The journey of becoming a successful entrepreneur is not an easy one. It long, tiresome, disappointing and dis-heartening. Many people start doubting themselves and questioning their capabilities. They grew insecure, may even lose the spirit to carry forward and give up in the middle. No rewarding journey has been completed without hardships and fair share of failures. Young people in their initial stage of entrepreneurial life are bound to face several social and financial complexities which may deviate them from the life long goal of having a successful business of their own.11 Business Lessons every Entrepreneur should learn from Late Dhirubhai Ambani!

However, there are multiple stories of people who despite being form a marginal and economically weaker sections of the society, held on strong to their dreams, squashed all the bottlenecks to be highly successful businessman and titans in their field. Young entrepreneurs need constant motivation to keep going in the directions of their dreams and accomplishing them. Here are some biographies all entrepreneurs should read for inspiration and motivation: 4 Tips For Selecting a Powerful Business Name for your Startup!

Karsanbhai Patel: The Man Behind ‘Washing Powder Nirma

Ramesh Babu : The Barber With A Rolls Royce

Patricia Narayan: FICCI Woman Entrepreneur of the Year

Sunil Bharti Mittal: Connecting India

What I Know For Sure: Oprah Winfery

Big Magic- Creative Living Beyond Fear: Elizabeth Gilbert

The Man Who Made Reliance Industries: Dhirubhai Ambani

Despite all the hardships- social, personal, economical- these real life Rags to Riches stories will inspire all the entrepreneurs throughout the business cycle form generation of the business idea to its implementation, establishment of business to its sustenance and success and motivate them to never give up and keep working towards the goal.

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