Entrepreneurship is stressful. It is difficult even during the best of times, but now as the world is dealing with Covid-19, Omicron, and a lot of other variants of the virus, it has become more stressful than ever. Also, entrepreneurs today are dealing with a lot of other things like an uncertain future, funds drying up, and worries about their own and loved ones` health.

The impact of the pandemic has been cruel and it has wreaked havoc upon many small business owners and entrepreneurs who are still struggling to get back on their feet with tighter margins, and fewer backup reserves. This is why mental awareness has become crucial more than ever.

There are many ways one can keep their mental health in check. One of the best ways is to take our Free Masterclass on Mental Wellness by Dr. Komalpreet Kaur- Mental Wellness Coach. All you have to do is download Bada Business Community App, where you can attend Masterclass on various topics related to business and its operations by top industry experts at zero cost.

If you are an entrepreneur, here are five ways in which you can have better mental health:

1. Always Remember Why You Have Started

Many times entrepreneurs start their dream business for a reason. It could be monetary, for personal fulfillment or to improve the world in some tangible way. It takes a lot to work upon your goals, and it can be easy to lose sight of that initial purpose due to daily hustle which can be stressful at times.

The best strategy to cope with it is to re-discover your purpose. A strong sense of purpose can help people recover emotionally from difficult and stressful life events. For a healthy mindset and long-term longevity, emotional resilience is extremely helpful. Taking time to reconnect with that sole reason and passion can help entrepreneurs to help improve their mental health during this crisis and the years to follow.

2. Listen to Your Body

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. So, if you want to have a healthy mindset, you need to keep your body physically fit and sound. Our body is in constant communication with us, but unfortunately, it speaks only through symptoms. Just because you are feeling uncomfortable does not necessarily mean you have a disorder.

It could also simply mean that your body could be dehydrated, sleep-deprived, malnourished, or lack exercise. Sometimes, it could also be due to too much negativity around you. So learn to understand your body`s language and listen to it. Take proper rest and try to maintain a work-life balance.

3. Develop New Self-care Routine

Whether it is morning yoga, going to the gym, or doing meditation while basking in the sunlight, it is very essential to develop a self-care routine. Many people often start a routine, but due to lack of excitement, they leave it mid-way. If you too have done this in the past, it is more important than ever to assess the self-care toolbox and think creatively about replacing it.

4. Eat Right- Sleep Right

The human body is composed of protein, fat, minerals, and water. There is no particular diet that fits all because the composition of protein, fat, and minerals vary. So choose something healthy and best for your body. Stay away from chemically processed foods and eat organically grown food.

Apart from choosing the right food, it is also essential to take 6 to 9 hours of sleep. For optimal brain performance, one should target 8 hours of sleep, however, if your requirement is for 6 hours, you can stick to that routine. The underline message is that do not skip or compromise with your sleep schedule because of tight deadlines.

5. Set Firm Boundaries

Work-life balance has always been a challenge not only for employees but also for entrepreneurs. Many people often think that being your boss gives you the liberty to work at your flexible schedule. However, it is just a partial truth. Entrepreneurs have to deal with tight deadlines and client meetings. Setting healthy boundaries for work is crucial for everyone`s mental health. Whether it is a boundary about the work schedule or what emotional tasks an entrepreneur takes, setting those boundaries straight is the key to mental health in this era.

Prioritizing your mental health is paramount. More than meeting a deadline or a client meeting, taking time out for self-care is crucial. You can get more insights and details regarding mental health and awareness by attending our Masterclass this Saturday on our BB Community App.

Download the app now! : https://tinyurl.com/nhav2kp6

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