In India, Millions of students participate in the UPSC exam each year where only a few applicants get an opportunity to fulfill their dreams. However, clearing this gigantic exam is not everyone’s cup of tea. Achieving success in the UPSC Civil Services Exam is a formidable challenge. Often, candidates encounter disappointment even after multiple challenges.

In this article, we will discuss one such man who sets a perfect example of overcoming hardships and clearing India’s toughest exam. 

Failing twice in the Civil Services Examination, a resident of Kerala creates history by passing the third attempt and becoming an IPS officer. However, his journey since his childhood was not easy. He spent 10 years of his life in an orphanage, despite hardships, he has come up as an inspiring person for those who are afraid of failures in life and are unable to fulfil their dreams. 

Rise From The Shadow of Darkness.

Despite being raised in unfavourable circumstances, Shihab kept moving forward. Born on March 15, 1980, his parents were Korot Ali and Fatima. To obtain the bare minimum for their livelihood, he used to sell betel (paan) and bamboo with his father, however, this continued for a while. 

He lost his father due to an illness in 1991 at a very young age. He was the youngest among a sister & brother and eldest among two sisters. After his father’s demise, the responsibility of the family fell on his mother’s shoulders. Managing the four children becomes a challenge for her which leads to financial constraints. This resulted in her sending all her children to an orphanage at a very young age. Shihab spent 10 years of his life in an orphanage. 

Cleared UPSC Exam In Third Attempt

Shihab was the brightest child since childhood. Understanding the situation of his family, he decided to dedicate all his time to studying and working on enhancing his skills and knowledge in an orphanage. He also worked as a peon, a clerk, and a government school teacher. 

With numerous obstacles and failing in the first two attempts at the UPSC Civil Services Examination, he cleared the UPSC exam on his third attempt in 2011 with an All-India Rank (AIR) 226. 

Before IPS, Shihab worked as a Jail Warden 

Shihab lived his 10 years of life in an orphanage and the initial years were not easy. His higher education and expenses made him study well and made him attempt numerous government agency exams which resulted in clearing 21 exams of an agency in a row. 

In 2004, he also worked in the Forest Department, Jail Warden in the Central Jail, and Railway ticket examiner in the Railway Department.

You can read this story in Hindi on our Hindi news. – कैसे अनाथालय में रहने वाले शिहाब UPSC निकाल बने स्टूडेंट्स की प्रेरणा

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