Productivity is critical for success! It acts as a catalyst to enhance the efficiency and growth of a business. From entrepreneurs to wantrepreneurs, solopreneurs to business owners, productivity is of utmost importance.

Finding ways to be productive and not just busy is essential for every entrepreneur and wantrepreneur is crucial in these economically turbulent times. And, if you are between managing people, meeting deadlines, and performing random tasks dutifully, you are running a business, perhaps you are also running out of time.

If you can thrive while juggling between the distinct job roles, then CONGRATULATIONS! But, if you feel like you are hanging by a thread most of the time while managing the hectic work schedule, then don`t feel bad. Because being an entrepreneur can be a tough task.

And, if you are not making constant efforts to improve your productivity, it`s only a matter of time before all those goals and aims will come crashing down. However, increasing your productivity is not rocket science, given that you are willing to put all your efforts down.

You can complete all your major tasks in less time if you maximize your efforts and minimize distractions. Here are 5 brilliant tips that will improve your productivity rapidly, as a busy entrepreneur:

1. Build Time Blocks- Figure out your most productive time

Do you struggle with focusing on prioritizing tasks? Do you often fail to manage your time? If you found yourself nodding your head while reading the above two questions, then Time Block could be the solution.

A time block is nothing but small parts of your scheduled time throughout your day. You can decide the tasks you would like to complete according to their priority. Focus on a single task and ignore everything else. Focusing on a single task at a given point of time helps you to concentrate and perform better. It also ensures that you tick off all the important tasks for the day.

2. Implement Accountability

We often underestimate the power of public accountability. Public accountability is something that can truly motivate us.

Make a to-do list and set short-term goals, even if it means finishing your pending tasks for the day/week. Share your tasks and goals with a co-worker, friend, or with your team. Knowing that you will have to report back and be answerable for not meeting these goals will keep you motivated to perform better to see them through.

3. Say Goodbye with Multitasking

We know that in today`s busy world, most people will suggest you handle multiple tasks at one go. However, what most people forget to mention is that it reduces efficiency & productivity. When you are being pulled in hundred different directions daily, it is really hard to give your best and deliver quality results. Jobs are often left open and incomplete, or they are full of human errors due to simple oversight.

This is why staying focused on one task until its completion ensures that it has your 100% concentration and done to the fullest potential.

4. Minimize Distractions

Easier said than done, we know, but try to reduce unnecessary distractions throughout the day that we perform unconsciously. You can also right ‘Day in your life off’, which is a wonderful way to take note of where you are spending your maximum time.

All you have to do is write about your assigned task and your daily routine which you follow. This will give you an idea of where your maximum amount of time is getting spent. For instance, you can reduce social media browsing, or spending too much time on your phone.

5. Learn to say ‘NO’ Politely

When you segregate your daily tasks and schedules, it is time to prioritize them whole-heartedly. Allocate your time to the most worthwhile tasks, which will help you to achieve your goals. This also means saying ‘No’ to new projects, new assignments, new clients, and new responsibilities.

Saying NO to non-essential tasks will help you to finalize the list and helps you to stay adhered to your to-do list.

When you are an entrepreneur or a wantrepreneur who is ‘work under progress’, it`s easy to be “on” at all times. However, staying busy and occupied all the time can stifle your mind and block your creative juices from flowing.  Take time to distress your mind regularly as it will impact your effectiveness. And your mind and business will thank you.

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