When time is harder, you get toughest. Amid this pandemic, when you think everything is difficult to catch up with, you need to find a solution. The pandemic has forced lots of small businesses to shut down and as per The Centre For Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), at least 5 million salaried people lost jobs in India in July 2020. The situation is grim, but at the same time, presents an opportunity for people to look at becoming entrepreneurs from home.

We bring you some ideas or ways for starting a business, being at home when everything is closed. Big businesses were not born overnight. Someone had an idea, concept, and worked on it. Here are some steps you need to keep in mind when planning to Start Business at Home –

  1. Assess Your Business Idea
    Start brainstorming your ideas or anything you believe you can be work on being at home only. One requires to have an idea before beginning anything. With various business options possible, you need to focus on one, which matches your skill.
  2. Consider Your Skills With Training
    Nobody is born without skill or talent. So pick something that you think you have an expertise in and start with what you have proper knowledge of. You can try some specialized courses also if need be. Additional skills will always help you improve your business.
  3. Write Down Your Project Report
    Your project report will define how well you have done your homework. The more uniqueness you offer, the faster you will be on the path of success. Study the markets well, be it domestic or international market, as per your business idea. Write down your report based on research, which may include a revenue model with cost and sales price, taxes, delivery charges, etc.
  4. Source of Funding
    The funds play a major role in any business, but small businesses or start-ups are either self-financed or acquired from friends and family. Therefore, you need to be careful with your finances as you need to keep your business running until you start earning profit. With this, you should have one backup for the funding source if something goes wrong.
  5. Fix Your Work Location
    As a small business, you need to own a small workplace, small shop, or an office. This is an essential aspect of your business because you require to register your business as you will receive a permit from the registration office for running your business, and this permission will help you get power and water permits.
  6. Registering Your Business
    Thanks to new direct instructions given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, you only need one working day for registering your business. Now the option of registering is available online and every necessary information is on the website.
  7. Launch a website
    In today’s time, owning a website plays a major part in any business for providing information on the products and business. It is a significant step for building a business and building trust among your target audience. There’re many websites that guide you and help you build your website.

These are seven simple yet essential steps to keep in mind for starting a small business while being home during these tough times.


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