Whenever someone asks about money making ideas that can be started from home, blogging is the first thing that comes to mind. No matter whether you are a student, a housewife, an entrepreneur, or a social media influencer, blogging is an amazing idea to start a freelancing business as it does not need any investment.

If you have a creative bent of mind and love to align words into a melodious story, then you can earn a good amount of money through blogging. However, to monetize your creative blog posts, it is important to consider few factors in mind.

Unless people genuinely want to read your blog posts, you can`t monetize them. The average blogger spends around 60-90 minutes writing a 500-word blog post. That`s a lot of time spent on writing one creative blog which can go to waste if it doesn’t drive traffic and no one is reading it.

Then how can you write a blog that will not only drive traffic but also money?

Follow these tips to ensure that you are heading in the right direction:

1. Avoid Promotion

The foremost important rule of blogging is to avoid promotion. No one wants to read a sales offer written in a format of a blog post. So avoid it like a plague, at all cost! Whether it is self-promotion or the promotion of an affiliated brand, direct promotion in a blog post is obvious to everyone. So do yourself and your blog post a huge favor, and make your post more engaging minus the promotion.

2. Use Great Visuals

Videos, infographics, pictures- content these days can be so much more than just words on a page. Yes, creating excellent visuals might take time, but it is worth the short. A blog post that has interesting infographics and appealing visuals can give astronomical ROI. Visuals can make or break your content. If applied effectively, it can be an amazing low investment money making ideas.

3. Use Real-Life Instances

Your opinion is valuable. However, real-life experiences and real-world examples are priceless. It makes it more reliable and increases credibility. Always use case studies, cite sources, quoting experts, and use as many examples as you can. It will help you to establish authority for you, your post, and your brand.

4. Give a Personal Touch

Everyone has a unique style. So whether you are a freelance writer or running a digital marketing agency, spend at least 10-15 minutes personalizing your content. Add your flare. Establish your brand. A little touch of personalization can make your content more valuable and readable for your readers.

5. Pay Attention to Format

A plain simple text is boring to the eyes. No one would like to read your posts without heading, subheadings, organization, and order. If you struggle with organizing your posts and having them flow naturally, you can start with writing bullet points of what you want to cover. You can use these points as headings to make your blog more structured.

6. Get More Readers

It is not necessary that anyone who starts writing will have thousands of followers. So how will you get people to read your blog post? Make a strategy and work on it to ensure that your content is reaching your target audience. You can also send an email newsletter to your email list. If you have social media accounts, you can include your blog`s link in all the media channels. Use long-tail keywords in your blogs to make them more SEO optimized. It will help people find you when they type a certain keyword.

Writing needs practice, hence make it a habit. Gradually, you will grow followers on your blog through the above channels. If you are thinking about starting a blog channel, keep these tips in mind to ensure that your blogs drive huge traffic. If you manage to do these things, over time, your blog posts will reap benefits.

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