HR & People Management

10 Tips for Effective Team Performance Management!

Link every department to company�s top goals, and identify skill deficit of every team member are some of the ways of effective team performance management.


  • Are your employees not performing well?
  • Do you want to improve your team performance management?
  • Do you want to take your business to the next level?

It doesn’t matter whether you are a Project Manager, Departmental Head, Divisional Manager, or even the Director of a Company; everyone wants to take their Department/ Organisation to the Next Level.

And the ladder that leads to the next level is ’Team Performance Management’

What does Team Performance Management mean?

It is an ongoing process to ensure that an individual’s performance contributes to the mission of the organization.

How do we ensure it?

Here we will discuss 10 tips that will help you Maximize the Results of your team through Effective Team Performance Management.

Tip #1: Link every Department to your Company’s ’Top Goals’

It is very important for you to first identify the top 3 goals of your company, and then link every department of the organization to the company’s goals.

For Example

In a small and medium-sized organization, when the top 10 key people were asked to write three top goals of their organization, they came out with 15 different goals. An organization which is running in different directions can never achieve excellence and effective team performance management to maximize the result.

Tip #2: Determine How well your Team is Meeting your ’Organizational Goals’

Identify the past reality and the current reality of your team. This will help you in achieving your organizational goals easily.

You need to find out:

  • Your past track
  • Patterns in which your team is moving

This will enable you to plan your path ahead.

Tip #3: Create Clear Performance Metrics for every Department

There are various departments in an organization where the work is done in quality and not quantity.

These are the departments where the performance is done not to improve the results but to support the results.

Anything that you cannot measure, you cannot improve.

To ensure effective team Performance management, you require to:

? Link every department with a clear number to identify the current performance.

? Ensure clarity on current reality and outcome expected in the numerical form.

? These numbers should be connected to the top organizational goals.

This will help you in running the organization in one direction in a numerical format.

Tip #4: You have to identify the Skill Deficit of every Team Member

For ensuring the effective team performance management you need to conduct individual meetings in the organization to identify the skill deficit of every team member.

You have to meet the individuals in the organization to ’identify the gaps, and become their gap partner or skill deficit partner’.

You need to determine what changes are required in their training and what the skill deficit is at the moment.

Tip #5: Create an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

Discover opportunities and discuss with the employees their individual development plan.

Since you have identified their skill deficit, so, you are discussing their future development plans.

Tip #6: Start asking Solution-Oriented Questions

It is the sixth tip of effective team performance management.

On an individual basis, ask your team members’ solution-oriented questions.

For example, how are they planning to contribute to the main organizational goals?

Enable your employees to make individual plans. This will give top bosses of the company an idea about how employees will contribute to the organizational goals. You have to inspire them to think.

Tip #7: Inspire your Direct Reports to come up with Game-Changing Ideas

This is an empowering, employee engagement and retention activity. People start feeling involved in the organization. It is also another tip of effective team performance management.

Involvement is directly proportionate to commitment.

The more they become involved, the more will be their commitment towards the organization.

Committed employees are the real resource.

’Take away my entire organization. Take away my all machinery. Take away my entire plant. But, give my top people to me. I will come back in 5 years. I will bounce back even better.’

-Henry Ford, Founder, Ford Motor Company

Tip #8: Give the Feedback in Future Tense

It is one of the tips for effective team performance management.

Never ever repeatedly talk about the past mistakes of your team members. This is damaging and will decrease the initiative, ownership, and responsibility of an employee towards the organization.

?  Never repeatedly talk about the past mistakes of your team.

?  Reduce the offerings of corrections.

?  Correct them in the future tense.

?  Ask solution-oriented questions.

?  Give them a future action plan.

?  Talk more about future improvements.

’It is not Performance Appraisal; it is Performance Management.’

Tip #9: Measure Self Performance

Help your employees to create their own visible and compelling scoreboard for their performance management process. It should always be visible to them and you.

They should be maintaining a scoreboard. When your team starts maintaining their scoreboard, they would know where they are.

So, they do not have to wait for the month or year-end to know their performance. Once they know their scoreboard, they can work hard and focus on their performance.

Tip #10: Maintain a Great ’Deposit Withdrawal Equation’

Your deposit withdrawal equation has to be very good.

A lot of managers, department heads, and entrepreneurs are not able to maintain this equation.

You have to invest your confidence and trust in them. To gain trust, you have to extend trust.

So, 40% extend trust, 20% offer correction, and 40% glorify them by actually inspiring them.

Deposit Withdrawal Equation= 40 Deposits: 20 Withdrawals: 40 Deposits

For effective team performance management you should follow below tips:

? Don’t correct your employees in a team meeting.

? Don’t demotivate your employees by yelling at them.

? They should be going out of meeting with lots of energy and enthusiasm.

These 10 points can help you in Managing Performance & Maximizing Results and take your company to the next level.

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