
Top 11 Content Formats To Ace The Art Of Content Marketing for Startups!

Do you know the stark difference between content and content marketing? Knowing this difference can simply make or break your marketing strategy. It is just not enough to create blogs, ebooks, and catchy social media posts, but eleven types of content format that helps to boost your content marketing strategy for your startup business.

‘Content marketing’- today we are going to talk about this one large umbrella that is solely responsible for the strong brand building of many popular brands. In this digital age where everyone is posting minute-by-minute updates of their daily lives, content marketing presents incredible opportunities for not only large but also small startup businesses.

Gone are the days, when businesses had to hire an individual to distribute the pamphlets to reach out to their target audience. Today, thanks to the internet and intelligent algorithms of social media platforms, you can reach out to your potential customers without any hassles.

What is Content and what makes it different from Content Marketing?

If you look at the broader aspect, everything and anything available on the internet is content. In general, content is anything that expresses thoughts, emotions, information, or experiences through visuals, audio, or written form.

This article that you are reading right now is also content, and so are the 95 million photographs that are uploaded on Instagram and videos on YouTube. It simply means that the internet is built with the content and everyone creates it all the time.

But the confusion arises here. A lot of content these days is intended to market a brand…but that does not mean that the brand is doing content marketing.

Here`s why.

The above examples were of content, whereas content marketing is a strategic approach that emphasizes the creation and delivery of valuable content and aims to attract, retain and convert a clearly defined audience.

Content Marketing strategically provides solutions to problems that either your customers or your business have. Some of the best examples abound:

  • A fitness brand that creates a community and encourages its customers to share knowledge.
  • A home décor retailer that distributes a monthly magazine on minimalism and good housekeeping practices.
  • A travel company that creates a thrilling website to showcase the experiences it offers.

You are doing content marketing if your content is doing the following:

1. Puts your audience first.

2. Focuses on a solution to a problem or links back to a business goal.

3. Attracts reader to your destination.

4. Gets published continuously.

5. You identify what is performing well, and where you need to improve your data.

We are sure that by now, you must have understood the difference between content and content marketing and its significance in the business world. High-performing content is central to your content marketing, but the way you curate and craft it can have a great impact on your marketing strategy.

So how can you master the art of Content Marketing?

Master these 11 types of content and you can catch up to this amazing marketing strategy:

1. Blogs

Blogging is not a new concept. And whether you are a business coach in India or have an entrepreneur with a small startup business blogging is helpful. However, it has evolved a lot since its conception. Make sure that your blogs are optimized for SEO because they can help you to boost your page ranks. Do provide call-to-action and consider opening up comments for further engagement.

2. Case Studies

Many entrepreneurs think that case studies are useful only for business coaches and business consulting firms in India. But, the truth is that it is an amazing way to take your customers on a journey that showcases solutions to their burning problems. Illustrate your expertise now!

3. eBooks

Combined with a magnetizing title and excellent content, eBooks make for great lead magnets.

4. Emails

Those who say that emails are long gone are not aware of the power of email marketing . Write direct, gripping and concise copy that contains information useful for your readers. They can not only help you to convert prospective customers into loyal clients but also helps to build long-lasting relationships as well.

5. Headlines

Let your readers know exactly what they are getting through compelling headlines. Avoid sounding desperate and spammy!

6. Meta Titles & Descriptions

Thing from the perspective of your customers and let them know the answers they are looking for right now.

7. Product Descriptions

Don`t describe the features of your products. Instead, elaborate on how it will benefit your customers. Nobody wants to know about the technology, but the convenience and experience that a product will bring in a customer`s life.

8. Social Media Posts

Put your customer at the center and create an experience that focuses on engagement. Social media posts help to connect the audience with your small startup business brand.

9. Video Scripts

Tell your brand`s story with great excitement. Include the script on the text page to make content more accessible. It will also help to boost SEO.

10. Web Content

Make vital information or helpful information prominent, include CTA, and use high-quality images to create a powerful message.

11. White Papers

Dwell deeper into the relevant topics. Provide in-depth knowledge that your target audience can apply to their problems in life.

Content marketing is a powerful tool that can create a positive and strong brand presence online. We are sure that you must have realized the difference between content and content marketing. So ace the 11 types of content to become the master of Content Marketing.

To understand a deeper perspective regarding this topic, you can take our Business Coaching Program.

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