Powerful Personalities

3 Exclusive Stories of Ajit Doval we bet you didn’t know Before!

Ajit Doval, the fifth National Security Advisor of India, who is also popularly known as the “James Bond of India” is in the headlines, once again. Twitter campaign #BharatRatnaforAjitDoval to confer the highest civilian award to Mr. Ajit Doval which was initiated by Dr. Vivek Bindra, an internationally acclaimed business motivational coach, Founder, and CEO of Bada Business has garnered support from millions of Indians.

Mr. Ajit Doval has a firm hand in shaping India`s foreign policy and strategic responses to the national and international crisis. And, it will not be an overstatement to call his approach the “Doval doctrine”. Mr. Ajit Doval, who was awarded the Kirti Chakra for his meritorious services, does not hesitate to roll up his sleeves and get into action, whenever our country has faced any challenges.

Here are few interesting stories that earned him the title of James Bond of India”:

  1. Delayed Pakistan`s Nuclear Test

After India conducted its first successful Nuclear Test in Pokharan on September 7, 1972, under the leadership of then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Pakistan too wanted to go ahead with their Nuclear Test with the help of China and France.

However, when France realized that Pakistan wants to conduct Nuclear Test, not for a technological purpose, but for nuclear weapons it decided not to support Pakistan. The Pakistani scientist Mr. Abdul Qadeer Khan went to North Korea to ask for help.

The ongoing developments in Pakistan concerning their Nuclear Test grabbed the spotlight across the globe. The Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi formed a committee of RAW and Intelligence Bureau to keep an eye on Pakistan`s ill-intentions.

Mr. Ajit Doval was selected to lead the committee of Intelligence Bureau and was sent to Kahuta- a place in Pakistan, as an undercover agent to collect the information. Khan Research Centre in Kahuta was the nuclear base of Pakistan where all the research associated with the test was taking place.

He spent seven years in Pakistan disguised as a beggar to gather the information. He started tracking every scientist who was visiting the nuclear base, frequently. However, despite all his efforts, he was unable to track and identify the ones who were working on the nuclear project.

He came to know from his own studies that if any person who is works on a nuclear weapon, his body absorbs the radiations. And if he can get the sample of skin, hair, or nail from that person he can find out about the scientists who were working on the nuclear test.

He then disguised as a beggar and started sitting outside the barbershop where all the scientists were going to get a haircut to collect the samples. He used the collected information to build a diplomatic strategy that delayed the Nuclear Test of Pakistan by 15 years.

  1. Helped to End Insurgency in Mizoram without lifting any arms

The stories of Mr. Ajit Doval`s courage are endless. One such story of where he showcased his excellent diplomatic skills is of Mizoram. In 1986, Mizoram was held to ransom by the Mizo National Front army and its leader Laldenga. As a mid-level IB officer in the northeast, Mr. Ajit Doval was appointed to tackle the insurgency.

He infiltrated the underground Mizo National Front, weaned away as many as 6 core commanders from the group, and disintegrated the party, forcing its leader Laldenga to sue for peace. The Mizo Accord of July 1986- post 20 years of insurgency—was the result of Indian hero Doval`s initiative.

  1. United Sikkim with India with his smart approach

Very few people are aware of this story as it hardly gets a mention anywhere. On 16th May 1975 Sikkim officially became a part of India. This might sound like a simple fact based out of history, but the journey was not that easy. When India was struggling to make Sikkim as one of its states, it was Mr. Ajit Doval`s effective and powerful strategy that turned that dream into reality.

The then King of Sikkim married an American girl. However, the girl was working as a CIA agent, and India was frustrated with the decisions that were taken by America. Also, the increasing American dominance over Sikkim was a matter of immediate consideration for India. Hence, Mr. Ajit Doval was once again given the responsibility to get India out of the crisis.

Doval came to Sikkim and started interacting with the locals. He also managed to get the support of one regional leader of the Sikkim National Party. Later, when elections were held by the national assembly, more than 97 percent of the electorate voted for the merger of Sikkim with India.

Ajit Doval is a highly decorated IPS officer of Kerala Cadre. Currently, he is heading the National Security Council of India. He has dealt with the country`s most crucial and complex domestic and international challenges that threatened India`s security and sovereignty.

There are so many interesting and exciting stories related to his life that are still unheard of.