The value of a high-performing team has long been recognized. Probably, this is the reason why every organization wants to hire and retain the best employees.

A high-performing team is at the core of every successful business. When the employees work together towards a common goal, everyone wins! One of the best and easiest ways to get things done in any business is to build a great team.

Do you remember the 1983 World Cup cricket match? Even though the Indian cricket team was not in great form, they won the world championship for the first time. The Indian squad had Kapil Dev as the captain of the team, but the ‘man-of-the-series was Mohinder Amarnath’. However, it was the unwavering determination and serious efforts by all the players in the team that helped India won its first Cricket World Cup in 1983.

Be it a cricket match or an organization, when a group of independently talented people comes together in which they can merge their skills, the results are remarkable. Not only their creativity and productivity will be increased, the loyalty and engagement will also be greatly improved.

According to a McKinsey report that was published in 2017, when the team members of high performing teamwork together towards a common vision and achieve a common business goal, the financial performance of the organization increases by 1.9 times.

But, building a great team is like capturing lightning in a bottle! It remains as tough as ever. Ambitious, energetic, capable, and talented people are always a plus, but they often represent distinct functions, geographies, background, products, resources, and a lot of other factors.

Do you want to establish a high-performance team in your organization? Do you want to instill a healthy working culture that encourages team building and high productivity? Here are seven strategies for team composition and team dynamics that have long proved their worth:

1. Team Composition

Team composition is the first step towards building a high-performance team with essential skillset and a creative mindset. It is just like adding a cherry to your sumptuous cake. Just like the quantity of the salt has to be balanced to make the dish taste delightful, the team needs to be kept small- but not too small.

A small team that consists of around six to seven members is likely to result in poorer decisions because it lacks diversity. A small team will also lead to slower decision-making because of a lack of bandwidth. Hence, keeping the right number of team members can be a great start towards building a winning team.

2. Team Dynamics

It is one thing to hit the right composition. But, a team will deliver productive results only when they start working together. Once, the character of a team emerges shaped by team dynamics, only then they will be able to overcome challenges and achieve great things.

3. Build a team-oriented organization

Don`t just talk about teamwork. Instead, build your company values around teamwork. Put a clear focus on self-managing teams that are self-sufficient and empowered to make decisions. Also, show your employees the commitment by enabling teams with the authority to get their jobs done on their terms.

4. Assign Team Goals

Assign your team with important projects and assignments. Rope in all the team members when you are looking at innovative and new market trends. It is vital to keep a fresh perspective towards the market trend, which is why keep asking different team members for their opinions. Ask them to challenge the status quo and the conventional approach. This approach will help your company to stay ahead of the game.

5. Respect your Team Members as Individuals

A business needs to have a fresh and creative approach towards its goal to prosper. At work, you want your employees to a part of your team, but you also need a perspective. Every individual team member has a story of their own. They have come far in their lives without your company, and they presumably have rich and varied lives post work.

Hence, it is important to rope in the new team members when making an important decision. A robust team blossoms only when every member is respected and honored for their unique skills.

6. Motivate your Team Members

‘You get more flies with honey than vinegar’- an adage that great leaders swear by. In the real world, it simply means that it is effective to shape behavior with positive feedback rather than criticism. Also, the leader should be self-motivated. A highly motivated leader can inspire his team members to be goal-oriented. Resist the urge to criticize your team members` mistakes.

Rather, give them a positive environment by citing their behaviors and events that you particularly liked. You can encourage them to bring more of that as it is far more productive to keep your team highly motivated.

7. Reward & recognize the good performance

Every human needs appreciation, especially at the workplace. If you are a large organization and fortunate enough to rewards your employees with financial bonuses, you should do it. If you are a startup with little cash on hand, you can find creative ways to rewards your top-performing team members.

Want to know more about team building? With our ‘Everything about Entrepreneurship’ course, you can learn to bring together people with diverse capabilities to work towards a common business goal. To know more, click here:









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