. If you are a fitness specialist, who has a hang about a lot about the human anatomy, the gym and other things, then this is for you.

  1. Be a music teacher

If you are a fan of musical instruments and love playing them, you can teach others too and spread the good vibe. People these days are very much interested in taking music classes. You can start by teaching a few daily and then go on to starting your own freelance music training school. If you want to take your teaching skills online, you can make short video lessons that you can sell online for a fee.

  1. Become a tutor

If you have loved a particular subject in school and you are still fascinated by its facts and theories, you can revisit those books again, but this time, by teaching others. Yes, if you have knowledge of a particular subject, you can earn you good money as a teenager or student. Your knowledge of any subject can fetch you good money.


Business Ideas For 2021: Here Are 4 Business Ideas Which You Can Start Next Year

Mumbai, December 11: If you are thinking of starting a  new business in 2021, then you need to do the planning to go ahead with it. It is very important to finalise a great business idea if you want to become an entrepreneur.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things, from the way people consume products and services to several other things.  An idea which might have looked attractive in 2020, may not be profitable in 2021 because of the changing landscape. Creative Businesses: 5 Viable & Budget-Friendly Start-Up Ideas for People With Creative Mind.

We have listed 4 small businesses ideas which you can start in the coming year.

  1. Online Teacher: Due to the lockdown, schools shut and they were forced to go online to impart education. There was no other way for people to get knowledge. The pandemic still continues to rage and there is no certainty on the reopening of schools. Therefore, online teaching business is surely a profitable idea which you can start in 2021. All you need is a knack for teaching and basic knowledge of technology.
  2. Digital Marketing: Due to the pandemic, brands have strengthened their presence in the online domain. Therefore, digital marketing is a great line, which is growing and has a great future in the days to come.
  3. Freelance editor, copywriter: Whether you write blogs, web content or press releases, there are plenty of companies who will pay for your services. You can use this knowledge and bring to the table of your clients, and help them to craft a strategy to attack specific keywords that their target audience is already using in their online searches.
  4. Home Chef: This is another business which you can explore in 2021. The business doesn’t entail a big investment and can be done from their own kitchen. All you need to do is cook great food and market well on the social media channels.