Post-pandemic the nature of the world has changed, forever. Though businesses were already becoming more accustomed to deal with uncertain times, the COVID 19 pandemic has magnified it.

A strong leader can help an organization to stay afloat in the best of times, and in the ones that try us the most. It will be foolish to assume that the blissful stability that once existed will return. Hence, strong leadership is more important than ever!

What constitutes a great leader? What are those essential qualities that make for great leadership? Here are five qualities that make for great leadership, and the more we nurture these qualities, the better leaders will become during the crisis and beyond:

  1. Listen Completely

Listening and hearing have a hairline difference between them. Hearing is passive, while listening is active-and the great leader is someone, who understands the difference between the two terms.

Real listening is essential for effective communication. Listening not only involves ears but many other aspects like body language, expressions, and gestures. What`s not said is just as important as what is said.

A great leader will take cues from all other aspects and help people in the organization who might lack the courage to speak up. We need leaders who listen and are intentional about their conversations.

  1. Communicate Clearly

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to communication. But, successful communication begins with transparency. But to keep lines open and clear across the business, we must be careful not just about putting our messages across, but also about the mediums, too.

While businesses around the globe are adapting to the change unleashed by the pandemic, great leaders are trying to find the right balance. Good leaders today have to difficult decisions such as furloughs, and staff reductions.

  1. Act Quickly & Confidently

Many leaders talk, but they do not execute and do. And it is doing that separates the real leaders from the rest. When your words match your actions, people learn to develop trust. It is more impactful when you take an action on what you are hearing from your employees. Leaders who act quickly and confidently often must make difficult decisions, and for that it takes grit.

We are in uncertain times, where the dynamic of business is constantly changing. Leaders, who have clear objectives, are certain, and committed to their passion and perseverance are the ones who will continue to build trust in these uncertain times.

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