Work From Home: A Bane Or A Bliss?

Working from home is the new norm for many organizations. It has changed how the world was previously working. But is this culture a boon in the curse? Find out in this article.

4 Employee Engaging Factors to Retain Top Performers in a Company

Employee Retention! While hiring the right talent in the organization helps it to grow, retaining the same talent helps a company to attain its goals. As millennial have become a major part of the workforce, employee retention has become paramount for most of the organization. According to a survey report published in Forbes, “60% of […]

Employee Performance Evaluation: What is it & Why it is necessary for an Organisation?

As 2020 winds down, employees all across the world are gearing up for their annual performance reviews. The past year has been like no other in human history. Covid-19 has made certain targets unattainable while presenting a lot of challenges for both employers and employees. This has also forced employers and employees alike to adopt […]