
Govt Keeps Small Savings Rate Unchanged For 2nd Successive Quarter Of FY22!

To provide relief to common man from lower saving earnings amid the pandemic, the Central Government has kept small savings rate unchanged for the July-September quarter.

As the interest rates are falling all across financial instruments, the government has widely expected to cut rate on small savings too.

Previously, the Centre withdrew a decision to cut rates for previous April-June quarter too as they feared backlash from savers.

The decision on rate cut was withdrawn in the middle of voting for Assembly polls in West Bengal and Assam.

“The rate of interest on various small savings schemes for the second quarter of the financial year 2021-22 starting from July 1, 2021 and ending on September 30, 2021 shall remain unchanged from the current rates applicable for the first quarter (April 1 to June 30,2021) for FY 2021-22,” a finance ministry office memorandum issued late on Wednesday night said.

With the status quo, savers would continue to get 4 per cent interest on small savings during the July-September quarter as well. The 1-year time deposit rates will also remain at 5.5 per cent and so will the 5-year recurring deposit at 5.8 per cent.

Public Provident Fund (PPF) will also continue to get 7.1 per cent rate while Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY), National Savings Certificate will get interest rate of 7.6 and 6.8 per cent, respectively.

The interest rate on Kisan Vikas Patra was decreased to 6.9 per cent and the instrument will mature in 124 months.

Business motivation

5 Commitments Every Successful Entrepreneur Must Make For Business Excellence!

Whether you are a passionate and ambitious person for your job where you are deeply invested or planning to start a startup business, there are certain commitments and decisions that successful people have to make. Discipline and determination help to shape them into elite businessmen and –women.

According to Dr. Vivek Bindra- one of the best motivational coaches for entrepreneurs, “each day is a fresh opportunity for mastering the key skills to acquire goals. Success often comes down to having the right attitude and making smart decisions.

So, if you are trying to excel in the business world, here are five commitments you must make to acquire your goal:

1. Appreciate the Good

Most often we are too focused on the bad in our lives. However, it does no good but gives birth to negativity. No matter where you are in your career, find ways to appreciate the work you are doing. Jobs are not perfect and not every aspect of it, you will enjoy.

Make mental notes to focus on the solutions and not the problems. Allow no space in your mind for negative thoughts. When you think in terms of lack, you start making decisions from a negative place. Learn to respect your achievements, understanding that small things make room for bigger opportunities. You can also take help from the motivational coach for entrepreneurs to keep your spirits high.

2. Fear of Failures

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm”, this quote by Winston Churchill elaborates the right approach towards your business goals. The road to success is full of failures, disappointments, and setbacks. If you give in to the fear of failure, it will discourage you from walking on the new path.

If you want to be successful, you will have to take a risk and be willing to witness the consequences of those decisions. Just like a good motivational coach, consequences can be your mentor and guide you with quick answers. If you will never take risks, you will never redirect yourself and your business in the right direction.

3. Work Hard for Dreams

It is essential to measure your success with your work ethic. If the pursuit of your success is solely based on money and profit, be aware that your mind will only be focused on the lack of it. Worry blocks opportunity and keeps reminding you of how much you don`t have.

Hence, always set up a mindset that your hard work will generate profit. Always focus on the goals and do not shy away from working hard for them.

4. Expand your Vision

Always be grateful for your achievements, but never be satisfied. Commit to thinking big by setting higher goals. Despite achieving great heights of success, know that you are not done. And it is just the first step.

Most often entrepreneurs become complacent as their businesses begin to generate revenue. However, this results in no innovative business strategies and they begin to lose their grip on the market. Always ask, “What is next?” How can I expand my business further? If you are struggling with certain business challenges, you can also take problem solving courses that are available online.

Never downsize your dreams. Change the path, not the dream!

5. Be Consistent

Consistency is the key to your entrepreneurial success. Commit to working with passion and determination, taking steps no matter how little towards your business goals. It is only through consistent and diligent work, coupled with flexibility and patience that you can achieve greater heights of success. If you feel like you are losing enthusiasm, you can always speak to the best motivational speaker in India– Dr. Vivek Bindra.

It’s the last person standing who ends up winning the race. The above-mentioned commitments can play a key role in your journey to establish a successful business startup. To be successful in business, commit to making self-aware and smart choices. Make one smart decision by joining our “Entrepreneurship course”.


To Kick Start Growth In The Country, Strong Fiscal Policy Support Needed: EY India!

To kick-start growth in post-COVID India, strong fiscal policy support in the form of stimulus measures is required, according to EY India.

The consultancy`s June edition of Economy Watch stated that the health sector should be the primary focus of the fiscal stimulus package. According to the firm`s June edition, “This could ensure meeting the short-term healthcare demand arising from COVID’s Second Wave and a possible Third Wave besides supporting growth and employment in the economy.”

As per the report, the package should solely focus on income support measures for the vulnerable rural and urban population. It should also focus on making provisions for additional vaccination expenditure as the Central Government`s recent announcement for its commitment to finance 75 percent of the country`s total vaccine procurement.

Besides, the policy should also take care of any additional expenditure, which is directed mainly towards expanding health sector infrastructure.

“Together, these add to Rs 2.35 lakh crore of which around Rs 0.65 lakh crore can be accessed by the restructuring of budgeted expenditure on other heads leaving a balance of Rs 1.7 lakh crore which would constitute an additionally 0.8 percent point of GDP on the budgeted fiscal deficit of 6.7 percent of estimated GDP,” the report said.

“Thus, the fiscal deficit would need to be increased to 7.9 percent of GDP in FY22 to cover the revenue shortfall of 0.4 percent points and the expenditure additionally of 0.8 percent points of GDP,” it added.

The report said that although growth is projected at 8.3 percent in 2021 for India, this masks significant expected economic damage from COVID’s Second Wave.

A few days earlier even the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) said it expects the Indian economy to grow 11.5% in the June quarter and the range of 8.4-10.1% in FY22 over a negative base, calling for an expansionary fiscal policy to put the economy on a sustainable growth path.