7 Simple Yet Effective Ways To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur
If you have just started your own startup business to fulfill your entrepreneurial dream, you must have realized that it is quite difficult to manage it all, alone. On the other hand, if you have been in this boat for quite some time now, you probably have encountered quite a road bumps that have set you back.
Working on a startup business idea feels exhilarating in the beginning, but managing multiple entrepreneurial tasks can put you off balance. Also, if the results are not as per the expectations, the passion soon begins to fade away.
Either way, as an entrepreneur, it`s easy to lose motivation. The key is to not give up and to figure out ways to uplift your spirits and morale on those dark and more grueling days. Though there are some of the best motivational speakers in Indiawho can help you to stay on track, there are other ways too!
To help you, we have mentioned 7 ways in which you can stay motivated as an entrepreneur:
1. Set Personal Goals
You must have created your startup business with a specific goal in mind, objectives that you would like to achieve, and some core values you adhere to for lifelong. However, the major issue that is common with many entrepreneurs is that they often tend to forget to create their own personal goals.
Hence, it is crucial that you prioritize your personal goals and write them down as a reminder for becoming an entrepreneur in the first place.
2. Get Inspired through Entrepreneurial Stories
There are thousands, if not millions of stories of entrepreneurial success in the real world. It is really encouraging to see people achieving dreams that are similar to ours. Read those stories and use them as an inspiration. Most importantly, learn from them. If you have a specific challenge you need to overcome, look at ways others have done it in the past. You can also take the professional help of a business motivational speaker like Dr. Vivek Bindra to find creative solutions for your burning business problems.
3. Join the “Entrepreneurs Book Club”
Bill Gates read around 60 books a year, which means he finishes 5 books a month. Reading a book not only improves focus and concentration but also enhances knowledge. People who read regularly are better problem-solvers.
Find out a book club where entrepreneurs from various industries and sectors regroup to tell their peers about motivational and inspirational books they have read.
4. Follow Healthy Routine
We can`t avoid stress. But yes we can find better ways to cope up with it. People are often more concerned about their physical health and ignore their mental health. Physical wellness can definitely have a positive impact on your mental health, so it is very important that you maintain a healthy diet, regular workout schedule, and time to relax.
5. Join the Morning Club
To have a productive day, the beginning should be proper. It is very important to have your day planned in order to achieve all the tasks at the end of the day. Once you have woken up, showered, and taken breakfast, sit down and write tasks for the day.
Prioritize your important business-related tasks that require more attention and focus in the first half. The second half can also include your personal goals like meeting your friends for dinner. This list will help you stay focused and organized.
6. Indulge in Motivational Activities
Taking breaks and engaging in other activities is as important as focusing on your work. Watch inspirational movies, read motivational books or listen to podcasts, play your favorite sports, or dance to the tune of your favorite music in your free time to keep your spirits high and souring!
7. Get Proper Sleep
Many entrepreneurs believe that attending few business-related conferences and completing tasks is worth missing out on a good night’s sleep. But the truth is that lack of sleep can lead to many chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s and hypertension. Lack of sleep can also lead to poor focus and motivation. Hence, it is crucial to get proper sleep in order to stay motivated and pursue your entrepreneurial tasks.
The key to keep yourself motivated as an entrepreneur is to always remember why you started in the first place. By staying positive and using some techniques that we have mentioned above will help you to reach your goals.
You can learn how to give your customer an unforgettable experience from the top industry leaders through our online business course i.e “Entrepreneurship Course”.
3 Morning Mistakes That Can Cost Entrepreneurs Their Productivity!
HABIT– This five-character word has immense power, especially for entrepreneurs. A good habit can transform your life magically, doing unbelievable wonders. On the other hand, a bad habit can ruin not just your mood, temperament, and daily life, but also your plans.
Many entrepreneurs are often curious to know about the daily habits of successful people, and how they can inculcate them in their own lives. However, there is one thing that every entrepreneur who is working on a small business startup plan must remember that developing a set of habits doesn’t have to be complex.
Take Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, for instance. He has two key habits that he follows religiously, every morning—gratitude and exercise. Every morning he gets up and pays his gratitude for all the things in his life that he is thankful for. An act of expressing gratitude has been shown to improve mental and physical health. He then goes to the gym and no matter where he is, he commits to going to the gym for at least 30 minutes. People who are physically fit have shown improved cognitive function.
Dr. Vivek Bindra who is one of the best motivational speakers in India often says in his motivational videos on YouTube, “Your mindset often determines how you approach the challenges that come into your life and the people around you. If you have a positive mindset, it will play a significant role to determine your success in leadership.”
But many of us get up in the morning only to surrender to our laziness and not-so-healthy morning mistakes. The cost of making mistakes can be quite high. The time that we waste by remaining caught up in the activities that are unproductive can be used to develop groundbreaking startup business ideas for your business.
Here is a list of mistakes that can cost you productivity and peace every morning:
Mistake 1- Jumping out of bed as soon as the Alarm goes
Certainly, many of you must be thinking how leaving your bed as soon as the alarm goes off could be a bad habit? Surely, forcing yourself to jump out of bed the moment your alarm goes off helps you to start your day early. But very few people know that this simple-looking action can disconnect you you’re your body.
What should you do Instead- Take just a few minutes to stretch and elongate your body, as stretching can help you feel more confident. As simple as stretching your arms into a V shape can boosts incredible happiness, your mood and increases your blood flow to all areas of your life.
Mistake 2: Checking Phone Immediately
Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. According to a survey conducted by Mobile Consumers, “1 out of every 4 young adults checks their phones within one minute of waking up.” It is tempting to check phones every morning when there is so much information on this small device. But according to the health experts, it is a major mistake.
What should you do instead- Always remember that there is nothing on your phone that can`t wait. Your body and mind are not ready for the type of stimulation that your phone has. When you are waking up, it is important to focus on presence and gratitude, to connect your mind with your body through some morning movements. Write down your goals and startup business ideasif you are planning to start your own business.
Mistake 3- Sleeping in too late
A study reported that “people who get themselves out of the bed at the crack of the dawn responded that they felt “highly productive” 71% of the time as compared to those who snooze until 11 am.
What should you do instead- Now, we are not telling you which hours you should or should not sleeping, but going to bed in time will help you to complete your sleeping hours. You will wake up early and get a couple of hours to set up your morning routine. This will make you more productive and help you to plan your day in a better way. You can also take the help of a professional business motivational speaker to help you set up a healthy routine.
We all have the same 24 hours, and we all must cultivate healthy habits to give our mornings a kick-start. The list of all the above-mentioned alternatives is an invitation to experiment. Stretch out, keep that phone turned off, and try getting up earlier than you are used to and you will see productivity and peace rushing into your life.
To get back your professional and personal life back on track, you can hire the best motivational speaker in India.
For the rest of the challenges in your business, you can take our Problem Solving Courses that step-by-step learning strategy, action plan, frameworks that are designed to empower you with various business functions.
Summary: Do you want to achieve success in your business? Here is why you should hire a Business Coach!
A business coach has the ability to turn a business around, increase sales, structure and implement relevant strategies, basically use his expertise and help you cross milestones in your business.
Regardless of what stage your company is at, a business coach can make your trade grow 10X. There have been so many entrepreneurs and small business owners who have worked along a business mentor and got amazing results.
Though Business coachingimpactful in every scenario, it works best in two scenarios-
1. When a business owner wants to reach to a wider audience and increase its customer base.
2. There is a gap between where the business is currently, and where it needs to be.
However, building a business from the scratch is not easy. An entrepreneur who might have a wonderful business idea may lack excellent strategizing skills. Here, a business coach who excels at launching start-up businesses can help.
From making strategies to maintaining sheets, when a business is at an initial stage, entrepreneurs have to play multiple roles. It is natural for entrepreneurs to get overwhelmed by the humongous amount of work. Hence, they lose their focus that is essential to make vital decisions to run a business successfully.
From giving a genuinely necessary self-image and ego check, a business mentor can give you both the devices and the viewpoint to go from point A to point B.
There are multiple areas in which a mentor can assist business owners. Some of these issues are:
Lack of direction
Unable to pitch & close deals
Irregular income
Deficient benefits and profits
High Attrition Rate
Organizations that experience the ill effects of any of the above should take the advice and services of a business mentor. Many successful organizations have used a business guru and coach as their secret weapon.
Let’s discuss a few points about how a business coach can help you in success:-
1. Motivates & Support you to Achieve More
When you have somebody who keeps a stock of what you’re doing, you will feel empowered and confident in your own skin. You’ll be flabbergasted at the things you can achieve. Having an emotionally supportive network around you or hearing a couple of inspirational statements can lift your spirits when you’re down.
Being an entrepreneur means having your own experiences of ups and downs. With everything going on around you, it can get overpowering, disappointing and even desolate at times. A business motivational speaker will be there in a jiffy, helping you make that next stride towards progress.
The crux of the matter is to arrive at a spot where you have all the instruments in your toolbox to deal with the problem. To reach such a stage, a mentor can be a great support system. Dr. Vivek Bindra who is a renowned business coach and Motivational Speaker have changed the fortunes of many entrepreneurs through his insight and wisdom and has helped them do some extraordinary work
2. Helps You Build Connections
The more you are associated with effective people, the more you will succeed. Besides the other incredible focus points mentioned in this article, a business coach can help you build meaningful connections. With their years of experience, they can also help you with networking. They know you and how you respond in a particular situation. You will be on top of mind recall when the fraternity knows who is associated with you.
3. Helps You Set Realistic Goal
Without having an aim or a single goal no one can make progress. Without an objective life is directionless. On the other hand only setting goal is not enough. One has to work hard to achieve it.
The best business coach in India can help you set realistic objectives as well has achieve them. You as an individual should be certain that you need to chart out a goal and spell it out clearly. Any top business guru will make sure you keep attempting it till you succeed.
4. Pushes You Out of Your Comfort Zone
They challenge you to attempt new things, think big, hop higher and truly go for what you need. Bold objectives are the ones that alarm us to death, yet for an accomplished business mentor, they know exactly how to chart the path to realize them. At that point, once you arrive at those insane objectives you’ll feel powerful and certainly soar high!
5. Helps You Take Ownership for Your Actions
A top business guru can do wonders for highly occupied business owners. As you run a developing association, things can get intricate; you get going and then something happens that pushes you off things. This is when the best business coach in India steps in. You will be made responsible and accountable for accomplishing certain tasks, and this by itself will make you progressively powerful.
A topbusiness coachwill assist you with organizing your business such that it will empower the whole system to give fruitful results keeping your psychological and physical wellbeing in mind.
With the innovation and technology available today, you can take care of your personal well-being and give the best to your business at the same time.
When you discuss your alternatives with somebody who can listen patiently, it can give you a great deal of clarity. You’ll generally get honest and productive perspectives.
Advantages of working with the best business coaches:
Increment your marketing adequacy and sales transformation to develop your revenue.
Improve your cost administration and grow your profitability.
Increase the level of consumer loyalty which can fuel word-of-mouth promotion and guarantee continuous income for your business.
Draw in, oversee, and hold up the quality employees.
Make productive and compelling frameworks which will bring about smooth operations.
Create procedures and systems with the objective that you gain feedback about your business execution.
Explain your vision and purpose and take care of your business dissatisfactions
Recognize and make the most of opportunities
Explore a changing business sector or economy
Create and refine your thoughts
Become progressively responsible
Structure strategies and devise an action plan
Become a progressively powerful leader
Maintaining & running a business alone is an intense task, and can be difficult at times to manage effectively. Like on the personal front, you need your family, your partner or friends for support similarly for running a successful business, you must have a business mentor.
Hiring the best business coach in India is an important asset you can rely on and look up to when you need direction for your business or even a friendly ear. Dr. Vivek Bindra, a Guinness World Records holder for the largest online business lesson believes that the right guidance can not only change your business outlook but also your perspective of running it.
When someone mentions ‘Motivational Speaker’, a lot of us start thinking about an individual who will come up and start giving a speech. But this couldn’t be any farther from the truth.
Who is the Motivational Speaker?
A motivational speaker is a speaker who delivers speeches intended to inspire or motivate an audience. Such inspirational talkers may attempt to transform or challenge their audience.
Motivational speakers are ordinary individuals who have made their place in this world by going through a series of ups and downs in their lives.They learned from his experience and gained expertise in a particular area.They are manual not only for your professional challenges but also for the issues related to your personal life.
How does Business Motivational Speaker help you?
A business motivational speaker can help you in the following ways:
He/she reignites the passion to achieve your goals.
He/she motivates you to overcome personal as well professional challenges.
He/she inspires you to set and attain goals.
He/she pushes you out of your comfort zone.
So, when a person faces any situation in life where he/she gets stuck, loses direction, loses faith in his capabilities, gets surrounded by negative people, thoughts or situations, or when he or is completely lost a business motivational speaker can instill hope for a brighter future and confidence to attain success.
At such times, we need help from someone who could guide and inspire us to bring a wave of positivity to our lives. Someone who can influence, inspire and motivate us to bring about a change for the better so that we can sort out the problems of our lives. These mentors don the role of motivational speakers to provide help at the right time with their wisdom of words.
Anyone can motivate you. It could be in your family, friends, and relatives as they influence and encourage you in different phases of your life. For instance, as a teenager, your family, teachers, and friends influence you a lot while selecting a career option. These are the people who will always make sure you choose what is best for you.
Many people want to pursue this as a full-time career too. They want to become a motivational speaker because these days it pays well. With the right experience and passion for motivating people to achieve their dreams, you too can become a business motivational speaker.
Motivational speakers choose to do this to fulfill various objectives:
High-level executives who want to share their knowledge.
People who want to educate people in a particular field.
People who want to educate others about social issues and motivate them to take action in this direction.
People who guide others on personal or professional aspects of life.
People who have a story or passion that they want to share with others.
How can a motivational speaker influence the lives of people?
By inspiring people to bring about a change in their lives and achieve their goals.
By providing guidance or education in a particular field.
By aligning individuals with their goals.
By providing new ideas or perspectives to see things.
Are a Motivational Speaker and a Business Coach the same?
Though a motivational speaker and business coach do the same work, they influence and inspire people; there are several differences between the two.
Some of these differences are:
Motivational Speaker
Business Coach
Gives a motivational speech to a group of people from different backgrounds
Guides businessmen or employees on a one-to-one basis belonging to the same company
Inspires and motivates people to bring positivity to their lives
Enhances the knowledge and skills of businessmen and their employees by giving them tips and strategies to perform their work efficiently
Delivers a powerful and encouraging speech, which every individual in the audience can relate to and apply in their life differently
Gives a speech related to a particular topic like a strategy to increase sales, tips to reduce the cost of the company, tricks to create a positive attitude in employees towards the company, etc. So, all the people attending this session will reach the same conclusion.
Can a person develop expertise in both genres?
You can find several people who are either motivational speakers in India or well-trained business coaches, but very few can do justice to both roles.
But, there is definitely ‘one’ person who has been recognized and awarded for excellence in both- Dr. Vivek Bindra. Dr. Vivek Bindra is an international motivational speaker and business coach who has received many awards for his invaluable contribution to developing entrepreneurship in India.
Some of the global recognition awards that he has under his kitty are:
“Best Motivational Speaker” by the International Glory Awards 2019.
“Best Leadership Trainer in Asia” by Marshall Goldsmith at World HRD Congress.
“Best CEO Coach in India” by Times of India –Speaking Tree.
“Best Corporate Trainer in India” by Maruti Suzuki.
“Think Tank of Corporate Asia” by World Leadership Federation.
Dr. Vivek Bindra is one of the top motivational speakers in India and a renowned business coach. He is the Founder & CEO of one of the largest and most progressive organizations in South Asia– Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as Global ACT).
Dr. Vivek Bindra is recognized as the best motivational speaker in India and rewarded everywhere because of his immense knowledge of Business Strategies and his ability to empower entrepreneurs to make it big. As an Indian motivational speaker, he has shown the direction to millions of people to take control of their life and move towards happiness and success.
A little background on Dr. Vivek Bindra (Motivational Speaker in India & Business Coach)
1. Owner of the World’s No. 1 Most Subscribed Entrepreneurship YouTube Channel:
He owns the World’s No. 1 Entrepreneurship & Leadership Development YouTube Channel. He has more than 12 million subscribers globally and 700 million+ viewership
On his YouTube channel, he provides several business strategies and frameworks to solve the business problems of small businessmen, entrepreneurs, and Startups in India.
He also gives case studies on different companies, renowned personalities, and countries to motivate and inspire people.
His YouTube channel is a “Free Digital Learning University” whose objective is to empower every aspiring potential entrepreneur to start his own business and generate employment contributing to his vision of adding to the GDP of the country.
2. Founder & CEO of one of the Most Progressive Organizations – Bada Business Pvt. Ltd.
Apart from being one of the best Motivational Speakers in India, Dr. Vivek Bindra is a revolutionary entrepreneur as well. He is the Founder and CEO of Bada Business Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as Global ACT). He established this company in 2010. It started as a training company that provides business training to corporates from different industries but has now grown into a ‘University of Entrepreneurial content’ for SMEs.
He is a trusted advisor for over 1500+ corporates and a guide to various entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities. He has also been an inspirational pathfinder to various high-profile entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities providing Leadership excellence for taking their organizations to the next level.
As a business coach, he has been instrumental in providing CEO coaching to over the Top 100 CEOs in the country.
3. Launch Various Programs and Events for Motivating People
Dr. Vivek Bindra has organized various seminars and events like Leadership funnel, Bounce Back, etc. wherein he dons the role of both a motivational speaker and a business coach and solves the problems of entrepreneurs by giving powerful tips, strategies, and frameworks.
He launched a new mobile App, “Bada Business community App”, which is a unique platform for entrepreneurs, leaders, industry experts and anyone who has a dream and a vision to achieve it. The platform allows young entrepreneurs to network with like-minded people and learn from the experts in the Free Masterclass.
Problem Solving Courses (PSCs) are designed to give practical solutions to the most frequent and prominent business problems around various business functions like Business Finance, IT, HR, Sales, Digital Marketing, Legal, etc. faced by entrepreneurs.
Recently, he has also launched Business Coaching Program under which anyone can get access to premium courses that are specifically designed to solve business challenges that entrepreneurs face.
He has also launched his ambitious project Bada Business Juniorwhich aims to provide academic education as well as soft skills to prepare kids for a brighter tomorrow.
Vision of Dr. Vivek Bindra
As the world best motivational speaker, his vision is to empower businessmen in a manner that they can expand their businesses not only in India but around the world. This will help in making India economically stronger; and further, take our country ahead on the path of becoming a developed nation.
Dr. Vivek Bindra’s mission is to help and guide the Indian entrepreneur who is struggling to establish and expand his businesses.
The objective of Dr. Vivek Bindra is entirely different from the people who have taken up motivational speaking as a career choice to either share their knowledge, earn money and fame or do it as a part of service to the society.
For his contributions to empowering and motivating entrepreneurs, Dr. Vivek Bindra has received 100+ awards. Some of them are:
Royal American University, Boston has rewarded him with the highest degree of “Doctorate” in the year 2020.
Hon. Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijay Bhai Rupani awarded Dr. Vivek Bindra for his “Outstanding Contribution in the field of Entrepreneurship Development” in the year 2020.
Economic Times has rewarded him with the award of “Game Changer of the Year 2019.”
Conferred upon with “India’s Greatest Brands and Leaders –Pride of the Nation” award, process reviewed by PricewaterhouseCooper
World Leadership Federation has crowned him as the, “Think Tank of Corporate Asia”.
Dr. Vivek Bindra also holds a place in the Esteemed Golden Book of Records for “Training the Largest Gathering of HR Professionals under one Roof on the topic – Can HR Become a CEO?”
The awards and achievements of Dr. Vivek Bindra, whether as a motivational speaker in India, a business coach or an entrepreneur himself are endless, but the goal is one- to relentlessly work towards the growth of the nation and its people. As one of the best motivational speakers in India, it is his dream to make the entire nation a powerhouse full of entrepreneurs and he is leaving no stone unturned to make it a reality!