90-days formula to get success in life!


  • Do you want to make a big difference in your life this year?
  • Do you want to get success in life?

Whenever you start something new, you become so desperate to see initial results that if you don’t see results soon, you get restless and lose hope.

In this article, we will discuss a formula that will help you to get success in life with 90 days formula.

Tip #1: Invest in yourself for the First 90 Days

Whether you are a student, job seeker, working professional or an entrepreneur, first 90 days (3 months) are very crucial for starting anything new.

According to the 90 days formula, ’Your first 90 days will decide where you are going in the next 9 months.’

Tip #2: Small 90 Days will Create Tall 9 Months

The first 90 days are going to give you unprecedented results in the next 9 months.

The first 90 days will help you to build a mindset for starting something new while the next 9 months help you to create the skill-set that will help you to get success in life.

Tip #3: Don’t get Demotivated from Small Initial Results

As per the 90 days formula, the initial result of anything is so small that it always goes unnoticed.

For Example :

If a person tried a cigarette for the first time and he starts vomiting, then he will never smoke.

However, the initial harmful effects of smoking cigarette are almost negligible. Hence, people ignore these effects and keep on smoking, which later results in cancer or tuberculosis.

You will not get results of your initial actions during the starting days, but don’t give up.

Gradually, it will start giving you unexpected results and you will get success in life.

Power of Compounding Interest

Let us understand compounding interest with the help of an example.

: You have the following options:

1st Option: You will get Rs. 1, which will be doubled each day for the next 30 days.

2nd Option: You will get Rs. 10 crores in one time.

Which option will you choose?

Most of the people will choose Rs. 10 cr. as it seems a very big amount as compared to Rs.  1. Although Rs. 1 seems very small in front of Rs. 10 cr. initially, but when you start doubling Rs. 1 each day, it will become more than Rs. 10 cr. on the 30th day.

Day 1 Rs.1  vs..Rs.10 cr.
Day 5 Rs.16  vs. Rs.10 cr.
Day 10 Rs. 512 vs. Rs. 10 cr.
Day 20 Rs. 5.24 lakh vs. Rs. 10 Cr.
Day 31 Rs. 107 cr. vs. Rs.10 cr.

Due to compounding interest Rs. 1, which seemed nothing in front of Rs. 10 cr. became Rs. 107 cr. 

Similarly, according to 90 days formula, your small efforts will give you big results and you will definitely get success in life.

Story of a King and Saint

Once upon a time, there was a king, who was very humble. One day, a saint came to his place.

How can I help you?

I need some seeds of grains.

This is very little; you can demand anything big.

I want only a few seeds of grains.

How many seeds do you need?

Put one seed in the First Square of your chessboard, and then double it till Last Square. Give me the amount of grain that comes at 64th Square of the chessboard.  

King ordered his people to bring that amount of grain.

After some time, the king’s people said that the amount of grain Saint is demanding has not ever grown on the earth.

Never ignore small results of initial efforts because it gives a big result in the future

6 Steps for Building a High Performance Team


  • Do you have to give more time to your business?
  • Can your business run effectively even when you are not physically present?
  • are you building a high performance team?

Why Indian Companies are not able to Develop High-Performance Team?

  • Most of the businesses and Startups in India are failing due to the lack of a team of the talented and high performance team. 
  • A talented team is what needed for an organization to succeed in the long run. 
  • A business cannot be made scalable and profitable without a team of devoted and hardworking employees, which many companies are unable to build.

In this article, you will study about seven important steps that will help you to attract and retain the best talent for building a High-Performance Team.

Step #1: Employee Treatment: Richard Branson Theory

Founder of Virgin Airlines, Richard Branson established the foundation stone of his company on the basis of a philosophy:

’First, train the employees well enough so that anybody can pay them double salary than what are you paying them. Second, treat them well enough so that they don’t leave your organization.’

People don’t like working in an organization, which doesn’t support and encourage them. They quit such organizations sooner or later that hurt the organization’s growth in the long run.

If you want to develop your own high performance team, then you need to develop a culture of personal interaction among employees a connection between the employees and the organization.

Developing a healthy culture in your organization is necessary so that employees can develop trust in you and get an opportunity to develop their skills and capabilities.

Step #2: Show Your Employees a Well Defined Career Path

Lack of a defined career path for employees is the pivotal reason behind the failure of startups in India.

An employee cannot work for a lifetime without getting any career progression and growth.

When an employee observes that he is not going to grow in your organization, he starts thinking of leaving your company.

Hence, for building a high performance team, you need to tell them what will be their next level of designation/promotion to assure that they will be getting growth in your organization.

Build a career path for your employees’ talent progression.

Make their scoreboard as per their performance and support those whose performance is not good.

Step #3: Transparency in Communication

Without transparent communication among team members, building a high performance team in your organization is almost impossible.  

The transparent environment in an organization increases confidence among employees, which instills a sense of security in them and builds a healthy working environment.

A boss should be approachable to employees so that they can share their ideas with him/her fearlessly.

There should be no favoritism in an organization as it fades away the confidence of employees and affects their efficiency.

For Example:

Lijjat Papad is one of the best examples of transparent organization, where every working woman is the owner, and no one is allowed to do backbiting.?

Step #4: Encourage Internal Promotions over Helicopter Landing

Until you do not bestow confidence upon your existing employees you can’t build a high performance team.

Therefore, Before hiring someone from outside, it is imperative to explore internal opportunity to deploy someone on a particular position as it instills confidence among existing employees.

While filing a vacant position through helicopter landing, try to place an internal person through talent progression. If you hire people from outside without giving the opportunity to internal people, they will stop working with full enthusiasm, and create a problem for newcomers.

Step #5: Feeling of Significance

The more you involve with your people, the more they will be committed with you.

Only giving orders, targets, and deadlines don’t work in an organization.

You need to be interested in your employees by making them feel special.

As a leader, for building a high performance team you must make every employee feel significance and ensure that he/she is contributing to the top line and the bottom line of the business. 

But if you reduce their self-esteem and confidence, their performance will get affected, and so will be your business.

Step #6: People Like to Win

Nobody likes to taste failure, everyone wants to win. If you help your employees to win, they will not leave you, but if you let them fail by making them perform tasks which they are not expert in, they will certainly quit you.

You need to ensure that your subordinates win by doing their competency mapping.

Learn Quick Success Formula


  • Do you want to know the secret of a quick success formula?
  • How to increase your speed of implementation? 

All the successful people whether they are top millionaires, billionaires, sportspersons, entrepreneurs, etc. have one thing in common and that is, their Speed of Implementation. Their speed of implementation is very high.

If any of these people find a new idea or knowledge, they do not wait, they implement it immediately. 

Their implementation time is almost zero.

Speed of Implementation is the quick success formula.

Implementation of Information Leads to Transformation

Information will not give you transformation. The implementation of information will give you transformation. 

  • information is not power, it is only potential power. 
  • Knowledge is not power, it is only potential power. 
  • Only applied information and applied knowledge is real power. 
  • If successful people read a book, they implement their learning immediately. 
  • If they watch a video, they implement the learning from it immediately. 

With time, we develop certain patterns and it becomes difficult for us to change these patterns.

You can change these patterns people only through the speed of implementation.

If you keep on implementing your daily learning, then your ability to change these patterns and bring flexibility in these patterns increases.

Start Now!

Sometimes, people try hard to implement certain things but they are not able to do so. 

Here is a solution for this. You can implement your learning only if you implement it immediately, that is, right now. 

If you are waiting for the right time to come, then it has come, it is now. 

Implement it right now. 

Speed of implementation comes with the word now. 

  • Not tomorrow – start now!
  • Not when the season is nice ’ start now!
  • Not when the reason is nice ’ start now!
  • Not when your vacations are over ’ start now!
  • Not when your horoscope is perfect ’ start now!
  • Not When You Are Not There! Therefore Start Now!
  • The best time to start was only yesterday but the next best time to start is right now. If not now, then never.

Steps to Implement the Knowledge

To increase the speed of implementation of a concept or knowledge, you should take the following five steps:

Step #1: Hear
’ First hear the concept. 

Step #2: Understand
’ After hearing, understand the concept.

Step #3: Meditate
’ After understanding, meditate on the concept.

Step #4: Digest
’ Identify the things in the concept that are not important and leave them. Determine the actionable things in the concept.

Step #5: Apply
’ Now, implement the actionable things.  

So, the quick success formula or the formula for success is- the speed of implementation.

As fast as you implement knowledge or learning in your life, as quick as you will grow.

Therefore, start implementing the right here and right now.

3 Tips on How to Stay Focused on Your Goal


  • Are you focused on Main Thing or Multiple Thing to achieve success in business?
  • Do you want to know how to achieve success in business by focusing on Main Thing?
  • How to stay focused on your goal?

Some people focus on multiple things at a time, while others focus on only one thing.


When you focus on the main thing, your goal will follow you, but when you focus on multiple things, nothing will follow you.


Below are tips on how to stay focused on your goal?

Don’t Let Multiple Things Distract your Attention

Many people make a list of 10-15 things that they want to do in a day.


They keep bouncing between one to another without accomplishing any of them properly.


They keep reorienting and disorienting from one work to another.


The best way to make your to-do list – divide your day into 2 parts.

8 am to 2 pm- Main Thing (Key Drivers)
2 pm to 8 pm – Multiple things

Between 8 am to 2 pm perform the Main Thing that is your Key Driver and gives 2 pm to 8 pm to Multiple Things.

Multitasking is just a Myth

If you are seeking the ways of how to stay focused on your goal simultaneously being a “multitasker’, then you are running after a myth.

Nowadays, multitasking has become a very fashionable term. From students, working professionals to entrepreneurs, everyone wants to be an expert in many things at a time.

Famous author Steve Uzzell said, ’Multitasking is merely an opportunity to screw up more than one thing at a time.’

Multitasking makes a person orient and disorients from one work to another repeatedly, which decreases his productivity.

For Example :
?If five horses of a chariot start running towards five different directions, then chariot will turn upside down.But, if they run with full speed in one direction, then a chariot will run faster and smoother.

Chariot is like your life, and horses are your 5 senses.

If your 5 senses will perform 5 different tasks at a time, then your productivity will come down.

But, if they stay focused on one main thing at a time, your productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness will be the highest.

Eminent Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto has strongly refuted the theory of multitasking.

Pareto said, ’Your 20% work gives you 80% result, while your 80 % work gives you only 20% result.’

In other words, your 20% focus on one main thing, will give you 80% results. But if you stay focused on multiple things, you will get neither Main nor multiple things.

Extraordinary business comes from minimum busyness.

You should drive one main focus instead of getting derived by 10 different focuses. 

Multi-Activity vs. Multi-Focus

It is not your capability of performing multi activities at one time that determines how well you have mastered the skill of how to stay focused on your goal.

Because there is a fundamental difference between Multi-Activity and Multi-Focus. One can perform multiple activities physically at a time, but their mental focus cannot be on multiple things.

For Example

You can talk on the mobile phone while walking on the road, but you cannot write your exam while watching a movie.

It is also written in Bhagavad Gita:

Ekeha kuru-nandana bahu-sakha hy anantas ca


Ancient Hindu scriptures also confirm that ’The intelligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched.’ It means Focus on multiple things doesn’t help you attain your goal.

Bouncing between multiple works and shifting the orientation results into 40% of quality loss.

When you shift your mental orientation frequently, your efficiency level goes down and productivity gets reduced.

How to increase market share


  • Do you want to know how to increase market share?
  • Do you want to take your business to the next level?
  • Do you want to monopolize the market?

If you are struggling to get your business on track or want to know how to increase market share to compete in the market, this article is going to help you a lot.  

It will not only help you to increase your market share but to monopolize the market as a whole.

Do not Compete, Monopolize the Market

This point will help you to know how to increase market share. 

In a competitive market, you have to struggle to increase your market share. However, in a monopolistic market, you get the 100% market share and competition becomes null and void.

Instead of Improving Your Weakness, Improve Your Strengths 

If you keep focusing on improving your weaknesses, even after endless efforts you won’t be able to reach 100% perfection. But, if you identify your unique signature strength and focus on improving that strength, you will attain 100% perfection quickly.

For example:

If you get 3/10 marks in public speaking and 7/10 marks in article writing, then public speaking is your weakness. If you try to improve your public speaking, then it will take a lot of time and effort to reach 10/10.

On the other hand, if you focus on improving your writing skills, then it will take less effort and time to reach 10/10 from 7/10, as you are already good at it.

Thus, in business, you should keep on working on your unique signature strength. This will help

you to increase your market share.

Become Unique Not Best

?’If you try to be the Best, you will become number one. 

But, if you try to remain Unique, then you will be the Only One.’

If you become the best, you will have the largest market share. But, if you become unique, 100% market share will be yours.

For example:

?If you are not good at cooking, then it will take so much time and energy to improve it a bit. You will feel difficulty in improving it as it’s not your area of interest and part of your psychophysical nature.

But, if you are good at motivational speaking and you invest the same energy and time in it, then you can improve it quickly. You can become a master and mentor in this area and will be recognized for your talent all over the world.

Outsource Your Weaknesses

If you are weak in cooking food, then instead of wasting your time and energy in improving it, just outsource it, and focus all your energy in your strength. 

The same goes for business, rather than investing all your resources in improving a weak area, just get it done by others and focus all your energy in improving strong areas to increase your market share and become unique enough to monopolize the whole market.

Identify your Unique Signature Strength

If you will create another Facebook or WhatsApp, no one will use it. Original property registry comes for thousands of rupees, but the photocopy has no value. Don’t try to copy others, instead try to be original. 

  • Don’t Copy Success
  • Break the Rules
  • Change the Rules
  • Create new strength
  • Focus on strength

You Were Born Original, Don’t Die Like a Copy

Since childhood, you are trained to improve the areas in which you are weak. Leave that old notion, now the rules have changed, today you can make a career in any field. You just need to identify your unique signature strength. The market has evolved in the digital world. Whatever is your strength, it can become your career.

’Stop trying to fit in; when you were born to stand out.’

Times have changed, now, you don’t need to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer or chartered accountant: you can become what you believe in.

How to Develop a Business Model to Make Loyal Customers?


  • How to develop a business model?
  • Are you unable to developing an effective business model?

You might be a budding entrepreneur and like other successful entrepreneurs, you also might be vying to establish a successful business.

But, are you too struggling to develop an effective business model?If yes, then this article is a must-read for you.

If you too are looking for ways of how to develop a business model, then the “ABCDE Model” as we have created, is going to help you out as much as never before.

What is ABCDE Model?

A = Analyze || B = Brainstorm || C = Create || D = Deliver || E = Evaluate

Let us look at all aspects of the ABCDE model one by one.


For developing an effective business model you need to analyze your target customers and the target geographical area.

You need to put your feet in your customer’s shoes to understand their behavioral pattern and their needs.

It is then only you will be able to strike the right chord of your customers.

Analyzing is followed by brainstorming the gathered data along with your team to understand the customers’ needs.

A small survey can be done in the market to understand your customers’ needs.

You have to do an assessment of your target customers by asking them questions.

On the basis of analysis of those surveys and responses, you have to create your product or service.

After understanding the customers’ needs, and developing an effecting business model, you have to establish your factory or business to start production of the desired product or service.

Many entrepreneurs think that the success of their first product will either make them millionaire or doom them.

While producing your first product, keep in mind that the first product is never your final product. It is only meant for testing and not for success.

So, you must be prepared for the first failure!

But, you must analyze ‘why the first product failed?’ and improve accordingly.

After producing a product or service, your next step should be the delivery.

You need to select a proper channel to deliver and distribute your product or service to the customer in a cost-effective manner.

Now, as you have delivered your first product, it’s time for you to evaluate your product by getting customers’ feedback.

It is also called testing, measuring, and adapting.

You need to assess whether you have achieved Customer Delight or not.

If not, then you have to bring changes in your product accordingly.

You have to improve your solution architecture repeatedly to reach Customer Delight, which is a continuous process.

If you genuinely adopt the “ABCDE Model”, you will never have a question like how to develop a business model that can take you to the level ahead.

Lijjat Papad Company – A Story of Women Empowerment


  • Do you want to know how the Lijjat Papad company led to the empowerment of women?
  • Do you want to know how the cooperative movement can lead to scalable business?

Lijjat Papad Company was started in South Mumbai by seven women on 15th March 1959.

They started preparing papad at an operational cost of Rs. 80 and made a profit of 50 paise.

They kept on increasing their manpower (which included only women).

Lijjat Papad Company did not have an owner; they made everyone an owner. This is called cooperative movement.

In cooperative movement, if there is a loss or a profit, it will be for everyone. So, let us study some of the vitals of the Lijjat Papad business.

Empowerment of Women

Lijjat Papad Company has encouraged the housewives to use their cooking skills and become the owner of an organization. These women started earning between Rs. 10,000-15,000, which lead to the empowerment of women from a disadvantaged background.

Lijjat has provided respect to women. Some of the women of Liijjat were able to make their children study in AIIMS and IIT. The women working in the Lijjat Papad Company are called Lijjat sisters.

Built a Strong Channel

Every day, Lijjat sisters are picked up by a Lijjat Papad Company bus from their homes to the Lijjat branch center, which has three windows:

(i) Deposit Window

At this window, the Lijjat sisters deposit the Papad made by them. After receiving the Papad, a quality check is done and the Lijjat sister receives a deposit slip.

(ii) Payment Window

Lijjat sisters show the deposit slip at the payment window and get their daily wages.

(iii) Collection Window

At this window, Lijjat sisters get the kneaded dough to make more Papad.

After collecting the dough, the Lijjat sisters get back into the buses that drop them at their homes.


The Branch head of a Lijjat Papad Company center is called “Sanchalika”. She gets the full training from the company and an aluminum rolling board.

This rolling board is standardized. It keeps the shape, size, weight, and thickness of a Papad standardized.

Standardization in the Papad is the reason why 4.8 Billion Papads made by 45,000 Lijjat sisters all over India have similar tastes.


The Cooperative Movement triggered by women entrepreneurs led Lijjat Papad Business to spread their legs to 82 branches in 17 states of India. Today, they export papad worth Rs 80 crores in 25 countries. They have a turnover of Rs. 1600 crores.

They have also come up with different products like masala, Mirchi, soap, detergent, and readymade chappati.

They are able to expand their business because of their stringent sourcing policies.

They maintain standardization in their raw materials like asafoetida (heeng), black pepper (kali mirch), and urad dal by bringing them from specific places.

They never use machines for making Papad. Whenever they need to expand, they increase the number of Lijjat sisters.

They distribute the profit among the Lijjat sisters. They have a profit-sharing model.

As a result, they are able to bring unity among the Lijjat sisters and are ready to work extra for the company.

Maintain Transparency
Lijjat Papad Company has strong foundational policies. It has 0% gossips and 100% transparency policy.

In this policy, whispering and politics are not allowed and if someone wants to say anything then they have to say it aloud.

As a result, a common purpose and vision are designed for the empowerment of women for poor communities to increase their economic participation.

Strong Vision

Octogenarian Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat is the co-founder of Lijjat Papad Company. If she had wanted, she would have become the owner of the billion-dollar company.

But, she wanted to empower the women and give them respect so that they can make their children study.

From starting, the business model of Lijjat Papad Company is business-oriented instead of NGO oriented.

They have a sound foundation of accounts and finance. They have focused on sales, marketing, branding, and promotion from starting.

They have standardized the sourcing and the quality, size, and shape of the Papad.

They have never accepted donations instead they have given donations. They want to keep their cash flow statement positive.

So, they keep their accounts and finance so strong that they have never taken supplies on credit and they make the payment of suppliers instantly.

Also, they have never given goods on credit to their distributors. They take instant payment from the distributor. They make daily payments to Lijjat sisters.

Maintains Career Growth
The growth of the Lijjat sisters is also very transparent. They join as a roller and then gradually go through various departments to become the Branch head.

After promotion, the Branch head is posted to the corporate office of Lijjat Papad Company in Mumbai where she becomes a member of the committee. This committee has 21 members who govern the whole business.

Among these 21 members, some become the treasurers, some vice presidents, and some presidents.

This committee conducts weekly and monthly review meetings- branch wise, department wise, division wise, and product-wise.

Quality Control

Lijjat Papad Company also has a quality control team branch wise. One member from the quality team visits the home of Lijjat sisters to ensure that they are using all the quality parameters while making the Papad.

The coming period is not good for Lijjat Papad Business because today is the time of innovation, automation, process orientation, and Blue Ocean.

Any big businessman can purchase machines for rolling and making Papad with the help of only 450 women.

He can give growth, promotion, incentive, and training to the talented manpower and can make Papad at high speed and grow the business rapidly through a scalable model.

Change Your Destiny with Power of Belief System


  • What is the power of Belief System?
  • What Belief System do you possess – Negative or Positive?

Your ’Belief System’ is the core strength that you believe in. Your belief system can make you or break you. It can give you a hopeless end or endless hope or it can make you cry or try.

Belief System can make you strongly mental or mentally strong

What is Real Motivation?

The motivation which depends on an external source is always temporary in nature, but the motivation which comes from an internal source is permanent. 

’Belief system is the real source of motivation which comes from internal source’.

Belief System can be of two types:

Negative Belief System

Positive Belief System

Believe system can make you do the worst or greatest of the things depending upon what kind of the belief system you possess.

You can understand the power of a belief system is so much that:

  • In Thailand, women pierce their whole body with bamboo sticks, because they think that God Buddha gets pleased, and they get purified, while it is torture for others. 
  • In Eastern parts of India, women walk barefoot on burning coal, because they believe that Goddess Durga gets pleased and they get purified. But it is torture for others.
  • In some places on the earth, people kill innocent women and children, thinking that their God is getting pleased, and they will get heaven because it is their belief system.
Wherever you are today is based on Belief System that you have developed

The belief system is that one strength which can help you conceive, believe and achieve. Whatever you conceive, and you firmly believe, and there is a great possibility that you will be able to achieve.

Convert Your Anger into Resolution

Mahatma Gandhi was thrown out of 1st class coach of the train by white people because of his skin color in South Africa during the British era. 

Gandhi protested saying that ’I am a barrister and I have a first-class ticket’. But white people didn’t allow him in 1st class owing to his skin color and threw him out of the train. 

Agonized from this act, Gandhi said, ’You threw me out of the train, I will throw you out of my country.’

It was the power belief system that he convert his Anger into Resolution, which led a mass movement for the independence of India.

It’s okay to have Anger, but it’s bad to get angry.

People who created history in the world are the people who were able to convert their anger into resolution. One revolution can bring a major revolutionary resolution.

Be the Only One

If you try to be the best you will become number one, but if you try to remain unique you will become only one. 

  • Be that unique ’Blue Ocean’, where you are the only one by creating your competitive strength. 
  • Your competitive advantage will finish all competitors in ’Red Ocean’ and you will become a competition yourself.

Speed of Implementation

People who implement their learning at lightning speed are those who grow fast, while others remain stuck in their patterns.

One top quality in every successful CEO is Speed of Implementation.

These people have a mental thermostat which helps then convert their every learning into the actionable plan at lightning speed. 

Your success depends on your speed of converting your learning into an actionable plan. You can make your business successful by increasing the speed of your implementation. 

Speed of Implementation will follow the below steps:

  • Hearing
  • Understanding 
  • Mediating
  • Digesting 
  • Applying

Implementation of Knowledge is Real Power.

Knowledge is not the real power, it is only potential power. It is the implementation of information that gets you real transformation

The kind of patterns you develop through your learning and their actual implementation in business will actually determine your future.

Power of ’NOW’

One most powerful word that can change your life is ’ ’Now’. 

You cannot improve the future in the future; you have to improve the future right now or never. The notion that good days are coming is actually bogus.

Good days will never come in the future, they will come right now, right here.

The people who have been successful in the world understood the power of a belief system, so do can you script the new history of success.

Why Startups Fail in India?

  • Are you planning to start a new business?
  • Do you want your Startup to be successful?
  • Do you know why startups fail in India?
No Indian city is among the top-10 most popular Startup Cities in the world, whereas only one Indian company (Asian Paints) could make it into Forbes top-25 innovative companies in the world.
Owing to the inability to run business, funding to Indian Startups plummeted from $7.5 billion in 2015 to $3.5 billion in 2016.
One of the major reasons behind the failure of Indian Startups is the lack of innovation based on consumer’s needs.
If you too are an entrepreneur and struggling to retain your Startup, the following points will help you figure out why startups fail in India and how to recover from the crisis.
Reason #1: Missing Innovation around Customer’s Money Making Model

Undeniably, the major reason why startups fail in India is the lack of exactly needed innovation to cater to the problem of customers, due to which no Indian company could dominate the world market so far.
They lack the innovation to invent a product which can make people’s life easy by understanding their need.
Reason #2: Negative Cash Flow, Negative Working Capital
Another most important reason behind the failure of Startups in India is negative cash flow and negative working capital.
Continuous cash inflow is necessary to run your business. Even if your book of accounts is showing profits, delay in payment may hurt your working capital to continue the operations.
In the absence of adequate working capital owing to delay in cash inflow, you start searching for funds to continue the business, which after some level fades away investor’s trust in you.

Reason #3: Expansion with Negative Margin
Many Startups in India, without having adequate gross margin, go on expanding their business by giving heavy discounts and deals.
Commons reason why startups fail in India are:

  • They don’t build long term plans for a source of profit to cover their profit margin and acquire market.
  • In the quest of selling at the lower price, they keep on compromising with their gross margin and end up being bankrupt.

Reason #4: Lack of Talented Manpower

If you don’t build a team of highly capable, enthusiastic, energetic, and talented people to execute your plan and vision, chances of making your Startup long-lasting would be less.

You need to work on: Competency mapping, Competence assessment of your manpower, and Convert your ideation into execution.

?Reason #5: Scalability with Recurring Revenue Model

To boost the scalability of your business, you need to create a strong base of regular customers to maintain your recurring revenue. Many Startups go on ’making new customers, at the cost of losing existing ones’.

While engaging new customers, they are unable to retain their present customers, which disturb regular inflow of revenue and consequently hurt their profitability and scalability.

Reason #6: Mixed Marketing Signal and Wrong Positioning

The main reason behind why startups fail in India is that most of the Indian entrepreneurs don’t know how to position their product in the market, who is their perfect customer and who is not their perfect customer.

They launch their product, without proper segmentation of customers through studying customers.

It is imperative to position your product on the basis of its identity, price, value, feature, and reliability after studying consumer behavior. It’s marketing and branding strategy will be based on its right positioning.

Reason #7: Releasing Product as a Laggard

The untimely or delayed launch of a product is the prime reason why startups fail in India, which plays the most crucial part of its market share and profitability.

Indian Startups launch their products so late in the market that the market becomes saturated, which compels them to give schemes, discounts, and offers, and end up ruining their profit margin.

Reason #8: Save Yourself from Getting Outcompeted

While launching your business, you need to observe your competitors and be prepared to tackle any disruption caused by them.

Reason #9: Missing the Process of Converting Feedback into Feed-Forward

Taking into account the customer’s feedback and the complaint is what helps you bring appropriate changes in your product. ’If you ignore their feedback and complaints, they will switch to your competitors’.

Customer’s complaints about your product signify that he wants to be with you, but the only thing that he is expecting is to bring change in your product.

Reason #10: Business Model of Complete Eco-System

Digital giants like Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, and Android are examples of those who have built a huge ecosystem by converging all stakeholders and customers on a single platform that could cause disruption in the market if they plan to exit.

Identify the reasons for your debacle. Correct it and streamline it. Definitely, you will be the next Unicorn.

From the above 10 points, you would be able to understand why startups fail in India and direct your strategy accordingly to make it successful.

How to Increase Sales through Competitive Advantage


  • Does your product have uniqueness over your competitors?
  • Is your product providing maximum benefits to the customers?
  • Do you want to know how you can increase sales through competitive advantage?

In this age of cut-throat competition and with the onset of online shopping platforms, forget doubling your sales, selling your product itself has become more challenging.

Does this situation panic you? Are you searching for a formula to increase your sales or say double your sales?

Then your wait is over!

Read the article to increase your sales through competitive advantage more than double.

Sales are 90% Conviction and 10% communication of your conviction.

What is a Competitive Advantage?

Every product has some unique features and some benefits. These two put together, may act as an advantage for you over your competitors.

But will this lead to increasing your sales? The answer is No!

It is by focusing on benefits that come attached to these unique features, you can double your sales.

So, focus on those features of your product that provide maximum benefits to your customer. This will act as an advantage for the customer over your competitors. And, this is what we call as a Competitive Advantage.

Let’s understand this with some sales strategy examples as given below:

Example #1:

This CASE pen is beautiful. This is the feature of the pen. But, if you want to sell, tell the benefits of the pen to the customer.

What is the benefit here?

This pen writes beautifully and it will help beautify your handwriting.

So, focus on the benefit to the customer.

Example #2:

The average mileage of Case Company- Back loader is good. This is the feature of the back loader.

What is the benefit here?

You can save Rs. 2 lac per year by purchasing it.

So, focus on the benefit to the customer.

Where to Focus?

In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says,

Na Anayatra Kinchit Asti Dhananjaya..
Sarvai gunai samasitai surah..

It means to focus on finding unique qualities to create a Blue Ocean strategy!

When applied to business, it would mean “Focus on those qualities which are not with anyone.”

And this is what we call as a Competitive Advantage.

If anyone has become a millionaire or billionaire, it is just because of competitive advantage.

But the question arises ‘Where to focus?’

You will get the competitive advantage not by addressing the objection but killing the objection in advance.

Don’t think about undercutting. If this is your focus, you will kill your gross margins.
An expansion without Gross Margin is committing suicide.

So, don’t focus on cutting down your gross margin, focus on competitive advantage. By doing so, you will kill the competition.

So, don’t focus on cutting down your gross margin, focus on competitive advantage. By doing so, you will kill the competition.