Businesses are established with the aim to grow and diversify. Expansion is an important step in the life cycle of any organisation. It is impossible for any firm to sustain in long term without expanding its operation and accommodating market demand and changes. If a business fails to grow and adapt to market’s dynamics, competitors will easily surpass it making firm’s existence and substance difficult. Business expansion is hence an obvious next step after the firm establishes itself in the market. 3 Effective Ways to Upskill yourself & Perform Better.

If the business has a strong and loyal customer base, regular and adequate funds, dedicated and efficient team then business expansion and diversification would not be a conundrum. If the industry is also growing, it provides an added advantage as business expansion is aided. However, businesses should be careful about its operating capacity, expanding beyond the present working facility will exert pressure on the businesses’ operation resulting in huge losses. Here are some tips to expand your tips –

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Product Line Extension

One of the most straight forward ways to expand and diversify the business is to extend the product line. By introducing and offering additional products and services, firm can easily expand its present spectrum of business. It requires an understanding of the customer’s wants and needs. By continuous evaluation of market demand, the business can identify like and dislikes of the customer and add products to its offering accordingly. Proper market research and analysis is advised before launching a new product. 5 Effective Online Marketing Strategies For Your Bakery Business Ahead of Christmas 2020 & New Year 2021.

Entering New Markets

Another way to expand business is entering new markets. A firm can move into a new market and gain new customers in the process. The new market could be customers in a different location from where firm’s existing customers are or a different market segment within the existing location. This typically means opening up a new location or channelising marketing efforts on a new customer segment. Though it may involve certain costs, but once established in the new market the firm will be able to cover them and earn profits.

Expanding Through Franchise Model

Franchise helps the business to expand itself in all the directions. Franchising is a form of marketing and distribution in which the owner of a business system called the franchisor grants to an individual or group of individuals called the franchisee the right to run a business selling a product or providing a service using the franchisor’s business system. Although franchise costs are high and moving to a franchise model is complex and takes a lot of marketing know-how, but it ensures quick growth and additional income.

Entering E-Commerce Sphere

Another sure shot way to expand the business while not increasing the number of physical outlets, is by entering the e-commerce spectrum. All the firm has to do it establish an online market place, develop a delivery network and spread the word about it. Business can reach internal customers by sitting at its existing location. Various bricks and mortar shops can enlist their products on the already existing web platforms to increase its reach, expand customer base and enhance revenues.


Apart from these big businesses with sufficient funds can enter into joint ventures to expand and diversify. They might as well go for merger and acquisitions of the smaller but component firms to grow. In order to survive in long term, a firm needs to scale up its present business operations and activities. However, before taking any decision a careful analysis of the market and the financial position of the business should be undertaken.


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