It is important to get into the depths of the market to reach the heights of the market. This is a very important step before taking a step towards investing in the stock market. The stock market is like the game of snakes and ladders, where you may get good shares in form of ladders that may help you to get great profits or even bite you into the downfall of losses like snakes. What sets the stock market apart from the game is that while luck is only what lets you proceed with the game, you can gain high profits by understanding the market if you are planning to invest in the stock market.

When you visit a grocery store or a vendor, you may get vegetables at different costs at different times. Sometimes you get groceries at a cheap rate but you later find out that it is not of good quality. Sometimes, you may buy expensive vegetables expecting good quality, but end up being fooled by the street vendor. To get good quality vegetables at a fair price, you need to know the vegetables like how to check their quality and the current ongoing price. Similarly, you also need to know the shares you are investing in before you proceed in the investment, such as the increase and decrease in price and demand of the shares. Just like you bargain with a grocery vendor, you can bargain with your shares on when you want to buy them i.e., at what point in time.

People generally make the mistake of taking tips from advisors, friends, or family before investing in stocks of a particular company. Dr. Vivek Bindra, an Internationally acclaimed business coach suggests people leave the shares in restaurants. To understand which companies can one invest in, they can check Nifty 50, a list of the top 50 companies in India. Nifty offers investors a price earning ratio (PE) i.e., a comparison between how much they will invest and how much they will earn by investing in a particular company. One is also advised to check the ratio for the entire share market. The PE ranges between 11 and 30, 10 being the lowest in the market trends and 30 being the highest. One can invest his money when PE is around 11, for example, to get high profits when the shares see a high rise. Moreover, one should avoid investing when PE is between 25-30, as the chances of shares increasing are very low and one may end up being at a loss.

There is a lack of knowledge about the stock market amongst the Indians, due to which only 4% invested in it, whereas about 50% of people in America invest in stocks. If you are interested in investing in the stock market and want to learn more about it, you can join the “Stock Market” Problem Solving Courses which gives you complete guidance about what the stock market is, and how you can get great profits by investing in it. To know more or to register, visit

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