New Delhi, August 12: The National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd (NCGTC) on Wednesday issued a circular regarding the modification of operational guidelines for Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS). The common trustee company informed that the new operational guidelines will now cover individuals and more enterprises amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Informing about the minutes of the modification of operational guidelines for ECLGS, the NCGTC stated that the upper ceiling of loans — outstanding as on February 2, 2020 — has been increased under the scheme from Rs 25 crore to Rs 50 crore. Apart from this, there has been a hike in the upper ceiling of annual turnover from Rs 100 crore to Rs 250 crore. This has been done in line with the increased ceiling of loans outstanding and revised definition of MSME issued by Union Ministry of MSME.

Among other details, the NCGTC circular stated that there has been an increase in the maximum amount of NCGTC to Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) under the ECLGS. The amount limit has been raised from Rs 5 crore — at present 20 per cent of Rs 25 crore — to Rs 10 crore, which is 20 per cent of Rs 50 crore. However, it has been made clear that those individual loans given for business purposes should fulfil the eligibility criteria prescribed under the scheme.

NCGTC Circular Regarding the Modification of Operational Guidelines for ECLGS:

Earlier on May 23, 2020, the NCGTC was set up by the Ministry of Finance’s Department of Financial Services as a common trustee company to manage and operate various credit guarantee trust funds. It was incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 on March 28, 2014, with a paid-up capital of Rs 10 crore.

Under the NCGTC, five trust funds currently operate:

1) Credit Guarantee Fund for Skill Development (CGFSD
2) Credit Guarantee Fund for Education loans (CGFEL)
3) Credit Guarantee Fund for Factoring (CGFF)
4) Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units (CGFMU)
5) Credit Guarantee Fund for Standup India (CGFSI)

The NCGTC was launched ECLGS on May 23, 2020, for all the financial institutions of India. Among the four key points, which differs it from other schemes include — 100 per cent credit guarantee, zero guarantee fee for banks and customers, pre-approved loans and minimum bank’s risk weight allocation. However, the scheme will continue till October 31, 2020, or till the time Rs 3 lakh crore of the loan amount is sanctioned. The NCGTC has also made it clear that borrowers must be GST registered wherever it is necessary.

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