
How to Know Your IBC (KYIBC)? | Bada Business

What is IBC?

At Bada Business, the full form of IBC is Independent Business Consultant. Read More about IBC in Hindi.

Independent Business Consultant, is a completely independent organization, works on its own will and on its own time. Bada Business has legal contracts with those who join IBC. After that they are given an Authorized Representative and a branch. If there is no branch, then a virtual branch of the head office is available. Along with this, a regional IBC manager is also assigned to them to solve all the issues of IBCs.

The process to Know Your IBC (KYIBC)

You can search Know Your IBC at Google Search or
know your ibc search at Google

  1. Visit,
  2. Type your IBC’s mobile phone number or email id or CRM id in the search bar,
    search ibc profile
  3. After submission, you will get your IBC profile or Result Not Found phrase.

In the search bar at KYIBC, you can search your IBC via Mobile Number / Email ID / CRM ID. If you do not receive any profile page after submission, you can understand that the IBC profile does not exist on Maybe he or she is not a right person. For more information, you can contact at 09810544443.*


*Note: Uploading the new IBC profile to takes some time. In this case, you can contact Bada Business customer service.