If you are an entrepreneur and have just provided your dream idea a platform of reality, you know that social media marketing is the best way to increase your brand awareness. Being an entrepreneur is not easy and when it comes to marketing, budget is always a constraint.

However, there are plenty of ways today like Social Media Marketing which is perfect for branding as it is affordable and effective.

Social Media Marketing has a low barrier to entry. There is no need to hire an expensive ad agency for brand promotion on sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

The power of digital marketing was felt long back. However, with the changing trends, almost 83% of marketers have already started using it to establish their brand presence, increase revenue, boost sales and interact with their potential and existing customers.

In the world of digitalization the adage “you have to spend money to make money” does not always fit well. If you have a product that can resolve the problems consumers are facing and the product is in great demand, you do not need to burn a hole in your marketing budget.

Now, even when you are planning to create a brand strategy for social media, you must understand that not every strategy will work. However, there are few ways to that will establish your brand, not to mention without spending a single penny. You can watch them here:


Here are some of the best low marketing ways through which you can make your brand Viral without shelling out much money:

  1. Incorporate an Emotional Touch into your brand

We all still remember the TV commercial by ‘DHARA’ in which a small kid decided to leave his home. But as soon as he realizes that his mother has cooked ‘Jalebi’, he comes back. The twinkle in his eye and the smile on his face, says it all.

An ad or a TV commercial becomes immortalize in the audience`s memory only if it has touched their hearts or evoked a memory that was lurking behind thousands of other memories. Emotions combined with brilliant brand strategy can yield fruitful results.

Customers today are bombarded with advertisements that only sell, sell and sell. They are tired of meaningless blabbering and information that only talks about the company`s products or services. They are more interested to know what value they will receive if they spend their hard-earned money on your product or service.

Hence, think about creative ways to inform and educate your customers. Try to give a personal touch to your branding, so that your customers can connect with them.

  1. Socially Responsible Emotional Story

The easiest way to make your brand viral is to create a hook in your brand message that sends out a clear and crisp social message to society.

Creating a brand message that is loud enough to send a social message represents your brand`s value and boosts your credibility. The customers feel connected with your brand and share the content with maximum people.

A human brain gets more influenced by emotions rather than logic. Hence, at no extra expense, you can create brand promotion messages that support social causes and enhance credibility amongst the audience.

  1. Create a Captivating Hook

When Apple decided to advertise for its latest iPhone 6 in the Indian market, they came out with a concept that showcases how difficult it is to get your hands on your favorite gadget via wedding. Apple, for the first time, launched an EMI concept for its buyers and made an advertisement that stole millions of hearts.

It was a great branding technique to viral their product that too on EMI to reach the pool of customers who wanted to purchase an iPhone, but couldn`t due to their budget constraints.

Most people often switch channels in the first 20 seconds, if they do not like the ad or a post. So whether you are creating a post for social media, a YouTube video, or a TV commercial, unless the ad has the hook that would keep the viewers glued to their seats, it will fall flat on its face.

If you have put the finger on the right pulse, you may witness the boost in your sales and increase in your revenue. So give that hook to your customers and win their loyalty forever.

If you are an entrepreneur and want to learn brand strategy to viral your brand at no extra cost, you must stop relying on the barefaced bribery of a referral program and should rather try the above-mentioned super powerful marketing tips that will make your customer swoon.

You can also learn the business dynamics from the masters of the industries by taking our “Everything about Entrepreneurship” course. In this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about taking your business to new heights.

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