Summary: Nobody could have estimated the power of social media years ago. But today it has emerged as a superpower for small startup businesses. Find out how you can leverage it too for your business.

Ten years ago, if someone would have talked about growing and scaling your business through a small screen, people would have laughed. The concept of social media for business was foreign. But today with the rise of giants like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, many brands and businesses see the marketing value in these sites.

The rise of social media has opened a door of opportunities for small business owners, students, influencers, and content creators. These platforms have become legitimate ways for brands to reach their customers and generate income.

According to, “the global social media usage rate stood at 49 percent.” In a way, social media has become the new playground that unites all demographics. It offers free access to reach a larger customer base for a product or service. From small business owners to popular brands it provides equal opportunity to grow and engage with a close-knit community of both present and future customers.

If you are an entrepreneur who is looking to grow your potential customers without spending too much money, here are three ways in which social media marketing can help small businesses and startups:

1. Brand Awareness

Social media has an advantage over the traditional methods of advertising that include TV, magazines, radio, and other media platforms. Social media can be a convenient method to spread your information about your small business products and services in a quick and cost-efficient manner and potentially reach lakhs of people with just one message or post.

This can result in higher followers for your business, more sign-ups for your products and services, and higher conversion rates on your marketing campaigns.

2. Grow Website Traffic

If you have a revolutionary product or service that you want to introduce in the market, nothing can beat social media; especially you have a business website. Though the best SEO practice can increase your website traffic and rank on Google, it will take time. On the other hand, the smart use of social media can direct your potential customers who are genuinely interested in your product to your business website.

This can enhance the quality and improve the quantity of your inbound traffic. The increase in website visitors can help small startup businesses to grow their sales and revenue.

3. Sell Your Products & Services

If you want to sell directly to your customers then also you can use social media platforms. Many social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have an additional feature of retargeting ads that can help you to target your prime audience. This will help you to directly put your content in front of them.

How to get started with Social Media Marketing?

Using social media for your small business or a startup is a great way to expand your client list, but is choosing the right approach is crucial if you want to stand out from your competitors. Here are two ways to do it:

A. Choose Your Channels

While Tik Tok and Snapchat are two popular social media platforms, these channels don’t need to be appropriate for your business. Being a startup it is very important to pick the right channel for your products and services. One way to do this is to collect the demographic data of your consumers. For instance, Twitter is a hub for international connections, while LinkedIn is an obvious choice to build your presence in the business world. Hence, choose your platform wisely.

B. Build Your Brand

Once you figure out the right platform for your business, it is time to build your brand presence. To create a page that is engaging, trustworthy, and unique. The more content, comments, likes, and shares you have, the more trustworthy you become to prospective and current consumers.

Once you have taken the above two steps, the next step is to generate leads from organic growth. The best way to encourage this is to produce valuable content for your followers. When you create content, encourage people in your circle to share, like, and boom, your content will be seen by hundreds of new people.

Using social media as part of your small business or startup marketing strategy can help you to grow and scale your business. This can often result in accelerating the growth of your business and scale quickly and efficiently.

You can boost your sales easily with the right guidance of a business expert.  Learn to generate high revenue earning products for sales; generate payment links for customers, managing account-related details. Get your marketing game back on track. Grow through self-learning and see your website traffic increasing with marketing collateral designed especially for you. Learn more here

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